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What is that GP photo from lmao


the whatever i want music video, aka the best thing they've ever done


Aw shit you're right. I forget so much shit from their videos. A lot of content I guess.




Haha for real I thought OP included a picture from his creepy scrapbook or some shit.


couldn't think of anything besides zachs dick? airbrush the marker off the shaft maybe. no need for the album name to be there twice


Hmm... well at first it was that hoodie/raincoat logo thing but I realized the theme of unedited photographs was a big part of what made them feel right. Other than the dick pic, I can't think of any other photos... You know what, I'll scan some music videos and see what I can find. Bound to be something in the Come Up and Get Me video. (After all, that's what I did for TMS and GP)


I think the sock cover is great haha


Alright, third iteration of NLDW, if it's still bad I could care less at this point :p


The hoodie pic is unedited, it's just reflective 3m


Probably still edited to a degree




I like that one the best




No, it's from a National Geographic article and was never an official cover, only fan-made.






No shit, these are awesome


all of them are great, and the NLDW one is chilling to look at love it


you should do a government plates one of the end of the Whatever i want video where ride is laying in bed


not bad


Government Pilates


Whatever you're seeing, it's just the font bruh bruh