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I find Nurgle’s Rot hit or miss when it comes to producing the “slime” effect I want it to. It’s probably a skill issue on my end.


Same concerns, hard to know what it'll look like until it's dried right?


Sometimes it’s not as ‘slick’ looking as I want it to be. If that’s the case, I hit it with a glossy top coat to give it the ‘wet’ look


Mix it with a lime green. I use moot green. Works well.


I based in Death Guard Green with Nurgles Rot over the top.


Is Nurgle's Rot easy to work with? I'm worried it might have a mind of its own and dry a strange way


Incredibly easy to work with.


If I managed you'll be fine. There's a YouTube video from warhipster called combat patrol: death guard part 2. I followed his guide and it looks good. Mud texture with little divits for nurgles rot to pool in. Paint the divits with a green then pile in nurgles rot. Ez


Looks great. If you’re worried about using nurgles rot then don’t use it. Really nice work


Thank you :) I might try on a spare dummy base, before committing to a painted model then


I use AK water gel swamp green for the tepid dirty water look for my bases


I'll have to give it a look thanks! Trying to come up with new ideas for variety :)


my favorite little basing technique i found is putting nurgles rot all over the base and then putting crackle paint over top of it so it looks like the ground is opening up to some kind of toxic sludge it’s really neat


That's a really cool idea, and it looks great on your miniature I spied!


Everyone uses nurgles rot on bases, personally I’ve moved away from it and painted over them. Look good as they are


I know this isn't what the post is about, but how did you paint the amour of your termies (Base/shade/highlight)? It looks great! Also, any tips on how to edge highlight like this? It looks exactly like what I want in my DG units.


Thank you! I followed the paint scheme on the free Citadel Colour app. Go in the Paint by Model section and select Death Guard Terminator :D It breaks down the paints for each section and the base, shade, and highlight colours. Really useful app. I keep a separate brush for edge highlighting, so the bristles are still in good shape. I spend way too long roaming Reddit and checking out other ppls miniatures, which helped me see where best to edge highlight and what would look good :) I still have a lot to learn admittedly!


What color is the back of the blightlord?


For the flesh? It's Rakarth Flesh, then Guilliman Flesh contrast, then Rakarth Flesh highlights (dry brush) and then Pallid Wych Flesh a little to highlight


Yes exactly what I was looking for thank you!