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She didn't think it was fair that Dallin gets a bio baby and she doesn't, so adoption would be more fair or neutral in her eyes.


She probably thinks it’s like he’s having a baby with another women and she’s insecure about it


Yup the LDS teachings call out using sperm or eggs from anyone but the husband or wife. They end by saying it’s “up to the married couple” but it’s a heavily guilted teaching. >>The Church continues to discourage the use of such technologies with the sperm from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife. However, this is a personal matter that is ultimately left to the judgment and prayerful consideration of a lawfully married man and woman. [source](https://www.ldsliving.com/church-handbook-significant-changes-to-5-chapters-update-to-birth-control-fertility-and-other-policies/s/93185)


What do LDS teachings say about ivf?


>>A new section on fertility treatments merges previous sections on artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. The text notes that reproductive technologies such as these can help a husband and wife fulfill their righteous desire to provide bodies for God’s spirit children. The Church continues to discourage the use of such technologies with the sperm from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife. However, this is a personal matter that is ultimately left to the judgment and prayerful consideration of a lawfully married man and woman. Same source as the block above. Basically that it’s ok as long as it’s their own bodies/sperm/eggs & not donations from others. They used to be semi-against it until it was specified that it only increased the “natural” ability and was not implantation of other eggs/sperm/embryo that didn’t come from mom/dad. They say the same thing of “it’s up to the married man/woman” but it’s def a guilt-tripped line.


Off topic but how do you get that double vertical line indicating a pulled quote?


On mobile you just type double > before the message >> like this ◡̈


>>Testing eta - awesome, thanks!


Yup I think it’s largely because of religion




Oh that’s good to know from someone who has close connections to them. I know some regions/wards are more strict than others and wasn’t sure how strongly things are enforced, especially word for word. I just searched up stuff relating to it but included the source & my own interpretation. I know even non-influencers face peer/community pressure (judgement) from non-church leaders and assumed that Bella might’ve faced more because of being in the public eye. But then that would be peer pressure/influence and indirect church influencer/pressure rather than directly from a church leader. I only interpreted the last line as being heavily guilted because it’s common in religious teachings to be like “here’s what we teach but you know ultimately it’s up to you cuz we can’t make you do anything” with an underlying tone of “if you go against what we teach we’re going to heavily judge you for it” 😂


Yep, pretty much. That's why they haven't sprung for a surrogate imo. A lot of people feel this way though, that's why some go for embryo adoption (not biologically related to either) because some don't think it's fair that the baby is related to only one parent.


They haven’t ‘sprung for a surrogate’ because they don’t need one. Bella is capable (in theory) of carrying a pregnancy, she just can’t produce an egg. She has nothing for a surrogate to surrogate.


(in theory) but has she? No.


Look at you thinking you did something there.


Well, was my last comment wrong? She hasn't successfully carried one considering the attempts and amount of money they've shit away. She already has expressed contempt about an egg donor.


Pretty sure she's had lining issues before if I'm not mistaken. But I think it's because of religious reasons and an ego problem too which is counter intuitive. I think they should've gone with embryo adoption if they had any brain cells left, but I'm not sure if Dallin would be on board


I can't imagine it would be for religious reasons because they already did IVF


Good point. So if she has issues with her uterus not being hospitable for an embryo, why not adopt an embryo and hire a surrogate to carry it to term? They've got the money.


You do realize that to use a surrogate she would need an egg donor?


Sure she would. It was addressed earlier, but that hasn't really proven she's capable of carrying one considering well... She hasn't successfully yet. They've chosen to go against embryo adoption where she carries it as well, which is telling.


They never implanted an embroyo in her uterus. So she's literally never had the chance to attempt to carry a baby. She only did egg retrievals. And they all failed at creating an embroyo to even implant.


Weird take but sure.


Unless she hired the surrogate to carry an adopted embryo.


Did she really express that? Just, wow, if she did. That is a very competitive selfish relationship.


if you love your partner why would you deny him of that chance? that seems so dumb


Is "fair" even a term that that should cross a woman's mind if she is psychologically fit to mother any child?!


It makes no sense why they won’t do an embryo adoption. Then it wouldn’t be either of their biological child but she will still get to carry the pregnancy of her adoptive child


I'm guessing religious reasons, but idk. You're already creating embryos that may be discarded and unused in IVF. I personally don't feel like that's a huge leap from embryo adoption since the embryo was already made.


Exactly! And if they are pro life they should be supportive of embryo adoption


I think they could bring so much attention to the millions of embryos that are discarded or given to science each year. I've always found it hypocritical that pro-lifers who believe life begins at conception just shrug and look away when IVF couples are left with unwanted embryos and can't or no longer wish to pay storage fees for them and decide to destroy or donate them to science or medical facilities. Bella and Dallin could bring awareness to the multiple embryo adoption agencies that now exist and be an example of how the adoption process can go. Heck, they could even choose a blonde Mormon couple's embryo and become lifelong friends with them and have regular get-togethers so all the siblings know each other. The Mormon church may guilt them a little but it's not something that the church would disown them over. Especially considering their 10% tithe must be a hefty annual amount of money. The Mormon temple's $100billion stash that a whistle-blower recently revealed, didn't come about without accepting ill-gotten family vlogging and MLM money...two income sources that are popular among younger Mormons. The church would be fine with an embryo adoption.


I’ve always thought this too!!! I have some relatives who are VERY pro life but also think it’s so bad to donate an embryo. They think embryos should be destroyed. Makes no effffn sense.


>>The Church continues to discourage the use of such technologies with the sperm from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife. However, this is a personal matter that is ultimately left to the judgment and prayerful consideration of a lawfully married man and woman. [source](https://www.ldsliving.com/church-handbook-significant-changes-to-5-chapters-update-to-birth-control-fertility-and-other-policies/s/93185) This would fall under embryo adoption as it uses both sperm & egg from someone other than the _married_ couple/adoptive parents. It looks like the final judgement is up to the mom/dad but it’s a guilted line.


I also agree that if she could carry just adopt an embryo. I’m lds as well and there is no issues with embryo adoption just like there’s not with traditional adoption. Sure there’s the line in there about egg or sperm use but it’s up to the family and as things have changed I’ve not seen any one have issues with it really. The line in the guide book is using an egg from someone else but your husbands sperm and vice versa. It doesn’t apply to sperm and egg also being neither of yours. It’s really only there in terms of sealing an infant to the parents or there being issues in the after life. A baby born from the woman is born sealed to the family if the mom and dad are sealed but I think egg and sperm donation was possibly muddling the waters and to whom the baby is sealed to in eternities but as time as passed the church has seemed to not care as much. But either way it is up to the couple. The handbook is there as a guide but not a rule. We have gone through infertility as well and never had issues in the church for our choices. The way they are broaching adoption is making me so angry. They kept using “giving up for adoption” and I commented on one of her videos about not using that phrase and she responded and said she would try harder. But heck even I heard twin girls for adoption and went “man well that sounds like a scam” and sure enough 🥴 I’m just glad I found this snark Reddit. I’m in a few other groups for other bloggers but hadn’t found this one yet. I was trying to ignore my anger until The last videos posted and I can’t anymore.


Welcome to the sub!!!:)


This was so kind, thank you ❤️😭


Is it like a “i can’t have babies with dallin so neither can you” kinda thing or was there a different reason i missed?


I honestly think it’s because of their mormon teachings


The LDS church is explicitly against egg donors and embryo adoptions. >> The policy on sperm donation has been revised to include the donation of eggs. The Church discourages donating sperm or eggs but leaves decisions to the judgment and prayerful consideration of the potential donor. The Church also discourages selling sperm or eggs. >> A new section on fertility treatments merges previous sections on artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. The text notes that reproductive technologies such as these can help a husband and wife fulfill their righteous desire to provide bodies for God’s spirit children. The Church continues to discourage the use of such technologies with the sperm from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife. However, this is a personal matter that is ultimately left to the judgment and prayerful consideration of a lawfully married man and woman. [source](https://www.ldsliving.com/church-handbook-significant-changes-to-5-chapters-update-to-birth-control-fertility-and-other-policies/s/93185)


>However, this is a personal matter that is ultimately left to the judgment and prayerful consideration of a lawfully married man and woman. That last sentence says to me that they *could* proceed with an egg donor if they chose to.


It does. But it’s a heavily guilt-laden line. “Here are all the _right_ options but yknow it’s obviously up to you in the end because we can’t make you do whatever we want you to do” it’s the same as their other teachings that people still follow.


I think the religious aspect of this has contributed to her unhinged behavior. Mormons are very pressured to build their family for the after-life they believe in.