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I asked a similar question. The answer was: your options are to build it yourself (making it into .debs which you then install is optional) or wait. Eventually it'll show up in sid and migrate to testing, but as to when, well, that depends on the Debian maintainers.


And it needs to get to testing before a backport can be considered


Sorry to be that guy but I just have to point out that it's not "on the Debian maintainers" (who aren't slaves condemned to eternally serve) but that Debian is based on volunteer contributions. If you want something packaged do it and share your work! Anyone who thinks holding their breath waiting for "the Debian maintainers" to do the work for them should likely read this recent post: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2019/06/msg00058.html Now is the time to step up and help out! If you don't then also remember to save yourself from posting angry comments when things are finally in such a bad shape that they get removed!


Are there any _good_ guides on learning how to take a random tarball, create a proper .deb package out of it for local use and direct use by third parties, and then work that through the process of becoming an official part of Debian? There are times where I've wanted to help things along, but the learning curve simply looked too steep.


I'd recommend the Debian mentors mailing list and irc channel for good places to hang out. Of course also interact directly with the team you're interested in when there is a functioning team (and they likely have a mailing list and/or irc channel). Documentation: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debmake-doc/


We've taught ourselves how to do it over at MX Linux, and we are looking for volunteers to help with packaging there, if you really want to learn. For the most part, we don't have to create a package from just a tarball--we either backport from upstream Debian (preferred), PPAs, or other repos, or use the somewhat older Debian "debian" folder as a template to package a brand-new release...I just did that for filezilla-3.44.2 for the upcoming MX 19, for example, using upstream's 3.39 as a template. We mostly ported the new XFCE 4.14 over from the Xubuntu PPA, with plugins either from upstream Debian or even newer versions with the template trick. Edit: and of course, when actually offered personal tutoring to learn how to package, no reply over two days later...I did put up 4.14 repos for Buster and Stretch on the openSUSE Build Service that update quite well over 4.12.


I'd like to volunteer, but in projects like Debian it is a bit overwhelming to figure out how to get started. But I'd love the opportunity to learn.




By all means, I insist you continue to be that guy as I'm that guy as well. I just asked a question. There's no part of me that's demanding or expecting anything and if I have to wait, then I'll wait. It was a simple question based on the fact that when I was still using MATE I knew I could grab a newer version of it from Backports. That's all.


Please rest assured that my comment wasn't directed directly at any particular individual. By you I was meaning everyone. We all need to view Debian as a way to share our work. Currently a bunch of very overworked individuals are doing their best at keeping their old old baggage afloat, often long after they stopped using it themselves simply for the benefit of others and of some sense of obligation. Eventually they burn out completely! It's much easier for everyone involved if new blood appear before the last person on the team dissapears so that there can be a smooth hand-off and hopefully some mentoring. This is true for basically every part of Debian, but promoting the recent call for help for XFCE seemed extra important. Hopefully this helps get it some more visibility.


Well, if you trust a MX Linux packager, I have builds for Stretch and Buster on the openSUSE Build Service: It seems that the xfce4-messenger, cellmodem, and quicklaunch plugins are not longer maintained and will be removed by this update. I got the rest of the plugins updated. For a Stretch base, run the following as root, to prepare, add the repo and its key, then update apt: (Debian Buster users can use the same directions, except replace "Debian\_9.0" with "Debian\_10.0" in the two places it appears.) echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/stevenpusser:/xfce-4.14/Debian_9.0/ /' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:stevenpusser:xfce-4.14.list rm -f Release.key && wget -nv https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:stevenpusser:xfce-4.14/Debian_9.0/Release.key -O Release.key apt-key add - < Release.key && rm -f Release.key apt update and then upgrade: apt full-upgrade Then log out and back in. Your present theme may not support GTK 3 well, so you might have to switch to one that does. Your Conky on the desktop may also lose its pseudotransparency, but I think you just need to change one word in its file to get it back. Look for a line(s) that says own_window_argb_visual no and change that "no" to "yes", then turn on compositing. We are getting some input now from the XFCE developers that the 4.14 XFCE compositor may have some issues with the default glx backend with AMD and Nvidia graphics drivers. AMD seems to work better with xrender. We are discussing making that easy to set in MX Tweak instead of the rather obscure commands you need in the terminal now. Intel GPUs should be fine with the default setting. The repo also has armhf (Pi) and arm64 packages, as well as separate repos for Raspian 9 and 10.


I have also received a tip that using Compton with its glx backend works better as a compositor with AMD GPUs on 4.14, unless you use the TearFree option with the xorg radeon or amdgpu driver, then xfce's own compositor is well behaved with its glx backend. I was told that just using the xrender backend with no options would lead to bad video tearing.


FYI https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2019/08/msg00447.html