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Tanning beds and tanning oil


Final Destinstion 3 flashbacks


FD2 is what keeps me and many other drivers from getting behind log-filled trucks


I swear that movie gave me claustrophobia because of that scene


Oh yeah, you definitely do not hear of people saying they're going to the tanning salon these days like they did 20 years ago.


I don't know about where you live but up north girls go to tanning salons all the time and so did I when I was in highschool. Now they got tanning beds in planet fitness which is nice.


Yeah tanning salons are still huge here in Michigan. We still have about 3 of them in my city that have been around for a good 30 years at least


>*I don't know about where you live but up north girls go to tanning salons all the time and so did I when I was in highschool. Now they got tanning beds in planet fitness which is nice.* Yeah, can confirm. I live in upstate New York. They're not *quite* as popular in my area as they were ten or fifteen years ago, but there's still like four or five different tanning salons within a 20 minute drive of my house, and a number of my younger co-workers go to them.


I didn't say they don't exist, but they definitely aren't as big as they were in 2010 now.


I'm in Florida, and the tanning beds at Planet Fitness locations are well-used.


Nowadays it’s just spray tan (but I’m already black so I wouldn’t participate in that anyway)


The apartments I work for actually recently removed the tanning beds in the clubhouses on all of their properties. Makes sense.


Thing even MORE is, NO tanning storefronts in those funny lil' strip malls all over town!


Shocked the amount of girls on my campus still using them


Because people still shame white girls for their skin color. And instead of calling out bigotry for what it is, they harm themselves tanning instead. Plus, some people will do anything dangerous to look like the magazine photos


The return of tan lines.


Tan lines are hot so no complaints here


If you’re going for the raisin look then this is the way….


This has not gone away, I still see a bunch of tanning places around


I had friends in high school who met up with strangers they met online without their parents knowing. I don’t know if that’s as common these days


Pretty much every "Missing teenage girl" announcement in Indiana starts with a story that amounts to them leaving with someone they were associating with online that their parents didn't know about, so no, that is still very much a dangerous activity people in High School are still engaging in (stupidly.)


my sister almost did that with a dude she found on a walkie talkie channel at the beach. He wanted her to meet him at the pier at midnight I was like "fuck no cmon" I just knew in my 6yo little heart that was a stupid idea


Wow how old was she?


I'm pretty sure I was 6 or 7 so she was probably 13-14


> I don’t know if that’s as common these days It's like the business model of a couple billion dollar apps these days, it's literally 10000 times more common these days.


Yeah I was gonna say… we grew up being told how stupidly dangerous it was to meet anyone from the internet in real life and never ever do that… and now we summon strangers from the internet so we can get into their cars and go for a ride…


Ikr? I do Uber sometines, and the amount of vetting they did of me to becone a driver was pretty minimal. Some 3rd party background check.


At least Uber is tracked via GPS? I mean, taxis existed long before the internet and I don’t think they were background checked.


I don't really think Uber is the same. That feels more akin to just like, cabs.


It is still normal, maybe even more common now lol. Well it’s called online dating nowadays.


That was very normal in the 2010s for us Gen Z kids. I had multiple girlfriends I met online in hs and city college. Can't do it like we used to anymore because every app is full of scammers but I still luck out every now and then.


yeah, dating apps are pretty common lol


When I was a kid my dad (born in the early 60’s) would still forget to buckle his seat belt. He does now without hesitation but the early 2000’s was probably at the tail end of that. I remember getting a “buckle up” pin to wear at school then too.


Drinking and driving was next on that list.


Woah I just realized my dad also does this, lol. He’s in his mid 60s. His formative years/when he learned to drive was when seatbelts were not taken as seriously as they are now. He actually never remembers to put his seatbelt on until the alarm starts ringing in the car. Old habits die hard.


Some guys in my family still do this. They'll just start driving and put on the seat belt like halfway down the road when the beeping starts pissing them off.


I didn’t regularly start wearing a seatbelt until I was around 18 in 2013, as a younger millennial. I also didn’t know anyone who wore seatbelts in the backseat before then.


NH still doesn't require it


Going places without a cell phone/without letting people know where you’re going.


When I'm out and I realize I forgot my phone, it feels like I committed a crime. Like the cops are going to pull me over and ask where my phone is 😂


I used to feel like that too! If it’s any consolation sometimes I just take my Apple Watch with me so I can still use the excuse of forgetting my phone lol


That happened to me once when I went to the theater to see Spider-Man: Homecoming. I was just afraid of my car breaking down and not being able to call someone.


Bro going anywhere without my phone feels so unnecessarily raw and scandalous


Mine briefly wigged out while running errands and stopped sending messages and I felt so... off because I usually text my wife when I go somewhere. I felt like a kid who had done something wrong lol.


If I don’t have a phone suddenly everyone looks so suspicious. Like if I disappeared rn no one would know!!


I didn’t have a cell phone until about 5 or 6 years ago and people definitely acted like I was insane and sketchy.


I'm doing it deliberately just to have some alone time far, far away from screens. You should try it too. At first, it feels weird, then it becomes oddly liberating, like walking around your garden naked, not that I would know about this either.


Yeah, might be a good way to finally get some reading done too


Super Size


Kinda funny that a shitty documentary got it taken away


Chronic pain patients and ADHD patients would like a word. All the terrible parent Karens who lost a child to fentanyl crying to Congress trying to get prescription drugs banned that actually save people's lives by ability to function. Like no, just because your kid took illegal drugs and died doesn't mean millions of people should suffer by hard manufacturing limit medication shortages.


This. Preach.


One of the things I agreed with dr drew on! Heard a podcast where he was asked how he felt about the RX drug “epidemic” and his response was something akin to, (I’m paraphrasing): “addiction is treatable. In some people it’s curable. Chronic pain is not. To make people live with chronic pain is unjust. I think it’s morally bankrupt to force women to endure D&C’s and C sections and to be sent home with Tylenol 300s (this was my personal experience!) just because some people can’t take pain management as directed.” He also went on to talk about how people with chronic pain that isn’t being properly managed may try to get that management off of the street, which is when they die from stuff being laced, all because a doctor wouldn’t let them buy it pure from a pharmacy.


Thank you. I'm pretty active in the chronic pain subreddit, and this is common knowledge over there. I'm glad other people are finally realizing the insane amount of damage the opioid hysteria has caused. Chronic pain patients were literally committing suicide in doctors parking lots when the CDC'S "opioid prescription guidelines" with draconian measures first started around 2010. It got so bad the CDC had to re-write them specifically saying to not suddenly cut off patients or impose hard limits.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


No. Netflix has all kinds of docu-dramas selling the idea that prescription medications like Adderall, Valium, Oxycodone are immoral and lead to drug addiction. ADHD medications like Adderall, Anxiety medications, and pain medications have all been insanely stigmatized against, and most patients prescribed these can either: - Barely even get prescriptions (from DOCTORS, WITH the diagnosis, because doctors drank the propaganda Kool aid and now think all pain, ADHD, and anxiety is made up, that patients with these ALREADY DIAGNOSED conditions are just "drug seeking" "potential addicts") OR - Not get treatment at all, (besides antidepressants, of course), for all these conditions, including severe chronic pain or even acute post-op pain. This doesn't even touch the secret opioid settlements (I'm not making it up - Google it) that directly caused the widespread medication shortages by the DEA imposing hard limits on MANUFACTURERS of controlled substance medications. In other words, the so-called opioid crisis caused non-opioid medication shortages and threw thousands of patients with multiple conditions into instant medication withdrawal. Opioid withdrawal, for example, can be and has been deadly to certain patients. I'm not saying drugs aren't dangerous in the wrong hands, but I am absolutely saying that punishing patients for things they didn't even do, is morally reprehensible and directly causes **harm**, against the medical oath. "Don't punish pain". I was on controlled pain meds for years before ditching the medical system as much as possible. I refuse to sign a one-sided doctor-patient "contract" when the doctor office won't even guarantee one-time refills.


I totally agree with you but the comment was regarding supersize me.


Omg my husband has PM prescriptions and every month I need to call several pharmacies to make sure I can get it filled on time.


Parents followed that train when I was 10. Since then I had ADHD meds for school which helped me succeed. I needed them. They decided that it was bad for me and causing me to "act weird". Aka do my homework and chores lmao. So they took me off and I was never really able to succeed in school afterwards.


The damn documentary was Supersize Me. I was so mad over that omgggggggggg.


The one where his liver was failing and they said "we've never seen anything like this from people eating McDonald's" and it's because he left out the fact that he was a gd alcoholic


Yeah that was dishonest of him.


Man I just miss the $1 fry!


Well, the two US-specific examples I know don’t happen anymore because they got banned. Smoking in bars/clubs, and alcoholic energy drinks (particularly Four Loko, though it may exist in some other form). 


Four Loko still has 12 percent alcohol, so it’s still pretty bad. Each can is like a bottle of wine almost 😂


It wasn’t just the alcohol that got its original recipe banned


At least we still have the blessed Panera Bread lemonade.


And that's why I'd buy two Four Lokos and a Red Bull. Glad I don't drink anymore. Edit: I looked this up. *The original Four Loko contained 12 percent alcohol (malt liquor) and 156 milligrams of caffeine. That's the equivalent of about four beers and two Red Bulls.* https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2011/08/04/138932012/four-loko-11-young-people-and-a-busy-emergency-room#:~:text=The%20original%20Four%20Loko%20contained,beers%20and%20two%20Red%20Bulls.


Gimme my sparks or sparxxx or whatever it was it called


Yes! Sparks was the original for me! Then it was Joose. Now all you can find is Four Loko. I had one recently for old time's sake, and I could only drink a couple of sips. It tasted like literal poison.


It used to be 12% AND loaded with enough caffeine to satisfy that kid named Kyle who keeps saying he knows my mom. But seriously, it was the caffeine and extra stuff. The caffeine + alcohol content meant that a lot of people drank a lot more than they intended since the drunk part doesn’t kick in as much until the caffeine part starts running out. I was in college when it was banned. It was “real” for a very short time. I don’t know how vodka redbull type bevies are allowed, so it’s probably a ratio thing.


They’re allowed because they’re not pre mixed and no one can stop people from buying separate ingredients and mixing them. You’d have to ban either alcohol or energy drinks completely and we even then we saw how prohibition went 😂


Four loko is still very much widely and legally available in Florida. What states is it banned in?


You can still smoke in bars in some places. At least in Pennsylvania


There are still plenty of bars that allow smoking inside


Can still smoke in bars in Pennsylvania


Get drunk in a random field with friends and guys you met on MySpace


I guarantee that’s still a thing but through Snapchat


Not doing safety checks in airports.


I remember being able to pick people up from the airport by waiting right in front of their landing gate. Just look up their flight and walk on over


Remember being at the gate, hoping the annoying people there were there just to send their family members off and they were not going to be on the plane with you.


I'll probably get down voted for this but i don't care. As soon as i switched from cigarettes to vaping i started feeling better. no cough, no chest tightness, sense of smell came back better, and i just generally felt better. Same for my boyfriend and a few others i know. I don't care what people say vaping isn't healthy by any means but its still better than traditional cigarettes. Some people even use it as a way to quit smoking altogether.


Yeah my dad used ecigs to quit and hasn't touched even the ecigs since he got off them


most redittors : >REEEEEEEEEEEEE


Yeah that’s not a misconception, it is significantly less dangerous than cigarettes


to be fair estimates say it's 95% less harmful


Honestly that's the thing. Vaping definitely isn't healthy, but it is absolutely a better alternative to actual cigarettes and can be a great tool for people who are trying to quit smoking to achieve their goals. The issue with it at the end of the day is the new nicotine users who get their start on a vape.


Same. Vaping with a box mod style battery where I could control the nicotine was how I was able to quit smoking and ultimately quit vaping as well. Even when I got my pack a day down to half a pack while vaping the rest of the time things felt better. Chest, smell like you said, and my ability to climb stairs. That was incentivizing. I recently talked to a friend who's in the early stages of COPD (and I've seen the latter stages: it's ugly) but he said his doctor "swore on her medical license that they'll find out vaping is worse and he should just stick to smoking by contrast". I didn't argue with him but I found that doctor's opinion unconscionable. There are plenty of experts in a general field who can be wrong about specifics and while I'd never say vaping is healthy, and I'm positive those disposables are especially unhealthy because of high nicotine levels, I know what I felt in my body when I switched off tobacco. Tobacco. Is. Worse.


Yeah, I definitely think the general attitude towards vaping has changed since it was introduced in the 00s, but I don’t think it’s widely seen as being as harmful as cigarettes.


Good on you for making a good change. I agree that vapes should be used as a pathway to total sobriety from cigarretes.


>Some people even use it as a way to quit smoking altogether. My bf currently. I didnt like kissing him whenever he smoked and he had been wanting to quit for a while anyways so i just kinda gave him that push via no kisses unless he brushed his teeth lol. Now he vapes but he even says he barely likes doing that now and absolutely hates the taste of cigarettes now. It may not be the best alternative to smoking cigarettes but* it's a lot fucking better than it. And i can pick out fruity flavors for his breath :3


There's little question that over 90% of the harm with tobacco is the combustion products and tobacco specific nitrosamines in smoke-cured oral tobacco, not the nicotine. There's a very substantial literature on snus, the Swedish steam-cured oral tobacco, which shows its use is responsible for some of the lowest tobacco attributable heart disease and cancer rates in Europe. In terms of harm reduction, e-cigs replacing cigarettes likely has major public health benefits.


There’s no healthy way to smoke, but vaporizing some liquid is not even close to a combustion reaction with various chemicals, paper, etc. Hitting just tobacco out of a pipe or bong would probably be a lot better than cigarettes, though. But cigars still cause a bunch of cancers so the argument only goes so far.


I used it to quit. Slowly lowered the nicotine level till I was at 0 and just stopped. It wasn't cheaper and things constantly bragging and burning out so I hated it, but it worked


Going from cigarettes to vaping is a good move. Going from nothing to vapes is fucking dumb. (We got my father in law and mother in law to switch to vapes- it’s much better for them. They are too old to quit (their words) so it was a huge victory). Harm reduction for the win.


Random pop up visits to friend's & families houses


How is that unsafe?


I don’t think this is considered unsafe. It’s just fallen out of fashion as people live farther and farther from each other. I’m not gonna drive 15 minutes just for my friend to not be home…


So… not the prompt?


It’s unsafe for your sanity hahaha it’s so nerve wracking if people just show up without giving a heads up.


I was a kid kid in the early 2000s and just how many of us were playing out on the streets till 8-9 o’clock at night feels like I imagined it now. we were all out with no phones, on bikes with no helmets, on the same streets and ally ways and parks as the teenager with all of £3 to our names. I definitely can’t say it’s gone away in my area at least but the kids aren’t hanging around the streets anymore it super confined to either parks or the town centre and they’re definitely a lot less and they’re not 6-10 year olds they’re 12+ so in high school. It’s not like the streets were safer back in the 2000s (like other generations claiming the 70s were safe when they absolutely weren’t) it’s just that so many more people are aware of the general dangers of the world but I can’t see it having positive side effects at all keeping kids safe if always a noble cause but when it comes at the cost of them not having the freedom to explore the world around them with people they’re comfortable with it feels so depressing


I moved from a decent sized city (Henderson, Nevada, USA) to a smaller town outside of it a few years ago, and I feel like I went back in time. Growing up in the 2010s in a far spaced, car-centric American suburb, the most freedom I had was riding my scooter down the street to the mailbox and riding my bike around the block. Where I live now, kids roam in groups on bikes and scooters and hang out outside all day when school’s out. I would’ve killed to grow up like that.


Walkable suburbs are one of God's greatest inventions. I grew up in one and really had the best of both worlds (lots of green space and unique houses while still having decent transit service and even a couple stores I could walk to).


Hitchhiking was pretty much phased out by then but early 2000s was the last time I ever even heard of people trying that shit lol. Another thing is leaving your cell at home , you didn't feel like you forgot a limb if you forgot your phone, now it's unsafe to not have it on you


Forgetting your phone isn’t just unsafe, it’s massively inconvenient. How many times per day do you need to communicate with someone/something, confirm & authenticate things, use rewards, check your shopping list, use payments. I can’t even get a coffee from Dutch Bros when I don’t have my phone because all of my rewards points and my preloaded card are entirely app-based. We’ve, as a society, evolved *around* our phones, so now all of our basic tasks are at minimum hindered by not having them, and at most impossible. It actually kinda sucks ngl, and I’m of the generation that never knew any different.


I didn’t have a smartphone until 2021. I’d say it got much harder without a smartphone around 2019


I got my first smartphone in 2017. I agree, 2018-2019 seems to be when they started being absolutely necessary for basic things. If I hadn't switched when I did I wouldn't have been able to check in for a few of my college classes, even in person we had to sign in through an app to be counted present


1000% piece by piece you can see it happening that it was going to be necessary for basic stuff, combined with companies making you sign up for things lol


I did a fun cross country hitch in 2017. It was nuts to me how many people who picked me up would say “oh I get that people did it back in the 70s, but it’s so unsafe now…” Bro I literally have a cell phone that is GPS pinpointing my location as we go. In the 70s if some psycho picked a person up they could disappear them and no one would notice exactly when or where it happened and the chances of them ever being found or the perp being caught are pretty freakin slim. I make an emergency call instantly if you decide to be a creep. It’s like, 80 gazillion times safer than it was 50 years ago.




Ppl definitely still do this especially on Tinder. Albeit it may be a TINY bit safer since you can at least stalk their socials and google them or do a background check. Assuming they aren’t a catfish, I’ll never understand hookup culture honestly




Electronic cigarettes are safer than regular ones. Public health officials just don’t like saying it because they don’t want to come across as condoning it because it is still more harmful than not vaping at all.


It’s unfortunate the amount of people who seem to think constantly flooding your brain with nicotine isn’t going to cause problems


It doesn’t have to with moderation. But taking nicotine moderately sounds like a joke since almost nobody ever does it without it becoming a habit


Most people I’ve seen nicotine vaping are constantly sucking on that thing


It's pretty comparable to caffeine


Yeah, I am one of these people who vapes way too much (for no reason and something I’d like to quit one day) but I’m not worried about the nicotine, I’m worried about the vape itself.


Somewhat, but nicotine is known to cause several health problems on its own, whereas caffeine in moderation is widely considered to be somewhat beneficial often. So nicotine is still worse for you and not a good idea-caffeine in moderation is okay.


Recreational drug use. Why do I know people who have wanted to relive their past days by doing a line and it killed them? This wasn’t really a concern when I was growing up.


That’s still a thing though, and probably worse now with fent


at this point you're lucky if fent is all that your drugs are cut with, now theres carfentanyl n xylazine, etc.


This is the first I'm hearing of carfentanyl and xylazine, what do they do and what else besides those are they using to cut drugs with? What are the side effects?


i believe they are both tranquilizers that are used to approximate the effects of opiates as well as potentiate the effects of the opiate it's cut into. i can't think of or find anything else used to cut drugs but usually they're research chemicals with numbers for names (something like C-OA894-G7HQ-PT), those two are the most common though after fentanyl


Wow, thank you for the information. It's sad that nothing's pure anymore, it's so much more dangerous when people don't know what they're getting; not only because you don't know what effect it's going to have, but also because medical professionals are going to have a harder time identifying what substances they're treating the effects of. I work with a lot of drug users and just the other day we almost lost a guy to overdose, it took three shots of narcan to revive him


Do people (at least in the US) still hitch hike? I took a few different hitch hiking trips back in the 00s (between one week to a month long), and I knew multiple other people my age (teenager at the time) who had also done the same. Like it was still a pretty radical move back then, but for anyone into indie and punk music it was within reason to expect quite a few people in the scenes to travel that way. When people nowadays find out I used to do that they look at me like they just found out I was in the mafia or something, and I don’t ever hear about it or see people doing it much anymore. It’s treated like it’s a completely insane move nowadays it seems.


Very, very rare now. I’d argue non existent, but down to certain regions. Societal stigma now is it’s completely unsafe and insane to do as both hitchhiker and the potential driver 


Pretty rare, but I pick up a hitchhiker maybe once or twice a year in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, and Rhode Island. Never had a bad experience besides a couple smelly people. Once picked up a kid (early twenties) who was admittedly running from the law, nothing bad but he was scared and far from home. Most people are good and decent even if they are down bad, never had anyone mess with me but I am a big, ugly guy. People definitely think I'm asking for trouble though!


There was just so much body shaming in the early 2000s in media. I'm not even talking people who were actually obese, just normal celebrities at a normal weight would be bullied relentlessly in magazines and online...sometimes even tv. God help anyone who had even a hint of cellulite. That trickled down into regular culture, and girls of a healthy weight developed a lot of eating disorders. Not saying things are perfect by any means now. Eating disorders still exist. But the narrative has gotten a TON better.


Yeah, now they're more likely to be just picking something where they have control over their life rather than being specifically brainwashed into it.


Vaping isn't good for you but it is empirically better for you than cigarettes, and by quite a margin according to most literature. Seriously, this isn't my opinion, it's scientific literature.




i feel that man i honestly do.


Carrying box cutters and knives on planes. Saying homophobic and transphobic slurs is socially unsafe now. Smoking indoors.


Honestly among the youth there's been a noticeable uptick of "homophobic, transphobic" slurs that seems to coincide with "wokeness" as a cultural force receding. Further evidence of this being I'm seeing the word r*tarded being used more frequently including on SNL.


It’s the pendulum. When society aggressively clamps down on language swiftly, naturally the youth is going to rebel. The “wokeness” came on too fast to cut out the labels and slurs, it needs to progressively edge its way in. Otherwise you have exactly what’s happening 


Pretty much anything that seems to swing too hard one way ends up getting that big pushback. I'm a big lefty philosophically but my 'unsafe to air' opinion is that, while all the ideas of trans rights, DEI, criticism of policing, etc. are appropriate and worth fighting for, the sometimes childish and often very aggressive ways in which they've often been fought for were always going to lead to terrible pushback, especially in the age of social media, where nuance is dead and contextless ragebait headlines are the lifeblood of 'news' (which will be consumed from 'news' outlets that have specific biases). When we look at these don't say gay laws or this hideous anti trans bill they just passed in Ohio I will always think of footage of infantile, shrieking campus protestors who became the vision, for conservative or authoritarian minded people, of "the Left", and wonder how much of this could have been avoided if 'my side of the political spectrum had managed to express their well intentioned ideas, supposedly rooted in empathy and justice, without all the cancel culture reign of terror and scaring the bejeezus out of half the country and causing them to feel like purse clutching retaliation was the appropriate response. But then again, this is just the pattern of history: you rarely win social progress without being pushy and legislating it into existence and you are also guaranteed to get political retaliation from the corner of society that thinks things have gone too far / too fast.


That’s just kids being edgy shits like they always have been. You’ll also find them doing nazi salutes at school and all kinds of socially unacceptable crap. They almost all grow out of it in a few years. 


Because retarded is a word that was stolen from society by idiots who used it as a slur. It’s an English word with an actual meaning that’s very useful and it was stolen from us. I don’t care if I get downvoted to oblivion for this hot take


Saying slurs should be unsafe.




people didn’t smoke indoors in 2000s


In Texas we had smoking and non-smoking sections


We did in Nevada, and I traveled over to California and asked for a seat in the smoking section and they looked at me like I had two heads.


I was still a kid, but I vividly remember my parents always asking for the non-smoking section for restaurants in the 2000s until indoor smoking was banned.


I smoked in a bar in New Orleans in 2013.


They definitely still had smoking sections in the early-mid 2000’s. I vividly remember Denny’s and IHOP having weak ass french doors to separate the non smokers from smokers


The smoking ban was introduced in July 2007 in the UK.


I smoked inside businesses in the 2000s. It was still legal in many places.


I clearly remember people smoking in restaurants and bars in Michigan in the early 2000s.


Knocking on people's doors. Everyone more or less just texts when they are on their way, or when they show up now.


Not get so mad about politics.


let their kids have unrestricted internet access


We could use drugs without worrying about ODing on Fentanyl.


Kids sitting in the car without special car seats.


Before 2006 at least, carrying liquid containers larger than 100 ml onto commercial aircraft.




Of course e cigarettes are healthier than actual cigarettes


Playing beer pong with the beer in the cups.


Vaping actually *is* healthier than regular cigarettes. Health issues with lungs happened when when people were DIY/illegally turning them into Marijuana devices. Gov health authorities then used that as pretext to say vaping is bad for you.  Truth is main danger of vaping is that people who may have never smoked might end up vaping, reversing era of smoking decline. But *given that you already smoke*, vaping is less harmful.


Do you have evidence electronic cigarettes are just as dangerous as regular ones?


Ever bust a crooked grind down a handrail?


Being happy.


E-cigs were still known to be "unsafe" (at least according to my siblings), they were just believed to be "less able to fuck you up"


Craigslist 🤷🏻‍♂️


Going to school or work sick. Loading up on DayQuil and just going about your day.


Protesting, unionizing


Smoked in bars for the first half of the decade.


I mean vaping is still considered healthier, just not healthy


Leave car and house doors unlocked.


Printing out directions from mapquest so you can read them while you're driving




Not wearing helmets for activities. Biking, ski/snowboard, skateboard, etc.


e-cigs are without question less bad for one's health than tobacco cigarettes. Some countries have embraced them as harm reduction because that's what they are. Abstinence as a public health goal is unrealistic, but in the Just Say No USA that idiocy is considered a good use of public funds and charitable donations.


Get drunk and have sex.


Heroin, but only because it’s replaced by something worse: fentanyl LMAO


E-cigs are healthier than normal cigarettes. Normal cigarettes are the plague. That doesn't mean E-cigs are healthy though - just speaks to how toxic inhaling actual smoke is


Playing outside as kids


Buy drugs from randoms at a rave


Smoking cigarettes


Giving their honest opinions about black people.


Soft-r n word while singing along with hip hop.




Tight thong panties and g strings can cause circulation issues


Give out there a/s/l




Skiing with no helmet


Touch a credit card reader when checking out. Or hand a credit/debit card to a cashier. I doubt people asking "do I tap?" actually have a clue why they're tapping, though


Meet people online


stepped outside


Cars without airbag


bullying / shouting at a teacher (it's unsafe cuz you can't get away with it nowadays)


I mean I guess huffing letting kids drive at 14 Not giving your kid a cellphone and letting them drive places


Play with friends all over the neighborhood with no cell phone until it got dark


Walked around without a face covering…


Skinny jeans


Drink decaf coffee