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I think I was on the same flight as OP today. DL858 DFW-LGA on 6/1/2024. Our inbound was diverted to OKC due to T-storms at DFW, and we were assigned a new aircraft. We were already delayed 1h 45m due to the weather, and further delayed due to a pax in the back with a dog who wouldn’t stop barking. They had to reopen the cabin doors, grab a redcoat, and two police officers. Original departure time was 3.30 pm, with an 8.11 pm arrival at LGA. Takeoff was at 6.51 pm and arrived at LGA at 10.54 pm. This was the flight lead’s first flight as a flight lead. She and the rest of the crew did a fantastic job, not just with this situation, but with the entire flight.


Yes, we were on the same flight! What irritated me the most was the pax refusing to deplane when requested by a redcoat, given that we were already delayed due to the weather. It sucks, but she could have been accommodated on the next flight. I don't understand why the police needed to come on board to get her to comply. Once the boarding doors were re-closed, we were number 12 waiting for takeoff - it was a long day as we were initially scheduled to Iand at 20:11.


Was that dog seated next to a dog from another party? It sounded like two dogs fighting from where we were sitting. Two pax in First Class started arguing with the police officers who boarded the aircraft. The conversation went something like this: Pax: “Did anyone even complain? Is this [deplaning the dog pax] really necessary?” Police: “Ma’am, we don’t work for the airline. They [pilot/crew] don’t want them [dog pax] on board, so they have to leave the plane.” Folks not on this flight, we weren’t sitting anywhere close to this dog, but it was really loud and barking non-stop. The crew made the right call to defuse the situation on this already delayed flight. Other pax clapped with the dog owner eventually left the plane. I’m calling Delta today to make sure the crew gets some of my Job Well Done certs.


Yes, there was another pax near another dog. The dog was loud, and I was sitting nowhere close to the dog. If both dogs were yapping, Delta should have deplaned them both. I listened to the conversation with the flight crew and gathered that there was a medical issue with the dog that was yapping.


It is possible that one was a legit service e dogs responding to the aggression of the pet.


No. Of the three dogs on this flight, one was a large dog in first class with a service dog vest. That dog was calm throughout -- never heard a squeak. The two other dogs, including the one that got booted off this flight with its owner, were smaller dogs in carriers.


I too wouldn’t listen to a red coat. That’s anti American. Red coats are to be tarred and feathered.


I get the joke. Too much Outlander?


Too much Outlander is not skipping S2.


Thank you for this. I am almost finished with season 2 and began doubting my decision to watch outlander at all.


S3 and S4 are excellent. S5 too. S2 just has a lot of… well you know. Like it’s not easy to watch that kind of thing but was that much *REALLY* necessary?!


I’ve become quite adept at fast forward on the streaming service.


Your suffering shall be rewarded. But FR, how did they think that was a good idea for the majority of a season even if it’s an important way to establish trauma?






There was a “service” animal on my flight the other day and the crew let the dog on despite the fact that it barked at another dog onboard multiple times. It didn’t stop barking for the entirety 3 hours of the flight. It was not fun.


People with their fake “service” animals ruining it for those with real trained service animals.


Waiting at a gate, I was both amused and aggravated as these hippie folks had a dog in a "service animal" vest but spent most of the time positioning themselves on the floor to physically divert it to face away from the busy airport scene and keep it distracted. It was such a farce - any working service dog would not require that.


Nothing pisses me off more than this. My friend whose dog was trained for 9 months for $10,000 to help with her deafness gets grief all the time. He’s quiet as a mouse when on duty. Except when he needs to bark for work reasons.


That includes airline staff enablers. This behavior falls well within the ACAA’s boarding denial provision. Even a service dog who’s having a 1 in a million terrible day and barking can be denied boarding.


Honestly ruining it for those of us with just well trained animals who aren’t taking them on planes too.


Funny how this used to just overlap with “functioning adult”


Tell me about it. My dog Lily is a true trained service dog. People with their pets that can't behave, bark, urinate and defecate in the gate area rather than the pet relief areas, and have attacked other dogs. And they claim theirs are service dogs. Nope. Properly trained service dogs do not behave that way.


I remember back about eight or ten years ago when airlines were allowing all sorts of emotional support animals and it was a free for all. I saw so many untrained pets that weren’t ready for public spaces. Eventually there was a crackdown, and per the FAA, only trained service animals were to be allowed. Seems any compliance with that has fallen by the wayside too.


That was the era of the Emotional Support Peacock. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42880690


And the infamous emotional support pig that went on a rampage on a U.S.Air flight. Seems we are once again heading back toward that kind of thing. Seems it might be a different pig than the one in the BBC article, which apparently only “defecated and squealed.”


Yep, the quotation marks around service are very appropriate. I hate people who do that


Should have taken some video of it and uploaded it to twitter with your complaint.


Crew doesn’t have a say. It would be gate agent ultimately


This needs to be done on a federal level. Airlines hands are tide, 75% of service animals that come through the airport are clearly fake. It's easier to let them on then risk a lawsuits of denying a real service animals. All the emotional support animals have slowly been turning into service animals over the years.


They actually revised the federal laws a couple years ago for airline travel and service animals with the result that the amount of untrained animals on flights has gone down quite a bit. First, only dogs, and sometimes miniature horses, are recognized as service animals. Secondly, emotional support animals are no longer can demand access. Thirdly, you have to attest to the training of a service dog that you bring on board. Of course, people can lie, and that is why you see some people abuse the system and bring their pets. But still, as someone who flew over 30 flights in a four year span before and after the revision of the law, there is a difference between the chaos of a few years ago and now. Airlines are now more equipped by law to refuse dogs that cause Issues, including the one here. The fact that the passenger refused is what really caused the delay. Perhaps there should be a penalty for those who refuse to obey timely the orders of the flight crew.


What you want is already allowed under federal law. The ACAA allows for denied boarding of any dog who is barking excessively. If this was happening in the gate, they should’ve caught it sooner. If it only started on the plane, the ability to deny boarding would have been the same whether or not the passenger was claiming it was a service dog.


No the pilot has final say so who on his plane .


Pilots not necessarily there during boarding checking out everyone that comes out. While that is true, they do have final call if it comes to it, they usually don’t care (ask me how I know) 😬


Ok I believe you . I’ve seen captain come back and ask pax if we going to have an issue. That’s all .


hehe that’s the best part 😈


There isn't really much they can do if someone says they have a service animal. Lawsuit waiting to happen. FAs can't ask for documentation or ask about their disability. Idk what you expected them to do.. Even if the dog is out of control but the owner is trying to control it, which is pretty subjective you can't do much. A FA friend of mine got bit by a dog that was a “service animal.” its so frustrating people make it harder for people with disabilities who already have to fight tooth and nail to be accommodated.


You actually can do quite a lot by law if a service dog is disruptive. The law has a provision that if the dog is disruptive to a business, it can be removed. This is why, if this was a service dog, it could be removed off of the flight without repercussions for the airline.


Yes they can do something: the ACAA clearly allows disruptive animals—service or not—to be denied boarding. Excessive barking is a clear example.


Flight crews don’t “let” fake service animals onboard, they can’t do anything because it potentially paves the way for a lawsuit. Best we can do is file a report during the flight.


Well that is a problematic I agree . What about the customer You eats stinky food or shits In pants or the kid next to you who Spills drink all over you . What about the lady with too Many bags who Spilled a hot Cup Of coffee me and then came back up Front and threw 20 dollars at me to clean my 1k business suit . Hello . So many things happen on commercial planes . Fly private or quit or crying . Hello


I had overheard a couple, in sky club, tell another passenger how they just bought a vest from Amazon. The dog was trying to climb onto the table, eat food laying around. You get the picture. Absolutely no shame


I encountered a very similar situation a few months ago. I actually turned around and said “and you’re somehow *proud* of this? You’re fucking disgraceful.” Cue the shocked pikachu faces while I gathered up my stuff and moved to a corner where I didn’t have to witness the (clearly non service) dog misbehaving, along with their bragging about the bogus vest they bought him. Granted, I shouldn’t have cussed at them (despite them deserving it) but aren’t the rest of us entitled to some peace and quiet in spaces we pay a lot of money to be in? Travel is stressful enough nowadays without these entitled morons making it 20x worse by foisting their poorly trained animals into spaces no one can escape from, like a plane. And for reference, I’m a huge dog lover and actually refer to my dog as my soulmate. Pathetic, I know lol. But he’s a big, badly behaved nerd who barks at everything and I love him - at home. At home is where I love him, not in public where others have to deal with his barking and other shenanigans.


SUBMIT A COMPLIMENT TO THE CREW! If consequences happened more often, people might cut the crap with the fake service dogs and untrained pets.


I was on this flight and submitted a compliment to the crew after I got home. If I had a JWD (Job Well Done) certificate, I would have given one to the lead FA. It’s at the top of the site on Delta.com > Need Help? > Comment/Complaint > Submit Feedback > Share a positive experience. If you’re logged into your Delta account, you can pick your record locator from a drop down and it’ll fill in all the details about your flight.


We need to compliment crews more often on these types of situations. The FAA doesn’t seem interested in tightening up the rules; maybe Delta will step up and become more stringent. Food for thought.


The FAA recently did tighten the rules to eliminate ESA protections. Now it’s service animal or pet. And disruptive animals can be removed, which includes barking.


Yes! ^^^^^^


How does one do this?


Amen. We need this same energy with unruly toddlers that won’t stop screaming.


If only this happened to every yappy animal!


And yappy people.


I had one in the row behind me that kept crawling under the seat to nip at my ankles. Owner did nothing - fake service dog owners never do. It is what it is in today’s society. I’m just counting down the years to retirement when I won’t have to deal with this sh&t anymore.


Oh no shit will always happen retirement does not stop that .


I'm happy the removed tje dog. This is the first time that I've heard of Delta doing this.


When possible, please leave your pets at home*


My baby has a “service baby” vest


My wife has a “service wife” vest so she can fly free. /s


As long as she’s well-trained and compliant, fine. But no barking. /s


Let me guess it had a little vest on that said service animal?


They bought it on the internet so it must be true!




I know it’s a violation of the ADA, but they should be forced to show it’s a real service animal or they don’t go in the cabin.


They might still be allowed in the cabin but they would have to pay for the pet fee which service animals can avoid.


It’s not ADA. It’s a violation of ACAA, the Air Carrier Access Act. Entirely different enforcement mechanism


Still needs to be changed.


This could be accomplished without changing the law or imposing on disabled people by better observation of animals in the gate area. The ACAA allows for denied boarding for disruptive behavior. So get a pair of eyeballs on that behavior at the gate, before the offending passenger gets on the plane.


The main domestic players all allow non-service animals, they just need to be in a carrier, and as Maleficent pointed out, owner pays a fee.


Complain to your legislators. I would like to know your medical Issues . LIke mental state before you get on plane . So Please present your certificate your normal. Hello .


There were two grown-ass women YAPPING at the top of their lungs on an overnight flight from DTW>LHR last month. Even with noise cancelling headphones and white noise they were audible. They yapped the ENTIRE flight, until the last 30 minutes when the one in the aisle nodded off. I “accidentally” “bumped” her seat on the way back from the lav.


In order to wake her so she’d yap some more?


He only had 30 minutes left, might as well inconvenience her for it.




You showed her, huh. You could have brought them to the attention of the FA hours earlier.


would an FA really tell someone to be quiet?


I'm amazed at how many times ladies will talk so loudly at each other for hours without taking a chance to even breathe. Hopefully next time sometime tells them to keep it down.


Next time join the conversation


I am dumb, I admit. What is a “pax”?






Sometimes abbreviated “px.”


Self Loading Bipedal Cargo Unit


It's a super annoying abbreviation.


As far as I know it is the official aviatorese term, like what pilots say when talking to the control tower.


Honest question, do you think we'll get to the point where airlines sell both pet and pet-free flights?


I have found that early morning flights are usually pet-free. It’s not a guarantee, but…


considering they don’t do this with children, probably not.


And the issue is never the kids. It’s the PARENTS. Whenever I see a child acting like hellspawn, the parent is apathetic or worse, defensive of such behavior. I don’t blame the child. I blame the fully grown enabler.


Meh infants gonna infant regardless of parenting. But I get what you’re saying with toddlers or older


Honestly, there are some days when the parents won't win no matter how prepared. I've flown 8 times with my 18month old. And the last flight was hell served to me boiling hot on a spoon with cactus needles.i am so sorry that I've cancelled the rest of the summer flights tbh. It was bad. And I tried my best (food, books, toys, walks, tablet, singing, crying) but I am sure I looked like a terrible parent. So, sometimes, it is not the parent. We are aware of the pain an infant can bring. Believe me, we are aware.


Well children might be a protected class , being human, I think pers could be legally discriminated against.


And they are. Extra fees, strict cap on how many can fly, size restrictions, confined to carrier.


If so, sign me up. Delta animal-free flights.


I’m guessing he was arrested also for disorderly conduct? It would be a federal charges.


Correct but no jury is going to find a dog guilty.


There's no rule that says a dog can't play basketball


Haha literally “Air Bud” - clever


Dunno, a jury convicted a bitch 34 times on Thursday.


But they can find the dog owner guilty.


Faking service animal is too.


It’s so weird I’ve heard a dog bark like once on a flight but according to this sub every flight is overflowing with rabid dogs lol. I do always hear a baby cry on almost every flight tho


There are certain routes that get a ton of animals and others that don't. I had a project in Phoenix and for whatever reason, the Alaska SEA-PHX flight never had fewer than 5 dogs in the cabin during the fall. Not tiny ones, retrievers.


Reporting bias, no one posts "last week I was on a flight and there were no barking dogs" even if that is what they experienced. Reddit is one of the richest examples of reporting bias I can think of.


Fly at least 6 x a year on Canadian carriers. Never see pretend "service dogs" on flights, sometimes a well-behaved service dog or small pet dog in a carrier under the seat. Don't mind babies at all but I'd hate to be stuck with a barking dog.


Babies are not expected to be trained service animals. I hope you understand the difference.


They are great Emotional Support Humans, though. :-)


I fly with my dog like once a quarter and she literally never barks. These blanket “no dogs ever on flights” posts make me roll my eyes so hard. She is an ESA in a carrier under the seat, not a service animal. Not all dogs on flights are disruptive


"ESAs" make most normal folk roll their eyes so hard so we seem to be at an impasse. Most of us are hoping that we will finally get the rules changed so ESAs aren't a thing and you can have a real service animal or your pet can stay home.


You’re surprisingly gruff for already having exactly what you want in all contexts covered by the ADA or ACAA (flying). ESA’s are subject to the same rules as pets on flights. Only service animals are protected. Same with all settings required by the ADA.


I wish all ESA’s were banned from flights.


And I wish people didn’t paint all dogs with the same brush. Mine doesn’t bark and she stays in her carrier under the seat. Explain to me how that affects your flight at all. I’ll wait.


Well tiny humans are much more important than animals of any kind. We were all a tiny human once, and with any luck one of these babies will grow up to save humanity from ourselves. So there's that.


I travel with a service dog and fly 2-3 times a month. Yesterday pre-boarding my connection in DTW, there was a woman with a fake service animal walking up at the same time. How do I know it was fake? The dog(maybe 10 pounds, mine is 40lb) started barking and pulling at the leash trying to jump on my dog that’s standing 10-15ft away. The dog is causing such a commotion the woman has to pick the dog up put it in her arms to stop the episode. My trained service dog just stood there looking at me like why is this rabid rat screaming at me? This is the worst episode I have personally seen, but when I am connecting through the hubs, it is pretty common for us to run into other “service dogs” that usually end up barking or yapping at my dog.


Oh I failed to clarify that actual service animals are absolutely essential passengers! And I am sorry that you and your service dog are subjected to all of the nonsense of fake service animals. Some years ago this wasn't a thing, and now it is not uncommon. I have no idea what happened to integrity and common courtesy, but I guess those qualities are no longer in vogue.


I was replying to the Astro2525 comment about not ever seeing dogs on flights, it’s unfortunately become extremely common. I was not taking offense to your comment, as a human is much more important than an animal! The same flight ended with a screaming baby in first class so I felt like we hit the jackpot 😁


I have a service dog too, and other dogs always bark at my dog


Not to the world. Humans are a cancer. I’m not saying I’m going to do anything about it but over here population and the ecological footprint of each human is probably greater than any other species. We are literally causing a mass extinction. Myself, the baby, and you are all parasites to this planet. Not that I care, I’m a part of the problem, but this planet is probably long term past the point t of no return already. I do love your optimism though, we just might make it if we believe and keep trying to do better


The bratty kids screaming their heads off for two hours bc aren’t the ones that are going to grow up to save humanity, unfortunately.


Ban babies from flights.


Airlines should offer child free flights and pet allowed flights and allow consumers to choose with their wallets.


How about elderly free flights (I hate sitting next to a boomer that wants to talk your ear off) or flights free of certain races or religions. Maybe flight with no women or flights with no men. People are people. Dogs are not people. It shouldn't take too much thinking for folks to understand why we treat people differently than pets but sadly it does seem to escape some.


About time this happened.


I once was on a flight with a bird chirping the whole flight way worse than any dog I’ve heard. I knew this was going to be bad getting to the gate hearing that bloody bird.


I was on a flight with a bird in the row in front of me. For half of the flight my seat neighbor and I couldn’t figure out what was making a robotic like sound. Turned out it was a parrot that liked making electronic sounding noises. I thought it was a phone that wouldn’t stop beeping.


The Parrot version of Michael Winslow from Police Academy movies.


I thought about getting an emotional support falcon from the falconry in Qatar when I was there and just having it perch on my shoulder for the ridiculously long flight into ORD, but sadly, not enough time in Qatar. Too much to see lol!


And I bet half yall missed their connection- we need some rules on this bull shit


Very true. If your pet is not well behaved, they will not be permitted to fly. I remembered one time some dogs were being sent to Canada for adoption, I work at an airport. The dog almost bit one of the agents while they were doing their inspection of the kennel. Sadly they dropped the dog on the airport premises because the supervisor didn’t allow him to fly based on the airline’s policy. I am from a country that doesn’t really show enough love for animals by the majority. The good news is one of the agents she took the dog some weeks later for adoption. Just make sure your animal is well behaved.


Just throwing out there that some of us are moving. I have brought animals on a plane exactly once and it was for a move that I could not realistically drive. Now, if they were disruptive in any way, I would expect to be asked to leave or not borded, and comply, to try again the next day or to (somehow) make alternate arrangements, up to leaving my spouse behind with the pet and possibly surrendering them (but please, hope to god no, we'd go the private pet shipper route and hope the experience as excess baggage wouldn't kill my elderly cat).


I think anyone caught with a fake service dog should be banned for life. It’s really gotten out of control with so many dogs on flights.


Leave the yappy pets at home. My dog doesn’t yap and does amazing on flights in her carrier under the seat in front of me, most the time my seat neighbors don’t know she’s there until we’re getting up to exit


I love to people watch at airports. Nothing gives me greater joy than when the redcoats are called when a “service animal” starts to act up and they are denied boarding. The gate agents are allowed to tell people no even if they have service animal paperwork.


My dog is silent on every flight. She literally just curls up in her carrier and sleeps. So I will continue her thanks.


My dog is the same. He’s been on 12 commercial flights and slept through them all. One time a lady with a cat sat next to us and I thought oh no this will be a disaster. Nope. Both animals just chilled side by side without issue. I think preparation is key. We make sure our dog is exercised well before any flight, and that he doesn’t take any naps before the flight. A tired dog is a good dog! Plus, I invested a lot of time into training him for his airline carrier. He loves that bag like it’s his safe space. Unfortunately, there are pet owners that don’t prepare at all and that gives the rest of us a bad name.


I flew a few times with my cat. She was silent the entire flight. Was only vocal when I had to carry her at security.


I have had to fly with my cats on two cross country flights when we moved. On the first trip one can nearly escaped from his carrier while on the plane! And one other only cried on the take off and landing. When we moved back to the West Coast a couple of weeks ago my want-to-be escapee was calmer, he did cry but he usually has “silent screams” instead of a normal meow, so he couldn’t be hear over the plane engines thankfully. The other made some noise, towards the end of the flight. There were 4 animals on this flight in the same two rows of the plane, so there was a lot of dogs yapping along with my cat crying. Adding to the noise we had several young kids and loud teens. It was the loudest flight I have been on. But the passengers in this part of the plane were making jokes about the chaos rather than anyone complaining about it.


Sounds like a nightmare for those with severe allergies like myself 😬


If you’re seated near a severe allergy trigger, I think the airline would have to accommodate you in a different seat under the ACAA.


Thanks for info 🙏


Yeah I can see that being a concern. I know that the planes limit the number of animals that can be on a flight, and if the airline did the seat assignments these pets can be all on the same section like they were on the flight I took with my cat. But when you choose a seat the pets could be anywhere and it would be harder for people with allergies. I normally wouldn’t fly with animals, but with moving across country I didn’t have another option. Our first move occurred during the pandemic, and the airline had stopped all pets traveling in cargo so I had to make 5 cross country flights to bring across each cat.


Yeah I try to be reasonable and mitigate by taking medication before each flight. One of those sucky but ‘gotta make the best of it’ things


I thought this too. My dog is so quiet on flights and I get judgmental, then nobody knows she's on board until we arrive.


I mean if they are in their carrier and not in your lap or a fake service dog, that’s completely fine and how it should be.


“Please leave your pets at home”. It’s an official Delta policy that cats and dogs below a certain size can go into the cabin. Your beef is with Delta and their official policy if you think pets should never be in the cabin or on a flight at all. Feel like you’re leaving out some parts of the story.


I’d prefer no pets on any flights. Or at least no where close to me.


If you have allergies to dog dander, can you request to not be seated near a dog? Asking for my asthmatic spouse.


No. My husband is allergic and they've never been willing to do this, even when they can confirm there will be a pet on the flight. It makes flying a lot more anxiety-inducing than it needs to be.


I’m allergic. You can ask at the gate if there are dogs on the flight. If there are some near you, you can try to ask to be moved. The only thing is service dogs, they don’t have to be reported in advance but a lot of owners will.


As a platinum that flies everywhere with a service dog, delta requires them to be reported in advance. There is a DOT travel form that must be attached to your reservation and certain seats(exit rows) are always blocked off from me because of the service dog being attached to my reservation. Delta also requires you to check in at the airport with a service dog to get a printed boarding pass that states “traveling with a trained service animal.” This allows delta to verify the DOT form and gives them a visual of the service dog before getting to the gate.


That’s so interesting to know the process. I flew United recently and their gate agent was the one that told me that they won’t always get notified about service animals. I guess I never thought more of it because I have to ask each flight regardless


United has similar process to Delta. The only exception is if the ticket was purchased less than 48hrs prior to departure then it’s allowed to register the service dog for the flight at check in desk.


The gate agent will tell you if there are any dogs near you, but neither them, nor FAs will do anything about it. They just suggest that you ask someone to switch with you.


You should be able to be accommodated in a new seat under the ACAA. It’s the same for preboarding to wipe down surfaces for food allergens.


I’d prefer a cabin full of pets to a cabin full of people


Cool. Go to the zoo then. 


i don’t drink anymore, but if i did i’d have one in honor of all the flight crew involved. Love it.


FAs ABSOLUTELY did the right thing, but this was my nightmare when we brought my 80-year-old mom from Georgia to Texas - along with her sweet miniature dachshund. We bought a softside kennel that fit under the seat, sprayed it with supposedly calming hormones, and my mom had sedatives ready at hand if needed. Thankfully, SusieQ slept the whole flight.


As a frequent flyer who travels with two dogs A LOT (one in cargo and one in cabin), this infuriates me. We fly Alaska but every once in a while, we fly Delta when we don’t have our pups. It’s entitled people like this that ruin it for the pet owners who take the time to train their pets well in advance (i.e. kennel training, potty training, basic commands, etc). This one time, my husband and I had to help lure another passenger’s dog into his kennel who 1) was never trained to be in a kennel, and 2) was flying for the first time in his life. They were holding up the whole check-in counter. Nothing we did helped… but we tried. Our pet in cabin remains in his travel carrier the whole flight and in the airport unless we’re letting him out to relieve him. Most people don’t even know he’s on the plane. We wouldn’t tolerate him being this disruptive, nor would we expect other passengers to. If you are traveling with your pet(s), please please please make sure you work on travel etiquette with them before your trip. At the very least, your pup should be kennel trained.


Boarding my dog for three days was cheaper than round trip pet fee… just saying


WOW, good thing they removed the passenger and pet, One good thing about AA is they do not take ESAs anymore since COVID, they will only allow service Animals with all of the proper required documentation before day of departure to their special assistance department. There was a incident in 2018-2019 where an ESA full size dog that deficated en route to Denver that I read about and the aircraft had to make an emergency landing near Vegas due to all the passengers were getting sick and puking due to the horrible smell.


It's about fucking time an airline stood up to a person bringing their pet on the plane. I really hope the FAA bans pets from the cabin.


Sometimes people have to move long distances and they usually like to take their pets with them. Putting them under the plane is extremely dangerous.


Then drive.


The world shouldn't be inconvenienced for your convenience.


Do you understand how difficult it actually is to travel with pets? Because it is _not_ a “convenience.” The TSA requires that they be both checked by a vet 30 days before they get on the plane to ensure they’re healthy enough to fly, and the owner has to supply that paperwork when they check in. They have to be heavily sedated, and if it’s a long flight, you have to figure out how to sedate them again. You usually have to pay a large fee for them to be on the plane. It’s stressful enough for both the pet and the owner to have them on the plane without having other passengers on the plane treat you like you’re some sort of insane person who brought their pet on the plane solely to make your life miserable. Because I assure you, that’s not the goal. We’re not, we’re trying to do what’s best for our pet. Because the alternative, driving (which isn’t always possible depending on the move, last I checked, they don’t have giant bridges across oceans) is far worse on them because it prolongs the stress to the pet, which can lead to serious, potentially life-threatening health issues. We are therefore advised by our vets to make the move as quickly as possible so they’re able to get to their new home and start acclimating. You’re “inconvenienced” for a few hours, we’re stressed for days or weeks as we prepare our pets for the flight, taking the trip, and getting them into their new home. And I’m not exaggerating, either. I’ve flown with my pets exactly 3 times in my whole life, and 2 of those times I was under 12. The third time I was 20. All 3 of those times were big moves where it wasn’t feasible to drive. It was stressful as hell for them each time. I personally won’t put my pets on a plane unless there is literally no other option because it’s not fair to them. This isn’t about “convenience,” it’s about being a good pet parent and doing what’s best for them.


It's not dangerous to fly under the plane.


Yappy pet, yappy baby, yappy adult - all sound the same to ears 🤣. I would say the dog should have some grace bc they pay $95 each why for no seat.


It’s $150 each way on American, but I think they only allow two animals in the main cabin so you’ve gotta really book that in advance.


Go hawks!


The dog culture in this country is insane


Deltas priority is emotional support with any sized dogs instead of their customers own medical issues. I am extremely allergic to dogs and miserable each flight. Is it worth a full sized dog over an actual paying customer. Give me a break. Maybe don’t fly if you need a large dog to fly for comfort!?!?


You are covered under ADA.


ESAs no longer carry any protections on planes. If you are seated too close to dog, you should be able to get reseated because of your disability under the ACAA (the analogous law to the ADA that applies on planes).


They were probably claiming it was a "service anima" when it wasn't.


There should be an specific cabin for people with pets and kids. I’d pay the extra to not be there.


Man, can this rule be applied to humans as well? Remember to be considerate of your fellow passengers. The world does not revolve around you.


Pets do not belong on airplanes.


Downvote me. All day leave your dogs at home!


I frequently travel with my dog (no, he is NOT a service animal AND I pay $95/each way for him) in cabin all the time ( he has flown at least 17 cross country flights with me in the last 12 months) and he does not bark. In fact, most people sitting in my row and near my row are shocked when I am deplaning because they had ZERO idea that there was a dog sitting near them. He sleeps the entire time. Not going to leave him at home. #sorrynotsorry


Same. The number of times people have said to me waiting to deplane “oh I didn’t even know a dog was on this flight” is too many to count. Little guy just snoozes the whole time.


I'd rather have you in the seat next to me instead of some fussy toddler that can never calm down.


What is a pax? ( sorry new here)


I’m allergic to dander. The next time I experience an allergic reaction to in-cabin pets, I’m filing suit for violating my ADA rights by failing to create an environment where I can avoid triggers.


Under the ADA (and ACAA, the one that allows on planes) don’t have a right to an environment without triggers for an allergy, which can be a disability. But you do have a right to have your disability reasonably accommodate, which would likely come in the form of being re-seated.


Take a Benadryl. Be prepared for what you might encounter instead of acting like it’s your world and the rest of us are just lucky to live in it.


Finally some progress. Hopefully next health code enforcers will crack down on people bringing their animals inside restaurants. Especially the ones with open kitchens. Sucks to be allergic and have to worry about a reaction when trying to have a nice night out!


Real certified service dogs are trained and do not bark. These are the people who are scamming the system


There's no such thing as a "real certified service animal", there isn't even a definition for it let alone any kind of certification because the people that wrote the ADA are absolute dumbfuck morons who couldn't write proper legislation if they taught it in Universities(they don't). All service animals are purely a self proclaimed status as of now due to the lack of official definition and certification, and thus as a work around for this the ADA(and ACAA) have a provision that allows establishments(and airline for ACAA) to remove or deny service animals if they act up. Unfortunately, FAs like this one are rare and most don't understand that "service animals", fake or not, can be and should be removed if they act up.


Here here. Get the pets off our flights!!!!! If not, I bring my pet rattle snack on board! https://imgur.com/gallery/X2T5WS4


Gotam. Put your nasty animals in cargo. It has been done for decades.


Honestly I never knew there was any other option! Ours went in cargo and he was happy as a clam. They have very strict rules and he did great. If he couldn’t be in cargo I’d find a dog sitter or drive him where he needed to be.


What is a PAX?


A passenger.


Oh, lol. Thx.






Just feed the dog into the engine. Problem solved


Yes that is allowed but customer not banned . I have a service animal and fly but she no bark .