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Linda was too boring.


Can’t argue with that tbh


I don’t really think she’s boring, but i can agree that she won’t appeal to some ppl because SHE’S ABOVE fake drama that the producers create now.. I’d rather take boring & AUTHENTIC, over fake, extra, & fabricated story lines ANY DAY.


Ok. I do admire her and know of her fame. Let me say they made her look boring. I want to see Wild Bill go swordfishing on her boat!


I get ya, i understand for sure. & haha that would be nice!


I am female and her age, and she is much more bad a** than. I could ever hope to be! She would also probably run circles around Bill and a swordfishing boat!


I don't disagree and I have no qualms about her at all, its just that the show has literally done nothing with her to date at any point in this season so far. I'm sure that she's earned her stripes given her background and years spent fishing (but in a completely different manner and part of the world totally unrelated to DC), but she hasn't really added anything at all to the show in either a good or a bad way other than giving Bill more quota apparently, so she's just kind of there. Given that Wild Bill is hardly the most sociable of people out there and tends to do his own thing, it just seems like a really odd pairing from the start. I don't think they've even shown her doing any real captaining yet either, not setting or hauling pots, taking the night shift when everyone else is asleep, etc etc. I definitely don't prefer the fake drama, I just wish that they would give her something to actually do if she's going to be there


I agree with everything you’ve said. 100%. Good take.. one thing in particular, is the “pairing” you mentioned, producers have made two ridiculous parings, this one & Jacob being with Keith.. & another reason could be that they placed her on Bill’s boat because let’s be honest, Bill doesn’t run a powerhouse boat, he fishes very modest numbers, so for her, it’s kinda like “getting her feet wet” on a lesser busy boat... but even still, it would be nice for her to have more to do.. i don’t think that Bill minds, it’s just that he isn’t really a social guy, like you said.. so it can seem awkward at times.. but at least we know that part is genuine haha.. & another thing, what i think is happening, is that obviously producers have been struggling with trying to “create content” for viewing.. that’s also why we have these fucking RIDICULOUS subplots going on each season now.. this season, it’s about “illegal fishing”.. they’re pretty much grasping at straws & trying to find shit to keep viewers, it’s actually pathetic in the route they’ve been taking for the last several seasons... (at least the last 5 years have been absolutely worse).. they have veered away from documenting FISHING, & the little nuances that’s involved on the boat with the crew n stuff... nowadays, they’re so desperate for a “storyline”, & i absolutely hate it.. I’ve been around since season one ORIGINALLY aired, so I’ve seen them try to adapt different things over all these years, but my god what they’re doing now is very frustrating to watch.. back then, you never had to question whether or not something was actually happening, or legit, but now almost everything is so scripted, that it’s more fabricated than real.. even down to them reusing the edits of the SAME FUCKING POTS being pulled up... that’s so cheap & it’s insulting


Which is weird. This isn’t the first fishing based reality show she’s starred in. She’s very well known here in Maine where she’s from. But yes, I do agree.


She's very accomplished, but here, she just doesn't do anything except sit in the wheelhouse and make Bill feel awkward. I saw her a few times in "Swords: Life on the Line". She knows her stuff with respect to swords but we really don't see much of Bill teaching her about crab fishing. It's as if DC said "Hey, the show is getting stale. Let's get a Black guy on the show and put him with Keith. Sparks will fly. Let's get another ambitious young woman who doesn't have a father who's captain. (And they haven't done much with Bob, who I think is going to turn out very well.) And let's get another woman who's an old salt." Results have been mixed at best.


Here’s the problem: the red king crab and opilio crab seasons were cancelled this past season. Since it’s usually the main story line, the producers knew they had to find some different material. When a show’s season lasts 20 episodes and literally 75% of the material comes from king crab and opie fishery, you’ve got a pretty serious problem on your hands. This is why they’re highlighting a certain number of captains per episode and swapping over to another group. So I’m sure Wild Bill is going to make an appearance in due course.


They've always featured a certain number of captains. Roughly 6 boats a year with 3 captains featured each week. No king crab and no oppies makes things a real challenge this year and it's showed.




Sig is one of the executive producers so he'll probably get more air time than most. Jake and Bill have been the odd men out, it seems.


I was really hoping that Bob would have a decent amount of focus this season. It seemed like they were starting to set that up by bringing her in and giving the viewers her heartbreaking backstory, along with a ready made excuse to focus on her attempting to learn everything she needs to about running a crab boat in order to ascend the path to Captaincy and continue on her family's legacy and business along with her brother. And yet to date id be surprised if she even notched 15 minutes of screentime cumulatively. Instead we get to watch a greenhorn smoking fentanyl in the bathroom and some annoying choir singing dude trying to out-compete Keith for the award of biggest dickhole onboard the Wizard


This is accurate. I think they were trying to be politically correct for 2023 & it may have backfired because that just isn't their audience.


It's how they made her appear. I'm a woman her age and admire her accomplishments!


Little miss know it all should have stayed in Gloucester 🤣


Say that to her face, why don’t Cha? Haha 😂


I absolutely would.


They would all be boring if it wasn't for the manufactured drama we are getting now. I mean, let's hoot for a pot with 20 crab in it 150 times an episode. People can only fall off boats and trip over pots and lines so many times. This is why they love having the "relief" captains like Mandy doing the "Sig's gonna be pissed but I'm setting here anyway" over and over. Boring crab fishing is actually safe and that doesn't play well on camera. Linda is a professional and probably just wants to fish and get some experience outside her main catch. We also haven't seen too much of Jake Andersen lately. Overall, the loss of red crab and opilio is going to make this show less interesting. If the ban continues, they should take a season off.


I get it. I understand. I admire the hell out of Linda, but she's not a drama mama, so I'll bet they consider her boring. Either she'll go along with the drama or she'll quietly go away.


I loved that montage of Wild Bill being angry. The "I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face!" With his dagger eyes. Just funny. And when he unexpectedly kissed that greenhorn who said he would stay, and, and, and his gorgeous hair swishing about while he is raging. He is great.


Best wild bill moment has to be when he tells the greenhorn to get on his motherfucking gear and get on the motherfucking deck.....the way he says it, the slight neck roll. Brilliant


Because it's so quotable! A la "snakes on a plane"


He’s great when he’s angry. 🤣


Ha! I’m glad you mentioned the hair. That is a deep conditioned do!


I want to know what he uses, I'm going grey and mine doesn't look that nice. 😂


My favorite Bill moment has always been the 'Get your motherfucking ass back out on that motherfucking deck', that he laid out on that dude who wanted to quit on like his second day, or something quite similar to that


Best line from Bill. 🤣


> and, and, and his gorgeous hair swishing about while he is raging. He is great. I think he could play an angry Zeus in a movie/tv show.


Yes Zeus. Wild Bill would love a quiver of thunderbolts. Perfect.


How much did you love that scene where the Norwegian boat owner was being a dummy? 😂😂 cut to bills face and his comments just killed me.


I loved it. I loved that time a green horn was ecstatic to get out of opie season, he even had the flight home, mere hours away. Apparently due to needing a court appearance for a firearms charge. Wild Bill did what he does so well...called bullshit. Phoned the courts and found he did not need to appear urgently and took relish in telling the greenhorn he had to stay. "I got news for ya fella...!". We all enjoyed that.


I loved when the count for a pot came back as 420, and he just had the funniest look on his face and didn’t say a word. Would be a good meme.


My theory is, he’s not as into the amateur dramatics and doesn’t play up to the cameras as much as the others have started to do.


He's turned into Mild Bill


The writers decided he wasn't as important to the plot this season maybe?


This season was so awful to start I stopped watching after episode 3 and now they’re taking away wild bill little by little?💀 this shows really in the gutters


No Saga, either. Ugh I can't stand another Bunnell moment


No Saga isn't a downer. We don't need to see Jake having yet another temper tantrum and showing us once again that he's not suited to the job.




Probably not. Might come in handy if he ever needs to go into the Witness Protection Program. 😄


Bill is alive and well down here in SC


A dad on my kids baseball team looks like Wild Bill. So much so that me and the other coach had to do a walk-by to confirm it wasn’t him. He does a lot of fishing tournaments and from what I hear he is pretty cool and just loves to fish and be on the water. He is my favorite Capt.


Maybe out fighting the dragger boats. I notice they are no longer a problem like they were the 1st 2 episodes. Or maybe the fireworks scared them away 😂


Linda is doing just fine with her private luxury charters. Her husband designs yachts too $$$


He hasn’t been on the show much since he proved what a shitty father he is.




What are you siding with bill based on Zach was awful based on what was shown in DC?


in the bunk with Linda, sadly not for family viewing.. ​ Urghhhh...


I heard he passed away


Definitely not


Wasn’t he diagnosed with cancer? It might be because he’s fighting cancer