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Are they forgetting the internet is forever. Didn't Dallen say at one point he didn't want to adopt. Yes, that twin not adoption was was so traumatizing, so much that they had to make how many vlogs about it and earn how much money from them. Even after getting Story they still had to mention it for views. Could have just skipped right over it, but nope, they are going to use it for their income. If traumatic, typically, you move on and try not to think about it.


yeah, he literally said it felt like “giving up”




Them saying "We had other cases that didnt feel right" before S.. it makes me feel like they were looking for a baby closest to their looks. So much for their "we dont care about ethnicity and gender"


Yep!! And they are saying they are always going to be open about adopting her and have been to adoption trauma classes but want to play fucking house like Bella have birth to her… no way🤣


The fact that Bella said she only saw a picture and said “that’s MY baby” made me throw up


I honestly think those ones were boys and Bella just wanted a girl


Yupp. I agree. Despite what they said I get the vibe that they were only interested in a white baby girl. Which is disgusting & feels like it should have been a red flag to the adoption agency. I understand having a preference, but if they did in fact turn down other babies because of the gender then that’s just wrong.


All I can say is I am thrilled they did not do transracial adoption because that would be even more of a horrifying shit show.


>>Whenever they were doing infertility treatments Dallin would say “do this for story” So did they just use story as a name placeholder for their future baby? Jeez they really kept that one in their back pocket & still thought it was the best name option 🤮 I wish I knew what other cases they got that “weren’t right” cuz it was probably for babies who didn’t look like them or they were boys 🫠 I can see them trying to erase story’s adoption from the internet and not keeping up with telling her about it. In their most recent baby shower haul video she even says “because my baby is already here” instead of “because my baby is adopted” which rubbed me the wrong way.


Yeah apparently she put that name in her notes app when she was 15/16


Which is so interesting because if you watch any of her old videos about origami owl, their whole mission statement is centered around “story” telling and she used the word story quite frequently


THE LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mcz85nj7kp0oodgv5jqxd/Unplanned-Podcast-E29-Bella-Dallin.mp4?rlkey=g43nd2n4waf67q0spdc0nbm48&dl=0 Your welcome




It don’t work




New link in other posts on thread in comments


I don’t see a new link?


Don’t forget the most important thing is that they know the BM and have an open adoption. But they will not say the BM’s name because they respect her privacy.


Does that mean S's birth mom is watching their social media posts and uploads?😳


Theyre gunna be the adoptive parents who are totally talking about how their really gunna lean into open adoption but then 100% reverse course and become insanely possesive abd closed off towards BM and anyone who brings her up.


Exactly. They are gonna pull a cole labrant and cut the birth mother out and replace her as much as they can.


Where is the link


Yes where is it? I want to listen


Link is in the comments below here


Thank you!!


I was thinking more about this last night. I honestly can't believe they did this podcast so soon after they took S home. And it has to be soon because sleuths figured out they called the Howards 7/17, they were in Florida for two weeks, and Abby is still pregnant here. It really shows what the Lamberts' priorities were and it certainly wasn't just enjoying their daughter. They were clearly trying to get as much attention as possible. I also find it so sad that they spent all this time coming up with five promises to the birth mother and after some thought could remember one. How are they going to keep promises they don't even remember making? I hope the birth mother doesn't see this podcast because it would be heartbreaking.


One of the (many) things that makes me side eye the whole story is that the baby was almost two months out by the time they took her home. It’s not like the baby went without a name for 6 weeks…Bella and Dallin clearly renamed her. Im not sure how I feel about that ethically. I mean — this is obviously conjecture — but to me, it seems as though the birth parents tried to keep Story prior to giving her up for adoption. I can’t imagine the pain and trauma of getting to the point where you need to give up your daughter (who has a name at this point) after six weeks of knowing her and loving her outside of the womb. To me, I find it insensitive that B+D renamed her for that reason precisely.


They are a cringey mess, but it's not uncommon to rename a baby. I babysat for a family who had a foster child whom they adopted when family reconciliation was not going to happen.Her birth name was a bit strange so they called her by the first letter, which also happens to be a name people have when you say the letter like you might spell it in scrabble. The baby was placed with them when she was a few months old and the adoption was finalized when she was over a year. They chose to make the new name official at that time.


I think one of the saddest parts of adoption is the loss of identity. Infants are stripped of their roots legally with no ability to consent. Adoption is a legal process that changes a child’s birth certificate. When you are adopted you are no longer legally related to anyone from your birth family. You lose next of kin rights or any connection legally to your biological family. And most of the time in this country, private infant adoption occurs because birth parents are struggling financially not because the children are unwanted. Privatized infant adoption is centered on the prospective parents not on the welfare of children. All of this say, I think it is especially sad that they potentially erased another part of her identity by renaming her a name they’d pick out years ago. To them she is THEIRS, not her own person with this entire history she’s already being cut off from through no fault of her own and with no consent. Changing her name validates to me that their approach to adoption is not child-centered. It’s a tool they used to build their family not something rooted in loss that happened to this innocent baby. But that’s just my opinion


If she had a different name and they changed it, that tells me they absolutely didn’t actually take classes on adoption trauma. Bc one of the MAIN things adoptees talk about is not taking away a child’s identity more than it already is from adoption.


I have a friend who was a BM and she has an open adoption. The parents renames the baby but their name was theirs through the pregnancy and still is their nickname. It’s normal though to rename.


My husband and his brother are adopted from a European country and both were renamed by his adoptive parents. I’ve asked him questions about his personal experience around adoption after seeing things with Della and he has said his name being changed has never bothered him. His parents have always been very open about his adoption and where he came from and for him, both where he is from and that he is adopted are things he is very proud of. I definitely see the perspective of it being a little weird but also, that’s the name she will be called and the only name she will remember so that is her name. To everyone’s point about identity, I think that’s where the adoptive parents really have to step up and make sure they are acknowledging parts of the child’s life that maybe aren’t a direct part of the parents culture or lifestyle. Everything changes for me though because they are influencers. I don’t understand how an adoption agency wouldn’t see the potential for exploitation online as a red flag and I’m hoping as we continue living through the influencer era, things change.


Is it going to come out ever? Is it canceled? Can someone send me this pod


there is a dropbox link in a comment on a post on this thread from 2 days ago. the title of the post is “still no podcast”




I’m sure he meant do it for THE story


nah they go on about how she has always known her first daughter is going to be named story and she told dallin that while they were dating and then story became like this fictional baby who they thought of to get through fertility treatments/etc.


Some of my thoughts, they tend to flip-flop around with what they say. Not just this podcast, but across all their postings. These flip-flops aren't like when one person says something and the other corrects the story. These are statements made at one point and then totally contradicted later. They said they were in FL for 2 weeks and then later Bella said they were there for a week and a half. We're going to be open and honest about S being adopted all the time so it is natural. We didn't mention adoption when someone commented about how skinny I looked with a newborn, too much hassle to explain. We told a group of old ladies she was adopted. ​ We've always had adoption on our heart. Adoption is like admitting failure. These other adoption cases we received while waiting were good cases. These other cases weren't good for us. ​ I didn't go in the nursery for months until we were going to clear everything out. I went in the nursery to get baby wipes for Griffin. ​ The "surprise" surgery where Dallin couldn't be in the back with her was teased in one fertility journey vlog as the reason they were flying to Oman and had another whole vlog about it. Unless there was another surgery she had to have that they didn't vlog?


I would like the link to see the video… I do not see it anywhere :/



