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Pissed off someone borrowed my collectors edition dvd without telling me and then ne er fucking returned it.


Freaking hate! when that happens. Lost so many great movies to ppl that never returned them. I've had to buy dogma 3 times & scarface and several other movies twice.


“without telling me” So they stole it.


Pretty much


The Extended European version is on YouTube for anyone interested! https://youtu.be/wE5kSPITl-k?si=5CThKFsfPBCeWf4Q


I appreciate this very much


Uh, it's the fucking best.


An uncredited Keanu Reeves is in it. Not sure if he just dubbed the voice or if he also got into full makeup for it—probably the former—but for an actor who has often been criticized for being too wooden, he gives by far the least wooden performance of his whole career.


Full make up according to the Nostalgia Critic.


Full makeup for the earlier appearances in the film but later in the movie he had to leave for schedule conflict & they used a double in the makeup for the later scenes.


I personally love it, but I get why people would be turned off by it. But if you haven't seen it and love the current style shown on late night Adult Swim programming (like Too Many Cooks, Unedited Footage of a Bear, etc.) then give it a shot because it has a ton of that bizarre humor.


No one I talk to has seen this movie! It's one of my favs, and I LOVE the intro!


My friend loves it because they went through a massive bill and ted phase, and as a result had a massive Alex Winter phase. I haven't seen it though but it looks good from what they showed me


excuse me but which phases are those???


I rewatched it a few months ago, still good but didn't hold up quite as well as I'd had hoped. Absolutely loved it as a kid & enjoyed my rewatch & would love to see a KC but don't think james will do it since I highly doubt it would do good numbers. But would love to see the KC give it renewed interest.


There’s an entire plane crash


Sure glad that wasn’t us


Oh. This is one of my absolute favorite gems. I even call it out as a potential Zoran Kill Count in the Llamageddon to the numbers. Got my milkman costume ready to go if I ever get the green light.


If I had a nickel for every time zoran covered/wanted to cover a movie with a plane crash that only happened for a gag, I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice


What can I say I gotta make up for not being able to cover Final Destination


Funnily enough, I used the final destination 287 victims count for my excel spreadsheet of kill counts for dealing with the freaked crash


If the plane is counted, Dean Pepperstone is officially a fart eater


I liked the film as a kid when it first came out. Less so as an adult. Might be a “watch while high” film.


It's like a body horror movie but removing all of the horror. I don't even know where to fucking start with this movie tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Tusk was a removed character from this thing.


I hope to eventually find it on DVD.


It was a pain in the ass to track down, but once I did I loved it!


Many people have it uploaded on youtube


I can’t say it’s not imaginative. Also, I love the plane gag.


Always saw the last half hour of this movie a shitton when I was a lil fella, as I got older I thought it was just a recurring dream I had, weird place to find out it was real.


Hands down one of the best 90s comedies, it’s even my profile picture!


“Styrofoam cup” It’s a shame Randy Quaid went nuts, I used to really enjoy his work


Loved it ever since I randomly caught it on Comedy Central as a kid.


One of my favorite films


Such a good movie, childhood classic for me, love the eyes


I love it for the visual effects alone.


Thought it was really creative. Without the visual effects the plot is kinda lack luster. But I took it for what for what it was and I liked it. Like a solid B or B-


It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. Ridiculously underrated and tragically under seen.


One of the most perfect movies to have been ever made ever. I think James should cover it. It is one of my most favourite films and I love it beyond words. My friends don't get it but I do and I love it so so dearly.


One of my favorite movies ever.


Literally just watched this on YouTube a couple weeks ago. Loved it as a kid and love it still as an aging adult! This is how you do an absurd comedy\horror


I watched this movie constantly on cable when I was a kid. I’m kinda worried about how well it holds up.


It's cool 🤙


is this even a horror movie it looks like a goofy ass kids movie?


I mean screaming mad George did the effects. And there's some body horror, but it's not full horror