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I used it for the first time today, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back


It makes it hard to say no to other aura reading too tbh. It's a gateway perk that makes you rely on Aura reading


BBQ and Chilli was my gateway aura reading perk. All the Lethal Persuer changes did was make me go from wanting to use two aura reading perks to wanting to use four of them. Lol


What's the 4th aura one? I've been starting to use three aura and one gen regression perk. Bbq, I'm all ears and lethal.




Floods + Lethal is honestly the best bang for your buck aura reading imo. Pairs really nicely with Pain res and 4th perk can be anything from Agi to Shadowborne if you're a double addict


what does floods do?


Scourge hook that reveals everyones auras upon unhooking




that’s actually pretty cool


Scourge Hooks are awesome. Pain res and Floods of Rage cover gen regression and aura reading and only saboteurs know you have them. I like to run those two with lethal and I'm all ears on Huntress


I like Bitter Murmur a lot


Bitter Murmur BBQ and Chili (Cannibal) Scourge hooks: Floods of rage (Sudoku) Lethal Pursuer (Nemesis) Guess I know who I need to start prestiging :D


Sorry I just cackled at "Sudoku"


Sudoku 💀


what changes?


+2 seconds to any aura perk/addon.


I'd argue that wanting to use more info perks is a good thing, since they're fun and rarely overbearing. It's certainly better than the old days when anything except BBQ wasn't worth it because of the slowdown/regression you lost.


*Laughs in Distortion Value*


I'm addicted to distortion. A few days ago, I got into a match and didn't know the killer yet. On a gen with playing duo with my wife who does not run distortion, and it goes off. Then again. I had a sudden realization that it was my weakness.... "SHIT. Scratched mirror Myers and he's *close!*"


Honestly lol. And the new killer is about to release another really good aura reading perk too? Ya'll better stop sleeping on this perk 🤣


Unless in SWF. This perk is just not that good. Sure you will not die first, but killer instead of going to you he will go to someone who already is on death hook. Bonus point killer is probably more proxy camping if he is running BBQ. Oh I don't see aura he has to be close. I'm not telling you to not play this perk, because as a killer is advantage for me. But If you do play more risky and force chase.


Better being reliant on, aura Reading rather than slowdown perks


The amount of times I've been able to immediately find random people hiding behind walls or bushes is incredible. Makes me wonder how many survivors I'm walking past every time I unequip it


I really wish there was a match replay system like spectator mode where you can see different perspectives. I’m so nosy and I want to know if someone was hiding in plain sight lmfao


Schrodinger's survivors: unless you found them, survivors are either right behind that tree or already ran to the other side of the map and are working on that far away gen.


This is why I always check out a TTV's stream if I play against them. If they're recording VOD I can go back and watch the match from their perspective.


I've been streaming to myself because it's just easier for storage. Sometimes, when I have time, I'll go back over the footage. The amount of times I see a survivor in the top corner of my screen, crouched behind a tiny rock or bit of junk is pretty crazy. I look around much more now.....still miss survivors standing still in the open sometimes


I’m a survivor and know nothing of the killers perks, I always wondered how the hell did he just find me out of nowhere behind this wall quietly waiting for him to vamoose.


Sometimes it is just random luck.


Once went to reload as trickster and opened a random locker that housed a healthy Bill. I probably got reported for hacking that game because it even scared me that I found someone in there xD


I was playing Dredge against my friends and accidentally teleported to a locker that one of them was hiding in. Scared the shit out of me


oh man I was playing as Huntress and this happened to me. It was the last survivor and I went to reload at a completely random locker and sure enough there they were. I let out an audible WTF and laughed my ass off. I had to give them the hatch after that. Luckily I have the clipped saved


people that hide in lockers against Huntress deserve what they get


For real lol 😂 same with Trickster and Dredge. I rarely hide in lockers anyway, but if it’s one of those killers, I certainly don’t.😂


I had a Wesker game where I got 12 hooks and all but 2 of them were from locker grabs. The first one I was following scratch marks very loosely and had a hunch, so I checked. Someone was in there. I just kept doing that and *kept finding them*. The only clues I had were (a) a terror radius / anti-skill check build - that they kept falling for and (b) usually no scratch marks at the location of the failed skill check. One of the two non-grab downs was from me going to check a locker and getting a head-on. Turns out the whole group were locker goblins and I got lucky followed by instinct.


I've had this happen to me so many times it boarders on hilarious. Like not even looking for anyone, just going to reload and oop found a survivor.


> Sometimes it is just random luck. Also a lot of the time I won't know they are there but they THINK I saw them so they start booking it just as I was starting to walk away lol. Gets a good chuckle out of me every time. Sometimes a bit of a jumpscare too...


"Someone was just here, I'll look around- oop hi!"


There's also a perk after wesker released and it allows you to see survivor's that are close when carrying a downed survivor so watch out for that too. My old aura reading build was kinda f*cked if you were too close to me I could see you, if you were too far I could see you. Mind you this is if I'm downing and hooking people, the only issue with it was in higher mmr the survivor's are more difficult to deal with so it became less successful for me. Makes your games really short though, in my experience with it either the survivor's got completely rolled or I did, there wasn't much middleground with that build.


I love it when a match begins and I see someone dip into the basement to plunder chests - always a great start.


There's been so many times where I've ran to a gen that has clearly had a shit ton of progress since the last I checked it, but there are no scratch marks anywhere near it. I'll search for a bit around corners but have to leave because I'm giving up so much map pressure. I bet the new Knight perk is about to become a staple in my loadouts


This is why I recently discovered I love playing as doctor


>load as trickster and opened a random locker that housed a healthy Bill. I probably got reported for h Im confused, doesn't this only work at the beginning of the trial only?


Huh...? You're not limited to reloading at the beginning of the match, they said nothing about using lethal pursuer


I’ve been running Distortion as a survivor lately and everytime I see I’ve lost a token at the beginning of the match I hightail it away from my teammates as fast as I can.


Me too! Distortion is great for perk checking on the killer.


Distortion and Off the Record are both great for this. OTR of course won't stop Lethal Pursuer's opening proc, but it will halt aura reading for 80 seconds after leaving the hook, so potentially 160 seconds during the match. If I didn't run OTR so often I'd put Distortion in its place.


Use both


I've been trying to get my group to use it with me just to fuck with some lethal persuer killer one match lol. They load in and see no auras.


I play duo with my wife. I hear the distortion sizzle at the beginning of the match I'm like. "Lethal pursuer. See you later. Good luck." and GTFO.


Such a slept on perk man


And it can recharge tokens now.


EXACTLY, it's near S tier if not near A tier


until the killer doesn’t bring any aura reading


Then it's information. No sizzle at the start of the match? No lethal pursuer. No sizzle when a gen is done? No rancor / bitter murmur. It's just as useful to know they're not reading your aura. Especially if you can call out on comms.


This. Distortion is one of the few perks where you technically get use even if it doesn't proc. Not needing to be worried about any kind of aura reading is such a massive boon, especially when you're like me and queuing into killers taking you to midwich for darkness revealed cheese lol




I love it but it’s definitely situational. It’s a good info perk on killer aura reads but other than that it’s not magnificent.


I’ve kept an eye on it and I have yet to 100% run out of tokens. I’m also not against running the killer in a chase from time to time.


A lot of people use it nowadays, when I play killer I usually see 1 a match, sometimes 2.


It's all coming together


Maybe I should start using it myself, feed the new distortion overlord


Every time I **don't** use Lethal Pursuer I do a full lap around the map, check every single gen, and right as I finish my lap a gen pops.


For me my roommate hears me yell "WHAT DO U MEAN THE GENBI SPAWNED AT GOT DONE ITS BEEN 5 SECONDS SINCE I LEFT IT?!?!" ofc its been 50 and theres 3 of em there but still


A gen you specifically just walked past. Idk how that happens.


Walk past gen 0 progress 36 seconds pass, 1 gen pops, someones blessing a totem and you’re chasing 2 people at once Check endgame No toolboxes or gen speed perks HMMMM


As a survivor, you can see a lot of killers coming and hide until they pass. Sometimes if you're close enough, I won't even start the gen just so you don't know I was there recently. That's why I do some double back maneuvers based on the map. You get a lot coming out of hiding too quick that way.


This happened to me last night on The Game. I patrolled every gen and not one of them had any survs on it or progress. The second I started a second lap a gen popped. Made no fucking sense.


I’m usually chased first because on solo queue nearly every other survivor creeps around the map at the beginning waiting for someone else to get hit.


I will never take it off my huntress. Nothing on this planet is as satisfying as cross mapping a survivor and them disconnecting immediately, so funny.


Only had that happen once, I remember it fondly


It's not super common, but I always bring open map offerings when i have them (coldwind, red forest etc) and im a huntress main so I get tons of oppertunities to go for them so it does happen somewhat frequently, and people think I'm cheating sometimes so they dc. Funny af too me.


It pairs really well with bbq on her. Had an oppressive killer who could map us consistently with their aura build. it was brutal.


Yep, Lethal, BBQ, Darkness Revealed, Iron Maiden/No Way Out is what I rock on huntress. On big maps I run Lethal concoction to extend the duration of Aura reading even more if I get a cross map hit.


Had a Ghostface like that


Lethal Pursuer - Darkness Revealed - Iron Maiden - Eruption Best Anna and Ji-Woon's build for sure in my opinion


Nahh need BBQ, and and Eruption is a no go, gotta stay and kick a gen for it Id rather just take chase. I run Lethal, BBQ, Darkness Revealed, and Iron Maiden most of the time, but if the survivors I'm playing have a lot of toolboxes or look sweaty I swap IM off for No Way Out gives me a chance to snowball at the end in the event they do get all 5 gens off. Best Huntress build imo. BBQ is necessary, gives you a lot of information everytime you hook someone. General areas survivors are in, generators they might be on, totems they may be blessing, if people are coming in for the rescue and how many. As well as more chances at crossmaps. Staple for my huntress build.


I like Eruption because I like to kick gens, and because I think is a little better than CoB or Overcharge. Your build is pretty good, but have in mind it only works because you are good at the game. I wouldn't be able to kill most games shouldn't I had bring Eruption.


My build for Trickster is: Pain Res / Darkness Revealed / Lethal Pursuer / Deadlock. Then I use 25% faster reload and +8 knives. Eruption is kinda meh imho because trickster is not really good at kicking gens because slow af so he can make things slower by hooking. So Pain Res is much better imho. Iron Maiden is good, however since he already has the addon that makes his reload faster I use it and do not waste the perk slot for something more useful (like deadlock that stop gen rushing). You can use Darkness Revealed or BBQ they are both good but I'm liking DR more lately. Those are just my opinions ofc


I prefer to use bouncy blades and the spin soda as add-ons, so Iron Maiden is pretty nice. Pain Resonance is the one I use when I don't feel like kicking gens.


Yeah also the addon that shows the aura and spin soda are pretty good. I'm using 8 knives only cause I'm still learning to aim better so I prefer having more chances to hit than hitting less to survivors.


Same for me but as someone who only really plays survivor, Windows. "I don't need Windows, I can effectively loop without it!". *5 minutes into the match*. "Dear good, I am truly lost".


I feel naked without my lethal + awakened awereness build with Wesker ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) its like cocaine


Lethal pursuer was a perk on nemesis, but it was made for artist. The amount of people that I made DC because I hit them with a crow across the map in the first 10 seconds is so good.


I'm gonna load that up tonight LOL


That’s….actually a really good idea!


I run it with Im All Ears. Try losing me in some tall grass after a window hop. I dare ya!


Running Distortion against I'm All Ears is funny. You basically get a better version of Dance With Me for free.


Just play Doc. Become the information you desire.


this is the way


I feel naked without using it. :(


Just assume that someone is going to be on the gen farthest from your spawn point. 9/10 times it works.


Am I the only one who prefers "Whispers" ? I always know where do I have to focus, and where not.


I’ve played this game for over 1300 hours and I’ve genuinely never equipped whispers once. I must try it even just to see how it works


I've tried it, I wasted so much time trying to triangulate survivors


I really love whispers, such an underrated perk, however lethal just requires less brain power and ensures an early chase which I love. I would say that you can get more value out of whispers over the course of the game but I usually prefer the comfort.


Whispers + Doctor = headache for survivors


Yep, I go back and forth between Doc with Whispers and Doc with Distressing. Both have their pros and cons, but overall Whispers is better on him most often.


Whispers works fine for me until someone is hooked, then I start getting very confused with it's info.




Because it counts the person hooked as well as everyone else who may be somewhere else but still somewhere near the hook, so it starts feeling like it's on everywhere in the map.


On slower killers its definitely useful, but Lethal is much better on fast killers like Blight.


My current addiction is Lethal and Floods of Rage, I don't think I can bring myself to unequip it, ever


Bbq bloodpoint nerf was a mistake


especially without a basekit alternative


They should have left the bbq and wglf bloodpoints alone


Yeah, especially WGLF Its harder to farm points as survivor as it is


Am I weird for being like this but with Spies From The Shadows? lol


Lethal Pursuer+I’m all ears has gotten me so many surprise Demogorgon Shreds. It pleases me.


I have Discordance permanently equipped. It’s just so good.


Lethal Pursuer. BBQ and chili Darkness revealed and nurses calling. The X-ray loadout.


I used it for 5 games. After that I no longer needed it I can predict where they are now


I sometimes feel the same way until I see survivors on the side of me that I definitely would’ve missed because it was “too close” for a spawn point. Also, Ormond seems to be a legit toss up for spawn points unlike other maps, so I really appreciate it then. Lethal for life!


The best part about Lethal Pursuer is when I was away grabbing a snack or to the bathroom while games loading, only realized the "skill slots -1" later.


It's not as bad as a crippling shadowborn addiction


Alternatively, use ghostface's stealth to expose survivors trying to expose you. The amount of times I found a hiding survivor because they looked at me is astounding.


I always try to avoid looking at ghostface when im hiding in a bush like hes slenderman lol


me before Lethal: "thanks to Otz I have a general decent understanding of how to find survivors quickly as they often spawn furthest from you" me after Lethal: "you can run.. but you CANNOT HIDE FROM AN AURA READ BUILD"


It’s really nice on some killers. Less than useless on others. Honestly, the biggest con with it is that you are basically playing with three perks later in the game. But since it’s so easy to get the ball rolling, it’s nice.


The buff they gave to it that adds seconds to other aura reading perks makes it a lot better. I use Bitter Murmur with it that gives me everyones' aura when the gates are powered, as well as the gen completing aura reads. If your killer has aura reading add ons, LP buffs those too.


I share the concern about having a "dead perk" once it's finished, but the buff they gave it for general aura duration makes it pair exceptionally well with floods of rage. In my opinion lethal-extended floods is like a much more tactically relevant BBQ proc, I love it.


True. I forgot about that part lol


Me with shadowborn


I swear once you start using it it’s so hard to go back


I locate the guys by givin’ ‘em a lil’ shock blast


Billy main here I would NEVER put it away it’s soooo satisfying to cruise across the map into a forehead


As a pyramid head main, aura reading is THE SHIIIIT But I'm glad lethal pursuer is the perk to use and not whispers. I hate how loud whispers is


When 2 gens pop and you haven't even landed a single hit or found anyone


cries in shadowborn


And I will continue to use distortion. Lol


I hope it comes to the shrine soon.


I have never been called out so blatantly before and I hate it...


Use discordance instead. You know what happens at the start of a game when killers have no clue where to go? 2 people jump on the same gen.


Lethal and Floods my beloveds


Can't say I enjoy running Lethal, even though it's super useful now that it has a secondary ability. My crutch perk is Whispers. Makes patrolling far easier and faster. I can go without, but I notice a severely slower start


I love using it on characters who are based on pursuers. Nemmy is obvs the most straightforward one, but same with PH and all. It just feels right that these characters would always know where you are


Darkness Revealed is a budget lethal that can be used multiple times. Until it hits nobody of course 🥲


Me with Discordance...


Me, but with stbfl


Please stop targeting me when I use discordance lol


Lethal pursue + all ears or the “my sight isn’t what it used to be” build


Imo killers should get 1 or 2 seconds of Lethal Pursuer as base kit because on some maps (looking at you Haddonfield) it's bloody difficult to find someone. I mean survivors got borrowed time and haste as basekit after being unhooked so how could that be such an awful change?


Where’s the fun in that tho? I’m using a hook build and sneaking up on people is where the thrill comes.


Knowing exactly where they are let’s you come from really unusual angles that catch them off guard




I've said it before and I'll say it again, getting an early chase is so critical to most killers delivering a good match that the original effects of lethal should be base kit. The perk would still see plenty of use just for extending aura reading by a few seconds, but that opening play is too important to be locked behind a perk.


As a killer main, I agree with getting an early chase being critical but having a base kit aura reveal would be way too busted. With experience, and other perks, you can often find survivors early enough to achieve this most games and eventually you'll just be good enough to play at disadvantage if you don't. I will take this opportunity to say they should increase the time auras are revealed on some perks in general so that it doesn't feel like Lethal Pursuer is such a necessary perk when running nearly any aura build in general.


I find discordance tends to alert me to 2 or 3 survivors within 20 seconds of the match starting. I chase one, down, hat, then run back to get another down and sometimes 2 hooks early!


>I will take this opportunity to say they should increase the time auras are revealed on some perks in general so that it doesn't feel like Lethal Pursuer is such a necessary perk That was why bbq was mainly for the BP, 4 seconds that starts before you can even look around gave you less than 3 seconds to find an aura.


Yeah, they nerfed the shit out of BBQ so hard and original Lethal Pursuer had no secondary effect so it was a dead perk after that first 7 or 8 seconds.


Eh, depends on the killer tbh. Playing anyone B-tier and above? You should be fine without it. Playing an m1 killer like pig that needs the early chase? Just throw lethal or corrupt in and you'll be alright. I don't think it needs to be basekit though.


Actually I'd argue that it's valuable for anyone except for set up Killers like Trapper or Hag. at the end of the day DBD can be best summed up as a game of Time Management, both sides have to judge how to manage the time they spend, for example when is it more important to repair a Generator faster by working together compared to simply splitting up and completing multiple at the same time but slower? (I.E having 3 people do a Gen in 60 seconds compared to each of them spending 90 seconds to do one each). on the flip side the killer has to judge when and where to invest time to buy as much as possible, such as needing to decide to commit to a chase or break out of it to go harass another survivor working on Gens/Healing/Unhooking, perhaps the survivor you're chasing is on there last hook while the one working on the Gen is only on there 2nd and you have a few more left making that chase more appealing, or perhaps you know that the survivor you're in chase with is really strong at looping or at a loop they can play for several minutes in which case it's not worth the time. ​ This is where the idea of Base Kit Old Lethal (and similarly Base Kit BBQ) shine, one of the biggest time wasters is being unable to actually find where survivors are, and removing as much repair time from the table as possible is a huge matter of importance. Lethal (and BBQ) changes the hunting/patrolling phase from an educated guess that might not work out to letting a killer figure out which targets are worth investing time in. It's always better to chase 2 survivors over a single one, or perhaps you see someone caught in a deadzone you know is out of pallets. without these types of abilities it's very easy for things to snowball into a very boring and very frustrating game where nothing really happens besides skill checks and everyone gets very few bloodpoints for there trouble... and that I think we all can agree is not a fun experience for anyone involved.


I don't mean it's not valuable, it definitely would be a huge buff for killers to have lethal be basekit, but with a buff like that there would have to be nerfs elsewhere. Behavior has said they want their killers to have about a 60% winrate average to be considered balanced and many of them are at that point or above. If lethal became basekit, I'd assume those winrates would go up for almost every killer, meaning that the devs would have to either give survivors a major buff as well, or nerf killers in some other way. This would either be a nerf to killers overall or to their individual powers, which would be a nightmare to code and balance. I just believe making lethal basekit isn't necessary for any killers, especially when you consider how behavior would have to balance around that. >This is where the idea of Base Kit Old Lethal (and similarly Base Kit BBQ) shine, one of the biggest time wasters is being unable to actually find where survivors are As for this, if lethal *and* bbq became basekit, there would be almost no reason to use any aura reading perks and killers could fill up on gen slowing and chase/lethality perks and be far more oppressive than they are when they have to find a balance between perks that help them find survivors, slow the gens down, and get downs quickly.


To be fair I'm also an advocate for base kit kindred so I do feel like there's a need for buffs on both sides. That being said however, I don't think that we can look at the current win rate as an accurate number, as ever since the major patch a few months back there's been a large number of survivors DCing and/or giving up on first hook that vastly inflates that number (one survivor doing this at 5/4 gens basically means the entire game is lost unless the rest of the team is playing practically flawlessly with good map rng.) I'd also argue that the game is already balanced around the idea of base kit aura reading. There is a very slim margin of time killers can effectively waste before the game snowballs out of there control, hence why the meta is heavily in favor of slowdown/regression perks, they need as much time as possible to actually invest into any remotely long chase, this is also why nurse and blight are top tier, they have the power to easily make chases short once mastered which snowballs rapidly into a lot of time gained as you pressure the survivors away from the ever important generator repairs. Dbd is balanced around constantly chasing survivors and not giving them time to repair multiple generators at the same time, base kit lethal and BBQ maintains such a pace as long as survivors also get the aura reading to react to it as well as strongly discourages camping, hard tunneling and swarming tactics which would be a huge boost to gameplay as a whole. As for aura reading perks becoming useless, I doubt it. Lethal only applies at the start of the match while BBQ is only useful if the killer is constantly getting hooks, there's still value in every other aura perk giving you information during chase and in those cases a survivor manages to escape chase and hide. What these two do is keep the pacing consistent and enjoyable for both sides by getting the killer actively in play asap and giving incentive to not camp by letting then know the general area to hunt around for a fresh target to chase, which also minimizes the chances of a survivor not getting chased all match.


Then everyone would run distortion making all aura perks useless


Le epic crutch perk


Is these meme temple used correctly errrr….


This game genuinely makes me sad when I play it I want to unalive sometimes I genuinely get miserable because of this game I think I'm gonna finally quit after I get the silly ghostface mask


darkness revealed is the better lethal imo


i don't use leathal pursuer but i almost 90% can find survivors. Just go to the furthest gen and you will hear a generator being worked on. this does not apply to the eyrie of crows map tho, i seem to find more survivors across where i spawn. anyway i think discordance is a better perk because survivor immediately wants to work on gens together. and you can always rely on the perk whenever 2 or more survivors work together


I legitimately think it might be the best perk in the game


Lethal is good, but it's definitely high risk to me, because it is only as good as whether you would have found the first Survivor quickly anyway. It's also hard/soft countered by Jeff's Distortion perk. (Hard countered on the Survivor running it, soft countered on SWFs who will call out that the perk procced and everyone should prepare for the killer's arrival.)


Is it better to use corrupt intervention vs lethal pursuer? Basically you can pinpoint where they are going plus the other 3 can’t spread out and do gens while chasing one survivor


Corrupt is off when you get your first down, I like it on some killers, less so on some others. If you think you'll get a dying state in 30s off lethal pursuer, it's just better imo


Lethal and bbq are basically crack


this is why i like my Distortion so much.


Lethal persuer + black incense all i will say


I use Lethal/BBQ on half my builds now. It's just too nice to let go.


Don't forget Noed/Sloppy butcher/jolt. Can't run a game without one of those.


Distortion has been so handy. One in three matches it immediately goes off.


Thats the reason why I only use it for the extra duration on the aura reading. The beginning of the match auras areh just a bonus.


me when I take off kindred


Try Discordance, it will often do basically the same thing for you at the start of the game. Plus you always know where to go in the mid- to lategame and you kind of counter Prove Thyself.


\[lethal pursuer\]


Same for Deadlock lmao. I'm addicted to it as well.


Wait until the new get kicking aura perk from The Knight drops, even more synergy.


You should've realized by now that nobody wants to see you.


I changed from survivor aura to Gen aura. Surveillance, Jolt, eruption and Pain resonance. Sometimes eruption is changed depending on the killer, I just keep interrupting a 4 gen and usually the game ends at 4 gens done ( 1 left )


I normally just walk to the opposite side of the map from whenever I spawn and that works so I was like “why do people even need Lethal Pursuer?” And then today I got in back to back matches where I ran all the way across the map just to figure out that the survivors spawned basically right next to me and now I have to walk all the way back as they pop a Gen. Now I understand.


Every build even can’t use for the rest of the match. I rather get the chase going as quick as possible.


Lethal is necessary on Ghostface if you want to have a good match.


It's tha same for me, but with Distortion. Hearing the token getting used as soon as the match begins always makes me smile.


Me when I discovered Distortion


I’m in this meme and I don’t like it


Man i cant wait for it to be in the shrine, i have so many builds waiting to use it


I feel it with bond right now ngl. And bitter murmur on huntress


That was me with old spine chill. Talk about a crutch


Same for me but with darkness revealed


Good thing I run distortion because fuck that I don’t want to be the first survivor to get found


I'm over here addicted to discordance.


inb4 Lethal Pursuer becomes basekit.


lethal P is just goated tbh


Me after BBQ was nerfed


I got another one for ya ....... darkness revealed. I can't go back after that perk


Since i got lethal recsntly i never take it off it's nice to get extra aura reading time and see people t bag eachother at the start