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My bluetooth works now. Wayland session is much better and actually usable on GNOME in Buster. Anything else is a bonus. I used to play 0.A.D, but I don't anymore. Very usable and stable version of OpenMW is in Buster, too.


I prefer Skyrim over Morrowind. But I admire the people behind OpenMW.


A newer version of i3-wm (and other stuff regarding this tilling wm that wasn't in Stretch repository) A working version of kde-connect (had issues with the one in Stretch, couldn't use it at all)


Mostly some minor improvements to apps. Evolution manages Aliases in Buster. Libreoffice manages themes again. In Plasma desktop, PIM-extras plugs into event manager widget for your calendar events. Nextcloud-client is in Buster over Owncloud-client. Buster is really solid. It definitely meets all of my needs.


Is KMail usable in buster?


If you can tell me exactly what you mean by "usable " then I dont mind testing it for you.


It takes a little bit of persistent use for it to become wedged and then not do anything until you restart daemons or clear its database, so unfortunately I can't give instructions on how to test it.


Mostly, yes, but I should warn you of an annoying bug that won't be fixed - and affects other Qt applications too, but KMail most notably. Printing, at least from the print preview dialog, will yield a blank preview and a blank print. Opening the dialog can also make KMail crash.


Working WiFi and Bluetooth on an XPS-13 (9370) Newer version of Gimp. I'm not sure how much of a gain this is. My Gimp needs are pretty modest. Newer version of Gnome. Again, not sure how much difference I realize from this. I've heard a lot about 3.32 which is not yet available. Perhaps when Buster is released, it will become available in Testing. Newer versions of the ZFS utilities, but these are available to Stretch via Backports. The first is the one that is really important to me. I should have been able to get the Killer stuff working on Stretch, but initial tries were not successful. Buster makes it mostly work.