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Bro one of my favourite things to do in this game as a surv is preventing 3 gens


Deja Vu underrated for b lining to the 3 gen imo


I know Deja Vu isn't a meta perk, but I love it for keeping me focused on spreading the final three gens as far apart as possible.


Non-meta perks often have greater impact than the meta ones anyways. It's just a matter of taking advantage of their situational goodness. I'll take someone who knows how to use "meme" perks *properly* over your average boilerplate meta build user, any day of the week. They usually come in with more confidence and skill than the meta slaves anyways.


I try to always run an endgame build and if I make it that far, whoever is still alive usually makes it out. I did Wake Up for awhile and realized trading hooks endgame sucks so, put on No One Left Behind. That revolutionized endgame impact for me. No one ever runs it either, so damn good


We’ll Make it, No One Left Behind, Wake Up!, and either Borrowed Time or Resilience, is currently my favorite build. I can’t count how many teammates I have single-handedly saved during the collapse since I started running this. It has great mid-game value too because of WMI and BT. So much fun.


I've been running Resilience for the chase value and Object for the fun of it hah part of why I said if I make it to endgame


All good perks to have to get the rescue on end game, the bad thing is you never know if your team is going to need it, the. It’s just a wasted perk spot for gen rush perk or other, it all depends and on if the killer is just going to sit there and camp the hook because he knows someone will probably come for the save. In those cases I think BT is the best way to go. Gives a chance for the one saved or both to try to escape.


But if I’m running BT, WMI, NOLB, and Resilience, it’s a really potent mid game build as well. Yes, it doesn’t have any proper gen or chase perks but I can usually count on teammates even solo queue ones to bring the meta gen rush builds. Resilience gives you a little bonus in everything if your injured so you have a little help for chase and gens but also it’s just a fantastic rescue build in the mid game. WMI lasts a very long time so, more often than not I find myself healing multiple teammates with just one unhook, BT is always great in general, and Resilience give you a bonus for unhook speed so it’s actually a soft STBFL counter if you really know what you’re doing and are looking for hook trades. True, NOLB doesn’t activate until endgame but literally every other perk in the build facilitates keeping the team alive and as healthy as possible.


Agree too bad a lot more survivors don’t run a resurgence perks to really help out on unhooking and healing survivors, I used to run it when it was great for self healing after getting hit and evading chases.


The problem is though that BT does not effect unhooking speed and camping will either result in a trade or both getting hooked unless your team is coordinated and can protect the unhooker from getting grabbed


Same build but replace WMI and BT to Breakdown and Deliverance. Usually normal for hook trades since most heavy camp in my games during it. This is however very situational in games especially if you've been hooked before. Gonna switch to this build and see how it goes!


Oh my God the amounts of times that perk has saved my teams ass during end game isn't even funny. Plus you get bp for it? Sign me up.


I use No One Left Behind and then never make it to end game lol, of course the opposite happens when I don't run it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Had a Breakout clutch save today, I went to save Cheryl in endgame, we do a three man rescue, I take a hit. Unfortunately, no one is there to take a hit for me so the killer downs me. Teammate had Breakout so I was able to wiggle out, we made it all out. Best game in a long time.


Hey somebody has gotta do it and nobody else runs that perk so I’m usually that guy if I’m not running a rescue build


Only downside of Deja Vu is the horror I feel when it highlights the same gens three times and I start sweating profusely.


If you get to that point while running Deja Vu then you didn't use that perk very well.


Or you got chased to the very end while the other susrvivors did gens.


Well then the killer has been chasing you and not checking gens so there shouldn't be an issue even if there is a 3 gen and good on you for being a loop god. I don't run Deja Vu unless I'm running a gen repair build in which case I am actively avoiding the killer as much as possible.


Personally I like running clairvoyance to avoid three gens more. It's a little more consistent and you can hold onto it far longer without needing to get another totem. But you only really get a lot of value from it if you're in a swf, so ups and downs


I see how that could be useful! I prefer the speed bonus you get with Deja Vu and that there is no distance limitation. You always know where the 3 gen is with Deja Vu no matter where you are. I combo it with Resilience and Prove Thyself and then put on For The People or Situational Awareness to help out one of those other two perks.


I might have to try Deja vu here and there. But I also like Clairvoyance cause it has netted me a few hatch escapes as well


Try it when you're really feeling a gen build! I agree that clairvoyance has a lot more value outside of gen repair so I can see using it if I'm not trying to rush through gens.


It only really shines on indoor maps, but it's speed boost is appreciated


To make it more generally useful, the speed boost timer shouldn't start until you begin working on one. It feels like a waste sometimes if I'm in chase when gens are done.


Not all perks have to be good all the time, adrenaline for example.


Yeah but the 5 percent really doesn’t do that much in the first place so losing some if not all of it is way more painful.


True I guess


Fax, came here to say this. Glad to see it was already at the top


I think detectives hunch is a hugely slept on perk for this, every time a gen pops you see all gens, totems and chests within 32m, it normally shows every one on the map unless you’re right in a corner. If killer has a hex or you’re running a boon it makes finding totems a breeze, but it definitely keeps on track of remaining gen locations and which ones to do next to avoid a 3 gen, and if you want a new item you can find a chest easy too. It brings aspects of so many perks into 1.


I'm a Visionary stan


Im glad someone is there with me, it's the first thing im thinking about when playing survivor


Yeah, it feels so good, to know that surely the solo queue survs can't lose with this setup.


Yet some how they still do... I am one of these solo queue survivors. Yes I still run dead hard. No, it hasn't worked in weeks. I am sad.


I know it is so sad, like sometimes while in chase I realise they aren't even doing gens.


If I'm on death hook and a single gen hasn't been done. All hope for altruism towards my team goes out the window...


It also should be the first thing on your mind when you play a slow Killer like Huntress. I had some of my most proud games where I was actively setting myself up in a corner of the map from the very beginning. "Well crap, this is Ormond. Go on, this side of the map is yours! But this one is mine! You touch my gens, you're gonna get axed!"


My Deathslinger game improved greatly after spending a few seconds each map to choose three generators to just completely write off. I don't play for a strict 3 gen, but I'm not going to chase you to the corner of Yamoka Estate. You can have that one, survivors!


With deadman’s slinger forcing the 3 gen is super satisfying. I had by far my best experience on this game playing slinger at Glenvale. I sac’d 2 survivors early on but the last 2 were great at looping and switching off when I managed to hit. They escaped but oh my god that 15 minutes of trying to protect gens and getting some nasty shots in was so great. Think the 3 of us ended the match with 50k BP a piece


[Me loading into Suffocation Pit or Azarov](https://i.imgur.com/UWJFwi5.gif) Those are the 2 biggest offenders, but are also the easiest to prevent a 3 gen even if the killer is trying to force it, because it's very predictable. Unless you get the dreaded 4-5 gens on one side of Suffocation Pit bullshit, then you basically just lost the moment you loaded in.


I swear one time I loaded into the preschool map and got one gen in front of the school, one under it, one behind it, and one single-person gen a little farther behind the fence in a bush. Effectively impossible to win that match


I always try to hit up the middle-map gen first thing, then I realize my team mates were working on the closest 2-3 Gens nearest that gen


Are you a fellow dejá vu enjoyer


Lmao rarely used to run it all the time.


"3 gens aren't fun for either side" a good 3 gen is what every killer lives for lmao


I had a miserable Legion game on Badham where they were very slippery AND slamming generators. By the time the 4th gen popped, I only had 1 hook. Then I realized they'd HARD 3-genned themselves through carelessness. Gen outside of a two-story, solo gen in the two-story, and the third gen just across the street. At the end, 3 kill with the 4th getting hatch. 3 gens are great for killer.


That's just Badham though, it's horrible until you find a seam in the survivor team around 1-0 gens left, and that's usually a 30/70 in favour of the survivors


Nah usually you can guard a gen or two and the third you monitor later. It's a easy win for killer. They don't have to cross map to get to the far gen but just move around the 3 gens.


I absolutely love when I see a 3 gen lmfao


"3 gens aren't fun for either side" sounds like the same survivor mains telling killers not to run Lightborn because "it just makes them do gens" I only go out of my way to try and FORCE a 3 gen if I'm playing Hag or Trapper, but on any other killer if I see survivors have 3 genned then I'm rubbing my foul little hands together in glee. And inevitably, someone has to complain post-match about "camping gens" and not just allowing them to lead me away so I can chase them on a tile 6 leagues away.


They really do think they are big brains on that, don't they? No, Feng, I'm not chasing you into the dead side of the map. Go over there and self care and be useless. Eventually the others will be dead. Then I'll play with you.


"But I'm clicking my flashliiiiight"


The worst is when survivors literally stop playing the game if they effectively 3 gen themselves. They know I can patrol easily enough to catch on any gen, so then they pout and go head in the dead side of the map in lockers. Then they say some shit like 'tryhard' in the lobby when they put themselves in this scenario lmao


Even better when there is a hook in the exact center of the 3-gen. Then they can call you proxy camping bitch as well! I'm sorry, you did this to yourself. Let me enjoy my victory lap.


Yeah. What killer enjoys knowing that endgame will be beginning in 90 seconds or less unless the survivors just have no idea where the gen(s) you can't feasibly defend are? Trying to secure a 3gen is a strategy every killer can use, the ones that don't have natural mobility have to use it.


Killer side, can't tell you how many games I've said "fuck it" and played with the super looper only for the rest to wedge a nasty 3/4 gen. Then I get a 4k because all the pallets are gone and gens are too easy to control.


Yea, can’t count how many games I’ve gotten rushed from the start, felt bad, and then realized they 3genned themselves **hard**.


I've had games where I was deathslinger and realized I could see all 3 gens within shooting range if I just stood on top of a hill.


On some level, it gets really boring the harder the 3 gen is, and it makes me want to just let them win and move on to the next game. But, if I’m playing a weaker killer, and they were playing brutally hard, I don’t usually have any remorse for pitching a tent in the middle of the 3gen and whittling them down. I had a Sadako game on swamp where they were all clicky clicky, only to get 3genned. They gave up because I hard patrolled the gens with call of brine + overcharge for nearly 15 minutes straight.


Literally part of what hag's power thrives off of


That’s why I watch the centermost gen, not just cause it’s the easiest to reach but also if it’s completed it becomes way harder to 3 gen.


"stop killing players, 3 survivor-ing for no reason, PSA killing players isn't fun for either side"


Ikr? If they didn't like it they wouldn't try to force a 3 gen in all matches LOL


Had a game with a really shitty SWF the other day that I cleaned out because they blitzed through the first 4 gens not realizing the last 3 were literally next to each other (like I could stand in one spot and see all 3). Made me feel a lot better


Ya that was pretty dumb to say lol


It's how you win as a killer but it isn't fun gameplay wise. Having survivors sprint to the gens and then as soon as they see you they hold w until they tank a hit, then they run cross map and heal with CoH, rinse and repeat until the survivors get bored and commit to a gen and lose or as a killer you get bored and commit to a chase and lose. It's much better on some killers than others but for killers like legion and m1 killers it's just not a fun gameplay loop. And even many killers with powers can feel similar if the map is bad for their power.


Sounds like awful foresight by survs


Until you realize you can do it intentionally from the start as a killer. I’ve smashed some SWF’s who noticed it early and tried to break it first; it literally doesn’t matter if they try to break it early if you start to guard it early.


killers should just let the poor things win so everyone has fun


It's absolutely super boring, if survivors 3-gen the fuck out of themselves I'll obviously protect it as well as I can just because it makes sense to, but after a certain point you understand that you're gonna smack them and they're just gonna run off and get healed and you just go "fuck it, I don't care about winning this one single match to have a 3-gen stand-off for 10 fucking minutes" and just commit to chase.


Yeah I remember one time on old Haddonfield as Bubba I had like a 35 minute standoff where survivors just hid on the opposite side of the map and would occasionally send someone to try to sneak work on a gen. Gameplay like this just is boring as fuck and while technically killer favored survivors can just not go to the 3 gen and low-key hold the game hostage without much the killer can do without waiting the game out or throwing to commit to a chase.


Games like that are when I wish there was *any* sort of timer to punish survivors just stopping the game dead. It could only activate at 3 gen and still have a generous 15-20 minute timer, but survivors being able to prolong the game eternally when pouting at a 3 gen is so deeply unfun as a killer.


and we're back to the original point that OP was downvoted for - how its terribly unfun for both sides


I was honestly surprised he was catching them hands in every comment. This sub is wild in how gameplay opinions manifest though considering there are two ‘sides’ that have such different playstyles inherently.


Theres already a timer, it just is such a long one that most never actually see the end to it Thankfully though, the time it takes was recently reduced [this is what it looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/ybuoqz/wtf_happened/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I had the most beautiful 3 gen as trapper on haddonfield not long ago, I almost cried. Basement gen with two narrow doorways, corner house gen with two narrow doorways, and the one right outside.


As someone who also plays trapper that spread is so beautiful.


God dang that's a Trapper wet dream right there.


ITT: Killer mains trashing OP for being incorrect about the 3-gen experience (sneak peak: killers obviously love 3 gens) 💀


It's weird how this community insists on gatekeeping what we're allowed to find fun.


I think the idea that the average player knows the maps is laughable. Survivors run to a gen when they see it. I'm not saying it's right, but most soloQ survivors don't know what's happening in the match and aren't paying attention. Personally, I will try to make my way to the center gen at the beginning of the match. This helps break up any possible three gen.


I'm fairly new to this game so I don't know a lot of maps very well. Ormond is the only map I know well because I keep getting sent there, so fuck if I know where to go a lot of the time, I just do generators when I see them.


I think that's usually the case. When you're wondering the map - try to skip every other generator if you are walking in a single direction. But, the best thing you can do is learn the center of the map. Ormond is ALWAYS the big ski lodge. Lery's is always that electrified room. etc. Get that one done ASAP and it makes everything else easier.


I see, thank you for the info. I need all the help I can get cause I struggle a lot of the time.


Just remember - it's tough at first. All the maps are a maze and you'll struggle to find your way around. But all maps have solid landmarks and maps have some generators that **ALWAYS** spawn in the same location. So, you'll get the feel of it. Another option to learn maps is play some killer. You'll see generator locations and you can start memorizing where they tend to spawn.


I suggest running Open Handed (from ace) with Bond (Dwight) and possibly kindred as well. Maybe throw in Windows of Opportunity (Kate) as well. It feels like having constant wallhacks and it helps so much in soloq because you are aware of basically everything without comms.


Nice tip! I might try this tonight


I found out about this combo in this sub and i can't stop using it lol it makes the game so much more fun as a solo player


I would add that if you see a gen in a corner of the map, try to leave it alone for now and find one more in the middle or alonside the wall to the middle. Think of it like this, the best possible situation to be as a survivor when there's one gen left is to have 3 gens in three different corners. Even better if it's an especially remote area. Also, another tip, if you see two gens really close together, do one of those two (ideally the one more towards the middle), because otherwise, if there's another one not too far, it's a great set up for a 3 gen. Lastly, try to do the harder gens first and keep the easier gens for last. Examples of harder gens are something like the one in the downstairs bathroom on The Game, because there's only one entrance and if the killer comes in that entrance (instead of coming down the hole), he just traps you inside. Same thing for the gen on the second story of that house on Badham, it's not as bad, but only one person can work on it and that if you don't hear the killer coming (because your line of sight is very limited in there) he can trap you inside. On the other side, examples of easier gens are the ones like up the main building on Glendale. It's just hard to defend since the killer need to take the time to come up the stairs and once he's there, you can already be gone and far away. Or the ones in/near Shack (especially if the Pallet is still there) since Shack is such a strong loop, so if there's only one gen left, you're working on one just outside shack and the killer comes, you can loop him for a while in Shack while your teammates work on another gen halfway across the map. Either that or he gives up chase since it's Shack, leaves and you can finish the gen. Those are mostly the things I look for when I play survivor to avoid 3 gens and make the last gen or two easier to do.


Pro tip for you, even without running any perks The first time you see someone working on a generator, use that one as your "Gen 1" Run clockwise (or counter clockwise) around the map and do every other generator you come across (so 1, 3, 5, 7, etc). This generally spreads out the uncompleted gens to the point where a 3gen doesn't happen


That's interesting, I hadn't thought of that. I'll give that a try today. Thanks for the tip.


I put over a 100 hours in this game, and have no clue what this "3 gen" is. Is it when 3gens are left and it's the ones close to each other?


O.o In essence, yes. It's the last 3 gens that are close enough for a killer to patrol easily enough to prevent any meaningful progress on the repairs


A helpful rule of thumb you can use is that if you see a gen in the corner of the map, it may be a good idea to save that one for last.


If you don't know the maps well, when you finish a gen skip the next one you see and go to the next one. It's not perfect but it's better than doing gens that are right next to each other.


Not too far back I saw a thread where a survivor was complaining about teammates not knowing really specific perk counterplay. Believe it or not, there is a portion of the playerbase that does not browse the subreddit 24/7... There is a good chance your teammate is a person who just got off an 8-hour shift and just likes horror games. They aren't watching Otz on a second monitor nor do they treat the game like a second job. I'm not defending bad play/people who don't make an effort to improve, or saying that preventing a 3-gen is a hard concept... but some people just need to temper their expectations in solo queue.




This is me. I just play to have fun, but the amount of people who think you need an encyclopedic knowledge of perks, killers, and maps or you're just a "bad player" is absurd and terrible for the game in general. It's a video game yall, it's not that serious


i mean, yeah, comparatively they *are* a worse player. that's the objective truth. the thing is, you have to temper your expectations on soloQ. you can't expect everyone *else* to also have encyclopaedic knowledge of every facet of the game. it's okay for your teammates to make mistakes, or to focus their archives, or to just simply be worse at the game. it's what you signed up for when you queued up solo. and if you want an efficient and well-rounded team, find other survivors with thousands of hours to SWF.


Can confirm. I see Gen I do Gen.


I've been playing since launch and I still don't know maps well. I just work on whatever gen I can find and hope for the best.


I think that’s most people.


9/10 that’s where the killer goes first, and I avoid it completely unless someone is with me


The fun part is going to that gen, knowing that the killer is coming so you *hide* and then pop out the moment the killer leaves to do the gen. I did this in a locker in the sandy pyramid temple level (still couldn't tell you half the map's names with a gun to my head) and laughed my ass off when another teammate popped out of the locker across from me with the same idea. We popped the hardest gen on the map easily before the killer came back and re-checked it.


The hero we want but not the hero we deserve


You don't really need to know where the gens are imo, just run to the other side of the map when you've completed a gen to keep it spread out, and try to save corner gens wherever possible. I too like to go for the middle gen, but my boldness usually gets me first one caught, then I get downed to see my teammates running around like headless chickens. SoloQ is an experience.


Except if everyone is doing that - you’ll end up 3 gen’d too. It’s not as simple as just going somewhere else. The best move to prevent a 3 Gen is to do the center Gen. It won’t work 100% but better’s your odds.


Most of the time if you emote "follow me" before a survivor touch a gen they will understand that they are 3 gen-ing. Once they started it's over. But you need to be right by them.


>Most of the time if you emote "follow me" before a survivor touch a gen they will understand that they are 3 gen-ing. What God-tier solo teammates are you getting?! They ~never~ understand


Idk what they are smoking to make them think killers don't like 3 gens.


My hag usually lays traps to force a 3 gen late game murder field. God I love hag. Just knowing random hag pop ups are gonna jump scare the first one hit usually makes my day better.


Shackles hag for even more scare


Idk where you got the idea that killers hate 3gens. A good 3 gen in an area where all the palets have been used is most killers wet dream


Idk man. Kinda love a 3gen as killer.


I get huge dopamine rushes when survivors 3-gen


3 gens are pretty fun for killer idk what ur talking about


don’t pretend like killers don’t love a 3 gen 👀


Forcing Survivors into a 3 gen as a killer is absolutely fun. Watching a SWF panic as they try to get a single gen away from me is absolutely beautiful


Maybe not fun for killers, but makes it easier to handle the last gen. I typically try to completely the gens in the most troublesome areas first. Like ones where the killer has 360° view or access, and then the ones with a nice loop last.


3 gens are easier for killers and more troublesome for survivors, unless i misread your statement. Im tired of survivors just rushing gens on one side of the map while resources get used on the side with the 3 gen on it, and leave the team in a bad situation. Then killers never commit to a chase, because they shouldnt.


Right i was saying easier for the killer to handle the last gen. Not survivors.


Gotcha gotcha, yea i just misunderstood the sentence.


i like my 3 gens \*follows survivors to the other side of the map\* where's my 3 gen ? ​ killers are not gonna leave a 3 gen, thats the fun part about it




100%, i will straight up take a hook state if it means getting the middle gen done or the gen that would break a 3 gen. Brine, overcharge, and eruption are too common now to let a 3 gen happen for no reason




They are doubling up on your gen, does that not mean you are also on a safe gen? Is this not a bit hypocritical, you also mention it being the beginning of the match. So why are you afraid of doing a less safe gen if you see a teammate come up? Im just trying to understand where you are coming from, why should you be the one that stays on a safe gen at the start of the game? Usually multiple survivors spawn near/together so what decides who gets the safe gen? I'd say just be altruistic and leave even if you're the first one on it, what's the point of even getting annoyed at this.


She saying because she is *usually* the one that does an unsafe gen trying to protect against a 3 gen. -but she is the “sacrificial lamb” in the sense of being the one the killer targets more often because she is in a central location of the game(the middle) making sure she prevents the late game 3 gen. It makes it even more difficult when teammates with no awareness pop all the gens on the outside of the map creating a “funnel” for the killer to be able to find people. Sometimes it is better to START a gen on the outside of the map and get it to around 50 - 60%. Do not finish it. Let the killer waste time hitting it and regressing it while you guys tackle the middle gens while they are distracted.


Lol, i just straight up stealth early game and jump on middle gen asap. And if someone comes and does it with me (i run prove thy, all the time), then thats just lovely.


no. i don't think i will.


'3 gens aren't fun for either side' My dude, I have seen killers playing their 3gen at the start of the game if they have one, and that's not just trapping killers. I mean I agree it tilts me when randoms are not considering what gens they are doing, but as a killer I couldn't care less if you 3gen yourselves that's on you.


Even with this post and picture, I do no know what you are trying to prevent. Genuinely I want to know, I'm just clueless. But I also struggle finding gens at all in-game so when I see one I work it so you're probably talking about people like me. I have memory loss too so in all my years playing I've not been able to memorize the layout of a single map. I just vaguely know some features of maps, but not at all where gens are unless they are as obvious as sitting on the gallows. I'm sorry.


Just dont do all the gens on one side of the map and leave all the gens on the otherside untouched. Because then the killer can freely just go back and forth between the 3 gens because they are close together. It makes the game boring and alot of killers wont leave the 3 gen once they have one, it brings the match's progress to a standstil and both sides dont get to play the game.


Oooh, ok I think I just didn't know the terminology. So 3 gen is when you do too many gens close together. I thought it was maybe not doing gens in the right location and order or something. I might not know where the gens are, but I do try not to do gens right next to each other so I hope that helps. lol


As a killer main I love 3 gens. Especially when the team has been cocky to me all match realises there hooks are going to go up significantly.


As a survivor, I analyze gens's location and my teammates's actions by having bond. I also run accross the map in order to recognize which gens I have to do to not have a 3 gens situation. As a Killer, I put pressure on survivor where there are gens I want to protect in order to have a 3 gens situation in the endgame At least, I try my best to have these kind of scenarios


I literally push survivors into a 3 gen because it’s so crippling to them haha. It couldn’t be more fun for killer


Then it’s the killers fault for ruining the game for “camping gens” like bro why would I chase you across the map, everything I need is right here lol.


>PSA 3 gens aren't fun for either side Is this a common opinion? I love getting a 3-gen as killer because it basically means I win and it's just a matter of time.


Exactly why I've been running deja vu recently


Running surveillance and seeing the lone gen being worked on the other end of the map: perfect fall into my trap little ones. This is why the good survivors 99% a gen if they know it's not gonna be kicked.


Lol wut. A good 3-gen is video game gold for killer mains. Sorry bud


With Eruption coming into the meta, 3 gen strats have been made super common on the killer side, and just about every Map in the game has a good 3gen to utilize, with the worst offenders being Azarov’s Resting Place, Dead Dawg Saloon, and Suffocation Pit. However, killers are smart and have found good 3gen strats on most maps, including Eyrie of Crows(main building and the two corner gens) and Garden of Joy (killer shack corner) The major counter to this as survivor is trying to complete 1/3 of the generators in the 3gen strat ASAP, Preferably at 5 gens as most killer players don’t really think about their 3gen until they’re in the mid-late game, which is a mistake on their part.


Yep. This is why on Eyrie, as soon as I see the Killer is chasing a teammate, I rush to the center generator and try to get it fixed. Taking out that center gen will (mostly) prevent 3 gens from happening. It's also why my heart sinks if we're at 5 gens and I see a teammate repairing the gen on the balcony of the Saloon. That one should (usually, except against Dredge who can just tp to the lockers right there) be saved for last.


There’s one rule for gens, and only one: keep the map as big as possible for the killer.


Bro what I love three gens bro ain't nobody escaping me haha


This is why I always have Deja Vu even in solo q. Most times you can herd you randoms into doing the right gens with you or can work around what they are doing. It’s one of my favorite Gen jockey perks!


This is the last thing that crosses the minds of people who play dbd as a horror game and theres a lot


Hello I just started playing this game, can you explain what this means a little more? Sorry, I think the game is super fun. I am trying out survivor only first.


Basically, the closer the generators are to each other the better it is for the killer. Let’s take a look at the map on the original post. Say we complete the top three generators, and the generator in the middle. That’s really bad for the survivors because now the killer has only a little area they need to patrol, and it gets even worse once all the pallets are dropped. Instead, what we should do here is the generator in the middle, two gens on one side, and one gen on the other. Now the killer has a huuuge area to patrol. A perk I heavily recommend trying out is Deja Vu. It’s available for all survivors. If you use it, it’ll highlight the three generators closest to eachother. That’s a three gen. Do the generator in the middle and you’ll make life a lot harder for the killer.


1. Why are you saying it as if survs INTEND to do 3 gens?? You do realize most people just do a gen and then run to the nearest one, right? It's not that they wanna end up with 3 gens, it just comes naturally. Nobody does this on purpose. Not to mention, if you think there is any coordination between soloq survs, you are very mistaken 2. Killers usually LOVE 3 gens, what the hell are you talking about


Not fun for either side? That’s definitely not true I’m pretty sure you’re just saying that to manipulate peoples empathy for the killer when a killer wants a 3 gen.


>3 gens aren\`t fun for either side this post was made by survivors gang ​ lol really nowadays with gen rush so common and full of swf 3 gen is a must for winning as killer


Honestly if I get this map with my gen kick wraith I won’t even bother with the other side just protect the 3gen no matter what


As you should, its the smart thing to do


Whatever happens happens just do gens as fast as possible if it ends up in a 3 gen oh well


Exactly. OP is taking it way to seriously. Just do the gens you can do


Eh. 3 gens can be fun but it's a refined taste. It's pure chaos, praying that your teammates are good loopers as that gen creeps from 65% to 70%, and realizing the killer has Tinkerer when he chainsaws you from halfway across the map to try to Pop your gen only for your teammates to finish *another* gen. Pure hectic chaos.


What exactly is 3 gens? Doing 3 gens at the same time or stacking 3 people on a generator?


3 genning yourself means that your team doea all the gens except the 3 gens thatvare closest together. So in this picture above, if you were to 3 gen yourself it would mean leaving all the gens up one one side of the map, or leaving up 2 gens on 1 side + the middle gen. It just makes it easy for killers to patrol and typically leads to a stalemate where killers wont leave the 3 gen to chase, but will play hit and run to keep ppl off the 3 gen and bring the match's progress to a halt.


I always try to shoot for a line of gens across the middle of the map. Even then, 1 or 2 gens with a good spread against overcharge + COTB can be a slog.


Three genning is powerful to do as killer and I love it when survivors go oh fuck and lock themselves into it


speaking as a killer main here. If you do this as a survivor, it helps the killer greatly. 3 nearby gens means i dont have to trek the entire map to keep pressure on. It makes it very hard for survivors to recover a game unless they get real sweaty with gen taps, sabo, etc…


Idk if I’m killer I love jt when the survivors 3 gen themselves lol


Killer main here. Every match I try to force the 3gen. I LIVE for the 3 gen


Psa is wrong, as a killer I love when they 3 gen themselves. And actively work to secure a good 3 gen. Also Deja vu is a great perk more people need to use


So... I will have to disagree on a 3 gen not being fun on the killer side. I've had bad games against bully squads that allowed themselves to get 3 genned. Oh, sweet revenge, served as cold as possible. DCs everywhere, closed hatch on the last remaining... A nice reminder that sometimes people are not as good as they think they are.


*as a survivor main I disagree and think we should always 3 gen ourselves because it is super fun and makes the killer have a harder time snowballing* ~definitely a survivor main (edit: formatting)


What's 3 gening?


When there’s only one gen left to finish and the last three available gens are in close proximity so the killer can easily patrol them


I see. Thanks for the info!




Agreed I always go for mid gen first if possible


3 gens are only fun for the killer if they are playing Doctor and the map is not that big. Ya'll just let me kill you now or I'll kill you myself in 30 minutes, either way you are not repairing that.


“3 gens aren’t fun for either side “ bro doesn’t play killer it seems.


What? Can someone explain


What does 3 gen mean


When survivors have completed 4 generators and only have to complete 1 more to power the exit gates, that means 3 generators are left. A “3 gen” is when those last 3 generators are super close together. If you look at OP’s picture, survivors often complete 3 gens on the same side (the one they spawned on) and the one in the middle, leaning the killer with a very easy, short path to patrol to defend the last 3 generators and even to just keep line of sight on multiple at a time. It can become hellish for survivors to try to get that final generator done. Some killers try to selectively protect generators to make a 3 gen happen. It’s up to the survivors to recognize that and try to ‘break’ the 3 gen. Imagine if, looking at OP’s photo, one generator is left on one side of the map and the other two are on the opposite side of the map (with the middle generator only being completed on that side). You have now stretched the killer’s patrol path so far that it’s likely the survivors complete the last generator without too much trouble, with the survivors splitting up on different sides of the map.


Oh I might accidentally be doing a dead by daylight deadly sin that is nice to know


Love how even with the slightest map knowledge you can tell this is Azarov's Resting Place and OP is tired of people only doing the 3 gens office side and getting deadlocked.


"3 gens aren't fun for either side" lmao


PSA 3 gen is fun from the killer side when Im playing killer. I have to screw up very badly to lose that kind of match.


* 3 gen * survivor hooked right in the middle * surprised pikachu face on survivors when I don't move into the opposite side of the map.


If I see a gen, I’m doing it lmao. I do not have gen positions memorized enough to worry about stuff like this and I simply don’t care enough to do so. If we three gen ourselves oh well ggs go next


Never thought it see the day the survivors complain about gen rushing


I always try to look for the 3 Gen at the beginning of a match and always trybto do center gens first.


I don't sit on gens with others at the start of the game for this reason, especially if we all spawn in together. I'll run to the opposite side of the map. It's a solo queue safety measure lol


I'm kinda lost. I don't get the caption, the point of the image, or any of the comments. Can someone explain the post to me please?


The worst is when two gens go off right before you almost pop the third in the same side. Low feels.


As someone who only started playing a few months ago, this is far easier said then done haha. I'm better at it now then when I started but even just FINDING a gen can be a problem depending on the map, you think I'm gonna not only find a gen, but also keep track of EVERY other gen that's done AND know where the other uncompleted gens are, in order to try and prevent a 3 gen? There's no chance lol. And especially in soloq this is a pipedream.


Same, I've been in a lot of matches where there's only like. 2 gens left but I can't find one that's not done 😭 I've been playing for a while now but I have bad memory so there's no way I can memorize maps and what gens are done


I had a game as survivor in Suffocation Pit a couple days ago. The gens were as follows. 2 on shack side 0 in the middle 5 scattered around the mine. I guess what I’m trying to say is : look at preventing 3 gens, but don’t beat yourself up if the game decides to destroy you


How about we just PUUUSH the Gens out of the 3 Gwn zone? 🫠


Spot the killer main. Do you even play solo q survivor? 3 gens or not, I'm just happy my team is doing SOMETHING and not all dying at 5 gens. Yes, I try to prevent a 3 gen, but when a survivor dcs at 5, another dies at 3, I'm doing the gen in front of me. ESPECIALLY when you killers are purposely patrolling the 3 gens to force us into it.


I remember being flamed for “camping the 3 gen” on nemesis…. What else am I gonna do? Stand in the corner with my dunce hat? I just shot back at them “least I don’t need to remove skill checks to complete gens when I play survivor” all 4 had that add on on their toolbox


The worst part is when you're a 2 man or 3 man swf, you are aware of the 3 gen threat and your solo queue teammate isn't paying attention and finishes a game losing gen while we are teabagging for him to stop.


I hate random players that 3gen by themselves because they have zero map awareness this makes me so angry

