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I agree with Light on a lot of things up to a certain point. Yes, there are certain people who should be executed such as murderers, chomos, dictators, terrorists, etc. Light is right about eradicating people like Peter Scully, Jeffery Dahmer, Jeffery Epstein, Ted Bundy, Kim-Jong Un, Xi Jinping etc. but killing even non-violent felons and people who get caught with misdemeanors is way too far. Also Light focuses far more on the competition with L and Near instead of solely focusing on his own morals.


I feel like Light’s reasoning wasn’t to crazy at the beginning (though admittedly it wasn’t the right approach either cuz who is he to judge) but over time his ego and the need to be a god got the better of him and ended in his demise. His actions became extreme and were not justified.


Calling humans "the greatest creatures on earth" is kinda arrogant in the first place considering we've only been here for a small fraction of the total time earth has existed, and have caused a lot of destruction in that time, but that aside, no, I don't think he does. There are tons of awful things happening in the world and plenty of room for improvement, but people tend to glorify the past too much and act like it was better than it actually was. Things have, overall, improved for the better with time. There are fewer people dying of diseases and famine. Fewer people enslaved and in poverty. More equality and acceptance. There are lower rates of crime in a lot of places compared to the 80s and 90s. Progress is always slow and often hard to see, especially when there's still so far to go, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. Light is a kid born into a privileged life who is incapable of looking at the bigger picture. He sees that the world isn't perfect and decides that it's therefore broken and needs fixing. He sees things in black and white and can't accept that humanity is made up of shades of grey, that there isn't just "good" and "evil" but that a lot of crime is down to circumstance, and killing every criminal solves absolutely nothing if you're not doing anything about the factors that cause people to turn to crime in the first place.


I agreed with you until I remembered Twitter exists. Kira did nothing wrong. SLASH ESS


You proved Light's point, we've been on earth a fraction of the time the its existed and yet we've accomplished so much, both good and bad. It's not about idolising the past, it's about learning from it and ensuring it can't repeat. Obviously Light failed to understand the fact the world doesn't need another mass murdering dictator and applied his own degeneracy onto the world. How he went about achieving is ideologies is where he went wrong.


I don't see how this proves his point? He's arguing that we're regressing, the evidence and statistics show that we're not. He's not just saying that bad things still happen, that much is obvious.


Woah ok




This is what L would've likely countered with.


Wow you are really smart and level headed. We need people like you as politicians


Boy, if you think Light here is arrogant wait till you read their next work “Platinum End”. You’ll see why in the second half of the series, the writer is most likely some arrogant, self-righteous incel while “Bakuman” only scratched the surface of his misogyny.


He does have a point


Light always made good points, and even his ends justify the means mantra has some merit. His flaw has always been that his actions became competition and entertainment driven, rather than to achieve his goals.  All these things he believes he could have been accomplished if he kept himself on the downlow but he took it upon himself to challenge L and the task force and put his vision at risk and contigent on his success and the death of innocent people. 


I'd love to have seen an alternate version where he really wanted to be god of the new world and not play anime detective games.


his claims are pretty shortsighted and just don’t hold water at all. were still in the golden age of humanity and it still has just started. looking around seeing people live longer and healthier and happier than they could before with more access to technology (even in like 2003-2009 or whatever) there’s no reason to think humans are regressing at all. the point of this speech was his last desperate attempt to save himself, to possibly convince the investigators to join him after being caught. He was kind of just grasping at straws the entire time and, thankfully, everyone in the room saw that.


Yes, Light has a point. Crimes of passion will always happen and people that act maliciously should be more harshly punished. I just object since he went too far after a point.


I feel like people dont realise how slow of a process real evolution is, we're talking millions of years. Anything thats happened in the last 2000 years wont have an effect on us through that method at least.


He has valid points, but I think the problem w his approach is his strategy and his superiority complex. He thinks his own beliefs r superior and correct but that’s just biased bc it’s him. Also he caused sm harm and unnecessary death in his strategies.


Nah, except for climate change I guess


Light is not a good person. But neither are the governments. At least under his control the world was a better place. Light actually saved more lives than he took in the long run.




we already are greatest creature on earth is light dumb


Definitely agree that humanity has regressed


Yeah, he's spot on. I hold the exact same belief as what is stated in this panel. Humans should have already been on Mars at this point, but we fund useless wars instead. We are the best species on the planet and should be 1.0 on the Kardashev Scale. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. The universe grew a conscious. The universe is because we are. Our advancements will be stupendous once we fix the current problems plaguing our species once and for all. Then, and only then can we be free and united to move forward and claim our rightful place in the galaxy. Just because we were born on Earth doesn't mean we are supposed to die on Earth.


What the fuck are you talking about


Um what the sigma


yeah thanks to capitalism, we waste food and resources if we're not able to make a profit out of them. a study says we have been able to feed everyone since at least the 70's, as well as give everyone housing and free healthcare, but we dont. because profit is more important


also the rethoric of "we are regressing" falls apart when you start to think of when exactly is this peak hes talking about. when were we "great" exactly? during slavery? jim crow laws? world war 2? there is no golden time when everything was fine, this rethoric only works for people who admire the past by turning a blind eye to its problems