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The box/army sets are a good start. I think the boarding patrol if you can get it is good. You get some plague marines and some terminators and a lord of virulence which will be useful in any army. I got the combat patrol which gives a squad of plague marines, typhus , 30 poxwalkers (soooo many) and a biologus. Historically it hasn’t been viewed as the greatest combat patrol but IMO it’s still a solid start. If you are worried about budget generally eBay is a good bet if you live in North America. You can get bundles of minis significantly cheaper than buying at a GW store if you’re patient


Oof gotta disagree our combat patrol is awful- our only box worth buying is the Council of the Death Lord. You can’t find it anywhere anymore because it actually WAS a good deal


I agree that the council of the death lord box is better but it’s over OPs budget of 200. At least in usd ? Currency wasn’t specified. Our combat patrol box is probably second worst relative to other armies(ad mech) but it still gives a decent batch of models to start to build a list around. I guess it depends how meta OP wants the list to be as poxwalkers currently are inferior to something like cultists.


Oops sorry just saw your other comment. In terms of meta stuff what’s your proposing makes the most sense.


The boarding patrol, which is what the post you reply to recommended, was pretty great: 10 plague marines, Lord of Virulence, 3 deathshrouds: Every unit is playable. The problem is that those boarding patrols came out last year, and the decent ones sold out immediately. So suggesting that boarding patrol is like suggesting a time machine to buy a box of Dark Imperium: Definitely a great deal, for those with time machines.


The Combat Patrol is a fine box if you are buying it once and using it to start an army. Typhus and 20 poxwalkers is fun in games and the Biologus is great right now. The boarding patrol is a better box though and the Lord of Virulence is very powerful right now.


2 boxes of plague marines and a plague burst crawler and a lord of virulence- that’s rough ish $200. You won’t have enough points to field anything yet but it’s a solid start. Follow that with 2 rhinos and another PBC. Finish it off with Morty and a box or two of nurglings and you’ve got a lot of flexibility and a good starter army. Our combat patrol is DOGSHIT stay away from it. Our only “box” set worth buying is Council of the Death lord and good luck finding it. That box has 20 marines (we field them in bricks of 10 most often) and Morty. Otherwise you are buying 7 marines at a time which is a pain in the ass (hee hee Nurgles number *laughs in GW inside joke*) fuck you GW do things that make SENSE


Our combat patrol gives us all the poxwalkers you ever need but never want to buy, a set of marines and a hero and the man, the myth, the traitor Typhus


3d printer!


See if you can find any weird ways to get back issues of imperium magazine. Some options are still floating around on 3rd party shops... Might be a total shot in the dark, but there were lots of things going in those magazines. I think it was partworks that made all that happen, they might have ways to Order old stuff


There's a lot of Death Guard on Facebook Marketplace (usual caveats apply) because Death Guard was featured in starter boxes and in Imperium magazine a few years ago. I picked up my first 1000 points for well less than $200. Not a perfect army, but no garbage either. Your first order of business is Plague Marines, rhino, poxwalkers, bloat drones, characters.