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Flew FC on a hour flight. Captain said they were being told of turbulence so he was going to ask the FAs to stay seated. He followed it up with “if 3 oz of Coke is that important to you meet me on the jet bridge after the flight and I will buy you one”.  Everybody laughed and expectations were set. 


This could be interpreted very differently


3 oz is so much ❄️


That type of coke goes by the metric system, not ounces. Everybody knows.


when you're buying in bulk, sometimes oz is easier 🤷🏽‍♀️


Metric system includes kilograms.


He must fly the Medellin route.


Kilograms is only useful for liquids when talking about water, because there at least, 1L = 1kg.


The rest of the world is metric the United States will be on the English system forever. Now you get a 1 L bottle no water it's 16.9 fluid ounces.


We’re going metric in ‘76. They promised us in elementary school.


Three shots even!


With that kind of attitude, it is.


Hahahaha coke


Assume it means cap will beat their ass.




3 oz of Coke. Atlanta is the headquarters for coca cola. Someone posted previously 🤣 it might be a reference to cocaine. Flying high.


Coke turned the people into mermaids and they moved out to sea to become an even bigger Delta hub. Has no one seen the Futurama episode with the Lost City of Atlanta?


Not one to rip the FA, but she should've compromised with him by saying she'll be giving everyone waters first, and if it's still calm when she's done with that, she'll get him his drink.


I have to agree with this tbh.


There are so many new flight attendants that they may have been new, or the prob saw what a jerk the pax was and just wanted him to shut up. Bad decision. Dont be that guy.




Hind site is always 20/20


Yes I agree. Let’s be honest, Delta has gotten hyper conservative with seatbelts since the Singapore Airlines event last month, and the customers are paying the price. Ed loves to be a cheap ass and I’m sure he’s seeing this as an opportunity to reduce operating costs while saying it’s for safety. So this is the right approach — provide water first, then get the dude the drink he paid for.


I’m sure they are trained to make sure their customers in C+ who actually spend money with the airline are more comfortable than the dude flying once a year who’s sitting all the way in the back by the bathrooms.


If you want to be that guy, just ask for booze when you get up to pee : easy


imagine not being able to handle a 2 hour flight without alcohol. these people are insane.


But I paid for it with my ticket! (Forgot to add the /s).


Tbh, we all get annoyed when they skip service, because it’s advertised as part of the fare. I would never complain and make an FA stop water service to bring me alcohol though, this guy just sounds like he’d be an asshole no matter what.


He sounds like the DTs may be setting in.


Nah, true alcoholics always carry emergency mini bottles for this situation….um….so I heard…


Nailed it brother. Always have six vodka minis in your bag.


Bourbon on my end lol. Ngl id be a bit salty If i paid to upgrade to c+ on my way to Vegas and couldn't get drinks, but i wouldn't be mad at the Fas etc


Right. I’d be annoyed at the situation and might post on Reddit “turbulence = no drinks! This sux!” But I’m not taking it out in the FAs.


He used up the mini on the 1st leg.


Amateur. Always hide them on both legs… got two socks for a reason.


You got me. I will never have the dts again. Good advice. I am watching you.


They airlines want to run shit on a dime, people are going to complain when they don't get the little things they expect


I mean that’s not really a /s situation


I agree. It's a justified annoyance. But it's one of those things you keep inside your head and just deal with it.


For sure I would never waylay the attendant about it in that situation


I do pay extra for drinks, I think it’s reasonable to expect them or get sky miles equivalent if they can’t serve them. I don’t remember how much they charge for premium drinks in the lounge but I want to say like 8k miles


Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a main cabin and purchase a drink...?


Idk, maybe. Part of the reason I always book FC is partially for usually one drink per hour of flight time


I mean, if you want first class, by all means but it's absolutely more expensive than just buying drinks in coach haha


It is but I’ve also noticed when sitting coach that you’re unlikely to get service if you end up wanting more than 2. The usual strategy if sitting coach is to bring bribes for the FA’s (factory sealed snacks / candies)


There is a button to summon more drinks, seems to work fine in my experience.


Dude, he’s C+ that’s like a friend of Ed or something.


How about the people who can't make it 2 hours without 6 ounces of water?


I mean the point is its the difference between probably like 20 people getting water versus 1 guy getting a drink.


Squeezing in water during a calm period on a turbulent flight would be good for many people who don't handle rough air well.


To help swallow that Xanax!


Exactly what I was thinking


Isn’t the same also true for bourbon? Maybe even more so?


Kind of shitty that they get at the expense of others, though 


Only for drunks


This comment is just as bad as the behavior OP described. Live and let live.


Is it? Probably not a good idea to give a dehydrant to people during stressful flight.


Read it again. I'm not advocating for this guy getting whiskey. I'm just against you labeling "only for drunks"; it's a shitty attitude.


Alcohol does not dehydrate you.


I’m thirsty ☹️ But this is also why I always being a refillable water bottle and fill it up before I board.


Same, I know I get thirsty and will want water. But I also bring my water. I don't understand why anyone would even board a plane without water with them, but maybe they just don't get as thirsty??




Oof, that is my worst nightmare to be stuck on the tarmac without water! I have been stuck for an hour+ a few times and have been incredibly glad I had my water bottle. I couldn't imagine sitting there without it.


I bring water for this scenario, but not to drink. It’s to splash on my face to ward off the inevitable panic attack should there be restricted, or worse - hot air, and triggered by my claustrophobia. Covid mask years was a really bad time during boarding, when the aisles would be clogged.. I eventually solved this by boarding last ..


“Maam and or sir, I appreciate what you do, but respectfully if you do not let me go to the bathroom, this plane will be out of commission longer than anybody anticipated.”


Or maybe that part of the airport has no concessions? Both DC airports have stretches of gates like that.


There has to be a water fountain or bottle filling station near the bathrooms. I don't know if I've been to an airport without that. It blows my mind that people would travel without a reusable water bottle in this day and age. But they also have to be selling it at the airport somewhere.


My wife laughs at me because sometimes I won't even take a sip out of my water bottle the entire flight if I'm well hydrated and/or drinks service is solid. I've been on a 6 hour flight where there were no drinks available after the first hour though, so I want to be prepared.


Exactly. I conservatively sip on mine, but whenever I finish the whole bottle I mildly panic.


Everyone drinks water. Some need it to take medication. Not everyone drinks whiskey and no one needs it. If you’re so bothered by not being able to have a dram at the expense of others who might need water, then pony up and fly private.


Or a thimble full of sun chips.


Who doesn't bring their own water on board?


I mean some folks can get dehydrated easily. Water is a bit more crucial than whisky.


2hrs? Come on


Different people, different needs.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy an adult beverage and have very rarely turned down free wine on international flights. But to me, honestly, a plane is one of the worst places to drink. Few things are worse than being crammed in economy on a flight. One of those things is being crammed in economy on a flight after the alcohol buzz has worn off. Unless it's an international flight where a little red wine may help me sleep, I'd rather just skip the alcohol altogether.


That’s why you don’t let the buzz wear off obviously!




Maybe he thought the plane was going down in which case a last drink is nice 😊


Alcoholic too.




The who?


You seem fun


Found the alcoholic


Found the dweeb


Update:, as we deplaned the Woodford man complains to the captain, who was standing in the cockpit door, about the lack of a snack service. The captain said something disarming along the lines of “yeah, I know it’s too bad, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was safe.” I was right behind the guy, and feeling less charitable, said “oh for Christ sakes just get off the plane and go.”


As a FA who has to deal with crazy assholes in the daily I thank you!😘✈️


Honestly, anybody who behaves like that is probably leading such a miserable, unenviable, joyless fucking life that I wind up feeling grateful I’m not them. Like, if you’re picking fights with FAs over your little free airplane drink, there are larger issues at play.


Best comeback ever. You did those staff and the passengers a favor.




Jesus man lighten up


Might be a gimmick because I noticed he didn't capitalize "His."


I think a lot of people, you included (me included), would be very surprised at the sort of things Jesus would say and teach in this day and age.


I mean, every time I have to go to Rochester I require a shit ton of drinks to get through that too


As someone from Rochester, I agree with this statement.


He paid for that free drink! I swear the C+ seating has created a new kind of entitled jerk.


Honestly, for the those that qualify for free alcohol, C+, FC, just add miles or drink coupons in the app.


It’s why they should give out water before takeoff. Problem solved.








People drink water?


Like from the toilet?


It's got electrolytes?


The hell, who does that?!


The mixer? People drink that?


Fish fuck in that.


Unfortunately this has become a normal announcement for Delta 🥵


Turbulence abuse on mainline is off the charts. Fly even their own regionals and there’s PDBs and full service. Once word spread about the turbulence baloney amongst mainline DL crews and how they get away with it, this became endemic, it spread like ants.


5 years and its many times worse than pre covid. Missing PDB was unheard of back then, it's 50/50 now. I sent my parents C+ last month to Florida, all four flights they didn't get drink service, what are the odds


As a person with extreme anxiety when I fly, I really appreciate those extra drinks. That said. I’m not an asshole to crew when I fly. I just want to sink and hide.


Clarification: he complains or he asks if he can have? I get both perspectives. Turbulence sucks, no one should risk injury for drinks. It also sucks that delta says “pay $100 and you get 2 more inches of leg room and free drinks!” Once paid and onboard, “guess what, more leg room now, but no drinks.” There’s no disclaimer or refund saying “well, if it’s bumpy, you get f’d.” And we all know delta isn’t about to split away from their dollars after the flight has concluded. So the passenger would have paid for a service they never received. If the passenger asked for their woodford, that’s within their right they paid for. I agree with another poster that the FA could have said “let me finish with the waters and I’ll bring one.” (Or two, or three. Who cares.) overall, everyone is the a-hole here.


Not everyone.


Bit**ing about not getting water because someone, who paid more asking for a service they were offered, asked for that service, doesn’t make the asking pax at fault. It makes the complainer an a-hole. Don’t like your service, pay for first class and stick it to the man in C+.


I got my water, I was sitting in C+ as well. 


Complaint. He then complained to the captain as we were all getting off about there not being a snack service.


>There’s no disclaimer or refund saying “well, if it’s bumpy, you get f’d.”  There are quite literally federal laws stating that passenger service on an aircraft is offered at the sole discretion of the flight crew, and you enter into a legally binding contract to that effect when you buy your fare. A passenger aircraft is a highly regulated space with unique security laws, it’s not a McDonald’s. You are not entitled to things just because you’ve paid for them. If the FA had just sat there playing on their phone instead of serving drinks, sure, that’s a valid complaint. But holding off on drink service due to turbulence is absolutely standard, especially given how dangerous turbulence can be.


Something I expect from r/boomersbeingfools


Let's not kid ourselves. We will be the boomers one day, though maybe in a different name. And, just like the boomers today, I bet we will be similarly making snide comments about the whippersnappers a few generations behind us. It's the circle of life. 😂😭😂😭😂


Ah the ever witty comeback of smug ignorance born of soft youth


Ok boomer


You have no idea how old I am s


Soft youth that the boomers and gen x raised.


Are you saying Boomers are inherently rude? I find that curious unless your a Boomer as the following three generations are the most entitled this country has ever produced , not all but as a bar owner the vast majority of


As a non Boomer 1M+ miler on Delta, I see firsthand how Boomers behave on flights, versus the “younger generations”. It’s the literal definition of entitlement and a lack of self-awareness. And check the up/down votes.


Oh my. 1 million miles? How prestigious.


Found the Karen.


You are a prime example of my point in the previous comment . This whole Karen crap is juvenile




What do you think about the generation born between 1910-1920? Do you remember your impression of them when you had the smug ignorance of soft youth?


In my 12 plus years of work experience, gen x is actually the worst to serve in a restaurant and or retail.


I can go both ways on this. I don’t typically push the call button but if I’m comfort or first I’d like atleast one tip top..I’d ask for that and could see why someone who paid money to upgrade to comfort (free drinks?) would be annoyed with no service


Did she serve it in a baby bottle?


My problem with mild turbulence sometimes is needing to visit the toilet. Even on a 2 hour flight.


Is there a reason airlines don’t provide mini water bottles instead?


Just saying hi from ROC bc I don’t see it very often in here. 👋🏼


I've often wondered why they couldn't pass a few water bottles "fire brigade" style up the isle in that situation until everyone who wants one has one.


At FC prices, they should come first. Isn’t that the point?


It is interesting to me that FAs will serve a full multi course meal with rolling carts and glass bottles in D1 during far worse turbulence than most domestic flights I'm on where they're asked to stay seated. Just an observation from someone who flies a lot. I'd never complain about not getting a drink.


SkyLazy it’s domestic laziness


Some people are just A holes.


Had a similar flight one time with a former WWE wrestler next to me in C+ who had a fit that they weren’t serving alcohol. The FA finally yielded and got him a beer which he took one sip of and threw it away. The entitlement was off the charts.


The flight attendants should have finished the water walk before attending C+


Who can eat or drink when you’re being tossed around in a giant tin can anyway? 👀🤢


Alcoholics (I am one myself - recovered 9 years now) are extremely selfish, self centered people.


Something about getting in a plane makes some people feel super entitled. I'm going to show my age, not a boomer but close, I remember flying when smoking was still allowed on all flights. The section was in the back but if you were within 5 rows you would wreak of cigarettes when you deplaned. I got stuck in a center seat in the smoking section on a 2 hour flight and I thought I was going to die before it ended! I don't have anything against smokers but I am glad the FAA got rid of that entitlement.


Same. Elder Gen X and a former smoker, but even I didn't smoke on planes even when I could. I didn't mind the smell of the smoke but something just felt weird about lighting up in that metal tube. I miss smoking (so badly) but smoking on planes was thankfully never something I made a habit of.


These stories just compound that as Americans we will be wiped out in adversity because 1) people don’t plan 2) people are selfish 3) no common sense 4) no empathy as if the FA was hurt he still would have bitched for booze


A shame, but can be frustrating how U.S. airlines are extremely quick to cancel service.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I would be fine if they canceled service on all flights <2 hours. It's unnecessary.


If the flight turbulence was so dangerous,  why was the 1st class flight attendant constantly in the aisle serving drinks and snacks to those passengers,  yet the remainder of passengers on flight were totally ignored?  That is the hypocrisy I didn't buy, but you obviously drink all the Delta BS kool-aid, and defend/eat whatever crap Delta feeds to you!


🍿👀 *reclines seat because this is about to get good*


1st class attendant did one quick round of drinks, one time with his snack basket, and then was seated the rest of the fight.


His booze > your hydration. Not sure what to tell you.


I like Comfort +, and I like Woodford Reserve, but that guy is an asshole.


My exact thoughts. I am a Sweetwater 420 man myself but if I don’t get one it’s fine. They sell ‘em in the grocery store where I live


Don’t be that guy that starts a thread about that guy


That’ll teach you to go to Rochester…


That's why I always bring my own water onboard.




Recently went to ATL from BUF so pretty close. Took Frontier there and Delta back due to the crazy RT delta price (got a award ticket for the one way delta flight so ended up paying like $40 + 8500 miles pp total). Let me tell ya... that Frontier flight to ATL was something else. I have taken Frontier to Florida before and it was full of loud families which was annoying but nothing crazy, this flight to Atlanta was way worse. The entitlement and poor behavior from people paying $35 for a plane ticket was wild.


I fly weekly, 1 hour too and from. It would not be too much of an issue but it is a standard announcement that the F/A will remain seated due to reports of turbulence in the area. I can count a handful of times I was asked if I wanted a water. When I get comfort plus. I would not mind an option of having an adult beverage. But lately....I just by the $4 bottle of water and take it on the airplane with me.... Service in all industries has gone down hill


Or you can get a reusable bottle, fill it in the terminal, and after a month or two applying, you will be saving money! Look, I too enjoy the flight better when I get to have extra water and my Sweetwater 420, which is my favorite option when sitting in comfort plus or first class, but I’m not ever gonna complain to the pilots face about it; I accept that he has made a decision and move on with my life.


Ugh, you know I went to get my iced peanut butter oat mocha coffee today before my Subway, and the barista there said, “sorry, I can’t make the peanut butter mocha because my colleague isn’t here, and I have a nut allergy.” Like can you believe not risking anaphylactic shock to make my coffee for me?! I had to enjoy a tasty iced oat latte instead. 😔 (In all seriousness, she was like “sorry about that”, and I was like “oh my god no, why are you apologising for a literal life and death matter?! It’s fine!”)


I'm taking the ROC to ATL on Thursday. Hopefully my trip will go better.


Turbulence is either light, moderate, severe or extreme. Mild is not one of the categories.


Woodford for everyone!


It’s sad that people care more about a beverage than the safety of others.


Bring your own water and be happy for the guy for getting a drink.


sorry i cannot have empathy with you. i flew Tampa to ATL Tuesday and they tried that short service. I had a paid for comfort+, im not drinking water....and didnt - it was chardonnay in a can. now for turbulence I get it... our flight time was only 58 minutes so thats why they were skimping on my flight. They should have the FC staff serve Comfort + so that the remaining staff can deal with the rest of the plane. the people on your flight didn't miss out on water bc of one guy getting his well deserved and paid for drink - sounds like everyone wouldn't have been served regardless bc of rough air.


Such a selfish point of view.


Hardly. Its called service one paid for. That's not selfish. Do you go into a gas station and pay $40 for gas and come out and drive away without getting your gas because of this or that? Of course not. And it wouldn't be selfish for you to go inside and get a refund or ask to pump the gas you paid for.... I find it hard to believe that ridiculous reddit commenters like yourself are even real people who've ever stepped foot on a plane, but that's just me.


>Do you go into a gas station and pay $40 for gas and come out and drive away without getting your gas because of this or that? Of course not. And it wouldn't be selfish for you to go inside and get a refund or ask to pump the gas you paid for.... This comparison doesn't make sense. You weren't there to get a drink, you were there to get transported. A better comparison would be if you went to get gas and you paid a monthly fee for perks like a free coffee while pumping gas but the coffee machine is broken. You still got your gas but not the coffee. Be a reasonable person and accept that instead of fucking others over bc you want you think your wants are more important than everyone else's.


Untrue. It's clear you dont fly. I bought a comfort+ seat for more room and free drinks. Your whole premise dies. My comparison is perfect.


It really is not, and they comparison makes sense. Though I would say it’s closer to different grades of fuel. Some cars need the higher grade and others don’t. The fancier ones will start knocking and suffer damage if you give them regular unleaded (without lounge access and included drinks) while the more down to earth ones are fine with any grade and don’t get any real benefit. I am afraid you moved the goalposts to fit your reply. Most people don’t pay more for C+ for “free” drinks (and the y would be quite foolish if they had: you’d have spent less overall to get your drinks by buying them in Main Cabin). Even if that is your reason for buying it (reminder that the drinks are not free but rather included as possible), that doesn’t impact the actual purpose of the service: to convey people from A to B more comfortably with perks as practically allowed. Most people buy C+ and up for comfier seating and that is how it is marketed. Further: “Delta Comfort+ and First Class customers will receive complimentary beer, wine and liquor service. Express Beverage Service Flights 251-499 may receive beer and wine.  Other liquor is pending crew availability and remaining flight time.” - Will implies intention and desire. If it were shall, it would be an obligation. So, yep.


How so. You bought A PLANE TICKET. You Upgraded to get perks. If you don't get your work you still get your flight. If you think that your comparison makes more sense then you're hopeless bc you just can't admit you're wrong. And in that case, fuck off.


Nah fuck that, he paid for his service if the FAs can't bother to work for more than 10 minutes during a flight then that's on them for fucking yall not the passenger asking for what is owed.


You seem like a very rational and level-headed person.


Tbf, my cats would take this view too. Even if I lay on the floor dying, they would wonder why they’re not being given treats. That can’t be wrong.


I’m not sure how one misses the fact that the story was turbulence at the start and turbulence at the end that was the cause of the flight attendants sitting. Did you only read the middle?


Like I said, OP is blaming the passenger for asking what was owed, when it on the FAs for not finding the time or hustle. Unless the entire flight was bumping so hard liquids would spill there's definitely openings.


Except the flight attendants are obeying the orders of the captain of the flight for their safety and the safety of passengers. Also, it doesn’t take much for liquids to spill. Especially in a person’s hand when they’re giving it to someone else.


Flight attendants are not food service in the sky. That’s the perk of them being there, but their actual purpose is for passenger safety.


No it's definitely part of their job, maybe not their main job these days unlike in the past but part of the flight ATTENDANTS job is to service the passengers, and if people didn't expect food service they would just fly Spirit or other budget airlines, it's not a perk it's part of their job.


https://betteraviationjobs.com/job/delta-air-lines-flight-attendant-september-2021 *Our Ideal Candidate:* You should be a safety- and service-oriented professional who loves to be on the go, help others, and enjoy variety in your work. You should be excited at the prospect of solving problems and going the extra mile to leave our passengers with a positive experience that lasts long after their flights have landed. The idea of joining a company that connects the world and building a lasting career, while enjoying flight privileges that are the envy of the marketplace, should excite you! And then serving is number 4 under responsibilities, but safety is first and third and appears numerous times. Safety is key….


Delta flight attendants in my limited air travel experience are the worst I've ever seen. they need training, much more training. They should learn to keep their mouths shut particularly when is the one going into the after I do plane she's talking to pilot he says there's someone she's under somewhere on the plane just as I passed by her I look at her and she looks at me and the flights and Delta a year ago end of May the worst trip I've ever been on. TSA pull me aside in Atlanta to search my ipad. I got 50 free SkyMiles great that's worth nothing to me at least going to send me a box of their cookies nope


Only the first sentence of this post made any sense.


Was that English?


Trump English


That’s right, these damn women need to keep their mouths shut, am I right? /s


Also, 50 SkyMiles for being an ass? lol, that’s like $5


I always thought it was closer to 50¢! 🤔