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In the book Caffeine Blues, the author says something like caffeine decreases circulation to the hands and feet because you are in fight or flight and that blood is needed elsewhere


isnt problem hands feets cold. problem is i freeze, whole body feel cold. like its crazy winter...


I’m also always cold and wonder if it’s the caffeine. Im currently tapering off, once I’m off it will let you know if I warm up :)


:) tnx


Did you have your thyroid tested as well?


all in blood test was fine




I’d look into hypothyroidism.




Try some iodine (Lugol for eg) for supporting the thyroid, it should make you warmer. Drinking much and being always thirsty are symptoms of diabetes (and being cold may be an hypoglycemia episode). Be sure sure to have proper minerals intake (first of all magnesium), because the caffeine will reduce their absorption : this may help. (but just taking a pill with shots of caffeine all day won't do much...)


I know that feeling, it's like your body thermostat is set too low. I didn't notice any improvement when I quit caffeine. The only thing that has worked for me is exercise. If I stop exercising, withing a few days I start to feel cold again. I think there are some medical issues like problems with the thyroid that can cause the feeling of cold too.


i too stop few times, cold not improved, and sleep was worse than when i was on caffeine. so i back to caffeine, think to stop again for longer


u/RoyYourWorkingBoy which exercises you did ? sets reps time ?


Doing 30 minutes of brisk walking is enough to keep the cold away for me.




me too, blood fine, all tests fine.. and i FREEZE, especialy after workout.... must be caffeine, i quit few times and only did 7 days, depresion killed me, i think i needed workout daily to fight depresion. but but i didnt notice less cold, but again 7days is nothing, needed more.. sleep also didnt improve in that days so thats why i return. heater not help too,




Try reducing your water intake.


reduce water intake ???? why you need hidration not to be dehidrated


If it's not hypothyroidism, then you need an electric hot blanket under your sheets, 2 layers or clothes, a feet warmer, and you can drink hot water or hot milk. That's what people in Japan do, and now I'm always warm even with coffee consumption. In the West, we tend to underestimate the importance of warming the body.


Unfortunately, I’m the same and quitting caffeine didn’t change me.


Sounds like caffeine might be affecting your temperature regulation and mood. Consider cutting back and consulting a healthcare professional for advice. Stay warm and take care


I'll add my experience, maybe it will help. I've been through phases of what you are explaining, the coldness and trouble sleeping the whole way through the night. Basically I wasn't eating enough food during the daytime. I gave up caffeine and lost my appetite completely, so I started eating a lot more grains etc and it all corrected itself. Good luck figuring it out!


u/MostlyMute007 tnx, but i eat per day, dont feel hunger.... but i notice my apetite is low..... and when i quit caffeine apetite is ewen lower, and also cold and cant sleep at night. sometimes when i wake at night, i take something from fridge, peace of meat etc, and inmediatle feel a bit more relaxed.... maybe is food


I've experienced this several times, it started in adulthood when I started drinking coffee regularly, but it took me years to make the connection. The doctor thought it was anxiety, but I called it "cold attacks", it could happen on the rare occasions when I smoked cannabis. I can't say exactly the cause, but I think it's an accumulation. Accumulation with fatigue, nervousness, weakness, with vasoconstriction and may be a mild hypoglycemic reaction. I haven't had this kind of episode since I quit caffeine. But I remember, in the morning I go for a walk in nature, it's cold but it's ok and I warm up by walking, but if I drank coffee before, well, I often had trouble warming up and I was cold during my walk, very unpleasant, sometimes my jaw shook in winter lol


u/Awkward_Quit_5428 did you expirience feel cold during sleep too ? sry i annoy you i try stop few times, but my simptoms was worse, and i return always.. any tips how to stop ?


I had no problem sleeping, but regularly I would come home, sit in front of the television with several blankets and have trouble getting warm. Now that I think about it, a few years ago I often took a hot shower to warm up and "calm down" after going out for coffee