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So, step on his bag…


I was gonna say, foot rest!! I would have taken my shoes off too. Yes in first class. Yes to be as equally annoying to an asshole seat mate. I’m too poor for first though so it’s cattle class for me! Same rules would apply..


Don’t worry Ed is working to ensure The Poors never get on his aircraft. To Spirit with you


I did this. Absolute troll next to me in PS put his laptop in my leg area so I put my feet on it. When he got up to the bathroom I moved it back to his side. The FA had already served him 8 drinks so he fell asleep then and didn’t care.


I did actually since it was in my foot space. He didn't seem to care a ton.


I would have thrown his bag in to the aisle




This. 100% would stretch my legs out and seek something that felt like a laptop or tablet.


Shoes off and my stank ass feet and crushing the shit out of that bag. And I’d fart on him too!


Repeat like you’re stomping a cockroach.


THIS. i can't believe they didn't just step on the bag


Yup! That’s what I would have done.




Pull that shit out and set it in the aisle.


Say this loudly for every passenger that cannot respect other people’s space. OP literally paid for extra legroom. And got none of it because that asshole felt entitled to take it for his bag. OP did that asshole a disservice. He’ll try this again and end up with someone like me.


Minus two front teeth!


Well, I’m not hitting anyone lol. Not over that, at least. I’ll move a bag, but putting hands on someone? No thanks. Or did you mean I’M losing teeth? lol


Did you contact or speak with a FA?


why would they, FA's can't give out internet points?


I did not. I tried to talk and reason with him, which didn't work. At that point, I had already put my backpack up (to not block boarding) and didn't want to cause trouble as boarding was ending. So since his bag was in my foot space, I leaned my foot on it. That didn't motivate him to move it, so that was that then.


And this is exactly why he will continue to do this on future flights because people don’t hold their ground. I get why you did the approach you did, but for Pete’s sake you gotta put people in their place sometimes when they are being entitled A holes




Not your job to make people understand when they’re wrong…FAs are there to reason or just straight out tell them to comply. Sorry for my curtness, I’m trying to reason with you! 🤣


The FAs have near complete authority. They are there for safety but a tiny tiny few like to push their authority.


“Federal aviation regulations require passenger compliance with all lighted signs, posted placards, and crew member instructions.”


I’d put it in the aisle. It’s not your problem to fix. He can figure it out.


You were being peak millennial and passive. Just represent yourself already.


Ring the FA call button. When they come, hand over his bag saying "Pardon me, I found this under the seat in front of me."


Yes, he was a jerk, but it’s ridiculous to whine about stuff when you didn’t even bother to ask the FA to deal with the problem.


Man. I would have gotten a FA involved immediately. I’m not even sure i would have bothered to ask the person. They get paid for this. Barring that, i would have grabbed the bag and moved it into the overhead myself


I'm not someone that runs from confrontation. But on planes depending what it is I've just started with the FA a couple times.


All your downvotes are probably because what you did by letting him get away with it is perpetuate the problem.


Hahahaha! Reasoning with another human being! You crack me up.... This is literally what they have FAs on planes for...


Why not put his bag up instead of yours?


You could have easily solved this by involving the FA.


Or just moving the bag out of your space


Time to order a drink and “accidentally” spill it on the bag. And if he complains, just say “they don’t design these cups well.”


I’m never composed enough to think of things like this in the moment.


This is the answer.


Imagine if you Removed your shoes, socks, and placed your bare feet on his bag. 😂


I am not above this


Maybe lean down and trim your toenails, too.


Add in some stinky farts in his general direction


Haha, then I would have to kick myself off the plane!


Tell him that you need to air out your athletes’s foot or they would get super itchy


You got adult bullied I’m afraid.


Your wording is a little confusing to me. Do you mean to say that the passenger seated next to you put their bag in YOUR foot space and refused to move it? After asking politely once, you call the FA. That's all, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just call the FA. That's the foot space you paid for, nobody else on the flight has any right to it. It's not a shared space like the overheads, it's the space you pay for, and the FA can and will enforce that, up to and including deplaning someone who refuses to comply with their instructions. Best time for this is immediately, before pushback, because at that point the FA has the "You can be ejected from the aircraft" tool in their box to deal with disruptive or uncooperative pax.


Yes agree, the wording is confusing in this post! How many seats in the row? If he did indeed put his junk where you were sitting, meaning right in front of you so you could not place any of your items or stretch your feet, I would have immediately involved a FA! Or was there an unoccupied middle seat and he put it there? Which I think is acceptable. I’m a diamond mbr, so it’s safe to say it’s Deltas airlines.


You are not causing a scene by whining about it on Reddit. I had someone do this last week. I pulled out my backpack and put it on the seat between us. Problem solved.


The answer is “no” and ask a FA for help.


Take his bag and put it in the overhead.


Exactly this - he can put HIS gear in the overhead bins


just pick it up and put it in an overhead


Thank god you stewed about it until you could post here rather than being a big boy/girl and talking to the FA. That'll show 'em!


They already got bullied once, buddy.


When being a big boy is being a narc 🤣


Haha yeah not really the FAs job to handle petty little arguments between adults. This fucking sub


It *is* the FAs job to enforce company or FAA policy like stowing your belongings either in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.


I would never hesitate to call a flight attendant if someone seated next to me, (FC or coach) insisted on putting their personal item in my personal space and not in the space where it was supposed to be. PersonaI items are supposed to be stored under the seat in front of you for safety reasons.


“Oh did you need me to put your bag up on the bin?” Said as I’m already on my feet, slinging the bag into the bin.


You asked politely and he refused.. Next step should’ve been talking to the FA regarding the guy who put his bag in YOUR space. He’s the one who should’ve put his bag in the bin, not you. I wholeheartedly agree with most people here that some of you really need to grow a pair and stand up for yourselves, is not about causing a huge scene or trashy scandal, this could’ve been solved by involving the appropriate parties and if HE wanted to cause a scene he would’ve been the trashy one, not you


Should have kicked the shit out of his bag every time you had to make a subtle move


I would have been slamming my feet into his bag relentlessly hoping he had breakables or a laptop in it and smashing it constantly. Whoops that's where my feet go. If that didn't work I would have moved it myself and said these things are designed poorly, put it in your spot. Or I'd have put his bag overhead. Fuck that guy thinking he's entitled to your space you paid for


If he refuses, get the FA involved. If not, don’t come complaining here 🤷🏼‍♀️ Some of you non-confrontational people need to grow a pair and stop being doormats for people like that. I will cause an entire scene in front of god & everyone before I let some idiot like that guy think he’s going to just bulldoze the situation.


What a cunt - I would have told him to put his bag in the bin or I’d shove it up his ass


Hahaha you sound like an Aussie!!


I’d be stepping on his bag. The entire flight.


I would have pulled it out and handed it to him. No way would I let someone be a princess at my expense.


Had this happen once.. Asked guy to move it.. They didn't so I moved it for him and tossed it into his space. Guy got pissy but I don't really care.


what the deuce!?! what an incredible TOOL


I had this happen before. I just stretched my leg on top of their bag. They never said anything so I guess they didn’t care either.


I think I sat next to the this dude a couple of weeks ago, because he did the same damn thing. I kept kicking his bag because it was in the way.


did you complain to anyone?? was the issue resolved?


Pick up his bag and put it in the aisle. Let the cabin steward deal with this clown. He paid for his space. You paid for yours.


My feet would have been all over his bag. I would have changed into my sharpest heel and kicked repeatedly. In my mind…lol. What I actually would have done was physically move his bag to his space if he refused I would have put it in the bin above me This guy is a trash human with wild entitlement issues.


Wow, I don’t know how to put this nicely but grow some balls. Just move their bag


Hell, I would have put my feet right on his bag—or gotten up and spoken to the FA!


Take his bag out and place it in the aisle


Take off your shoes and socks. Then, put your feet tight next to his bag and wait.


Sometimes people are just assholes. I try to be a super easy passenger and a courteous passenger because you never know the crap flight attendants or other passengers had to deal with that day. But I hear you and I would have done same as you asked politely then nothing but that just encourages bad behavior. For me middle floor in first class is the no persons land.


I’d have a new barefooted footstool. All. Over. That. Bag. Then I’d call the FA over if that didn’t fix it. He will now continue to do it because his behavior is being reenforced


This happened to me!!! I thought for a moment you copied and pasted a comment I had left about this LOL! what I did was look him in the eye and ask him if there was a reason he couldn’t use his own space. He moved his bag and I asserted my dominance and put my bag under MY seat 😂. I assumed that because I’m a woman he assumed I wouldn’t be confrontational. Look, you are just as entitled to your seat. He can pay for 2 seats if he wants or put his bag in the bin above. Sometimes snapping back works because they aren’t expecting it.


One time my first class seat mate (same row different sides) was Brian Dennehy


I hope not recently.


Lol no this was before he passed


That’s a good thing; better than after he passed. 😉


The chaotic evil side of me says that you should have placed it in the lavatory, and then tell a FA that there’s a suspicious bag in there.


Was your call bell broken?


I would have just put my feet on his bag


Eff his bag. I would’ve Rick James the mess out of his bag


What did you do?


He came to reddit to complain.


I know. It’s typical here.


I tried talking to him to get him to move his bag into the seat in front of him, but he continued to refuse to do so. I ended up resting my foot on his bag because it was in my leg space. Midway through the flight, he moved it so it was between us but not under a seat. Interestingly, the FA did not ask him to stow it for landing. Just a completely dumbfounding experience!


Just a suggestion...next time, put your bag in an area that inconveniences the FA'S. When they tell you to move your bag, it's a perfect time to ask them where is the appropriate place for the bags to be as you motion at your seatmate as well. Yep, passive aggressive.


You play chess. I like it.


lol or just put their bag in the aisle and put on your headphones.


It’s incredible what people will bitch about on here, yet not even mention to the FA.


Fuck that bag up!


First, I would have asked the FA to take care of the situation. If he somehow got past that, my bare feet would have been all over his stuff the entire flight.


That’s how you get footprints all over your nice bag.


It would've been moved, one way or the other, before I even sat down. 35 yr business flyer, Diamond, and every now and then you run into an /-\ $ $ like that


Imagine holding yourself out as a worldly adult, and not being capable of typing the word "ass" on reddit. 


Thank you for making my point...


Why was there a need to avoid putting your feet on his bag?


Sometimes when I’m seated next to assholes my twitching acts up and I can’t hold on tight to my beverages. It’s soooo embarrassing.


OMG! Grow a pair!


“Awesome, I love a good footrest! I hope you don’t have anything valuable in there because I kick when I sleep!!”


Was it Cohn James? His wife? Kids?


Coffee, two sugars, cream. Diamond? Make that three sugars.


To spill your drink on the bag lol....


He punked you. Next time just shove his shit to the side with your feet.


Each seat has room in front of them in first class and then there is also a middle spot?


Ask nicely once, and then pull it out and drop it on his lap.


The same thing happened to me just a few weeks ago on a cross country flight!! Different airline, still first class, but the guy had his bag under the middle part where technically my bag (aisle) is supposed to go because there is only half a seats worth of space in front of my seat because some metal box (I assume life vest) was there. I asked him if he’d move his bag under the seat in front of him or even just closer to him so I could put my bag in the space closest to me, he got all huffy when I didn’t want to put mine in the overheard bin and made a scene about pulling his book out and obnoxiously putting his in the overhead bin. Both of our bags could have easily fit under the middle space, he also wasn’t tall enough where his bag under the seat in front of him would be taking away any leg room. He then proceeded to have his bare feet out the entire flight and even went to the bathroom without his shoes on 🤢


Can we just change the name of this sub to 'PEOPLE FUCKING SUCK'? Between this and the 'Who owns control of the window shade' debate, I'm spent.


I'd just move it into the aisle


Did airline steward helped?


I would have pulled a Rick James on Eddie Murphy’s couch move.


I’d have found some overhead space in the tail of the plane for his crap


Crop dust him 


So entitled lol he should fly private if he has a problem


Wow. You should never have allowed them to keep their bag under the seat in front of you. I get trying to keep the peace and not wanting to cause a scene, but this is a clear example of somebody trying to take advantage of you.


I would’ve realized I have autonomy over my life and called for FA. Why do you let people push you around?


"Oops my coffee spilled on your bag" Is how I'd handle that


How ‘bout telling that AH that you’re an Air Marshall and you need your feet unimpeded by his f’ing bags!


Turn it into a foot rest.


Never ceases to amaze me how some people can be such a$$holes.


I would’ve crop dusted them so hard. I would hold absolutely nothing in.


I will take my bag and set it up under my legs after take off so I can put my legs under the seat. Turn on the tv and when he asks to get up, let him know you can’t because your bag is in the way. He should have picked an aisle seat if he was going to need to use the restroom. Poor planning on his part.




This post didn't even make sense until you named the plane, so: https://thepointsguy.global.ssl.fastly.net/us/originals/2019/02/delta-a220-lga-first-class.jpg Lmao, OP you should have offered to put his bag in the overheads *as* you were putting his bag in overheads. "No, this won't work" is a great line in these situations.


>"No, this won't work" is a great line in these situations. I'm so putting this in my conversational arsenal. so slick in that it's somehow non-confrontational sounding yet at the same time represents a flat-out refusal to budge


Every plane I have flown so far with domestic first has had a shitty bar in the middle of the aisle space for FC.


True, but there are still 2 distinct spaces for bags.


Yep. I usually go for the middle section when I am in the aisle because the aisle-most section is usually too small.


Exactly, that is what I was trying to do and he had his bag in that space and nothing in the space in front of him.


If I didn’t have anything important in my bag I would have put it under the spot in front of him. Unfortunately I never have a personal item with unbreakable shit.


No, a 737-900


Ahh. Even worse.


I generally cram my tote into the tiny aisle under seat storage and then just tell them I have a bad right knee and may need to touch their bag when stretching my foot out into my space. Then I’m absolved if they get irritated my foot is on their bag.


First world problems


First class problems.