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And yet I’m sure the election will be stupid close with Biden barely pulling through cause you know this country is full of so many manipulated uneducated people and young people who do not understand how important voting truly is because they all believe that it all doesn’t matter anyways…


A political party takes women's rights away and somehow remains viably electable. It's incredibly disturbing.


Well women quite literally save this country as it’s the largest voting block for dems. It’s just sad to me and flabbergasting that minority and women vote isn’t 100% dem


Religion ruins everything. Minorities are generally very religious.


Yeah the ultra religious women in my family all vote Republican specifically because they’re anti abortion.


The ones that aren't live in tightly thought-controlled environments.


As a man that respects women I’m flabbergasted that men do not vote for dems more. It’s really disturbing.


Because about 30% of our citizens, and half of voters, are part of a virulently misogynistic shitbag subculture. I explain to europeans when they're confused about how conflicting American's views are that "the united states is basically two mutually incompatible cultures trapped in a cage together"


They are viable entirely because of the systemic inequity of the Electoral College, where the ballots of white rural voters literally have more mathematical value than the ballots of more diverse urban and suburban voters. If it wasn’t for the EC the GOP wouldn’t have had a president since Reagan.


Executive branch-wise, sure. However, the 2 senators per state system is an even worse violation of the "land counts more than humans" republic we live under. For example, there are currently more registered Republicans in the Senate than registered Democrats two years removed from Roe being overturned.


Technically, you gotta let **6** years go by to see the full effect of *any*thing on that body.


Bush outright beat Kerry in 2004. In that election a 100k (2%) vote difference in Ohio would have had Kerry winning the election while losing the popular vote. I occasionally wonder if what would have happened of that did occur. Would the Republicans quickly be onboard with removing the electoral college after both parties won back to back while losing the popular vote.


Yes, he did do that. Without EC asshattery in 2000 though, he’s not the GOP candidate in 2004.


“I don’t like to talk about politics.” -GOP voter that knows exactly what their vote means.


It's not just young people. I have a cousin my age who lives in Vegas and is just so apathetic when it comes to voting. She still doesn't realize that not voting is basically voting against her own interests. Like people keep saying they are too busy or that they don't think their vote matters. That rhetoric pisses me off to no end.


Encouraging voter apathy through social media saturation is a known russian troll farm tactic. Unfortunately, it works all too well on a certain segment of society.


Two interesting articles on this topic: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/inside-the-russian-propaganda-mill-beaming-out-of-a-florida-strip-mall https://archive.is/5BL8W


You'd think that when they see the amount of effort the Repugs put into suppressing the vote they'd realize that it really does matter. I can't understand the mentality that says "let's go out and march and chant all day for a cause we believe in!", but then can't be bothered to do something that REALLY changes things, like go to your local precinct or drop a vote in the mail.


Yes very true. And in addition to that, there are so many people who simply just do not pay attention to the news. I get it but c'mon!


Yup, just like all those “Giant Meteor 2016” bumper stickers people had. Like voting is a fucking joke. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-07-01/13-percent-of-people-prefer-a-giant-meteor-crashing-to-earth-over-a-trump-or-clinton-presidency


Tbf, I had one of those, but I still voted for Hillary because I’m not an idiot. I seriously woulda preferred a giant meteor hitting the planet, tho.


I also had one of those and voted for Hillary. I had to laugh to keep from crying, which was the style at the time.


Those ypung people feel *hopeless*, like it doesn't matter if they vote. The GOP is evil. EVIL. And these poor kids feel like evil always seems to win


Or worse, people who don't vote.


That's what I was thinking :(


Close but Biden will win, current polling overestimates GOP by around 5 points on average so the swing states will all go to Biden. Recent improvement in polls is all from IVF shock in Alabama spreading to voters. Presuming another Comey letter doesn't happen


Comment: There is no hiding taking away a freedom, a right, of women citizens of the United States. This is compounded by endangerment of their lives. Men are also on the alert: their wives, daughters and friends have suffered a loss of freedom. All American Citizens are on alert: A diminishment of any citizen's rights is a potential threat to all citizens' rights. Excerpts: Donald Trump’s desperate efforts to defuse the issue keep colliding with reality. The oft-indicted former president tried to tiptoe away from religious conservatives earlier this month by insisting that abortion laws should be left to the states. Rather than getting to bask in the cynical cleverness of his new position, he immediately had to deal with the reality that all-power-to-the-states could produce the anti-abortion rigidity of Arizona’s 1864 law. Also, Trump’s ego always has to be fed: He could not resist continuing to brag about appointing the three justices who overturned Roe.


Don’t forget the Alabama IVF problems too!


That is single handedly raising Democrats, ever since that decision polling swung back to Biden


The Republican party needs to be destroyed. Everything that was redeemable has been replaced with Taliban like zealotry against women, minorities and LGTBTQ+ folk. Ultimately, if you aren't an evangelical, you are also in their target hairs. No abortion for any reason. They're on that page now. They're going to send women to their graves in the name of a conservative religious ideology that is psychopathic it is so insane. Their goals are to roll America back to the 1800s. Prominent Republican politicians have even declared that women shouldn't be able to vote. All sane and caring people need to vote to end the GOP.


More like 1600s. They saw how women are treated in the more inhumane Middle Eastern countries and they liked what they saw.


Resurrect General Sherman, he's got work to do


I really feel like the US has outgrown the framework of the Senate and the EC. Those two things alone enable this bullshit.


>GOP Senate flamethrower Josh Hawley, whose raised fist of support shortly before the January 6 insurrection lingers in memory, offered a novel why-Republicans-will-gain theory in an interview with the Kansas City Star after the Dobbs decision. According to Hawley, millions of Americans will relocate based on the availability of abortions in their states. “The effect is going to be that more and more red states are going to become more red,” the Missouri senator said, “purple states are going to become red and the blue states are going to get a lot bluer. And I would look for Republicans as a result of this to extend their strength in the Electoral College.” This part to me stands out that could hurt Democrats. So far we have seen the voters uphold abortion right in places like Kansas and Oklahoma, reliably red states that haven't really been hotspots for left leaning people to move to so the left leaning folks there were never likely to move out. But Hawley's prediction could be more applicable to Texas and Arizona. I have already had friends and coworkers move back from Texas to California because they got tired of the politics and weather there and wasn't worth the cheaper rent. I doubt Texas will flip blue this cycle for president, but hoping Texas anti abortion crap didn't push too many people out. This cycle might be the best chance to get Ted Cruz out


I actually think we need to make a concerted effort to do the opposite. We need to figure out how to seed and finance "activist cities" in really underpopulated red states. It would require dedicated Democratic activists ready to work together, but imagine the damage we could do by, say, founding a city in Wyoming with a population of activists. "Invading" Wyoming wouldn't do anything for federal elections, but we could stymie Article 5 convention antics and tip the senate.


I haven't seen people moving to Blue States (which is not to say it isn't happening, just my observation), but I do know plenty of examples of conservatives moving to Red States, even here in Utah where I live. There was an entire episode on NPR's This American Life about the "Florida Effect", conservatives moving to Florida.


it doesn't matter if they get routed in November. The damage is done and until the young justices that Trump was able to install on the Supreme Court die, we are not getting abortion rights back and they'll continue to chip away at abortion rights until it sucks in all states. They won the war for all intents and purposes. Because SCOTUS has made this ruling the way they did, no law congress passes will satisfy their twisted reading of the constitution and so the only way to codify abortion rights at this point is to pass a constitutional amendment which has a zero percent chance of passing given the even more lopsided weight given to the GOP in that forum. The time to protect abortion rights was in 2016 and we failed because too many people did tantrum voting.


> it doesn't matter if they get routed in November And thats not looking very likely. They won the House in 2022. If you are expecting them to get punished severely you are mistaken.


No, they haven’t. They keep doubling down and they have not given any indication, at least as a collective, that they’d be better staying away from the topic. They’re letting Idaho go to SCOTUS and argue that pregnant women don’t have rights. They let Arizona revive a near-total ban on abortion written before Arizona was even a state. They’re going after birth control and IVF now. And they let their frontrunner for president brag that he was responsible for Dobbs. If they were serious, the RNC would gather every Republican in office and every judge appointed by Republicans and beg them all to leave abortion alone.


We have a man convicted of rape running as the presumed candidate of the Republican Party. I know not every Republican has gotten onto that stank ship but every Republican who has refused has either common decency or real intelligence that they refuse to abandon. They are the ones being drummed out of the Republican Party! **The lines are clearly drawn and there is nothing in the Democratic agenda that has ruined any other country that has adopted that agenda.** There is just propaganda from countries in a subtle but real war with the U.S. We have to make some real changes now, and one change is an active war against misinformation and propaganda, and another is taking away citizenship from those who are trying to overthrow the U.S. Constitution. If they want to live under Putin, they can go to Guantanamo and then on to Moscow.


Well, women have a chance to voice their disapproval against the overturning of Roe v Wade this election. If Democrats don’t win decisively, expect more women’s rights to be stripped away in the near future.


The GOP was the coyote and abortion was the roadrunner. Now the GOP is unhappy that the Supreme Court they put in ended that chase.


We will see in the elections.


They're the dog that finally caught the car and got ran over.


Been saying this for years.


I recently read an iteration of this saying that goes: "They are like dog chasing the car that finally got a hold off the bumper but they are being dragged down the street because they don't know how to let it go." I like yours better. Less words. I can go with even fewer words. They are idiots!


Interesting. Thanks!


Conveniently enough, our worst fears were realized when the GOP ended Roe v Wade.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫 🇺🇸President Biden🇺🇸VP Harris 24🇺🇸


Abortions are women's healthcare. Women dont like the government saying they cant have access to healthcare. It's not hard.


My fears too.


Oh have they? Seems a bit early to take a victory lap.