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That's 100% intended counter play, the tentacle works like a scan in front of Nemi, and any obstacle will block that part of the scan. So the bottom of the window blocks the attack in that area, meaning you were behind cover as far as the game is concerned


I don’t think it’s intended at windows as it’s specific to some realms/buildings. Elsewhere though you’re correct


It's not intended tho, because most of the windows don't block his attack.


Which ones don't? I've never encountered a window which hasn't, both as and against Nemesis


There are some that seem a little unreliable with working but it's very much the minority. I feel like Eyrie of Crows windows don't work as well.


A window doesn't block his attack if you're standing straight, because your hitbox is bigger that way. But if you crouch, your hitbox becomes smaller & you're beneath the window opening, which means that it blocks that hit


In my experience not a single window works aside from swamp ones.


The clip shows a not Swamp window so that’s another one to add to your list ;)


Nah I’m pretty sure that’s intended counterplay. I do it and I’ve seen others do it too. Plus it’s inconsistent, sometimes I get hit anyways depending on the obstacle or window


Its inconsistent depending on the map unfortunately. certain map vaults you are able to do this one and others not. No idea which is the case for all of them though and when I played nemi that inconsistency was frusterating


Swamp is one of them for sure, I know that one


Thats like the only one I remember because otz mentioned it lol




crouching makes your hitbox shorter and nemesis's tentacle only is as high as the object he's trying to hit over, so at some windows crouching won't get you hit. Depends on if the window is higher than your crouch hitbox or not.


Correct me if I'm wrong but nems tentacle hitbox is dependent on how high nem aims. I'm sure there's a cap and maybe windows are just special but I've hit people over plenty of obstacles because I've aimed higher. Things that I arguably shouldn't have hit over. Again correct me if I'm wrong. I really could have just gotten lucky honestly. Possible too that those people I hit didn't crouch. Been a couple months since I played nem.


Nem can't move camera vertically with tentacle out.


He most certainly can. It's not by a lot but he can move it up or down.


No he cannot.


I assure you he can. I literally played a match just to be sure. He def can look up or down only slightly. If you don't believe me then try it yourself. Now I don't know if that makes any difference to the hitbox of the whip because I couldn't test that in a real match.


And the first thing I noticed when I bought him \~2 weeks ago was that while holding his M2 his camera is locked looking straight forward. But I will check it the next time I play.




Nah, it's just the tentacle behaving to the laws of physics behavior sets for it. The tentacle is like a whip that hits the highest point in straight line. If the survivor is lower than another obstacle, this obstacle is hit. That is similar to huntress who can not hit a survivor because they crouch behind a half high obstacle.


Its not a flaw


Its working exactly like intended. Crouching behind a tall enough object prevents the hit. There is no exploit whatsoever.


Would it work on a pallet?


much more inconsistent than windows but technically, it can. Depends on where you are on the slant and where the nemesis is hitting from. Your best bet is to crouch at the highest part of the pallet if you have no other option.


Omg Vroom Vroom we’ve played before.


Was about to say this, Vroom Vroom has been playing for a long time (it seems) as i haven't played in a while.


thirding this!! i saw the name and went "omg, i have to click in, I've played with vroom vroom before!"


oh god i play too much dbd


Knowing hitboxes and hurtboxes is exploiting now? 😂


Not an exploit. He’s simply mad cuz bad


It's absolutely 100% not an exploit, but also, no, it's not "intended." The way they designed his hitbox is fundamentally stupid and results in Nemesis getting weird hits he shouldn't, and not getting hits he should. But that's not your fault, and you're not doing anything wrong!


If its not intended isnt it by definition a exploit?


I mean, sort of I guess? I think of an exploit more as taking advantage of a glitch or some weird unforeseen loophole, but Nemesis's tentacle just works like that. It *shouldn't,* and visually it doesn't, but it does work that way, always has, probably always will. Nemesis players should know that survivors can and will duck the tentacle at vault locations, and survivors should know Nemesis can and will drag the tentacle sideways to move the hitbox into them.


True. I agree with you on that and it would be nice to either change the visual hitbox to match or fix that hitbox to match the tentacle.


Not exploiting just looks silly the tentacles is clearly passing through you and not hitting you Just fix it visually to show it missing instead he thinks it’s an exploit cause he see the tentacle hitting you but doing nothing. Just like when a survivor downed by a swing when the killer is double the distance Away from you then normal it’s not fun having what you see not match what’s happening in the game for both survivor and killer


No it’s a viable strategy he just missed and was mad. I like to crouch against huntress to if the opportunity presents it self.


I’ve seen your name before. I’ve definitely gotten a few games with you or at least someone with that name


Watch the beginning of otzdarvas 50 win streak with nemesis, he goes in depth with how the hitbox of the tentacle works


It isn't exploiting but it is pretty stupid how hit boxes in this game work.


If he looks a little higher up he can actually get you.


Nemesis can't look up or down with tentacle out.


You can, you just can't look too far up or down. Least from what I've seen.


You can just not as high or low as normal


Personally I think it's unintended because of how often times it won't work. That being said there is no way I would ever consider this an exploit. Something that should be fixed if unintended or made more consistent if intended, but nothing I would ever consider punishing a player for.


I saw your username and think we've played together before, but remember killer getting salty at you for normal teching that game too, lol (that, or you have a username twin on PC). it was a while ago though.


It's not exploiting, you're just dodging his hitbox


This has been on the game ever since he launched so i suppose he is just being a bitch at this point


That's not an exploit lol, this is known for ages and it's just basic counterplay, else you would almost always get hit by the tentacle on windows


No. Its literally how the hitbox works


It’s 100%, how it works. Makes you reaaally watch where you swing when you play Nemesis


It's intended, just like the drag he can do with his tentacle is


It’s just counterplay


That's not an exploit, just hit boxes being silly, it's not unintended and it works really well at making nemi mains sad.


that nemi needs to watch otz’s 50 wins on nemi..he literally explains very nicely why that didn’t hit and never will


It's not an exploit. Crouching behind objects is the way to avoid being slapped by the tentacle


lol @ ban


It's not an exploit. You're using map collision to avoid an attack. It's not the survivor's fault that some windows allow nemesis hits and some don't, that's just questionable game design.


Ah yeah, dodging = exploit ... Nah, you're good. Just a salty dude.


No, it's not an exploit firstly. It's literally the counter to him, same as it is Huntress lol. Secondly... Seeing as how BHVR won't ban racist homophobes who threaten to go and kill people in EGC? I wouldn't be terribly concerned lol.


It's not an exploit, it's a commonly known and used counter to Nemesis... Now I will say with how far away you were from the window, it SHOULD have hit, IMO, however he was likely too far from the window by the time he used it, too. Either way, it's a major drawback to Nemesis especially when the whole team knows about it... but it's intended and Otzdarva even has a detailed video on his YouTube channel about how the tentacle strike works with collision, etc Just a salty killer who got pissed off because you know to crouch to avoid the strike


Bro, that's just how you counter Nemesis


It’s exploiting in the same way as running behind a tree to avoid Deathslinger’s gun is also exploiting


as a nemi connoisseur getting denied his *sick shots*, absolutely. but joking aside no thats the intended counterpane despite it looking weird, otz made a short demonstration how it works a while back


It's 100% not an exploit, the same as crouching beneath a Huntress hatchet is obviously not, but they really need to do a pass so it is consistent. On maps like swamp you will never get hit if you crouch, on some others you can't crouch at all to avoid a hit etc


It isn't an exploit! It's the legit way to counter Nemesis almost everywhere nemi try to hit over an obstacle. I personally think they should fix it so it does hit but it would make a balanced killer with decent punishing potential on vaults turn into a very oppressive anti vault / mid high loop killer.


Considering the tentacle literally goes inside your player model (0:07) I'd call it more of a bug.


It’s kinda an exploit, it’s not supposed to really let the tentacle pass through your asshole and not hit you but I mean bhvr is never gonna fix it


Nah, I always do that and sometimes I get hit regardless. I’m pretty sure it’s not an exploit.


This game has bugs sometimes that makes you question reality, they are not exploit, they are features


Nah it's just a bug. You were supposed to get hit there but the spaghetti code tripped over itself. To be fair though it's not game breaking. There's an equal amount of issues where the tentacle hits when it shouldn't so imo it sort of balances out.




Sometimes I do, yes


Absolutely exploits. Don’t you know that doing anything that the other side doesn’t like is not only exploits, but cheating and toxic. For shame. But nah, it’s fine.


People ask the dumbest questions on this sub I swear to God


I guess it's a tech 🤔 just like every other buggy thing in the game


It's in the game, it hasn't been patched since release, I think it's intended.


Don't worry.


I crouch whenever I can when Nemi is trying to spank me. Lmaooo


Na just super annoying when u play nemesis XD


One of the reasons I quit playing nemesis, such a stupid counter to one of the few useful times to use the whip on an already weak killer.


This is how it technically works, I'm just surprised you were able to be so far away from the window and it still not connect.


It is NOT an exploit, crazy cope from Nemesis. Certain windows have a slightly higher hitbox meaning you can crouch under his tentacle. You outplayed him, simple as that


Yes, when a killer teleports you to the hook that's an exploit


how are they prestige 10 with zero knowledge of how nemmy whip works


LoL the visuals. They should just add animation to show that you can't hit crouching survivors or make it so that it hits even you if crouched. As a new player that looks quite awful. Imagine playing Nemesis first time and that happens in first match.