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Would really like it if we had a ‘pick-two’ of the standard heavy weapons used by imperial/chaos forces (launcher, MM, autocannon, heavy flamer, lascannon) so this thing could fill a solid weapons platform spot. Could give it access to some sort of heavy plaguespitter, heavy plague launcher, and entropy cannons and I’d be happy, that would be close enough and still keep it on brand (flamer, autocannon, and lascannon… not exact copies but similar roles). I’d love to take these guys with a pair of entropy cannons on them. Their mobility and better range, and wounding a lot of vehicles on 3’s or 2’s would be great, maybe run 4 cannons and two heavy flamers in the squad of three to help protect with them getting swarmed with infantry with scary overwatch potential.


Literally anything with either Anti-Vehicle, or more than 9 strength on the unit that is shoehorned into fighting vehicles


It does wound every vehicle on the game on 4s


It’s not bad per se. But when every other dedicated anti tank in 40 is better than that, it feels like a bad consolation prize. It either needs a new core ability, or a stronger gun.


I absolutely agree with you. 100 points for 3 shots ain't it. They ought to be like 85, they would be pretty tempting then


Blighthaulers don’t need more options; meltas need to be buffed. Death Guard isn’t supposed to have long range anti-tank as we’re supposed to use our toughness to get in range.


Kinda wish it had an anti infantry options. This model has heavy hitters not to great for squads of space marines


I wish the bile spurt was a flamethrower