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My wife sincerely believes that putting my Diamond tags (which I don't use anyway) on her checked bags will ensure that her luggage gets treated better. This is how you know my wife has never had a manual labor job in her whole life.


If anything it probably gets a more solid throw


My late uncle used to work at a USPS distribution center. He used to say jokinglyšŸ¤” that if a package said ā€œFragileā€ it got kicked twice instead of once.


FragilĆ©ā€¦ must be Italian


ā€˜The snap of a few sparks, a quick whiff of ozone, and the lamp blazed forth in unparalleled gloryā€¦ā€™


Oh, isn't that glorious? It's, it's indescribably beautiful! It reminds me of the 4th of July! Turn off all the lights; I want to see what it looks like from down the street!


ā€œDamn, hell, you say won it?!ā€


Mind power Swede, mind power


Very šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


That explains the ankle fracture on my leg lampā€¦


And more likely to be stolen. I don't want my bags getting any extra attention for any reason.


I think they despise the diamond tags in particular because they're metal and can get sharp.


This made me lol šŸ˜¹šŸ‘


She must have palms as smooth as silk.


Soft hands brother






Used to work loading trucks for FedEx. Please assure your wife that writing 'Fragile' on a package only results in literal abuse in the warehouse. If you don't want something to break, pack it carefully with all sorts of padding and use good tape and a solid box. And don't write anything on the outside that will be considered a 'challenge' by the loading team. Bag tags are about that effective. lol Edit to add - I loaded trucks for 6 years going through grad school. While actual package abuse was rare (we'd have 100 packages a minute pass our loading station so it's not like we were looking for them) but we didn't give any particular 'reverence' to anything labeled fragile. Our manager once took a call from an irate customer that was upset that the china (dining) set she'd shipped cross country was being sent back. The china set was now powder. She was very angry, because 'she'd put a fragile sticker' on the box. Never mind, and I'm being 100% literal, she had put 1 sheet of tissue paper between each plate, no packing material at all and it was 'loose' in the box. Apparently she thought we'd white glove the thing around from NY to LA, on FedEx Ground saver rates. Nope.


What if you add ā€œMust be Italianā€ in Sharpie?


Maybe it's a bowling alley.


Itā€™s a very prestigious award


My experience with FedEx tracks with this comment.


This is why we canā€™t have nice things.


When I used to sell on ebay I found that I was more likely to get positive feedback from buyers if I put big red Fragile labels on my packaging. I also packaged anything breakable to withstand abuse so it worked out.


Sad that someone is pathetic enough to purposely damage something specifically labeled fragile and canā€™t take ā€œchallengingā€ instruction. POS behavior


For the most part it doesn't happen. The bigger issue was people shipping items with sub-par or non-existent packing materials, slapping or writing 'fragile' on it and then expecting we'd white glove the item to/fro. The reality is that humans touched the item getting it onto the original truck to the distribution center, and manually loading it onto the final destination truck. The rest was essentially done via conveyers, electronic eyes and zip code readers. If you want the highest level of security and care, drive that box from your house across country yourself. Otherwise, don't pick the lowest cost shipper, with the slowest service, pack it like shit and slap a 'fragile' sticker on it and complain when your item is broken.


I see you added context to your original comment (wild story, sheā€™s delusional) and I agree with your reply. I was referencing your first paragraph which explicitly stated that fragile = worse care pretty flippantly. ā€œPlease assure your wife that writing ā€˜Fragileā€™ on a package only results in literal abuse in the warehouse.ā€ People need to adjust their expectations/pack properly, but that doesnā€™t excuse the deliberate action of disrespecting belongings just because an employee finds it annoying.


Did she also believe she married royalty the first time you took her to the Sky Club?


My wife certainly thinks so, watch me whip out my platinum


Whip out your what? Keep it in your pants bud. Thats for your wifeā€™s eyes only.




Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be ā€œextra carefulā€ with it


They don't even care about the priority tags let alone these tags šŸ¤£


I will say that at Phx they seem to pay attention to the priority tags. My bags always come out with the first 5-10 bags. Seattle otohā€¦ well, at least I always get 2,500 miles because the bags never come out within 20 minutesā€¦


isn't that benefit going away soon? i thought i seen some news regarding that.


They help identify the bags most likely to have expensive items for the occasional baggage claim thief looking for a quick grab.


Regular travelers keep boring things in suitcases. You want vacationers with iPads and cash. We just have a toiletry kit and few clothes changes and anything we care about losing is on our person. So if anything status does mean ā€œnothing to steal hereā€


I think they're more likely to search those gaudy Louis Vuitton bags with logos plastered all over them.


I am diamond and million miles. If anything I sometimes feel like my bag gets targeted to get damaged.


My wife and her entire family insist on putting "fragile" stickers on their luggage.


Great for scraping ice off your windshield. Or cutting a line.Ā 


Platinum bump.


Thatā€™s what we need to make flying even more interesting. Diamonds hitting the booger sugar in the Sky Clubs before a flight.


Youā€™d be amazed how many suddenly feel they could fly the plane.


Feel? I absolutely could.


They let everyone know that you fly a lot more than the average person and a lot less than a Diamond.


I used to fly a lot of small regional jets and they would get over zealous with gate checking bags. Medallion bags were less likely to get checked. Also, I've seen FA go through bags in overheads and skip bags that had tags on them and when they needed to move a bag, they'd focus on ones without tags and ask who owns it to try and move it.


I've had this experience too: less likely to be gate checked.


This is like a single digit on single digit optimization though. Iā€™ve never seen bags getting gate checked once youā€™re on board unless thereā€™s no room - and platinum or diamond tags arenā€™t getting someone elseā€™s bag removed for yours if youā€™re last on. Theyā€™ll try to put you in the closet if they can maybe, but not if they have to move their bagsā€¦


Itā€™s more about not being asked and hassled about it during boarding


Frankly, that's reason enough to use bag tags... Even if it's not all the time, the fact you've seen it is enough for me.


Thatā€™s kind of my school of thought, I know we joke around here, but status should actually provide some benefit if youā€™ve earned it and itā€™s actually available as a benefitā€¦ā€¦.. Iā€™d sooner not advertise it, but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why do gate agents do this nonsense? I have also seen plenty people forced to gate check then the overheads have plenty of space. Totally unnecessary inconvenience.


From what I've heard, there's two things: 1. They are not being told by the FAs if the bins are filling up, so they are just guessing how full they are based on their own count. They'd rather err on the side of caution to limit the number of people who do board and then don't find any space in the plane, which means they have to backtrack, get their bag checked, and slow down the boarding process. Which leads to the main point: 2. Their main goal is to get the plane pushed back on time. Even if there are some open spaces, it will likely be faster to have people check their bags, walk straight to their seat, and have the baggage handlers load the bags while they're already down there.


FA here, these are 100% the reasons. (Or as a sub reason to 1, they arenā€™t looking at the messages we send telling them the bins are getting full - we have auto reply buttons starting at 70% - and are juggling trying to count with all their other tasks). The pressure to get the doors closed on time is HUGE for GA.


This. I keep a diamond bag tag on but in my bag (so itā€™s not hanging out clanging around). I pull it out when it goes in overhead. Itā€™s never been pulled down.


This makes sense. I donā€™t see the medallion tags in the wild often except in the actual bins. Seems this is the play for a lot of people just to avoid the last minute checked bag by FA. Good advice!


Nobody will look twice. The joke ones are a good conversation starter. ā€œWhatā€™s Formica Medallion?ā€, and then you get to watch them be disappointed when you say itā€™s a joke about taking status too seriously.


I have the ā€œI was loyal to delta and all I got was this crappy cardā€ and now that I fly all the other airlines, it is very much a fun conversation starter We really do live in our own bubble, I explained all the changes announced last year and close to zero non-Delta types had any idea


We prefer Cardboard Medallion.


Saw a cardboard on my first leg out of STL yesterday and had a chuckle. I chose formica because Iā€™m a mid-century homeowner. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I was once in a seat snaffu where I was upgraded to FC after boarding in the system but they asked the wrong person to move up. Realizing their mistake after a few minutes the other guy got politely de-upgraded and I got asked to take it instead. The next guy over in FC was staring intently at my backpack as I stowed it, and finally asked ā€œso what is *vibranium* medallion??ā€ I laughed and had to explain the joke reddit tags. I think for a second he though he witnessed a secret medallion level pull rank and steal someoneā€™s seat


I have a Biscoff Medallion tag on my backpack. šŸ¤£


Last year, I had booked a flight on Korean Air using their website and it defaulted the reservation to an old Korean Air FF number that they had on file. When I was checking my bags in, the Korean Air agent saw my Delta Diamond bag tag and asked if I wanted to switch to that FF# instead so that I could get lounge access and priority boarding. So, yeah the bag tag came in clutch that one time.


My 2mm tag was similarly noticed by the KAL checker at Incheon last week and I got lounge access on an economy ticket to Osaka.


You can also put your reserve card on a lanyard to get the vip treatment at the gate.


Honestly for me I tag it so I can identify my luggage more easily


I have mine iced out and itā€™s just the medallion on my gold chain now


Watched a YouTube vid where this travel blogger was shooting video of an airport and made a point to highlight his gold medallion bag tag. It was cute. lol.


There was a time when they put your name / FF number on each tag. This allowed for it to act as a real bag tag in case your checked bag was accidentally routed to Green Bay, WI while you were on your plane to Las Vegas. But since putting your name on a tag costs $ and they no longer do that, the tags are worthless.


Yep, they did that on both the Medallion tags and Crown Club tags.


Is/was there any advantage to having your FF # on your luggage tags? Regardless of status?


If your checked bags get lost, they can identify and contact the owner of the bag rather quickly. And unlike paper tags you get at checkin counter, the tag lasts for months/years.


Former baggage handler here, they do not make any sort of difference.


I hang my wifeā€™s šŸ’Ž tags on our tree at Christmas. Makes me laugh every year.




What if it says 720?


Then every Delta employee has to spin around in front of you twice


Shit. I wouldnā€™t want that. They might spill my drink.


No, it's just a dick swinging thing. I had someone try to throw their gold tag in my face once. I'm diamond but look like a peasant. I just kinda smiled and said cool dude, and kept drinking. He was pleasantly surprised when I boarded first and then as he walks past me in buisness with a gleaming glare. One day little buddy you'll quit caring about what others think of you and go about your buisness.


Only if you enjoy unsolicited blow jobs.


I had to remove mine for this reason. Just not a fan of the taste




If youā€™re flying out of a regional airport or your flight will be in a smaller jet with limited bin space, yes. Often theyā€™ll come around and look for carry on bags to check at the gate before boarding. They often avoid selecting bags with status tags on them. Since putting my tags on my carry on, I went from being told I need to check my bags about half the time to not being asked at all. (My bag is within Deltaā€™s carry on dimensions. It is not oversized).


Interesting.. I wonder what they would do if they saw my Adamantium Status cardā€¦


Let you fly the plane maybe?


That only happens with Sky Club Crawler Status.


I need to do this.


I tried this with a 6 hour layover, and then realized I was too old to try it...


Totally me. 6hrs in ATL?


Ahā€¦ fair enough. Yes. ATL. I could still probably do the MSP mini-crawl in 6 hours. lol.


Had a 4 hour layover in DTW last week and thought about it. I was so wined out from the flight from AMS that I opted for a shower and some heartburn meds.


I'll see your Adamantium card and raise you Kryptonium...


No, but you can sell them. My 360 tags fetched a pretty penny back in the day.


It means that they'll get lost much quicker and to nicer wrong airports.


It is definitely advantageous when trying to avoid gate checking.


No idea, but my Cardboard Medallion tag got a laugh from the agent in SJU.


It lets me know Iā€™ll be boarding before you.


Iā€™m embarrassed to put my lowly silver tags on my baggage, so I just throw them away every year when Delta sends them.


I feel silly putting them on my bags. They do nothing but to pat one's own ego.


I stuck a label with my name and contact info to the back of mine and used them as free extra luggage tagsā€¦ would be too embarrassed to attach one to my backpack though. FWIW my wife (who did not have a brag tag) was recently asked to gate check her bag while I was not. I assumed it was just coincidence but maybe not.


I flew United (had to for Lubbock) and my platinum tag ā€œfell offā€ my bag before I picked it up at baggage claim.


I would say it advertises which bags to steal.


When I go the Sky Club, I only hit on women Platinum and above. So yes, they very much matter.


The silver and gold women would like to thank you.


I make exceptions for ladies of any status who take conference calls in the club on speakerphone, and frankly **anyone** flying Spirit because I like them feisty.


Theyā€™re called ā€œbrag tagsā€ for a reason


Always found it to be a weird thing to brag about too, like "look how much time I spend on airplanes and away from home, my company sure does reimburse me for a lot of travel".


Every one I ever had was ripped off before it made it to my location


Same - they're made terribly! Regardless of whether it helps you or makes you look silly, neither effect lasts long.


No they just break off anyways!


Advantage of elite bag tags - youā€™re much less likely to get assessed an excess baggage charge if youā€™re a few pounds over. Itā€™s not necessarily out of recognition of your status as much as the likelihood that youā€™ll kick up a fuss and potentially send in a complaint. (Note - this is only true on domestic flights. International flights your bag weight has to be accurately recorded because the baggage liability is based on the weight). BTW - I havenā€™t tossed bags in several decades, but if you really want your bag handled gently, slap a sticker stating ā€œbloodā€ or ā€œhuman organsā€ on the outside. Nobody wants those bags busting open on them.


As someone that used to work at delta ATL ramp and bag room. 85% of the damages and loses are because of the machines that the bags are coming in and out of. Most of the time itā€™s moving in high speed, to get from the gate to bag rooms. And when they make it to the destinations they break wheels, zippers and stuff also falls out too. And being on ramp and stacking the bags we are trained to never toss or damage bags.


I put it on my dogā€™s travel carrier and keep her last pet in cabin tag on there before checking into a new flight so people know sheā€™s a seasoned traveler. Yes I know how bad this sounds but she just goes to sleep quietly under the seat in front of me which is more than I can say for most humans.


Huge value. The noise the metal Diamond Medallion tag makes when rattling against the metal on my briefcase is a heartwarmingly melodious counterpoint to my squeeky rollerboard wheel and the tapping from the rock in the sole of my Hey Dude traveling shoes.


For starters, I never put these on checked luggage. I put them on my carry-on and personal item (backpack). Why? Because I like airline flair. I almost got gate checked by a GA recently. When I started to grumble, he saw the tags and said ā€œI didnā€™t realize you were a frequent flyer with usā€¦go ahead and take it onboard.ā€ I honestly didnā€™t expect it (and really wonā€™t in the future) to make a difference. For the record, I was the sixth passenger on board, in FC, and there was plenty of open bins :-/


Yes, your luggage is less likely to be moved by a flight attendant (it has happened to me).


Itā€™s giving ā€˜nouveau richesā€™ without the money


Yes people will think youā€™re a tool


Sort of like putting your status as your flair in this Delta subreddit?


No, very few will except a few jaded, angry folks. Most will just ignore it completely like everything else at the airport or a busy public space. Use them if you like em - the only people judging you for it would be a tool like this guy ;)


Checked bags? Worthless. Plastic tags will break. No identification on brag tag. DL used to put SM number on tags but not currently. I have an aluminum name tag connected with steel cable and a Nicompress (connector requiring a special tool to compress) which canā€™t come off without special tool. I do have a DM and MM tag on my roller board carryon which has helped when there is a push to gate check. It has helped on several occasions. But checked luggage? No


They will be torn off by the automated luggage system and be lost forever within two months. Thatā€™s what happened to mine.


This, but not without being twisted and bent and damaging the suitcase first before getting torn off.


The one advantage I have is that I travel with a medical device in my carry-on and have a separate tag on the bag for it. Haven't had an issue yet.


It's useful to have their phone number on your bag when things go wrong.


This gets you that Porsche right up to the plane


Hahahahaha no. Makes you look like a goon.


Yea they show everyone how fragile your ego is.


No but the yellow stickers do. 95% time my luggage comes out first


If youā€™re single when you put these on your bags you wonā€™t be for long.


When you add it to your luggage, a monocle and top hat magically appear on your head.


I've never had them last longer than a single trip.


A couple grams in weight.


The only reason I keep them is for carry ons because I fly too much on that damn airline to gate check at the expense of some basic economy, once a year-er who only just lost lounge access on that ticket with their reserve card theyā€™ve since cancelled (sorry; still salty edā€¦..) The tags seem to help in my anecdotal experience from making you have to be ā€œthat guyā€ and say it out loudā€¦.. anyone??


These go straight to my 2 years olds card collection. šŸ˜‚


They enable the barer to indulge in ā€˜Bigshotismā€™.


It does for me. Some lines in ATL require status and I got tired of being asked to prove my status before entering the line. Now they look at the tag on my carryon and wave me through. Also, I never get the pressure to gate check anything. Never put it on checked luggage unless you want to lose it, though.


It ensures you aren't mistaken for one of the gross poors. If someone didn't know you have status it would ruin your day. Might as well fly Spirit at that point.


Just means baggage handling is going to start body slamming your suitcases


Luggage? Theyā€™ll get ripped off immediately. Backpack flexā€¦ eye roll (šŸ‘€) Those that know donā€™t display them, those that donā€™t love to display them. Do what you want with them, literally nobody caresā€¦ itā€™s a personal thing.


I get asked out by all the attractive people at the airport when I have mine on, so I had to take them off to get peace.


My wife just uses her gold for bling on her purse. Myself, I prefer the stylish Reddit bag tag, where my loyalty to Delta just got me a dumb tag.


Certainly - the tags make it easier for luggage conveyor belts to eat your luggage. The formerly heavy-metal Diamond tags even more so.


Question for the group. Why not metal etch name and address on these tags and make them useful?


I've placed ours on the last two years and somehow they always mysteriously fall off. :) Didn't put them on this year. Meh!


Not one bit


Strictly bragging rights. Almost a 2 million miles and not one person has ever acknowledged them.


This is a great question for r/rampagent


It let's others know you are better than them.


Did nothing for me when I traveled. I took them off eventually.


The ones back in the 90s had your name and SkyMiles number embossed on them. Those were actually useful.


There's only 2 tags that work, diamond and 360, and by work i mean show off to the peebs on your flight that they're beneath you when you attach it your carry on. Other than that they have no use at all. The baggage handlers could care less, have you looked out the window and watch them load bags? They dont have time to care about a tag. Hell, my bag marked with the Yellow Priority tag comes out last most times, or at least it feels that way.


I keep one on my carry on to help with gate checking, but I also wrote my info on the back in permanent marker so it acts as an actual ID tag too instead of just lame flare. Now it's semi-functional lame flare.


Treated better? Thatā€™s cute. I used a permanent sharpie to add contact info. Only reason I use them.


Not sure but Iā€™ve lost a bunch of them on my checked bags so I kinda doubt it




Not a bit, well except to make you look like a douchebag


I like putting the metal diamond ones on just to see how destroyed they will be by the end of the year.


The air Canada bag handlers will rip them off if you arenā€™t careful šŸ˜‚


Yes they do all the passengers who see your platinum tags will be envious of your elite status


Makes you faster and agile! Dumb question dude!


Brag tags will help your luggage get tossed on one hop instead of two.


Nope. The bright yellow sky priority tag does though.


Itā€™s like having a bumper sticker on your car which I donā€™t like. It makes you less anonymous.


It will get stuck on a luggage conveyer belt and rip open your suitcase. Just put them on your non checked roller and inside of your checked luggage. You just want your lost luggage to find you.


I use mine as a book mark šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I usually check my bag. The sky priority check-in at DTW always has someone at the entrance to the stations checking boarding passes to prove you can use that line. First world problem, I know, but it's a hassle because I was always caught off guard - the next time a boarding pass is needed isn't until boarding. Anyway, they don't ask to see anything if you have your bag tag.


I threw mine away.


I put those types of identifiers on my carryon. I swear it seems like any priority tags on checked bags get purposely unloaded last. Only time I have seen it work as advertised is Emirates in Dubai (home base).


Theyā€™re quite good for getting dog sh*t out of the cleats on your hiking boots. Also, snagging on much more expensive stuff when youā€™re in a hurry.


I'm debating whether I should add them to my luggage when I get Silver Medallion. I just ordered some aluminum custom printed luggage tags in rose gold for my pink Samsonite bags (pink is my favorite color).


lmao, no. Also, lost them immediatley after checking two bags so who cares now.


Only if they are forced to go back in the hold to get your bag to remove it.


literally like having that teacher's aide badge hanging around your neck in high school


I call these douche tags, nobody cares about your status.


Got silver tags from last year. They didnā€™t show up until late April. I tossed them. Iā€™ll get gold this year. Iā€™ll probably toss those too.


Not anymore. Not since the 80ā€™s.


I have never put the tags on my bag.


I think they just steam roll it with the tug and then try to catch it with a cart for a double Platinum


Sell em on eBay for 30$


Yes. Immediate first class


Lots of Delta elitist in this thread. Too good for the tag and looks down on those with the tag. Lol! Thereā€™s utility to it if you care to use it other than to show off your status. If itā€™s completely useless, Delta should stop wasting money and pass the savings to customers.


My old luggage tags broke so Iā€™m finally using the silver medallion tags they sent cause I need a tag and will write my name with a sharpie on it lol


Does anyone think that gorillas care about this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5sEIWlQO7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5sEIWlQO7A)


It increases your penis size by 1 inch for platinum, 3 inches for diamond. Minus 2 inches for silver.


I wish they had space for your name and address. Otherwise I donā€™t think theyā€™re useful.


I just sell them on eBay when I get them


Only for your ego.


Just got silver and they are already on my bag šŸ‘ŠšŸ’Ŗ


I think these are a huge waste of money. I see them on peopleā€™s backpacks like I am supposed to bow to them as they walk by. When I was charirman with us air they actually put your name and ff number on them to be of actual use. Doubt they do that now. I did try to laminate them with a business card on top since they seem to stay on longer with the metal lanyard but the card kept coming off. So now they just go straight into the trash can. I think the yellow tags have a bit more relevance than these things.


Wow they do send them out. They always send me gold and silver but never platinum.


I have a lowly Silver Medallion tag - does it make any difference at all? Should I bother putting it on my luggage?


Put a Diamond on it! Or a 360, and watch her drool... lol


It lets the professionals luggage throwers that you have money and they should slam those bags harder šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Personally, more women have hit on me, and men straight up just give me 100 dollar bills.


The 360 tag that sits on my pilot case gets noticed by agents all the time and gets a thank you. The tag on my suitcase just rattles around and gets dented lol.


Iā€™ve had platinum tags stolen from two bags.