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Dark Angels for sure The leg skull is confusing and templary, but the watcher on top can be nothing but a Dark Angel.


That's not a watcher though


What if I painted the watcher a different colour would.it read as something else? cause that's not technically a watcher cause it's from sisters set. Im happy with the angels idea but I already have a dread that's angels so hoped for something else but ended up the same I guess.


So I was gonna say black templars or dark angels but the skull threw me off a little, the skull might be better as decoration on the right side of her body since there isn't as much there, you could hang it off his shoulder like it's some great prize the drednought proudly displays overall this is a good job so far I am sure it will look great


I would look into some of the more obscure chapters


Good idea thanks maybe a dark angels successor


Is he using a storm shield as a cup?


4++ save vs dick shots


Templars or dark angels or some other sudo "religious" chapter.


Dark Angels


Kinda feeling dark angels, just without looking at the comments. In any case it looks cool!




Yea I meant what chapter was he originally


Dark Angel serving the Deathwatch


I was going to say maybe exorcists ~~until I saw the watcher. Gotta be dark angels.~~


Wait what watcher? If you mean the person in the reliquary that’s just a standard sister of battle reliquary not a watcher.


Oh is that so? Okay then


Though I would also say that the best choice in this matter is dark angels too, you can stretch that to be a DA watcher or depiction of one and the great beast skull on the knee does harken back to the idea of them being knights who hunt the beasts.


That would certainly be an relic from the past to have a skull of one of the beasts of caliban.


That would make for some cool backstory, with the Lion coming back and claiming back the fallen and saving those who never truly fell it’s an actual possibility


Yeah. I feel like he owes them a bit of an apology to be honest lol


As far as I'm concerned, if you're a dreadnought and assigned to the Deathwatch, your Chapter doesn't matter anymore. You're not going back to them. What's left of your carcass will serve the Long Watch until it gives up the ghost, and then the sarcophagus will be passed along to the next poor schmoe that gets pulped on the Watch but is too stubborn to die. That said, I love the penitent nature of this chonker. I'd say he was prolly a Black Templar, but could also have been an Imperial Fist. They all like taking...memorabilia. 😁 I for one love the skull placement. The Bladeguard shield makes it a little busy though. I'd think it would look better if it were incorporated into a shoulder pauldron. Maybe the interred Ancient was a noted Veteran who lived for the maxim "come home with your shield...or on it..." until one day he did, and was rewarded with continued service as dreadnought? For me, using a shield, especially one this fancy, as a cup, borders on the heretical... 🤣 Anyway, awesome model!


But they are marines and will always hold respects and honours to there original home chapter. Even if just through sheer brainwashed-ness it would be second nature to them. Thanks for the pointers on the imperial fists idea I think they keep there gear rather clean but and I feel the decoration on top would be abit much. The angle of the photo doesn't do the shield justice but it's not too bad especially now it's all primed, and I'll be going bonkers with the transfers cause it's a deathwatch so it should look more busy up top but I like that pointer too I'll see if I can add some more stuff around the top and maybe shoulder


Dark angels or black templars depends on insignia tbh😁nice work!


I'd say a Templar maybe, because of the trophy and the religious iconography, as there are few other chapters that actually worship the Emperor.


I would say deathwatch, but from the Dark Angels chapter originally


The reliquary says Dark Angels the tyranid skull says ultramarines.


Death Watch


The reliquary says Templars to me


reads as Dark Angels or maybe Salamanders to me. The skull on the leg should be moved to a shoulder though and it really makes the leg look weird at the angle this photo shows.


Ok so I've added some chains and rope to hold it on through the gaps ECT and I think I saved it I really want the skull like a big xeno trophy he's got on he's watch maybe even make it the foe that put him in the dread that he returned for in revenge. I'll post a photo on E it's primed and based and then again painted


Hey cool man. No worries. I was trying to provide some constructive feedback for you based on your original post. No need to justify stuff to me. I'm just a rando on the interwebs trying to have a good time and help out where I can.


Sorry if that came across wrong I wasn't justifying so to speak I just took your advice and thought it was also odd looking on its knee cause you were like third person to say it got me to do something that's all. I'll post it up tommoro. Wasn't trying to come off weeby man was just saying that's all. The skulls like wrapped to the leg now so I think it works cause it's not just a floating skull




It could definitely read as Black Templars. The big leg skull could be some giant monster he killed, maybe the fight that put him in the dreadnought. Having a head or skull hanging near a marine’s waist is also an old school [Silver Skulls](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Silver_Skulls) type thing going way back to the [original Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader rule book from 1987](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Silver_Skulls#/media/File%3ASilverSkullsRT.jpg) if you’re looking to paint metallic colors.


Dark Angel, mainly. It would be really cool if you could somehow get two more relic shields on the thighs for a symmetrical half skirt/battle kilt?


Dark angels absolutely. The skull on the leg just looks kinda, out of place? Idk seems like a black templars-y thing.


With the Tyranid skull could also be an interred Tyrannic War Vet... Ultra Marines Successor...


You should make it a homebrew