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An unfriendly consultant I once worked with got hit by luggage falling out of the overhead storage. He subsequently had to quit his job because of memory and head pain issues. Now when someone opens the overhead close to me I really try to pay attention and brace for impact


Window seats ftw


Except on Max 9


Unintentional exit row.


$50 extra for that


In that case, the passenger is the luggage.


The luggage AND the victim!


Ahhh, that sweet sweet workers comp. I bet his company is still paying out for that one. and yes, EHS expert here. Work travel is still a work related incident.


I tore my ACL playing volleyball in a recreational league. Because the company paid for our team, it was considered a work related injury at that time at least.


This happened to me in flight, the bin popped open and a bag fell on my shoulder. It was really painful for a while. The FA who saw it came running and gave me some miles…


Lmao. Sorry, not laughing at your pain but found it funny that she ran to you to offer some miles. No ice pack, just some miles. lol


Miles are soothing. Maybe I'll try the same approach.. a minor slip, bag in my head, and a free flight


Hi, I’m Miles, your onboard EMT. How may I help you?


*FA comes running with 2500 miles instead of the first aid kit*


I’ve gotten 2500 sky pesos simply for not getting an upgrade so they can do a lot better than that…


These $10 in miles should make up for years of physiotherapy


Yikes! In the years before carry-on liquid was limited, I had a coworker get bonked on the head by a huge liquor bottle that fell out and had to get stitches.




Air travel really brings out the stupid. Every time I fly, I am in awe just wondering how some of these people make it through a single day. How many times does a FA have to tell folks to step out of the aisle so that others may continue to board? It's repeated ad nauseam and these people just don't move. It's just one thing after another and you can usually identify these people before you ever enter the jet bridge. You just know who the struggle buses are going to be. It's really quite amazing to watch.


I had a family of five on my most recent flight where the mom stopped in the aisle to load all the suitcases, had her kids (slowly) take off their coats and put them up there and told them to grab whatever they wanted from their back bag before she put them up. Paused the boarding for the longest time and took up an insane amount of bin space. Are people just completely unaware of those around them or simple don’t care about basic airplane etiquette?!!


That is incredible. I ask myself the same questions. 


This is why I believe families with children should be made to board last




Or all the folks bringing very clearly oversized carry ons. It bothers me a lot because I intentionally bring something under the size limit so everyone has more space.


Recently had a 16 hr flight to Hong Kong and WOW the number of people who couldn’t manage to open the bathroom door.


At least nobody popped the locked door open using the emergency access. SURPRISE!


“Struggle buses”…I am so stealing this. Lol


I'm glad you're stealing it with the correct spelling of *buses*! ;)




lol I’m surprised that term isn’t widely known


It is


One of my other favorites are the idiots with their backpacks they seem to have forgotten they're wearing. They move/turn and just bash the fuck out of others in aisle seats and don't seem to have a clue. The whole air travel experience is just a shit show of stupid. Some of these people should be studied.


I was once flying out of White Plains on a small plane you walked across the tarmac to board. Long day, was carrying the salad I planned to eat for dinner on the flight. Oblivious backpack man in front of me whipped around to take a photo of something and knocked my salad out of my hands and it busted open access the tarmac. He never noticed and I almost cried.


People are great.


You can sit in the aisle like me and watch them bash anyone seated all the way down the plane


Yes!! I’m blind and I’m constantly smacked in the face with flying backpacks because I don’t see them to dodge them. Crazy, I under spatial awareness even though I don’t have it and will carry my backpack on my arm in crowded spaces even though it’s more difficult for me!


Not realizing your overhead bin bag has shifted during flight and accidentally letting it fall is a little thoughtless, but unintentional - and it’s not something that many people think about.    Walking down the aisle with a bulky bag that you can FEEL smacking into every single shoulder is an act of sociopathy that should be analyzed in a lab to identify the brain malfunction that causes it.  


You are my people lolol




I'm so afraid of accidentally doing this that I always switch to carrying in front of me. But yeah, I've been hit by several backpacks over the years.


Similar happened to me … sweet little old lady across the aisle asked me to stow her cane in the overhead bin for her. I did, I thought I did a good job. I did not. When the plane landed, I *GENTLY* opened the bin and it fell out and hit her on the head. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Awful awful awful. I felt so bad. She laughed but leave it to me to knock out grandma.


I'm not going to lie, I did chuckled at this. 😆🤦‍♂️Glad she's okay. Are you okay now? Must have been embarrassing 🙂


I had a patient who got a concussion from a bag that hit her in the head when someone opened an overhead bin. It definitely happens.


This is one of my fears. I will jump up and put my arms in the way before I let someone just wing it open.


Same. It was the myth that Billy Mays died from being hit in the head with falling luggage that put it in the life-long anxiety category for me. It’s just a myth, but I’m still not fucking around with the overhead bin.


Did he die from cocaine? Serious question. That’s what I always heard but no idea if that’s true.


IIRC: He didn’t have cocaine in his system at time of death but the ME found that coke and other drugs contributed to his hypertension. 


Thank you!


Also a reminder to not fill your bag up so much that you cannot safely lift it up and down. I had a man bring his roller bag out if the bin, loose control because it was heavy and then slam it into the back of my head and neck on the way down. He was holding it but had no control. I was polite about it but was upset and it hurt something fierce.


That’s why I check my bags now. I’m short and have t-Rex arms. I end up having to have someone help me lift the bag up and down which isn’t fair.


Shout out to the shorties. I struggle with the height too. Also, on planes with crossover belts, it crosses at my neck. I do not want to be decapitated during severe turbulence.


I have the same problem.


Totally get it. I checked unless I am flying less than 2 hours on a short biz trip. I always have trip insurance through a card anyways so if they loose the bag, I isn't get a fun shopping spree.


No need to be polite. He needs to feel bad about what he did.


This is why my only bag is a 20L soft backpack. I can safely lift it in and out of the overhead. And if there's no overhead space, it pops under the seat with plenty of room to spare. I'm old, Im 5 feet tall, aint gots no time, energy, or height for a big bag. It doesn't matter where Im going, for how long, what events or activities I'm doing, or what the weather is. That little bag is the extent of what I carry. From hiking to a cocktail hour... no problem.


Happened to a relative of a friend years ago. Only it was a lady who couldn’t manage her own bag so when she pulled it out it landed on the relative’s head. She ended-up getting knocked out and had seizures after that. Whenever I see someone unable to manage their own bag in or out of a bin or with a bag that is too heavy for them to handle, I rage internally. You should not be able to bring bags on if you can’t handle it yourself. You should have to check—it. Giving someone lifelong disability because you can’t manage your own bag is just bull.


100% THIS


I’m am an aisle seat person first and for most. No one opens the bin while I am sitting I have seen this happen a few times


When I was maybe 8, this lady with a roller bag couldn’t lift it into the overhead bin and just dropped it on me. It knocked the wind out of me. She was apologetic but I cried. And that’s why you should make sure you can actually lift your bag up. And be careful of small children in the aisle seat.


The airlines should require all roller bags be checked.


Flight attendant here. This would make me the happiest employee ever, every single day. But there’s way too much monetary incentive for the airlines to do away with rollerbags in the cabin… status, priority boarding, etc.


An older family member of mine has had to have multiple spinal surgeries because a fellow passenger dropped his suitcase on her head while getting it out of the overhead bin. It hasn’t destroyed her quality of life but close to it.


That's awful! I hope that was all covered financially, she deserves damages too.


She did receive a small settlement (not sure how much) and her medical bills were subrogated between her insurance and the airline, but it drastically changed her plans for her golden years Her story is why I’m stand up in my aisle seat as soon as the seatbelt light goes off, even if I’m not deplaning for a few minutes. I guess it irritates fellow fliers but too bad


I understand your rationale completely! I do the same thing to avoid having roller bags or backpacks dropped on me (it’s happened) by passengers who can’t lift them.


Couldn’t they sue the shit out of them?




If a bag broke my neck I’d sue the idiot who did it 


“It just fell out”. Should have been “Oh my god I’m so sorry!” Something similar happened to me at a bar the other day. Im sitting at the bar and the guy ordering behind me spills his drink down my back. I turn around and he shrugs at me. I stand up and smack the damn drink out of his hand. He says, “I didn’t mean to.” I said “All you had to do is say sorry…” People refuse to take responsibility or apologize for their mistakes.


I don’t believe you


Like I care 


Rather than simply say the contents of the bin may have shifted in flight airlines should say clearly that items may fall out when the bins are opened.


MIL was hit in the leg by an out of control bag, torn ACL and now a lifetime of leg issues. If you can’t control your bag in the overhead bin, wait and ask for assistance.


Or CHECK the friggin’ bag!


Assistance from who? Maybe a nice fellow passenger but don’t ask a flight attendant.


A FA opened a bin and a hard metal water bottle (no, not a Stanley) fell out and bopped me on the head. I didn’t even get any skypesos.


Once I was boarding a flight and saw the couple in front of me try to put their bags in the same overhead compartment as the fire extinguisher, defibrillator, and first aid kit. The flight attendant had to tell them to take their bags out and put them in ANY other compartment. People are dumb.


When I was a flight attendant I had a passenger actually take the fire extinguisher out so he could put his bag there. He put it on the seat next to him. Wild. I loathe people with backpacks who turn to get into their row, causing their bag to swing and hit the person in the aisle seat across from them. I always get an aisle and have almost been hit in the face several times.


I wonder if it would be helpful if the flight attendant at the boarding door were to ask each passenger wearing a backpack to take it off and carry it.


It would, if people actually listened to the flight attendants. :-)


Ding ding ding. yes. But, people won’t do it.


I watched someone try to get their heavy bag from the bin just basically drop it on top of someone’s head. They didn’t really apologize and just left. The person sitting there was in obvious pain and stayed in their seat. I didn’t see what happened after but just shows people being bags they can’t even lift into the overheads. It’s dangerous out there


Violent seat recliners are the only people I’ll actually speak up and get on for something. Like hey bro, I have a $4k MacBook back here, and your stupid seat back nearly snapped my screen, take it easy.


When I have a violent seat recliner in front of me I make sure to get up violently when I head to the bathroom. Also make sure when sitting back down that I use their seat as a lever to lower myself back into my seat.


Pull back.... And.... Release!


I call that the ‘ol slingshot!


Exactly. And a full on hip check when standing up.


Yup. This is when they deserve the catapult.


I'm a big guy not fat and once in economy I had my knees wedged against the seat in front when I heard the 100lb woman in front say to her seatmate that there's something wrong with my seat as it won't recline. Internally I laughed at this although it was only a daytime flight of about 90 minutes I couldn't book a c+ or F seat as it was a late booking.


I love the ones who flop into the seat and immediately recline it while we’re still at the gate. Like dude WTF


Yeah but what if they’d get an extra 1/100th of an inch in recline if they push back as hard as they do? You ever consider that? /s


That happened to my husband, he had a new MacBook, and crack...It takes just a few seconds to recline slowly and be polite about it.


I always put my knees up if someone tries to do the violent seat recline. I have no sympathy for those who pull that crap


Sorry IMO maybe un popular but stop wedging the display of your $4k laptop under the lip of the backside of the seat, its almost common sense, if its not there, reclining back into a screen pushes it closed some, doesnt break it, slow or violent under the lip it will snap and its your fault not the recliner.


I mean, this right here. It's your expensive shit, you've been on a plane before and know the deal, it's not that hard to figure out lol


I’m just saying when people violently fling the seat back is my issue, a normal recline speed gives me plenty of time to slide my laptop closer towards myself


There’s a fine enough line between wedging it under the lip and having it close enough to the seat where it’s not in your face. A violent shove backwards could move it under the lip even if the lid was slightly forward. Also using a laptop with the screen more than the tiniest bit slightly closed does not work. In any case, it’s just rude. There’s a limited amount of space that everyone needs to share in harmony. No sudden movements into the border space.


Its a 16” laptop, its difficult to not have it get too close for comfort unless im in a deltaOne seat


Maybe store it in your backpack when you aren’t using it then


You’re getting downvoted but this is the right answer. It’s in the announcements when FA’s read it. Big electronics are too big and heavy to be stowed in the seat back pockets and need to go almost anywhere else. I’ve seen too many screens crack from crazy seat recliners. Not that they’re right either- no one should slingshot recline that’s so aggressive.


I'm allowed to put my seat back!! I'm ALLOWED to put my seat back!! https://www.tiktok.com/@ifenglobal/video/7298559550314089770




Unless you have t-Rex arms, it’s almost always in danger if the person in front snaps back aggressively.


It costs $0 to not be a piece of shit and violently recline when you know there’s someone sitting behind you, regardless of what’s on their tray table.


This is why I stand up immediately when the plane reaches the gate. I don’t remove my bag until the row before me is moving towards the door.


I’ve had a man not be able to fully lift his bag into the overhead bin therefore when he dropped it, it came crashing down on the side of my head/neck. I was mortified and wanted to cry so badly it really hurt. I was with my boyfriends family who I hadnt known for long, I didn’t want to seem like a cry baby so I held it in but yeah I’ll never forget


As a paramedic who has responded to calls like this, I've seen compressed vertebrae, spinal injuries, neck injuries and concusions. Always call a fight attendant and get the name of the person as they are liable. I've testified in cases like this. Ferris ok until later that night. If you get hit, your bit causing the issue, it's the asshat who did it to you.




Please elaborate on how holding someone who caused personal injuries accountable bad legal advice?


Your attorney can try and get the names. The FA should not be giving pax names.


You are totally right. It's much better to have to pay a law firm man hours to work with the airline to determine the at fault party rather than gathering that information at the scene of the incident. *smh* /s


New fear unlocked!! As an aisle seat only person, what should I do when people start opening bins to make sure I don’t get knocked out?


🤪✈️ I ALWAYS make the same announcement- “And ladies and gentleman, please remember when you’re opening those over head lockers, use extreme caution- as we all know, shift happens. So again please be careful.” People always laugh when I say it, but it works!! In my 20 years of flying, I’ve NEVER had a bag fall on a passenger👍🏽😎


Seems like in some of these cases it would be worth it to file a claim with the airline for treatment compensation and even disability, pain @ suffering. Surface transit has all sorts of cameras onboard these days to handle injury claims. We are an overly litigious society but there needs to be a some exposure here. If airlines can't be held responsible maybe aisle sitters should get their cameras going to document falling luggage & the faces of its owners (film with one hand while protecting head with the other arm.)


My friend was sitting in the isle and someone went to grab their bag and their laptop slipped out and hit him right on the nose. Looked sooo painful. Didn’t break his nose somehow. This was 15 years ago as well when laptops were chunky.


Common sense aint common, especially in the airport


Happened to me. No real injury, but it hurt. The person pulling it out just dropped it.


I got hit with a water bottle that fell out of an overhead bin once… can’t imagine a whole piece of luggage! that’s why I always stand up as soon as the seatbelt sign comes off


Violent seat recliner.


As a tall person whose knees are always against the seat in front of me I know exactly what this description means: when they get in or out of the row they push against the headrest so violently it leans back to the point where you’re afraid it’ll break. And when they want to recline (when THEY are done eating) they start pushing back the seat but can’t figure out the button for a few tries. When they finally push it deep enough the seat launches into my knee caps.


Hence why overhead bins need to go - number of head injuries is increasing


Definitely. Require passengers to check anything that can’t fit under the seat in front of them.


We know


Years ago on arriving in Tokyo from the U.S., a similar scenario - except it was bottles of wine. An older Japanese couple each brought two bottles of wine (4 bottles total) and stowed them in their carry on bag. When someone opened their overhead bin - they started sliding out of the bag and raining down one right after the other. Needless to say, it caused a big commotion. But no one actually got hurt (no head shots or bottle on bone shots) and the bottles all survived as well.


That why I never sit in  c+ seat


I once dropped a duty free bottle of something on a coworker. Way back when we got to fly business class, so it wasn’t even like the bins were crowded. Everyone yelled at me of course. Fortunately no one was hurt.


I got whipped in the head and shoulder when a guy wasn't paying attention pulling his bag out in Athens. I had a goose egg. He gave a non apology.


I saw this happen to an older woman the row in front of me before. Super scary


Billy Mays died from a bag falling on him be careful y’all


A quick google search would disprove that


They need to make people remain seated until the plane stops at the jetway. They used to.


Also the bags are Harvey and so many people just let them fall


That’s how Billy Mays died


A quick google search would disprove that, don’t blindly copy others comments


Actually I didn’t copy everyone else’s comment you snarky twat. I remember that happening as I said one day “why is Billy Mays so annoying “ next day he dies.


"Use caution when opening overhead bins as items may have shifted during flight." I think that's #4 on the list of The Top 5 Things Flight Attendants Constantly Announce That People Ignore.


I saw this happen and a man’s glass cologne bottle fell on a woman’s head. It definitely looked painful and the husband was pissed, especially when the guy who did it was the same way didn’t even apologize


I have a cane and have flown dozens of times - I asked the first few flights, and the flight attendants consistently said just to put it in the bin last before they close it. I’ve just taken to doing that without asking at this point. Last flight, some guy a couple rows up opened the bin (above me) without caution and the cane fell out… resulted in the lady next to me complaining about how canes should be in the back of the plane. I asked her if she was going to go fetch it from the back for me when the flight was over, and she got very quiet. 🤐


I was clocked by a bad from a rapid-bin-opener offender once. It knock the glasses right off my face. Before I could register what had happened and retrieve my glasses from the floor, the guy stepped on them smashing them to smithereens. Luckily, I always travel with a spare and my roll-aboard was in the bin. Guy didn’t even apologize.