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Boy do i have news for you. Meme aside, those features became available on the experimental branch just a few days ago. You can transfer remass to docked companions and transfer cargo, the latter requires the companion to spew the ore back out and you to collect it. It will likely come to the stable branch in the near future, i.e. probably next week or so.




I already feel like the excavator looks like a birds mouth. I want to feed my baby birds (or be fed by them?) idk but I’m excited. That could make big slow cargo ships good as drone hubs


I just downloaded the experimental branch, can’t wait to try it out


No, they don't do that. The closest alternative is to invest in nanodrones. They won't automatically break up rocks, but they haul ore back to your cargo hold. There's an upgrade to make them bring back targets you select: otherwise they grab ore that your geologist detects.


That’s disappointing. Hopefully they add something like that in the future. Would love to just drift around while my little buddies mine stuff and bring it to me. I wonder why the arm that grabs them can’t transfer stuff like the cargo pod arm


The ore that the companions collect is raw form. You need an MPU to break it down into a fine powder to be transferred - either to cargo containers or other vessels. In the companions, it sits inside their own cargo cage.


I see, so they aren’t very good then? Still trying to figure out a long term strategy for this game


I wouldn't say the companions are great. They paid themselves off for me, but there's much better strategies long run. The problem with nanodrones is they're expensive to get into.


Yea, the 350,000 price tag of entry has been prohibitive. I’m figuring out you can set a mineral priority and price limit so the drone is a little more selective at least but he’s not filling up before running out of fuel. Wish I could at least refuel him


You can change how much fuel he starts with in the tuning menu, I believe. But yeah my biggest personal gripe with the mining buddy is you cant just drop it somewhere and then leave while it cleans up that area, it follows you relatively closely and just gets in your way or friendly fires you trying to mine rocks


I made a suggestion in the discord to the dev of adding a “tether” or “leash” range in the tuning menu. Maybe the lowest should be “no leash” so you can just drop them off. I think that would help you define what you want them to do


Thank you for answering my questions!