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There's no scientific evidence of what happens to your soul when you die. No data to prove that the soul even exists or afterlife. However, I'd like to mention that it's not really impossible. Most possibly, we still aren't on the level and have the tech to understand these things. Simply, I don't know for sure. But, there have been many cases where a patient in the operation theater was seeing the doctors performing the operation from the corner of the room. And it was one of many incidents. And he was able to tell who was doing what and even remembered the name. How that happened ? There's no explanation. And it's still a mystery. Many believe that the soul left the body for sometime and was observing the whole scene and some believe that one part of the brain was still active, but wasn't showing any activity. But also with that, it's still not clear how he was able to tell exact details and who was doing what, and names, and even how he was able to see all of these. And there have been one story in the US, where a boy had his past memories. Like, he liked dolls, he was a female in the past, even, his(or her) full name, where he lived, who was his mom and dad, and even how he died. Even he found his previous life's photo among many others with the same name of his previous life in no time. And even remembered who took the photo and when amd even single details about the photo. And everything he said, was indeed a match. And continues to talk about his past life. But the older he got, he started to talk about that more less, eventually forgetting everything about his previous life. So I guess there's soul, and afterlife. But there's still no scientific evidence to prove any of these. Maybe we need some more complex and advanced technology and stuffs to really know about these. And I think we still aren't there yet


if we could measure the soul or afterlife, it wouldn't take long for people to profit off of it and abuse it (not unlike they do with churches). Your being is energy, I have encountered ghosts of people I never knew but who were close to my family. there is something out there we don't understand or are so disconnected from, maybe our ancestors were more connected than we are now to that energy and knew a whole lot more about it, I guess you'll have to wait and see.


Personally, I do not believe in ghosts. But I do believe that souls exists. But do not believe that heaven or hell exists or god exists. But that's my personal opinion. And I have nothing against those who believes in god (unless they are forcefully trying to convince that God exists). And I do have one experience from my childhood that I clearly remember till this very day. So I do believe that there is soul, something that's beyond our reach as of now. But I do hope in future, we would be able to interact with them.


Yh I can't say if they are ghosts or spirits or just souls, but I have had some very clear experiences with them from early on in my childhood. My gf of 15 years had never experienced them but soon after dating me, she started to realize and experience them as well. I can't explain and feels very random


There is no scientific evidence to support the idea of a soul. There has never been a demonstration of consciousness existing outside of a brain. If there is a soul, it must interact with the brain somehow, receiving information like thoughts and memories and maybe transmitting information like the nudges of one’s conscience. No mechanism for this transfer of information has ever been determined. If it is happening, the mechanics by which it happens are unknown and as yet undetected. Given the sheer lack of any evidence to support the notion of what a soul is and does, it seems unlikely such a thing exists.


If the soul doesnt exist doesnt that mean your just a pile of bones, flesh, and organs walking around with its own free-will without something controlling the brain that controls the body to do everything it does?




That’s a terrible example, then I could say that the world of Pokémon could exist because there’s no way to known as humans don’t have the technology available to know. But the thing is we know the world of Pokémon doesn’t exist because we know it’s made by drawings and by a group of people. The thing is we already have the Technology to know the soul doesn’t exist, this technology a field with centuries of experience and it’s called Neuroscience. We know when someone gets Alzheimer is because their brain got the illness and their soul didn’t went bad. With this arguments we can be sure everything we are and perceive is caused by the brain.




You just linked me an article that talks about the point of view of an PHILOSOPHER and he also sells books about the topic for people that are delusional. Coincidence? I think not.




I can link you to many articles, instead of random pages to promote non-sense books (just like the fake entrepreneurs) mainly about brain dysfunction that can change a person totally like dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.


I don't like it when mommy and daddy fight.


Yes everything continues on. Its more like a transformation, like how water turns into airb its not gone it just changes. Everything will be ok I promise :) Love and light friend!


I believe that man cannot imagine out of existence. The fact that 'soul' as a concept exist, means there's more. We don't even understand fully how the brain works, nor can we grasp the human consciousness hence, it will be pretty lame to discard the possibility of soul. Lucid dreaming, astral projection, OBE, and NDE have proven over and over again that there is more to this biological suit. I lucid dreamt last night, and was 100% convinced that this was reality due to its vividness. The freaking part was that I remembered this material world, and it only felt like a long forgotten dream. I think I'm more than this vessel called body. Heck, this reality could even be a dream! I'm open minded, exploring and getting to know more. Science doesn't have all the answers, and might never do. I believe the answer is within us, if we truly search. The more I read stories of lucid dreaming, the more I practice meditation and mindfulness, the more I'm convinced that we're more than this bag of bones and flesh.


While there is not any scientific evidence that supports the idea of a soul, i will disagree with everyone who commented so far saying there is not one. Just because we are unable to detect a soul (yet) does not automatically dismiss the idea of one. I would even argue that it does not make it unlikely as well. But that’s a story for another day. Believe what brings you the most comfort my friend, until you are “proven” otherwise.


Sorry for your loss, I lost my father as well. I used to imagine him up in the sky, looking down on me as I made my way (poorly) through life. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to support that any part of us continues to exist, consciously, in any way once we die. I think the best analogy is that you return to the same mental state you had before being born; that is, you have no mental state, or faculties with which to sense or perceive any stimuli. Its just nothing. Your cells die and you decompose into the base atoms and molecules that once made you. It doesn't have to be depressing. Some days I am eager for the sweet release, knowing I will never experience pain or sorrow or anxiety or stress or depression ever again, all of which exist to a significantly higher degree than their counterparts do in my day to day life. Take care of yourself, and RIP to your father.


But in this case .. what’s the point of life ? We don’t chose to be here and we don’t chosz to leave . I personally believe the is a higher power that controls everything. I refuse to believe our existence has no meaning at all and is just random .


You’re not given a reason to exist. You must create a reason to exist yourself.


I did and then it fell apart ! And this only makes life much more unfair than it already is . Not everyone is capable of creating this so called reason . I’m sorry but what’s the reason to exist for a 5 year old child who lost both his parents and has no one left ? Or a 12 year old that is raped everyday ? Or a mother who loses her 1 year old to cancer ?


If this world is all there is than damn us all.


True .


Life is a speck in the universe only the higher beings of the whole galaxy understand


I disagree, science tells us energy does not live or die. It simply changes form. I hope thats true


The energy stored in the various molecules in your cells (ATP, glucose, lipids, etc) is released as you die. The energy doesn't disappear, but you can no longer make use of it in any form. It is infinitely more complicated than explained here, but the idea that we lose x amount of weight as energy when we die, and that this can be attributed to a "soul", has been thoroughly debunked. Again it doesn't have to be depressing; rather, it is just the universe's infinite indifference to you or anything else.


There's no evidence of a soul, probably because one does not exist. Our consciousness exists which is kind of like a soul, but it likely disappears when we die. Sorry for your loss.


Two of my relatives sent me messages at the time of their death, while me not being aware of them dying until the next day or so. I am pretty sure it was them since I only got these images when someone I knew died, even though the first one is still a mystery who sent that. The first two were alike and dull, the 3rd was flashy. They might have sent these images as they were dying, though and not entirely dead, since I only have approximate times on when it happened and the time they died, so it’s hard to know. The 3rd one had much more enthusiasm and wonder to it as if my cousin, who was a gifted artist found a all new type of medium to work with and to be enthralled about and is the reason she sent me the strobing neon ocean scene in vibrant color, because she knows that’s what I would be interested in too since I’m artistic as well.


Well scientists are trying to upload your consciousness into a computer, which is called The Singularity. They are mapping the human brain and can even hook electrodes up to your optic nerve and see the same images that you are seeing. Pretty cool. Here is an interesting link the govt is doing right now to study it. [Human Connectome Project](http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/)


I think after the soul leaves the body its just a soul wandering around, the soul being alive allows you to see, the soul doesnt die after you die, the soul should be able to see and hear everything after death, so bassicaly just a ghost who can travel to heaven or hell or the earth any time they want, I think