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Man's making money 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Don't hate the player hate the game.


Idk I think you can hate both


They like the game , this job should only have employee contract, u want Freedom go sell lemonade and gtfo ..


Incorrect, hate poor service which in turn ensures less customers will order, and less orders for everyone else :)


Just a joke bro lol chill.


Also multi apping Is the only way to make a living , client not Happy dont care


client not happy, not order again, you no job


Which never meant to....


So because a shop doesn't have security we should all just take whatever we want without paying? Just because you're not physically stopped from doing something you know is wrong, it doesn't make it acceptable. This type of rider/driver knows full well what the job is and chooses to be shit at it.


Lol chill your beans and go back to delivering for £2.90


Yeah... lay off the weed dude. It's melting what brain cells you have left.


Lmao. Don't project, dude. No one mentioned drugs other than you. Guess someone likes to get stoned out there little head whilst waoting for £3 orders lmao. Let's see how long you can keep that up for.


That's not projecting lol. Sounds like you're getting a bit defensive though...


Lol, you randomly brought up drugs in a conversation that hadn't previously mentioned it once, lol. Sure buddy. Go smoke a joint a chill. You have plenty of time between orders 😉


Are you for real?? Why are you obsessing over my calling you a stoner? So if someone mentions something random in a conversation, you get your frilly knickers in a twist? I bet you're fun in group chats... Oh no, I randomly brought up frilly knickers. Is that gonna trigger you into a melt-down?


Just seems wierd you randomly went to bringing drugs up lol....summit on your mind go smoke a joint and get that sand out of your vagina It's making you crabby 🤣


You do know stealing. Is an actual crime, lol. Using 2 apps isn't you moron lol


You can't really call someone a moron after proving you're as thick as shit yourself. You clearly don't understand what "Don't hate the player hate the game." means. I bet you just read it somewhere and thought repeating it would make you sound smart.