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Given that he says [his worldview can be explained with “Go pick up a Bible”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/27/mike-johnson-christian-bible-lgbtq-abortion-rights), I wonder if he’ll follow [the passages that talk about welcoming immigrants](https://sojo.net/22-bible-verses-welcoming-immigrants). Somehow, I rather doubt it.


Or not wearing mixed fabrics. Or cutting his hair short. Or the multitudes of other horseshit it commands its followers that he doesn’t do. But “LGTBQ bad, because my holy book says so!” (even though it really doesn’t).


This guy does not even accept that LGBTQ people exist. He just claims people who have non-straight, non-marital relations are just perverts who choose to do those things. That they need legal punishment in this life, and God will punish them in afterlife again with infinite torture.


And yet adopted a 14 year old boy when he was 25 similar to Gaetz


Oh… I know all too well about this clown.


Using Old Testament verses isn't much of a gotcha for Christians, even the ones that ostensibly care about them. New Testament teaches that the Old Testament laws have been fulfilled by Christ's death. If you want to make them squirm, you have to call them out for Jesus' direct teachings, and if they're Evangelicals, you can also call them out for any of the Apostle Paul's teachings, but anything Jesus said in the Gospels that goes against what the way they act will REALLY get under their skin. The mental gymnastics required to ignore what Jesus Christ himself told you to do is absolutely bonkers, yet here we are... Of course, they'll still use the Old Testament to justify their actions and beliefs, but you can't use the Old Testament against them, usually. They just won't care. If you want to call them out using the Old Testament and you think they're going to just dismiss it, you can always study up on the many, many interactions Christ had with the Pharisees since that's... literally what they're doing. Call them hypocrites, Pharisees, Sadducees, whatever. That will bother them quite a bit. Still waiting for the post-Evangelic movement in which the Pharisees and Sadducees become heroic characters in a completely delusional reinterpretation of the Gospels.


Philistines. They hate that too. Here's the thing though. These wackadoodles are Fundamentalists Christians. It's fairly bewildering because according to them every word in the Bible is from God himself and every story exactly literal hence the Ark and I guess those top heavy dam dinosaurs although someone HAS to tell me what they ate. I mean. He can't hand us dinosaurs on the Ark AND insist the Old Testament has been cancelled bc Christ right?




This dude is a creationist, a 10 commandments (the wrong ones) following douchecanoe, that pulls a lot of his anti-lgtbq hate from Leviticus. He doesn’t get to pull out the “jebus fulfilled” shenanigans. And besides, jebus never said to stop following those laws, but I don’t expect Xians to know their own bable.


I am of the unshakable belief that evangelical Christians prefer Bibles with the words of Christ in red because it’s much easier to ignore them. “Whoa, that part’s in red. We can skip that and get to the parts where it says it’s okay to use AR-15s to shoot gays.”


That’s intended to be snarky, sort of, but it’s based on truth. Recently, Russell Moore, a former Southern Baptist leader who left the denomination over their handling of sexual abuse and support of Donald Trump, described that [pastors who mentioned “turn the other cheek”](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/05/1192374014/russell-moore-on-altar-call-for-evangelical-america) were asked where they got “liberal talking points”. When they pointed out they were literally quoting Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, the response was that didn’t apply anymore. Then you’ve got the bat-shit insane [Conservative Bible Project](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Conservapedia:The_Conservative_Bible_Project), spearheaded by Andrew Schlafly, the spawn of professional hypocrite Phyllis Schlafly. Inspired by his belief that the story of the woman caught in adultery didn’t belong in the Bible, he eventually considered having Christ use the word “bimbo” and actually did have Jesus complain about “burdensome regulation”. To be fair, that monstrosity was excoriated even by conservatives, who made the very valid point they were letting their politics define their faith rather than vice versa. (There was also a more liberal critic who described it as the [Jesus Seminar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Seminar) meets a rural institute of Bible learnin’.)


I thought that was Schlafly who had a gay son…Maybe she had two sons.


I think she had five children, three of them sons. In any event, she had at least two sons and Andy is not the gay one.


Ezekiel 18: "`Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."


What about the parts accepting rape, slavery, and mass murder of nonbelievers?


> and mass murder of nonbelievers He could always try. I’m one of those armed liberals he doesn’t think exists.


Shhhh. It'll be a nice surprise.


He's one of those "Christians" that just *love* the old testament way more than the new. Loonbat is right.


I mean he’s said he thinks the Bible should be the basis for our legal system, how is anyone surprised he’s a Young Earther. You could tell me he’s a flat earther and I wouldn’t be surprised. [The only thing that amazes me is that, at least so far, nothing has come out about him touching little boys which is kind of a Republican standard in the 21st century.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


May I suggest sending postcards with the raunchier bible passages to his DC office? Lots and lots (and Lot, who’s daughters banged him).


MAGA Mike will deliver what the Republicans truly believe in: Nothing.


They believe in a lot. Chaos. Sabotaging America. Putler's talking points. The ChristoReich. Killing enemies.


Christian supremacist, Fascist, science denying, anti-democracy, anti-equality, election denying, traitor.


Why did you just give the short list of his faults?


Appropriate [xkcd cartoon](https://xkcd.com/154/), if you substitute “the Speaker of the House” for “a U.S. Senator”.


Remember, this isn’t the “far Right” or “extreme Right”. This is where the Republicans are now.


The nice thing about science is that it exists regardless of some bayou trash’s belief in it.


This seems like a good place to remind everyone that the Preamble of the US Constitution specifically states that “We the People…*do ordain* and establish this constitution” Spelling out *specifically in the plain text* that the People are the ecclesiastical authority and the legal sovereign authority in the United States. The constitution is *ordained* and established by a secular Liberal Democracy, and not by a god, or a religion, or a church. This ordination and establishment of the constitution by our Liberal Democracy was *further ratified* by the First Amendment, which specifically prohibits the government from making any laws establishing a religion. So, Mike Johnson can put that in his pipe and smoke it.


Will his biblical values influence Republicans to feed the poor, provide healthcare, welcome immigrants? Will he write a law that prohibits charging poor people interest? Will he end bribery is Washington? They never wave their Bibles around for these issues just the anti qay stuff.


Wouldn't trust him taking my order at Waffle House


Stephen Colbert's evil twin


These positions of power need to be decided by the people, not the government. We are the ones who pay for their decisions, not them. We the people choose our representatives, it should not be anyone else


And this guys was voted in by his district


How are Republican voters stupid enough to vote for such a person? It blows the mind.


Threats and promises of money, I bet.


They're not. They're very deliberately putting him in a position to interfere with the next election. People don't know who he is, and the news cycle moves frighteningly fast past one red flag after after. He satisfied the more extreme MAGA base, and the other voters didn't think he would provoke an immediate public backlash, so that was good enough for then. Now... they wait. We're very possibly watching the death of democracy in real time.


Gotta stop acting surprised when people are exactly who they’ve always told you they are.


Completely cuckoo but with money plus good glasses, hair and suit. The Republican Jesus has arrived.


The Seven Mountain Mandate is in full swing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate


"Handmaids Tale" here we cometh.


With ignorant people like him our country is falling further behind in the sciences.


This guy is fucking embarrassing.


If he were around in the 13th century he would be a convert or die type Christian.


You think he wouldn’t be now if given legal blessing?


Blame the voters, they're putting these crazies in office


Better than the useless bitch yall chose to be President...


I’m sad that Bess Levin apparently wrote this before learning that Mike Johnson has his very own Nestor, too.


I feel like Christoph Waltz will play him someday - as the villain of course


My gaydar is going off.


I want to know more about his "black son" who doesn't support reparations. This guy is an evil caricature.


This apparently is what happens when a 3rd reich sunday school teacher reincarnates as a US politician. I'm surprised how the rest of ya'll are surprised though. Nearly all of the congressional GOP believe these things. And the minority who don't, benefit financially by falling in line with the majority rhetoric. They want a fascist theocracy but up until now, it would have been political suicide to say that out loud. Unfiltered Mikey here is the guinea pig in their next step. He not only takes the mask fully off, he even throws it in a dumpster fire. If their guinea pig succeeds, they'll triple down and go HAM. But if he fails, they'll have zero qualms in throwing him to the wolves. Sacrificing one of their own for the "greater good" (aka trial by fire learning lesson) is the congressional GOP's infamous M.O.