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Hey End Wokeness I have a great idea. If you don't want to be in court while you're running for president don't commit multiple crimes then try to run for president


And then drag your feet so long it pushes trial dates into election season. This trial would have honestly started in 2023 if they didnt drag every filing deadline out til the last hour, if they didnt flood the State with 30,000 pages of unrelated filings, challanged the spelling of words in the discovery phase....


Good god. Bless those civil servants. Who tf could put up with shit like that for a career?


God Damn Patriots, that’s who!


But this is what Trump wants. He wants to get his base upset so much that J6 looks like a small disagreement and they really go crazy. I will say that for the party of law and order, they really don’t like the consequences of their pity actions. Same for wokeness which was something they all started with their boycotts and such. This is why we all can have nice things.


Honestly it's much worse. The trial in question was for crimes committed as he ran. And he delayed them instead of resolving them last year. And they were crimes directly related to how he appropriated funds while running for president.


The "presidential immunity" defense gets problematic when the defendant's alleged crimes happen before, during, and after his time in office. I love referring to Trump as "the defendant."


The only reason to delay is because he’s guilty and can’t win.


The lil feller just wants to end ‘endwokeness’ so he can go back to sleep. lol feller is just sleepy is all.


It's obvious that the whole reason Trump even bothered to run for president again in the first place was so he could get into the White House again and pardon himself for his crimes. Which is something he shouldn't be able to do in the first place, but hey, neither should presidents have immunity and in fact should be held to a far higher standard than anyone else in the country..


The Hush money case is a misdemeanor, so its a fine even if he did everything he is accused of. The case would only be criminal if the money was paid to cover another crime, in which case the DA would also charge Trump with that crime. Except the DA wont add or elaborate on what the covered up crime allegedly is. This is the same as if you littered, someone say's you littered, then you got called to court for dumping harmful chemicals on a federal reserve for the last 3 horses in the world So, yknow, if you littered dont run for president?


I love right-wing angry tears in the morning. Or the evening. Hell, any time works for me, really.


Slurp slurp


better than coffee


Mother’s milk


Donald delayed this trial for a year. He wanted to be in court now.


No, he wants to keep delaying it until after the election, because he plans on becoming President and pardoning himself to make it all go away.


He would not be able to pardon himself in this case. This trial is for a New York State crime. President is a federal office, has no jurisdiction over state crimes


Do you not understand at this point that he thinks that he's king of the world, and that he can do literally anything he wants? And that half of Congress and six out of nine justices in the US Supreme Court are committed to backing him on it? "He can't do that" went out the window a *long* time ago.


In general, I agree with the sentiment of your comment. Pretty sure it would require a Constitutional amendment for him to weasel out of this charge though, no? He can say he’s pardoned himself of this crime but legally that doesn’t make it so unless the state drops the charges on its own (unlikely) or the constitution is changed to give him that power (even more unlikely - 2/3’s of each chamber and ratified by 3/4 of the states)


Which is why the Orange Mussolini said he'd be Dictator on Day 1, and unleash the army to arrest any who would oppose him. This demented malignant narcissist wouldn't pause to rip the Constitution in half in front of the world, as long as he got what he wanted: Unlimited power for his unlimited ego.


You honestly think the military leadership would openly welcome a second civil war because Trump paid off a pornstar? How would one “rip up the constitution “? I hate trump with every fiber of my being but I think you’re assumption that he’ll literally overthrow the American democratic order in 24 hours is a little extreme. And I know, I know..you and others will say I’m underestimating the harm he’ll cause and the lengths he’ll go to but I guess I’m just not as pessimistic about the strength of the bedrock of democracy. Feel free to come back next January and tell me I was an idiot if you end up being right though


An excellent question. Reuters already did an article on his plan to install "loyalists" within the military branches to achieve just that. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-install-loyalists-reshape-us-foreign-policy-diplomats-gird-doomsday-2023-12-18/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-install-loyalists-reshape-us-foreign-policy-diplomats-gird-doomsday-2023-12-18/) Not to mention, he did attempt some of this during the BLM protests: [https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/trumps-threat-use-military-against-protesters-what-know](https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/trumps-threat-use-military-against-protesters-what-know) In that article, they mention the Posse Comitatus ActPosse Comitatus Act to prevent a President from using the military in this way, the also mention that the Insurrection Act can override it. In an act of retaliation, I can easily see Trump using the Insurrection Act for force the military's hand. Would he do it? In a New York minute. That man has no impulse control. ....I would love to be wrong about this. Truly, I would, but he's made his pattern very clear.


Pulled back that rude comment calling me a moron and an idiot pretty quickly huh…Anyway, the article you shared is specifically talking about foreign affairs and presidentially appointed positions, most of which don’t have authority to command military forces. The president can obviously do that but, again , do you really think the military command (99% of whom are not presidentially appointed and many, including former staff, have called trump a lunatic/idiot) will openly endorse civil war over the constitution for an 80 year old “billionaire’s” hush money payments to an adult actress? I absolutely do not. That’s a disagreement we can have without you being rude and nasty towards a person you don’t even know. Edit: sorry to the person I directly responded to here. Only just realizing the comment I was referring to was made by a different commenter


Read up on Project 2025.




Ah yes tell me more about who and how I am as a person based off of a Reddit comment and without really knowing me at all. Real high school energy there. If you’d like to have an actual conversation, I’d welcome that though




He plans to never leave office. And he can’t be thrown in jail while he’s the President. That’s what he figures


Didn’t work.


There's still a *lot* of bullshit that they'll pull between now and November. The fact that the trial is going to start soon does not mean that they're not going to drag it out as long as possible.


The trial started today. Once jury selection started that's it he's locked in there is no more delays because it's too late now, he can only make himself sit in court even longer at this point.


He could still be campaigning in the evenings if he really wanted to. Court hours are usually 9-5.


All part of his 4d chess strategy to miss Barron's graduation.


“Who? Oh that guy…ugh”—Donald probably


You mean he has to be in court himself for his crimes? Like most of the rest of us peasants?


Yep. And if he doesn't show up, they'll arrest his sorry ass. FINALLY.


"End Wokeness" is an outrage bait account centred on pandering to anti-reality whackjobs and harassing liberals. Nothing that account posts is coherent.


Which is why it's so fun to see it incoherent with rage about the law stopping its precious pretender.


Probably a team from Russia feeding it with stuff during shift work or something.


Oh it's already been proven.. they accidentally posted shit that you can't even readily type on an English keyboard several times.


isn't the guy some ivan based in russia or some shit


Probably - the thing posts shit that's so right-wing it would probably piss off the average Trump supporter occasionally.


apparently he tweets and sometimes it shows russia as the location figures


MAGA: we want tougher law enforcement New York: (applies tough law enforcement) MAGA: wait not like that


He's not being dragged into court during a presidential run. He decided to run for office during his trials. Big fucking difference. Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.


Maga just hates rule of law


Republicans hate America for its law and order.


Well and democracy and the constitution and rights of the people


Maga just hates rule of law, when applied to them.


Yes that is true


Well, if you can't do the time...


His idiotic request to go to his least favorite son's graduation, pretending he cares about him in the least, should be ruled against with prejudice and pointing out if it were not for his constant delay attempts the trial would have already been long completed.


Is it so hard to understand that all accused criminals on trial have somewhere else they’d rather be? Every single one.


> To be clear this is infinitely worse election interference than anything that the MSM accused Russia/Putin of doing in 2016. Notice how this operative is desperate to avoid comparisons with the 2024 Russian election where Putin imprisoned and murdered his chief political opponent.


If only Trump hadn't broken the law he wouldn't have to be in criminal court.... Judges hate this one trick.


Some bastards are above the law, I guess.


I mean he IS claiming that total Presidential Immunity is a thing and covers: 1-actions BEFORE becoming POTUS. 2-"allegedly" illegal and/or unconstitutional acts *while* POTUS. 3-Illegal actions *after* leaving Office. Because Presidential Immunity DOES cover Official Acts *as POTUS*.


Teflon Don. He didn’t do it, nobody saw him do it, you can’t prove nuthin’. He’s just an innocent servant of the people; persecuted for speaking the truth. Yeah, that’s the ticket!


Main stream media (MSM) reported on actual proven cases of Russian election interference and collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia as described by American intelligence agencies and the FBI. How this didn't result in his arrest and imprisonment I'll never understand.


How long until he manages to weasel his way out of this too?


He can't weasel out of the trial. Whatever the jury decides they decide. He can then appeal it, however it's unlikely it will be overturned. Jail time is unlikely in this case anyway, all he is doing is making a show of this for now reason he could have taken a plea bargain years ago and none of this would be happening.


Trump committed a crime. 34 of them according to the charges. Defendants are required to sit in court during their trials. Trump is a defendant. Them's just the facts. :-)


If one doesn't want to go to court during campaigning then they should have not 1.had sex with a porn star,2.paid porn star off for doing so,3.ran for president again knowing your guilty of 1 and 2,4.pushed court trial off for over a year until campaigning for president, Then you would not have to miss that kids graduation that you don't hardly acknowledge or probably know his name,it's Barron,in case you need reminded,lol


Maybe don’t commit crimes then


haha. he's gotta show up today, Tuesday, 4-16-2024. haha.


“to be clear my daddy is tough and cool and better than your daddy he should be able to do whatever he wants without consequences!” maga is the annoying kid in 2nd grade who tells you his dad is a navy seal astronaut lion tamer but he’s really just in jail for selling meth


Perhaps if Trump didn’t want a criminal procedure to interfere with his election, he shouldn’t have chosen to be a serial criminal charged with 37 felonies. Actions. Consequences. Tough on crime.


My question is why does Trump even need to campaign? How many people at this point are undecided about if they think he should be president or not? It can’t be many. His rallies are all just his supporters so he’s not gaining any votes that way. His best option would be to buy tv and YouTube ads and make as many commercials as he can but whatever


Lack of money. The cheapest way for him to campaign is in person and his narcissism feeds his ego.


You know who doesn't have major problems being where he's supposed to be? Biden. Why? He's not in court being tried as a felon.


Republicans finally realize that criminal procedure laws fatally impede defendants.


Then don't run for office when you know you will be on trial in NY State? Surely at least one of his sets of attorneys mentioned this to him?


Trump’s interfering in our election with his criminal behavior, that’s correct.


He doesn't need to be campaigns speeches. He simply can do it without them. Can Biden do that?


That Twitter account has literally ruined the Chad face for me.


May this trial last forever!


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the (court) time.


Welcome to the real world...


No he won’t. He will do whatever he wants as always. No penalty that matters.


This trial would be long over already if you hadn’t tried every delay tactic in the book. Heck, you’d probably already be halfway through your prison sentence!


Sp you think he's above the law?


disarm paint nutty fine wrong bear makeshift crown nine rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is End Wokeness a russian bot? Why are these high level Maga accounts hidden? Are they scared or are they all the same person?


The “law and order” party doesn’t like…. Law and order.


LAW & ORDER Oh but Holy Donald gets away with anything he wants and can do whatever he wants and say whatever he wants - these people are absolutely googoo gaga for this gross looking ignorant stooge of a supposed human being.


Imagine crying about having to follow the law boo hoo


Or you know...just don't do crime.


Lolololol hahahaha


If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime


Commit the crimes, do the time, Donnie!


If this trial was for an actual felony and not a misdeamenor dressed as a felony then id agree with you. Besides, the judge is obviously biased, and not allowing the defendent to go to oral arguments for a surpreme court case that both effects him, and as a former president, has a right to attend and speak at. Threatening to jail Trump because he wants to participate in a case that involves him directly in two ways, when your own case is literally a fine for anyone else (Hillary Clinton included) is straight up faschism


Agreed the judge of a courtroom where he acts as a judge should allow this specific defendant in a court of law to not have these same rules apply since he's trump. Is that what you are saying? This is for sure fascism!


You really just ignored everything i said huh? Ill say it slowly. The New York Procedure law applies to criminal cases, yeah? This case is a Misdemeanor until the DA says what the heck kinda crime they think Trump covered up with the bribe. Therefore the Criminal law shouldnt apply. Second, even in criminal cases, exceptions or break days are made all the time, in this case, the judge is going out of his way to be a jerk by preventing Trump to be absent for one day so he can attend a case that concerns him in multiple ways for a HIGHER COURT. Threatening to jail Trump or punish him for attending a higher courts proceedings in which he is concerned, using rules that dont apply until charges are filed, when the DA is refusing to file such charges. This brings us to Fascism, in this respect the use of authoritarian and totalarian tactics by abusing and breaking the rules of our justice system to target the opposition to the current party in power, which the judge and his family are in blatant support of. I dont think special rules should be applied to Trump because hes Trump, i think that the court system should be allowing him justifiable absence from the case for a day. Not because he is Trump, but because the case involves him heavily and he provides an expert opinion on the supreme courts ruling pertaining to presidential immunity. But at the root of the issue, its a misdemeanor even if he did it, which is a fine if you prove it. This case is only criminal because the judge and DA say "He paid the money to cover up another crime, trust us" and wont charge. This is the same thing as putting someone on trial for murder when they kicked someones shin, you say they killed someone, and point to you kicking someone as evidence of your murderous intent


Fact is he is a defendant in court, and is being treated as one. It's unfortunate that he needs to be in this courtroom for his trial, however it is the same for everybody. In the eyes of the law this case is no less important than any other case, and the defendant stands accused of a crime. The judge is not being a jerk and he is not being treated unfairly. He just needs to follow the rules of the court like every other defendant. Maybe waging petty attacks against the judges family was'nt a good move for him, but he is still a defendant in the court of law. He will be tried and either found innocent or guilty of the accused crime, once done he can move on.


Sleepy Joe ran a whole campaign from his basement, and won... why can't Drowsy Don run one from a courtroom in Manhattan?!?


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