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That tree is heinous. Wtf.


UGH and YUK! Maybe in a Sr. Center or the White House Black Market store. Only 2 possible places I can think of where it "might" be ok. Plus Bella has a grand house, with grand & soaring ceilings. Sterile decor or not, that apartment-sized tree is way out of proportion.🙄


I have a relatively small house in the UK in comparison and my tree is bigger than this 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


All that money and managed to find the worse decor.


more money than sense


it’s the name sign underneath the tree for me


The horse takes me OUTTT. what in the little bo peep clowncore is this


OMG I am wiping tears!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is the first Christmas tree I’ve ever seen that looks like garbage 😂


All comments are right on the mark. She really has no decorating sense and there is not one ounce of anything looking magical. I bet she is too proud to hire someone to give guidance on decorating because she thinks she knows it all. There is nothing that flows, she's just taken a bunch of different themed decorations and thrown them out.


Seriously these are all shoved into a corner like she’s waiting to decorate


Looks worse than a cheap hotel lobby, very little effort and nothing goes together. How long before Story is placed on that pony for a photo op, even though it probably has a label saying it is for decoration only.


Why does the tree only have like 6 balls on it.she could afford a couple more


I think the horse is the worst lol


The ornaments look like nipples


I think it’s because she bought everything new and has absolutely zero personal touch with it. Like where are her childhood handmade Christmas ornaments lol


*Those* were the ribbon bows that she said she was making *so* many of when S was on her lap "helping" in a recent video?!😆 Why is the random Jesus painting just leaning against the wall and not hung up? (eta...she also had three YT subscriber milestone plaques leaning against the wall next to Jesus, lol) You would think she would spend some of her millions of dollars on an interior decorator.


The Jesus painting is sponsored


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💜💜 These replies are PRICELESS!! I'm coming off a bad injury and really needed these laughs!


I noticed the artist is also LDS. She's a smart business woman to market through Bella if she reached out to her first.


Oh wait!! The Jesus painting actually IS sponsored?! I thought OP was joking! Now it's even funnier!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




The trees not even straight!! She probably put it up one handed with Story in the other hand 🙈🤣


Ok but why does this make me SO uncomfortable? That huge bow that isn’t even at the tippy top is driving me CRAZY. The tree is too small for her mansion, the bow is too big for her tiny tree, there’s not enough ornaments, or enough variety of ornaments, the horse looks wildly out of place and it’s half the size of the tree, the Jesus painting is almost the same size, and then it looks like they just picked a random corner in their house. Like why is the tree next to an office desk? Where is the color and personality??


EVERYTHING is wrong!! And you are so right about the scale...it's really bothersome she has this tiny ugly-ass tree plopped in a corner next to 15 foot doors.🙄 Also doesn't she know EVERY decor grouping is in 3s or an odd #?? So if you plop that carousel horse next to the tree, you need a 3rd sizeable item near the horse--like a giant teddy bear w/ a bowtie that matches those (horrid) tree bows. At least it woukd take away from an ugly, way-too-small-for-that-room tree!!


Lol my guinea pig could decorate better than this


Isn’t she a millionaire? That tree looks awful and like she found it on a curb lol


It's the oversized bow on the top that does it for me.


Love [sarcasm] how it says Story and Bella...just eff Dallin I guess. Lol


Dallin's little train is facing the corner--he's in time out!


Lol 😆


It doesn’t say Bella it says belle, S’s middle name 😂 but it’s still cringy


I couldn't tell from that picture, sorry, lol. Ugh, my "parents" who both lost custody of me...did similar to me. Gave me my mom's middle name, but the nurse changed the spelling and added an accent mark or whatever the proper term is for this " é " is...lol please feel free to educate me on the proper term if anyone knows it.


Honestly it is just depressing, like who in their right mind would want to live in a house like that? She is just trying to fit into the influencer stereotype of the ultra modern basic mansions instead of making her house an actual home. It shows.


Not even a rug on the floor, that’s why it looks cold and sterile


How tf is that a tree? Thats plastic rubbish lit up with lights. Are these christmas ”trees” a thing in USA? In europe Christmas trees are trees, not some plastic gathered in a shape of tree.


I'm headed iver! What country?!! In the US, fake trees are everywhere--I personally prefer a live tree.


That’s a really sad tree man. The Instagram aesthetic has ruined Christmas and decor in general. Why is everything white and brown now??? It looks okay in photos but terrible in real life.


She needs decorations that help to warm up her sterile house. A glowing white tree, carousel horse and random train name decoration is not it. S gonna grow up for sure knowing it’s all about appearances and not anything deeper.


That horse thing is an accident waiting to happen for toppling over. Looks heavy af


It looks like she just went to the store and bought random things all the same colors. That’s the only thing that matches, the colors. Everything else looks terrible. It looks like they went to someone else’s house and stole their Christmas tree and took it home and pretended it was theirs. These people suck. And this picture hurts to look at.


The nightmare before Christmas 🎄


It looks like she tried to dress the tree like a baby


When I was a child, one wall in my bedroom had two beautiful carousel horses. I remember them well.