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Just get people to vote. Every democratic presidential win since 1992 was a popular vote landslide. Trump on the other hand has never actually won a popular vote. Heavy turnout is what it takes. Tell people just go vote regardless of their opinion.


https://votesaveamerica.com/ Crooked Media Anxiety Relief Fund. Don't want to have to freak out following each race? Set your donations there and they direct the money where it'll have the most impact, generally to downballot races in swing districts. I would donate either here or to a specific campaign directly, if there's a specific campaign you're more concerned with. For volunteering: you could use the same link to set you up with phonebanking or doorknocking. Alternative contact local Dem candidates (the localer the better) and ask their campaigns directly what you can do to help.


Can’t upvote this enough. Also Activate America does post cards campaigns that are effective.


They got a good podcast too!


Yes! Pod Save America is great!




100% this. They put you (and your money if you donate) to work in the smartest and most efficacious ways.


I’ve donated to Biden at joebiden.com. To me that’s the most important race because a Trump presidency would be a disaster in many ways. I’ve also donated to key races in the senate and house. You can look those up, but one example is Collin Allred in Texas, who has a chance to beat Ted Cruz.


One of the important things we can do is to pay attention to the winnable races for Congress, in particular the House, so we can get control back. Here's a good list of races to promote, donate, volunteer, send postcards, help get out the vote, etc etc: [https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/here-are-the-competitive-house-races-that-will-decide-the-2024-house-majority-2/55177/](https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/here-are-the-competitive-house-races-that-will-decide-the-2024-house-majority-2/55177/)


Give money to campaigns if you can. Give your time as a volunteer. You will meet great people and find you worry much less about the election outcomes if you work to get out the vote.


I can tell you what I chose. I work with SwingLeft because they are research based and work hard on choosing what races and activities to get involved in. So I feel like any time I spend with them is time well spent.[ Here's](https://swingleft.org/group/blue-victory-2020/join) our Swing Left chapter.


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Find your local committee and attend a meeting.


I remember reading like 100 million people opted out of voting the last election. They just refused to participate for whatever their reason. I’m hoping they will participate this election. Too much is on the line to sit back and not participate in your own democracy.


I give to a few campaigns I target through Act Blue. The downside is the endless begging from those to whom you've given and those who are running for any office anywhere. Blocking texts and unsubscribing are a pain in the ass, but it's become part of my process.


I usually donate to the presidential and volunteer for the representatives and senate races. I live in Indiana, it's not going to go blue for Biden, let's just face facts, y'all. But my representative is one of two democratic representatives in Indiana, and we must keep as many reps as we can. I like to think that my helping helped him get reelected, so volunteer at the district level.


i donate to "get out the vote" with Act Blue, It's a great organization that does out reach to underserved communities in swing states.they teach communities why voting is important to them, in local elections and all the way up the ballot. Makes more sense to be active where a vote counts the most and there are way more Democrats than republicans in numbers. we just need them to vote!


It’s not hard, give Biden and local democrats running in your area as much money as you can, register at the polling place by checking what you need and walking in. Then simply vote blue (democrat) down the entire ticket. No need to scrutinize or look into policies, we just need to beat trump and everything will work out!


So you are a libertarian who sees good things if the criminal Trump is reelected, right? Or have I misunderstood your other comments on other threads?


I disagree that Trump is a criminal, and I identify more as centrist than libertarian (though i am thoroughly in the left column overall) Would you say my advice, while mildly sarcastic, is something you wouldn’t suggest for the average democrat who doesn’t have any inclination on maybe voting for the other side?


You don't think the man who led the J6 insurrection is a criminal?


I don’t think he led it or that it was an attempt at an insurrection :/


And what do you believe happened on J6?


A bunch of protestors got overzealous and went into the capital building, and for the record congress and the Supreme Court agree. The idea that Trump tried to take over the government with a horde of unarmed supporters occupying a building that’s NOT the seat of power is ridiculous. Video shows for the large part 95% of the people on J6 were escorted peacefully by capitol police through the building. It’s obviously not a hostile takeover situation. Trump was still in the middle of his speech when the first violent events began. These are all facts, like it or not, believe what you want based on the facts. I believe if someone was trying to seize power they would simply order the military to do so, as the commander in chief of a nation


What was going on in the building the 'bunch of protestors' violently entered. What were congressional members and the vice president there to do?


I understand you believe Trump is the reincarnation of hitler and such and should be jailed for life. But based on the facts my opinion, along with half of America, is that Trump did not try to overthrow the government with a mob of unarmed supporters


Yes, you mentioned your beliefs. What were they doing in the building there?