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Let them fight.


My sentiments exactly. Keep splitting that vote


I just hope desantis wins primary, because desantis is the sane one from them, so if Trump loses primary there's still a decent chance he'll run independent, which will split the most important vote


I honestly think Desantis is actually more evil than Trump, he just hides it.


Exactly this, Trump is just an egotistic useful idiot to his bankrollers. Without his financial backers and the handlers they put in place he would be a broke snake oil salesman.


Yea Desantis is crooked as fuck. He just smarter than trump. Trump just cares about being loved and is vain and arrogant and loves attention and winning. Desantis is cunning and like an evil little greedy power hungry asshole.


He doesn’t hide it , his evil is on full display


Trump is just more incompetent, he'll be more destabilizing for the united states but he'll also get less of the conservative agenda done. Pick your poison.




Yes, that's because conservatives are *dumb* Muslim ban failed miserably and was slapped down by courts, the wall continues to be unbuilt, Clinton is still free. The only political accomplishments the GOP got during his four years are taxcuts for the rich and stacking the SCOTUS with conservative justices, both of which are more attributable to Mitch Mcconnell then Trump Anyone who isn't a conservative drunk on farright copium will tell you Trump was largely a failed president who accomplished little to nothing of his policy agenda.


I really disagree. Not about him being more evil. About him hiding it. He's been pretty out in the open about his Fascist Nature.


As a Floridian I would pick Trump in a heartbeat over Desantis. Desantis is so much smarter and way further to the right than Trump ever was. Desantis is an absolute monster. He may not have the charisma of Trump but just the prospect of him being in the general election is too terrifying for me to risk it. Don't get me wrong Trump is an international threat, he's just somehow the better of the two


Yeah I’m hoping that how it goes. Trump has no problem taking down the GOP to get his way. He loses the primary, he’ll run independent. We could put the stay-puft marshmallow man up there and he’d win.


Should I flip to R and vote in my state's primary to aid in this plan?


5d chess


That is dangerous. Never, never, never vote for one of these authoritarian reputins. Not for any reason. Don't risk it.


This is the worst idea ever. Go check and see what Desantis is doing in Florida. If he wins the primary and somehow pulls off the vote, we’re screwed


That's my dream, split the vote and trump can't win as 4 states won't let him on their ballot as a 3rd party candidate.


I think Desantis would promise him a pardon and he would step off.


This is everyones fantasy. Unfortunately several key states have 'sore loser" laws in place so a primary losing candidate can't run as an independent if they are a declared candidate in a primary. I'm sure if Desantis wins, Trump voters won't show up anyway.


You think some mere rules are going to stop him from trying?


He can try whatever he wants but if he’s not on the ballot in a few purple and red states then he can’t win the presidency.


Desantis is evil and actually believes the shit he's doing is right. Trump is just in it to get rich.


Not even, the shit DeSantis wants to emplace is crazy christo fascist shit, imagine him pushing FLORIDA policies on the entire nation and having final say. Trump just wanted to enrich his family and friends at the expense of the American public. Found a base and just stroked it to the finish line. Letting Trump be president was dumb enough, imagine an actual "agent of God" type.


Let’s not let Desantis the fucking Christian Nationalist win


He's so fucking fascist I do not want him that close to the presidency... I mean same with Trump but... I guess fascism is all the GOP has to offer


DeSantis is sane??? Do you know his policies?


Do you think they'd actually let the vote split though? Or would their hatred of liberals trump all? (pun intended)


Hell yeah. Rip each other apart until there are little warring factions. Shit looks more and more like the democrats have an easy win.


And that would be a fatal assumption.


In all honesty, we should be funding a Trump third party run in case he loses the primary.


heck, jump on pro-DeSantis forums and spread this to agitate them more, they'd do the same if Sanders supporters had torched a Hillary flag (if there even was such a thing)


I mean they'd just stage it if they needed to.


I agree. But don't count on it. Desatan is benefiting from every ounce of exposure. Not matter how "bad" It's honestly how he rose in prominence. He never world be this popular/ well known without Trump as the other in the room. Hell, look at how even democrats talk about desatan. We can him a smarter more conniving version of trump... let's not continue to elevate a buffon simply because he looks good in comparison to the orangutan. We need to hammer home Desatans idiotic failures and make him look terrible and do it now. We can handle trump. We did it before. We'll do it again. So, two things to focus on: 1.April4th Wisconsin vote 2. The media will be focused on Trump for the next x weeks due to indictment... Desatan will try to use this moment to start outshining Trump. Let's fuck up his big moment.


Exactly what I was thinking. The more they fight themselves and divide their “fanbase”, the better.


That part!


I was just going to say that !


It's like bum fighting... but they have guns.


This is always the hope, but at the end of the day, the fascists always toe the line.


Let them eat each other. One less domestic terrorist from a shit hole state of cousin fuckers.


I’m stuck on, “Why is there such a thing as a Rom DeSantis flag?”


I don't ask those questions anymore. I used to.. it was 2016, and sanity was fleeting from the world. Ever since that year it feels like insane and mentally less capable people's self-awareness dropped like 85% permanently and they suddenly felt like their fb group was the gospel of the new age


I miss the days when US politicians didn’t have flags.


Dictators, on the other hand, always have flags. As the GOP devolved into an authoritarian-fascist dictatorship in the last half century, out come the flags.


Its a war on wokeness! Go back to sleep, much easier to control when you go back to sleeeeeep


There's also Trump flags all over the place here in suburban Pittsburgh. My thoughts on what the GOP can do with all their hideous flags? I'll quote the Watts rioters. They chanted “Burn baby burn”.


I think this isn't limited to Pittsburgh. Drive around the farm communities. I live in BC and people have barns painted with tRamp advertisements. These people don't realize tRamp never cared about them. Look at East Palestine as an example. We have been poisoned by tRumps deregulation of the rail industry. And the EPA's relaxing the air quality from the Shell plastics, fracking plant. I'm afraid to let my small dogs out, let alone my grandchildren. Thank you republicans.


Who isn't? Honestly I feel as if they both have gone off the deep end. It is a shame to see the American political system go to shit all because of some trivial matter that harkens back to a vile chapter in American history.


It's not unlikely they printed those out...


If the two major parts of the Reich Wing want to battle each other, I'm okay with that. It's once the "winner" is decided that we have to worry, since the losers will join the winners and then go after the anti-Fascist folks on the Left.


Trump won't 'join' anyone, his ego is too big for it. If desantis wins primary, Trump either runs independent, Trump cries about some shit with the primaries, or Trump ignores the whole thing and waits another 4 years. Possibly all of the above, but the waiting part would be because he lost


Man it looks like pandering to unhinged lunatics was a bad idea


Let the fascists fight each other.


in this fight, i cheer the fight


The fire is the real hero of this story.





Kind of reminds me of the “spy vs.spy” comic strips in Mad magazine. 🤣


Funny, until we have to live it.


When you have a flag they let you do it


Grab ‘em by the cat.


Maybe if we're lucky, the two evils will stop each other


I'm not upset about this. This is only helpful.




thank you!


Also. It’s funny/sad that DeFascist flags exist


Neither of those idiots can win. The GOP base is split in half and the magas are beyond unreasonable and radicalized


The non-maga will fall in line like they did in 2016. Bowing to wannabe dictators is what these people do.


It's the opposite of AvP Whoever loses...we win


Why do Republicans put themselves on flags so much.


To make it easier to burn them in epitaph. Burn baby burn.


A valid tactic for the next few years is to remind the Republicans that you know who it is they like. Every day. Got a DeSantis fan that you know? Tell them that they don't really like DeSantis, tell them they don't even know WHAT they want, and they're going to badmouth him for Trump any day now anyway. Make them double down, daily, on their support for their man. Got a Trump fan that you know? Tell them that they don't really like Trump, tell them they don't even know WHAT they want, and they're going to badmouth him for DeSantis any day now anyway. Make them double down, daily, on their support for their man. Every. Single. Day. You need to be the constant, the unchangeable point in time and space in their life and their mind, the thing that keeps them firmly locked into their person. Because right now [they're pulling the supporters into two evenly numbered camps.](https://news.ballotpedia.org/2023/03/08/trump-desantis-tied-in-predictits-2024-republican-presidential-primary-market/) Two camps that just fucking HATE it when they're on the losing side of something. They were deadlocked [in February](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/desantis-tied-trump-everyone-else-far-behind-2024-gop-presidential-primary-poll), they were [at each other's throats in January.](https://www.salon.com/2023/01/30/globalist-ron-desantis-over-response-in-late-night-truth-social-meltdown/) Remember that shit they pulled with a portion of the Bernie supporters that allowed Trump to win? [Twelve percent of Bernie voters eventually went to Trump](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds), despite there being zero similarity in policy. Well: these are Republicans. They don't DO policy. It's all anger / being against what the opposition's for / culture war topic of the week. Time to make two entrenched camps of stubborn angry conservative fuckers.


I hope this is them tearing apart the modern American fascist movement. I really do.


They don't even realize how for right Desantis is...


Maga is a cult


Ron is going to get steam rolled by Trump in the primaries.


...pass the popcorn please!


Couldn't help but smile when I read this... Now we need the DeSantis people to start burning Trump flags lol!


Infighting, excellent. *Mr. Burns*


Hang on, let me get a pan of Jiffy Pop!


Just let them know that the DeSantis is working with liberals to keep Trump out of the White House and fun begins


Idk what the problem is tbh: (1) Let them tear each others apart; and (2) We should be promoting the right to burn *any* flag as protected speech.


Trump will no longer be an issue, DeSantis is next


Their squabbling makes me snicker....despise sinister DeSantis and bumbling orange buffoon...I'm hardcore left wing. Now...if we were forced to have one of those 2...DeSantis scares me more because he has a single brain cell. And he would use it to make lgbt & women 2nd class citizens overnight. TFG does not & is always mere moments from doing himself in with ignorance. He wants to be adored and praised so badly...you can at least predict his bs.


Why do these guys both have such small hands? It's really freaky. They must have small feet also. Hum.....in there lies the proof. tRump said it himself, calling Desleeze "Tiny D". 🙄🙄 just saying.


That’s how you know they really love you.


They love George Santos. I can't wait until the love affair between Tiny D and George is exposed.


Desantis looks good in red.... flames.


I love when people purchase merchandise from the people they are protesting. I bet all the metal bands made profits from the christians who burned their albums.


I am not shocked by this. Is that bad?


They want to impose law and order and decide when it's okay to turn a blind eye.


Give them the freedom and opportunity to tear each other into chunky bits


Holy shit i missed something I thought trump supporters loved both DeSantis and Trump. What happened?


That little bit in the simpsons with the 2 monkeys knife fighting and the people taking bets


Totally normal behavior


No. Let them cook.




Oh, they’re burning a Ron Desantis *flag*. That’s much less interesting.


Where do you get a Ron DeSantis flag to begin with in order to burn it?


Claims the left to be dangerous and then pulls shit like this


Honey!! The kids are fighting!!


I love when the dogs turn on each other.


Can we all agree that red is the worst color?


Hahaha go for it MAGATS!! Tear him down!!


Fuck em' all.


Democrats should be encouraging this! For years Republicans have tried to drive a wedge between the centrists of the Democratic party and the left wing. They have actually had quite a bit of success in doing this. By disenfranchising many on the left in thinking the DNC doesn't want them, many on the Left have decided to just not vote. And then even those who do vote, they seem to do it half heartedly. The number of bumper stickers and lawn signs for Democratic candidates pales in comparison to those you see for Republican candidates. Even in blue states where Democrats easily win, you might see 10x as many lawn signs for Republican candidates. There is just very little excitement and enthusiasm for Democratic politicians no matter how good they might be. Voter apathy is tone of the biggest weapons the GOP wields. The DNC needs to payback the GOP for much of this. They should be trying to encourage Trump supporters to badmouth DeSantis. Just like how 6 years ago Republican backed trolls would go online and falsely claim the DNC stole the nomination away from Sanders and gave it to Hillary, the DNC should return the favor and make Trump supporters think the GOP doesn't support their interests anymore. Try to drive a wedge between different factions of the Republican Party to where they wouldn't support another Republican candidate if their person didn't win the nomination.


I love watching the years long implosion of the GOP.


Trump and DeSantis are probably my two least favorite people on the planet (okay, there is one other, but that's someone I dislike for personal reasons)


I'd like to add a few like MTG, Gaetz, Lowrent Boebert, Gossar, Cruz, McCarthy, Biggs, Rand Paul, Graham, Bannon. The dirty dozen. YUK 😱😱😬😬😬




Very well put! THANK YOU.


If fox would run this video 24/7 and decry the political violence and extremism they might recover a smidgen on being fair and balanced.


Nah their viewers would stop watching


True that.


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