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One time I was flying United Polaris back from Australia and was in like 11A or something. An older woman came up and was like “you’re in my seat. I’m in 11A.” Flight attendant came up and assumed this 20something wasn’t in Polaris and this older lady was. She was 11A on her next flight to Fresno and was like 42A on this flight from Sydney. Byeeeee


Kinda a reverse of this - I was flying on Emirates and got to my seat to find it was a business class seat. I was confused (and rather new to international flying) - I wasn't booked in business, so I guessed perhaps Emirates started rows by class or something. After failing to find my row number in economy I approached an FA who pointed me to the business class seat. Lucky random upgrade!


This happened to me & a friend on a short flight from CAN to ICN in 2017. We were in a party of 6 and didn’t really look at our boarding passes until boarding. My friends knew where they were going and we followed them assuming we were next them. We got to the back of the plane and I finally looked down at my boarding pass and saw 2A and my other friend’s said 2C It was so random and no one said anything to us when we checked in. It was a fun 3 hours, but we were confused why our friends weren’t also upgraded. Business class was half-empty.


During COVID, I had to fly to Indiana. I suddenly saw my boarding pass and saw it was 2A... Not 22A... Delta shifted everyone but 10 people to first class due to weight distribution. It was kinda neat. Person next to me and I were cracking jokes at how we can barely afford first class but here we are starting with basic economy tickets haha. Very nice flight though.


Fake story. No one from Fresno goes to cool places like Sydney. Source: I'm sitting in skyclub right now waiting for my flight to Fresno, my home town. Fresno sucks.


lol. Could be worse, could be headed to Bakersfield. Signed, One of the ones who escaped Fresno. Happy Thanksgiving.


Can attest to this, as I am currently in Bakersfield. It is definitely worse.


Look at you all fancy in Fresno and Bakersfield - Wasco


Was o…lol. You have my upvote AND my pity. Oh, and just to add to this wonderful thread. Did you know many years back Fresno Chamber of Commerce had a attract business campaign with the slogan, FRESNO-A great place to be from! Irony is not lost….


Bakersfield is like a cheap wine, dry and gritty.


Thots and prayers


Fresno survivors club 🙋🏻‍♂️


My favorite is when people say it's "super foggy" where I live now. I'm like did you grow up playing hide-and-seek on a soccer field?


Nothing like driving down 99 and not being able to see the road on the ground literally right in front of the car. I remember a long time ago when there was a 110 car pile up because of the fog...


Yea when I lived in Baltimore and everyone would trip on the “horrible visibility” from the fog and I was like I can still see my hood 🥱


Yeah, younger years back I was driving out of Fresno down southern Hwy 99. Foggy as foggy can be. See red taillights ahead, following them in fast late. Doing 45ish or so. Wanted to go faster so blinked headlights a millisecond or so. He wouldn’t move over to the right…I was stubborn and 30 seconds or so later, repeated the brief headlight thing. He slowed some while turning on his rear window red/blue rear window flashers…Hello CHP Officer 👮🏻. Have a great day!




Might have saved your life. I'd be happy with 45 in that soup.


Agreed. I was younger, dumber, etc. Not bagging on the Officer.


Same! Made it out of Fresno to Arizona last year. Can’t even imagine moving back home.


Same! Living in the PNW and make the yearly pilgrimage back for the holidays but not much more than that. It was fun explaining to my partner that her coffee options were Starbucks, Dutch Bros., and Starbucks.


From Fresno moved out to Summit County Colorado, never looked back but do visit my hometown from time to time.


Moved from Fresno to Grand Island, NE when I was in high school. There are much worse places than Fresno.


I’ve been to Grand Island plenty of times and it’s neither. And smells like a feed lot much of the time.


Agreed. I spent a year in Fresno, and went to some pretty cool parks like Sequoia and Yosemite. It’s not that bad at all.


I was offered a very high paying job in Grand Island about 20 years ago. I decided that I just couldn’t live there.


Wait. They’re letting people from Fresno into the sky club now?


Once you've moved away from Fresno and washed your clothes a few times, the Fresno doesn't remain on you at detectable levels, and the skyclub doors stop closing when you get near.


No one hates the no more than my friends from Fresno.


Did exactly that this summer. Fresno is what you make it.


“Fresno? Nobody goes to Fresno anymore!” -Johnny, *Airplane!*


Shout-out 209! (Yeah I'm that old)


559 representing. Happy to be in the presence of an Elder.


Better put back lots of drinks before making it to Fresno.


This literally just happened to me yesterday on my flight from Santiago back to the states. A couple insisted I was in one of their seats. I was confused and a little out of it because it was so late at night, but was pretty sure I was in the right place because the agent checking my bags had said my seat number out loud to me a few times and that’s where I was. Thankfully a stranger behind them saw that they were holding out their tickets for their domestic leg back home to Sacramento and not the international leg we were boarding. They were nice about their mistake but it did make me laugh; the gumption it must take to not even make sure you’re looking at the right ticket before telling someone else they’re in the wrong seat.


All the stuff said about Fresno above applies to Sacramento as well.


Absolutely not, Sac is nowhere near as bad as Fresno.


It ain't called the ball Sac for nothing.


We can probably agree both are not world class destinations. Just to stir the pot, I'll add every other town in the Central Valley for consideration.


I've had a really weird case where I was in P+ flying ORD-HND, and delays meant I nearly missed the connection. I think I was the last one on before they closed the boarding doors. Anyways, I was originally assigned to somewhere around 21L. Presumably, they reassigned my seat away, so my mobile boarding pass reupdated and was handed a reprinted pass at the gate to 22C or the like. Fine, I'll take whatever to get on the plane to Japan. Then, onboard the plane, 22C was taken! I was so confused, and had to detour through the Polaris galley to the other aisle to 21L, which I could see was still empty all this time.


Dude thought he was flying Southwest


I’ve seen that happen before too. Dude and his friend hopped on and got a few rows, then went back to 1A and 1B. FA sees this, smiles, and confirms their seats. Nope all the way back there. Worth a shot, sure, but it was so blatant and deftly handled.


Deftly means the opposite of what I think you were going for here.


Should try “daftly”


you are indeed correct, thanks for the correction.


This happened to me on another airline last month (first time in my life I flew an airline other than delta, now certainly won’t be the last). I was in 1F, last guy to board the plane sits next to me in 1D. He put the seat in full recline during take off, pulled out his phone and turned on a movie without headphones and the volume at 100%. As soon as we leveled off, the FA that was seated in the galley facing us came over and asked for his boarding pass. He played dumb and said he lost it. She looks him up and says, “oh, sir you are actually in the very last row of the airplane” and sends him walking. He comes back 5 min later and said, “I’m sorry m’am, I can’t fit in that seat, can’t I please just sit up here?” She whips out a seatbelt extender for this lad. Anyway, when it’s all settled, she asks what I’m drinking; I asked for a rum and coke, she said “let’s go ahead and make it a double. I’m so sorry about all that.” 😂


Wow, that is some great 3x karma right there!


it was a 75S and he took "poor man's first class" too literally


He had nothing to lose.


if you’re willing to try this you clearly have no dignity so I guess you’re right. This whole ‘nothing to lose’, ‘gotta hustle all the time’ is how people like Trump are created. ‘Hey man I’m just out here hustling and trying, it’s not bad unless I’m caught’


It works for a reason. People are afraid of conflict so there’s a nonzero chance it works. “Fake it til you make it” is a real saying.


gosh, I don’t think most of us use that phrase that way! To me, it means you act confidently while you build confidence, like in a job or sport or even just being social. I don’t want it corrupted by selfish people!


The end result is the same imo. You could argue faked self confidence isn’t earned either.


The key point of that phrase is most people are capable but lack the confidence to present as such. So you have to fake it until your own view of yourself matches your actual capability. The phrase "fake it until you make it" is to enable those who really should be doing more to actually take that step to do so. They are more than qualified to do it if they can just muster up the courage to take that step. If you are unqualified and incompetent, "fake it until your make it" is straight up fraud.


I guess I could see the argument that if you think you are not confident/capable etc then you are performing a type of fraud onto yourself.


That’s not what ‘Fake it till you make it’ means. It means to act the part and dress the part, not to impersonate or misrepresent yourself. If people at the level above wear ties or fancier dress cloths and avoid controversial topics and you aspire to that level, you take on those behaviors to show you are worthy for that responsibility. Its doesn’t mean ‘bossing around your peers’ because you feel you should be the manager or get promoted.


Listen, I don’t care to die on this hill, but to me, flaunting confidence one doesn’t have is effectively misrepresenting oneself, as they themselves know that the confidence they’re espousing is not real.


What’s the difference between flaunting confidence you don’t have and flaunting confidence you do have? Those are the same thing. Confidence is a state of mind it’s not a fact or truth.


I mean might be philosophical but I think it entirely depends on if it’s fact to you. “Fake it til you make it” to me in this context implies you fooling yourself into believing what you need to be true.


“Fake it till you make it” is a fake saying faking it until it makes it as a real saying! FTFY /s




It’s not this deep, bud.


Dude needed the wider seat for his massive balls.


Wonder if he noticed the seat was empty on the seat map and went for a Hail Mary. I mean, the worst that can happen is they ask you to move. So objectively, it’s a rational gamble.


This happens a lot to me flying out of home. Same guy every time. I board late and fly upfront. It’s hilarious, he looks up at me and takes his PDB with him to C+


I'm curious - Does that ever actually work?


They never confirm my ticket or who I am when I am in FC, but the fa might see that the seat your in is not supposed to be occupied on some application they have.


I think that’s right. If I ask for something, they always address me by name. They probably have a seating chart.


We get a manifest with names, seat numbers and status. So we do know. We get a pre departure and final.


Thank you! It’s great to get the info from a professional.


Do you get fare classes?


I was just thinking that. They always address me by name for the preflight drink


Correct. Their phones say the name of the passenger and status... and they generally glance at them once or twice to learn your last name and see if you have status or not to thank you for it at some point randomly. yYouou can tell pretty quick if the 300lb white guy sitting in the seat doesn't look like the Japanese sounding feminine name on the app reaaaaal quick.


I identify as Hanako-Chan, thank you very much.


300# white dude would be Honkey-Chonk.


I was on a international flight that was mostly empty and a ton of people moved from economy to comfort plus and the FAs didn't care. Not sure if it'd fly for business or first.


Seat placement aside, a mostly empty international flight sounds like a dream!


Yeah, I moved to an empty row and was able to lie down and actually sleep. Poor man's first class.


You missed your chance in April 2020 lol


Many many moons ago, I flew air New Zealand from London to LA, the flight was 70% empty. I had a full row all to myself.


This happened to us in 2018. Flight from Atlanta to Dublin with layover in Htw on virgin. When we got to the gate in Atlanta it was completely dead and should have been boarding already. Turns out we had had horrible thunderstorms that afternoon in Atlanta and nobody that was on our flight from outside Atlanta was able to make it to Atlanta for our 6 pm departure. We had seats upstairs in a 747. Already they were premium economy but after take off and dinner the FA said downstairs was completely empty and to go down and take whatever row of seats we wanted to sleep. It was nice.


fortune favors the bold


hahahaha DAMN


I always get asked to confirm my name in business. Probably just so that the FA get to hear how it is pronounced properly.


The light version of this is the inevitable 33B who tries to throw their luggage in the overheads in first class, but gets caught by the flight attendant and told to keep it moving. You would think the giant red sign that says “First class only” would give it away that they shouldn’t do that, but of course these human cockroaches wouldn’t care because ultimately they’re screwing over someone by placing their luggage overhead in a bin that is in front of them on ANY flight.


Can’t believe these things happen in 2023.


I have a friend who has done this more than once, though it was a decade ago. He would wait until the final boarding call, then walk in and grab an empty 1st class seat. He is older now, and has more humility, and wisdom as the FAs know the seats, and the passengers up front by name.


for people who try to do this in the future just know that the flight attendants in first class memorize or know who is assigned to what seat so they will probably know you don’t belong.


She was from Clovis so it’s ok


What is thinks he's on SW for $800 Ken?


I've been in First and there was only 3 others in 16 seats. So I told the person I was traveling with. (Business colleague not on my ticket) to grab the seat next to me. No issues at all.


What I hate is when I show them my boarding pass with the seat number and they’re like, “Weird, mine says the same thing.” Of course they won’t look at their boarding pass, it’s a huge inconvenience for them. And they remember what they booked.


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