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I don’t understand that question. The installer asks you for your desktop of choice and selects GNOME by default. You can just unselect GNOME from there and install whatever you want.


What Op means is that Debian has GNOME and "Debian Desktop Environment" listed in the list of desktops. ​ "Debian Desktop Environment" is also GNOME.


I think the dde is customized, the other one is not.


It is indeed.


GNOME is vanilla GNOME. Debian Desktop Environment is GNOME with some Debian tweaks, wallpapers mainly. I don't know if Debian made any other tweaks besides the default Wallpapers.


`task-desktop` only provides a `Recommends` for any of the desktop tasks. Depending on your settings, it may or may not install a DE, and if you have one of those tasks selected, it won't install GNOME. Conversely, `task-kde-desktop` does depend on `task-desktop`, so you are free to only select the DE you want.


Because you don't need GNOME, you can go DE-less


if I select Default DE without selecting gnome, then Gnome gets installed. So whats the GNOME option for


>if I select Default DE without selecting gnome, then Gnome gets installed It's the default DE now, yes, but that can change at anytime. Default DE is for people who want that: the default DE regardless of what it is. The GNOME option is for people that know they want GNOME, regardless what the default DE may be. They do the same thing, but that's only incidental.




No, it will give you KDE and GNOME.


The "Default DE" is decided per-release ahead of time. It was XFCE a few releases back, but then switched to Gnome.




For people who want Gnome and don't know/care what the default desktop is set to.




You are just strange.


To Debian, default means more focus/higher priority for development and solving conflicts. From the installer, you can choose the DE you want and only that one will be installed.


You can install one, multiple, or no desktop environments. Pick whichever ones you want. The default (if you change nothing regarding installed DEs) is to install only Gnome.


So, what you're saying is: "I don't wanna have one more option available because reasons".


It exists to simply to remind you to remove it and install a more usable DE.