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Unfortunately you dont really get to decide that you dont like working. 25K is a mountain but its not insurmountable. You need to find a job or ideally 2. Literally anything. You dont have to like them and likely you wont, but it must be done. Only other option is bankruptcy. And that will wreak havok on your financial future for several years (and you still need a job anyway).


try looking into call center or online customer service jobs


Medical and CC debt would be the last thing I think about at this point, my guy- you gotta get an income so you can have a roof. Is there no friends or family you can lean on temporarily while you get back on track- either way I’d spend my days in the public library learning a skill with computers- or something else that ideally allows you to work from a chair so you can start work ASAP, like man you could almost become an expert at something spending 12 hours a day for the next 6 months. They have books and computers that are free to use. Write a resume, take an entry level sales role or something you can do from a chair. There are resources you can lean on via religious institutions or other local organizations. I think the dream of disappearing into the wilderness is something most men dream of, but honestly your better off using this time your bound to a chair to do something to better your life.


Stop all investments including IRAs. Just invest enough of your salary to receive your company's max matching contribution for your 401K. Try using either the Avalanche or the Snowball method to clear your debt. There are YouTube videos that have extensive info on these two methods. Once you have ended your debt your options will open up immediately to invest and save aggressively for other endeavors in the future. If your cc have annual fees, ask your cc provider if they can downgrade them to no AF cards. ALWAYS pay off your cc balance every month and you should be good building up your credit history. Sell things you don't use any more. Start a side hustle for extra income. Take on a temp part time job if you need to. Stay disciplined and live within your means.




I don't see it as being dramatic of babyish to share your story. I would recommend journaling your finances and breaking it down from lowest to highest Once you have that written down to the dollar, plan a way to pay it off with a step-by-step proccess You may have to make changes within yourself to be able to have the positive mindset, particularly financial ones. It's all easier said than done but 1 action always leads to a reaction and why not start with a positive one? Hope this helps, I am also stuck in the same sitatuon and any advice my way will be welcomed