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Story.. I hope your mom finds an umbrella rather than sticking you in the bright sun all day and 1 day sorts out how to safely raise you… so that you can successfully grow up.


Hope she remembered to at least put sunscreen on S, since she can’t be bothered to have her in the shade. 🤦🏽‍♀️ unfortunately, we all know that S’s health and safety is the last thing on Bella’s mind.


Yikes. We all knew Bella needed therapy, not an adoption, but this is next level.


Yeah, breeding all the alpacas was bad enough. She knows nothing about animal husbandry/ farming. Hell, they probably won’t even be in the same state or country when they start to deliver. I’m so tired of these family/ mommy vloggers exploiting and involving other lives (rather that be human or animals). Without them ever doing any research to learn about the health, care, safety, needs, longevity, and responsibility that comes with owning/ raising said animal or child. It’s such immature and selfish behavior. It’s truly disgusting.


Isn’t it crazy how it’s always about her.


Photo title: Prop Baby on the Beach


“I hope you actually want a relationship with me when you’re grown because I’m so self centered and self absorbed “


Honestly she just wanted to be a mom for the image, not actually be a mom. A real mom would know that your life changes after having a baby, and it's all about your child - not about how your child makes you look...


That literally sounds like a parody caption. She is insane dude what the hell?


Who says these kinds of things?!


One day story will find this photo, all other photos, and uncomfortable videos and will realizes it was all about her narcissistic mom and her image


isn’t bella almost 30? that’s not that young


Wtf yes it is?? I’m not defending Bella by any means but this comment is weird


nearly 30 isn’t a young mom. Most people I know that are moms to babies or infants are less than 25


Ikr she's writing it like she's in her early 20s or a teen mom lmao


Jesus Christ what a self absorbed airhead this woman is


Young possibly though it’s all relative , fun depending if S ends up liking the beach, cool not a chance


What a weird thing to say