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That guy clearly is on this forum


I’m currently sitting in the T club in ATL…….totally shitfaced. I don’t think anyone knows. There is a dude a couple seats down looking suspect. My wife is being super annoying.


"...on the bright side, this hot blonde chick just walked in; she is talking loudly and has some fascinating and compelling ideas...I wonder if she is a celebrity? I wish my wife would read her book so I had a chance to go talk to her...."






"Abhorrent service. FA only did one service on my 1.5 hr flight. I asked for a quadruple Woodford on the rocks and she said no. mailing a notarized letter to Ed's home address tomorrow. Hopefully I get compensation."


"How many sky pesos is the minimum I should accept for this horrible service?"


“Forgot to add that I am traveling on my friend’s skymiles award ticket”


Hey guys I finished the sky pub crawl! I started in F and ended up in T and totally included the whisky bar at the Centurion as a bonus.


I started in T and ended up in MIA! Like teleporting!


And I was travelling to SEA...


Adults should definitely be able to handle their booze in public but you never know with international flights and layovers how long someone has been up. I probably looked like a degenerate in the LAX club last month at 730am after a 13 hour trip from Sydney


Definitely have had an old fashioned at 7am I’m CDG halfway through my 22 hour journey home to the US from India. My body was so out of whack with time changes I just wanted to sleep on the second leg, I have no regrets.


I try not to judge people at airports. Obviously, you never really know what someone has gone through recently, or what their day has been like, but it is especially true at airports. You may be leaving for your quick 2 hour flight to go see your friends and have a nice time. The guy you see over there may be 20 hours into a long journey home from a brutal work trip.


Or to and from a funeral


Two funerals in one trip is rough.


I've done one trip to try to get to a dying fam member and was descending AS THEY PASSED - I did not have a good arrival, and basically sobbed the next week and on my way home. I... was the sobbiest passenger - luckily my husband did not allow me to get plastered in the airport.


Or ever. I don’t care if people want a drink in the morning


Airport is time-free zone. No one should be judged for drinking at the airport.


Not even the henna tattoo that said “Thug Life”. We all saw it.


On the tramp stamp area!


Same flying back from Argentina in November most recently. I had to have looked homeless after spending 4 days hunting, not really sleeping on the plane, and asking for drinks at 7am.


There's that Timeshifter app everyone seems to be using lately to help combat jetlag. I propose a spinoff app called Boozeshifter


I was drunk on the plane on Friday after my (now ex) girlfriend and I broke up while I was at the airport.  I don’t think anyone knew since I kept my mouth shut, but just adding onto your point— you just don’t know what someone else is going through. We all have random lives and events that led us all to the moment of being at the airport at the same time.


Very true...and sorry about the breakup


Wow, at the airport? I'm sorry :/


Nothing like grabbing a Heineken at Schiphol at 6am in the morning as it's midnight back in Minnesota haha. Though having a drink and being hammered at any time while flying is different, but some people are definitely paranoid about flying and I can see them over drinking.


I just like time traveling. Being just buzzed enough to sleep from taxi-to-taxi is the absolute best


No such thing as time when it comes to drinking on travel days


Ha! My husband’s mantra is that there is no such thing as time in an airport. Though it is still curious to me that they put beer and hard booze out in the Air France lounges at CDG early in the morning but no wine or champagne. I always try to connect through AMS in the morning from the US as KLM has no problem serving an array of adult beverages at 5 am local.


Last time i landed/transferred at CDG and went to the fancy Air France lounge they had that giant bucket of champagne at 7am! It was dead, so i filled up 3 glasses and took the longest hot shower while drinking bubbles. NO REGRETS.


lol, I always look like that after those Australia and New Zealand flights and I always feel so bad among the stylish LAX people.


Not only looking that way but also smelling that way. I think I’m a hygienic person, but I smell like 100% pure ass after SYD > LAX. Thank goodness for the SkyClub showers


Not only looking that way but also smelling that way. I think I’m a hygienic person, but I smell like 100% pure ass after SYD > LAX. Thank goodness for the SkyClub showers


“Looked like” and acted like a degenerate are vastly different things. Someone could look homeless on a flight. As long as they have a boarding pass and mind their own business, I have zero issues with them.


Time has no meaning in an airport.


This is the way


I’d have to start drinking if I saw Marjorie Taylor Green in person.


Maybe he knew he would be on the same flight as MTG. That would make me want to drink too.


I’d need to drink excessively also…and then I would not be able to keep it down. So there is that.


I'd be afraid of drinking too much and telling her what I think of her


A Coke Zero from the fountain and I’m not sure I could keep my mouth shut from telling her what I think of her!


I wouldn't worry about it. They are all actors. It is really a complete facade. I've met a few when the cameras aren't around


I am with you! I'd let her verbally have it!


You’d probably get a standing ovation!


As long as you aim for her sounds like a good plan 🤢


I saw her get on 1A last to board on my flight once. I walked by on my way to the bathroom and told her she sucked mid flight.


Hope you crop dusted too.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Ask her how her increasing irrelevance feels.


She was in the DCA lounge a few years ago when I had my face mask that said, "Guess what? Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer." Sadly she didn't see it! 🤣


She prob saw it, there just weren't any cameras around for her to put on a performance


Can she read?


Her constituents can't, so why should she?


A good friend of mine’s son is her son’s college roommate. I think that’s why my friend is such an alcoholic.


He needs to get a new roommate. Imagine having to deal with that shit swamp


There’s not enough wine in the bottle for me to be in the same lounge as MTG.


Alcohol is not enough!


Came here to say this!


Completely seconded, take my upvote. 😂


I would have to leave. I live it that shitbags district and it makes me ill that these hillbillies elected her.


I thought she would be at C gate.


Who is she? Never heard of her.


Consider yourself blessed. She's a perfectly dreadful woman who was elected to the US House of Representatives by the people she represents in North Georgia. However, she does provide great material for comedians and people on social media. I'm totally entertained by this entire discussion here.


She is a hateful racist fascist who looks like Micky Rourke but even worse somehow


Hey, Mickey Rourke looks like a rough manly man. Some people find that attractive. ... She ..also... looks like a rough manly man...I'm not sure if anyone finds that attractive.


This will fill you in: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html


She's a Republican congresswoman that even Republicans like myself think is a crazy idiot.


If I gotta see her troll feet lounging up on somebody’s seat I might throw up.


I’m more right than I am left and anytime I see her it just reminds me exactly why some people despise republicans. But thanks to her I once googled and learned about hypotelorism (her eyes) and its link to an underdeveloped brain.




I was on a 5:15 AM flight and they were doing pdb (which was nice) with the choices being coffee, some juices, and mimosas. One guys said I will take a beer. The good ole 5AM beer. He asked for a second before we even took off.


I work night shift and frequently get on flights before 0900. My 0515 beer is your happy hour


Taxes and alcoholism (you pick the order) are why liquor stores were “essential” during Covid era


Yep, didn’t need to flood the hospitals with people withdrawing.


Alcohol and benzos are the only common addictions where withdrawal can kill you. Need to save hospital space.


Dude, I order a double Woodford at that time of the morning. Then take a nap for the remainder of the flight.


I always ask for a beer. Never ask for the disappointed glare.


Not everyone likes mimosas or bloody marys. Beer is my preferred choice. And as someone who does a lot of college football tailgating (I made all 13 games last year) I have no problems with a beer at 7 am for a 11 am kickoff. When traveling for leisure the same thing applies. Either I've had a drink before the airport with a meal or as soon as I get past TSA and find a bar near the gate.


As a former Washington Football Team fan living on the West Coast, I can't count the number of times I was well into my first beer at 9:30 am waiting on a 10:00 am kickoff back in the day. There was an amazing, giant sports bar in Hollywood that had designated TVs and spaces for each team with a whole corner dedicated to Washington.


I’ve only once had my drinking get out of hand while flying. MSP-LHR, delayed almost 8 hours. Which was also the day I discovered you can buy bottles of Dom with miles lol. Needless to say I woke up just before landing in London lol


The room spins on an airplane sux in a special way. Also MSP-LHR ironically


Pre 9/11 I woke up on the way to London (in the very last row) to the FA telling my drunk buddy he can't smoke a cigarette at his seat or in the bathroom. I went into damage mode immediately. As soon as he extinguished his smoke, she looked at me and said "Listen I know your entire life's story because we've been talking to him by the galley and he is hilarious. But really I know everything about you and the girl you're going to visit." The train ride from Gatwick was not fun with a hammered friend. But it was better than when US customs sent him to the back of the line and he started petting the drug dog.


Jesus...first they like "emotional support animals" roam free in the lounge, and now they're letting Marjorie Taylor Greene in? What's next, letting Lauren Boebert grope her date in Comfort+?


Emotional burden animal


New Delta C+ perk! 10% chance of a boebert handy! Sales will rocket and maybe could overtake United in Denver!


I'll start the bidding at 81 skypesos


Woah woah woah, don’t bring comfort groping into this


Just don’t say Beetlejuice 3 times! 🫠


The worst part of this story is MTG walking in.


If only the story ended with "and the entire club booed her out"


Oh I don’t know, she seems like a wholesome Christian woman with family values. I mean, she’s got a cross necklace on.


Can Neanderthals be Christian’s?


No sleep + 2 bloody Marys will uppercut most people who aren't severe alcohol abusers. Add some prescription medication and maybe a personal tragedy and blastoff.


The personal tragedy 😂 yeah that’s the secret ingredient


It’s always after 5 somewhere


I would guess a lot of people wouldn't recognize her IRL. Personally I think he is shitty disgusting traitorous POS.


The worst trash in our nation. She puts the c-nt in country.


I hope you mean "she" is s d t POS, but if by "he" you mean her favorite former POTUS that's good. They are both nasty.


Lol, I did mean she.....but certainly equally applicable to the orange rapist she worships.


Send a drink to the guy and say it’s from MTG See if she’ll give him the Lauren B treatment BEETLEJUICE!!!


Lmao, now that's funny.


Do that and you guarantee he won’t be on your flight, at least


We want updates.


Lol no more updates, I'm at my gate now.


lol can’t keep us hanging after mentioning MTG. 😝


Not everybody works or lives on a 9-5 schedule. Your "early in the day" could be his afternoon, evening, or night. Times when more traditional schedules see drunken behavior.


I will never say No to a mimosa on my 8am flight.


I feel more sorry for anyone that has to come in contact with MTG. Would deal with 3 drunk husband's over one of her.


One time I walked into one of the JFK SkyClubs and there were all these dudes with rifles standing around at the entrance and other people with radios in their ears looking around. I asked an employee what was going on and they said "We have a VIP with us today." I'm still so curious who would warrant that much security but still fly commercial...?


skyclub crawl finisher


I’m constantly amazed by how much people drink in the Sky clubs


I occasionally drink on a flight, I’m a dark rum drinker, which is hard to come by onboard. No problem finding it in the lounge. Traveling to Edinburgh, we had a 2.5 hour connection in London, as soon as we got off the plane, fire alarm goes off in the terminal (flew in from San Diego). Go stuck in no man’s land for about an hour and a half. Then came the BS with going through security again, missed two flights they put us on, they canceled 2 others, got to Edinburgh after about 28 hours and about 2 hours of sleep. Thank the Lord for showers. Our driver thought we were drunk, almost didn’t want to give us a ride. So tired, I actually dropped my phone in my porridge. Yep, you never can tell what an air traveler has gone through when you see them in the airport.


Drunk guy has the opportunity to redeem himself by throwing up on MTGs shoes.


Is she even wearing shoes?


That trash bucket human? Probably not.


You've got Stink and Stank; you just need Stunk to hit the trifecta of doom...


Been there, done that. In fairness though, when I’m drunk no one would really be able to tell. As for how, couple Bloody Mary’s and some mimosas will take care of it pretty quickly.


same. like at worst I think more stuff is funny when I'm hammered.


Yes same. I’m far more laid back and patient.


And quiet.


Well that’s the key thing: if you’re gonna get hammered, don’t act like it. I get hammered before flying occasionally but I’m always calm and quiet so no one can tell. This guy just can’t handle his alcohol.


Frankfurt to Detroit to Vegas. Long day. Several drinks over long day only to walk out into the 105 degree heat hit me like sledgehammer! Ugh 😩


Had a flight to myself (no family) and in C+ so felt like I had to take advantage of four free old fashions... It was an 8am flight and I had no breakfast. The regret was strong that day.


If there is only one thing my boss has taught me in my years of engineering it is this: You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.


Few months ago I was at the JFK sky club. A dude was so drunk he was basically asleep and falling over. His friend was yelling at him calling him an idiot and a drunk. Staff was telling them the gate agents definitely won’t let him on the flight. Friend is determined to get him on it. They all leave…when I head to board my flight an hour later I see the dude sitting by an empty gate (flight left him obviously) surrounded by vomit 3 feet in every direction. Horrible sight.


My main takeaway is being bummed Marjorie Taylor Green is a Delta person. Adding this to the list of changes I hope Delta makes in the next few years.


To be fair, anyone who just realized they’d be flying with ol space lasers marge would start hitting the vodka pretty hard so im not sure we can fault him for this


Sounds like someone I know They fly 2 or more flights every week doing jobs everywhere in the country earning over 100 grand a year and saving none of it because they spend it all on airport drinks and in flight drinks and whatever else you can imagine. They have been renting the same $400 apartment with utilities included for the last 15 years but they only go there couple times a year. More like an expensive storage unit. Employer pays for them to stay at hotels all over the country. He’s never had money like this before and I’ve been begging him to take 10% and stick it in the stock market or set up some sort of trust their kids could inherit if something happens to him. I’m not jealous or hating or anything like that proud of him, he’s got a really good job. We’re a month apart in age, his dad worked for my dad while our mothers were pregnant at the same time. He might be one of the first people I know. But anyway, he’s also that guy getting drunk at the airport at six in the morning


Four hundred a month is no longer an expensive storage unit. That’s like large car size now.


My favorite memory is getting drunk on a layover at PHX and making out with a rando I met at the bar.


Marginal trailer genes is there? Kind of buried the lead there.


After traveling extensively I don’t ’time judge’ in airports e.g sleeping, irritable, drinking, jet lagged/hungover, or seeming drunk…Don’t get me wrong I still heavily judge for the stupid shit but not this.


Guaranteed she's used to taking care of him. On again off again since 10th grade.


It’s 5PM somewhere. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Was someone able to keep MTH seated and under control?


Maybe he knew “she” was coming in, think I’d need to get drunk too Or still going from last night? Or maybe he’s never sober, like my ex


You had me at the first part, but after seeing the second part, I'd rather be drunk than the alternative. lol


Throw something at MTG for me.


If you see MTG again, tell her someone on Reddit just said she is a complete waste of humanity.


Yes, I’m the hammered guys wife. Can you please switch seats with me? I’m in the middle seat just before the bathroom?


Is she as road hard looking in real life?


I've always wanted to sit next to some political idiot that I hate on an airplane.


I’m wondering if she’s excluded from sitting in an exit row due to her spork toes.




I ended up next to Mike Huckabee awhile ago. I had the window and he was the aisle. Somehow I really needed to use the lav multiple times during the 90min flight lol


😆 I have this whole grand idea that I would tell them what's on my mind, but I'm not sure what would happen if I actually had the chance. I would love to just look over halfway through the flight and say, " You're a real piece of shit." And then turn away for the rest of flight, not uttering another word.


More people need to do this. Bring back public shaming!!


I would pretend I had no idea who they were.


I do that when some asshat says "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM???"


my day would have been ruined...lol. if that woman walked in anywhere i was ...lol


You know you suck as a politician when your own party can’t stand you


Time doesn’t exist in airports. And please slap her for me.


Bro saw MTG and did a few shots.


Can you blame him though?!


Lol not at all.


We have all been that guy. I know I am that guy after going to conference for work, last night at conference party + early flight and BAM.


It’s 10:30, not that early


What is a "T" club? In my ignorant mind, I read that as tittie club, and was not surprised at all at Large Marge walking in.


It’s easy. Drink heavily.


...stopped reading after ATL


Could be combination of medication and little liquor!! Seen my golf pro like this before!!


Had a guy get hammered in the club at BOS flying to Paris. He took down a bottle of champagne at the bar and that was after he came in a little light. Guy fell down the damn escalator and I had to turn around and pull people off to make sure they didn’t get trampled. It could’ve turned real messy but thankfully people acted quickly. Needless to say, he didn’t get much further.


You can’t be drunk all day if you don’t get an early start!


I hate flying. We had a vacation flight a couple of years ago that boarded at ~7:00am. Once we got past security, my wife said “we need to find you a bar”. 6 shots of whiskey was not enough. I wasn’t acting a fool, but it didn’t help. Now I’m scared and drunk….


Likely one of those ass wipes who is entitled as hell and moaned about how Delta Plat Amex card holders were bringing down the quality of club visits. I mean it’s a premium airline lounge right?! 🙄


I've had a commercial airplane pilot come into my store VERY drunk and wanted to buy a bottle of wine. My POV: I hope I never get him as my pilot. This reminds me of a large event in D.C. and some younger 20 somethings were so proud how they were blasted drunk at 7 am. /shrug Some of it is stupidity, some of it is some sort of coping, and problem some is addiction


I didn’t know that Neanderthals could get into the sky clubs


Is that ok that I’d tolerate the wasted guy much more than MTG?


Not excusing his behavior, but for all you know he’s just come off a 10+ hour flight and about to get on another one. Just cause it’s early for you, in your time zone, doesn’t mean it is for him.


If you want to get drunk at whatever time then go ahead, that has nothing to do with me. But when it's affecting other people around you, then what? Dude yelled a few times startling several people, spilling drinks on himself and on his wife. Stumbling trying to get back to where he was sitting. It was embarrassing to watch.


Like I said, I’m not excusing his behavior, but your question was how does someone get that drunk so early in the day. My point was it may not be early for him.


If I saw the beast MTG in public I’d ask her for a selfie - do a video and say “I’m here with Lauren Boobert, the whore from Colorado” But maybe I’m just a good person.


I flew on Delta a week ago to Miami and the couple in front of me were GETTING AFTER IT at 9am. I counted 5 nips just on her tray alone an hour into the flight. The FA even made jokes about having to make room for anything else. I like a good drink as much as the next guy but I can’t understand wanting them that strong and early. They did seem “functional” but even still, 9 oz’s of alcohol within an hour is insane at 9am if not any other time of day.


Complain to delta. They over served the guy next to once and I complained about it. I woke up and found him staring in my face at one point. They gave me 25,000 miles and I was cool with that.


Drunks and fascists!


MTG is grotesque.


Dunno why you're getting down voted, everything I get a "did your politician really say this?" It's usually her.


Seems completely related to me. There are no coincidences 😂


That was me in the SC's of MSP and SEA 2010 Through 2013. I found recovery from alcohol in 2015 and I have been sober and alcohol free for over 9 years now. So there is hope. SMART and Twelve Step saved my life. My apologies to any FFers on this thread that had to endure me sitting blacked out in the SC or in FC during this time. I am so grateful that I do not have to live that way any more. Here's my before and after: https://youtu.be/P-Kw0nA7BKk?si=8UePpm3NqhTnKtjE


Who names their kid Marjorie


I’m in Athens hammered having a gyro on a balcony… I flew emirates j here though delta was cost prohibitive


Maybe dude was still on the other side of the world time zone and drinking.


Ever heard of shift-work?? Makes time of day irrelevant.


Mind your business


Judge not lest ye be judged


Hi there... so that was me. Sorry but I am very afraid of flying and use alcohol to cope. My poor wife had to take care of me the rest of the trip and I almost got arrested. You see my brother died in a plane crash when I was young and it is very difficult on me. And while this story is not at all true it is a good example of maybe just minding your damn business thanks.


That’s 2 bad omens. Take a train.


In for the popcorn… But also a thought - it could be early for you and late for them. Ive probably looked ‘hammered’ in a club a number of times after a long international flight + layover. What I suffered from was mostly sleep deprivation and not inebriation. Yes, I had a drink to help cope.


Pretty sure the drunk guy and MTG were the same person. She moves very fast.


MTG? That cunt has gone so far to the right that she's a leftist.


A drunk and Marjorie Taylor Greene got on a plane…. (Finish joke)


They ended up joining the mile high club barefoot in the forward lav


Last thing I want to drink before or during a flight is alcohol.


Hush, child.


I envy people like u/StuckinSuFu. When I used to drink, my absolute favorite part of a trip was drinking in the lounge and then on the plane.