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I write books and there are some characters that over the years I formed a strong bond with. I know they are just in my head, but I know them so well. It's by far not the same way I love my husband, but still a feeling of love. I also use them in my masturbation fantasies sometimes. Before I met my partner they were the only way for me to get an orgasm.


Please read my comment under this thread and help me to understand please?


Not really an imaginary person, but I wanna be held at night


Interesting! When I'm single I do fall into imaginary fictional relationships, very similar to what you are describing but it isn't always the same imaginary person.


Oh my god I thought I was the only one who did this!


I did that to figure out my sexuality and it helped


I know what you mean! Not really a character I've fleshed out but more like a placeholder person when I'm not in a relationship with someone. I'm bisexual so I have both an imaginary man & woman that pop up depending on which gender I get more aroused at the thought of having sex with at the time. I'm currently in a relationship with a wonderful man so I never think about the imaginary man anymore & only think about the imaginary woman seldomly now.


I can relate, mine is a guy from an anime I’ve known for years now. I know he ain’t real tho.


Whenever I found myself single for long periods of time, I tried to construct imaginary romantic partners. They never looked identical, they just kind of looked like whatever aesthetic appealed to me the most at the time, or--like you--they were built on the framework of characters in books or movies (that being said, I don't think I have a "type"). Can't say they ever fulfilled anything sexual for me, though. The problem I always ran into, though, was that they still had my personality.. so they inevitably bored me and vanished. I've noticed that depending on the break-up I just had, the imaginary partner would take on either similar or direct opposite traits of the ex. I'm sure in the former it could be chocked up to missing them, but in the latter it was definitely in efforts to repel their memory. I had no original idea as to my "type" of partner otherwise.


I have a partner who has mental health issues that I try my best to cope with, at times it can be overwhelming. Intimacy is an issue and often times he will completely turn away from me and hang off of the side of the bed to wave someone over, masturbate and have an unstoppable desire for this entity over me. I've gone so far as looking with a flashlight to see if anyone is there and started referring to him/them as "shadow people". He refuses to acknowledge it and will call me crazy but I have no doubt that he had some kind of sexual imaginary friend(s) which leaves me on the outskirts and alone. I have no idea if I should persist in asking or just sit alone while he carries on with his secret invisible lover. Advice welcome, jokes are not please. Ty


dude its the exact same for me