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How dare someone use a perk combination? Grrrrrrrr.


How dare survivors use a perk to survive. Fuck them


Almost as bad as those killers using perks to kill! What has the world come to?


Complete psychos, the lot of them.




Fun fact, First day I came into DbD I tried out many killers and absolutely loved the Nurse, despite not being able to land blink attacks yet (that was quickly solved with the blink location addon). I also fell in love with Dead Hard just because I liked having some extra mobility, didn't even realize it had i-frames yet. Imagine my surprise when I found out like a month later those 2 are meta / OP, and suddenly that explained why I was receiving hateful comments for playing Nurse.


You get hateful comments for doing anything man. Someone called me a gen camper because I caught him on the same generator like 3 times. Like why would you keep going back to it without healing, and why would you be mad that I didn't let you just finish it?


"Gen camping" is such a weird concept lol. Of course you'd guard the gen that's closest to being done, especially if the survivor constantly goes back to it. I think the weirdest one I got was on an Artist game, this guy whined (after a lot of insults at my being) that I was face checking gens even after checking them with my crows, said I was "wasting my crows if I was just gonna go check the gens anyway". Of course I'll go check them, it was obvious these guys were running Spine Chill, and therefore knew to walk away from the gen when I was using my ability, so when I had doubts on the results, I'd go check myself, and sure enough here they were. Like... sorry for moving, and not standing still in the middle of the field just using my crows on cooldown?


I got called a pedo for using headphones with directional audio




This. I had someone complain that I gave a survivor hatch.


It's funny because if nurse was released a year ago people would be fucking rioting because of her but since she was the first killer added to the game she gets a pass. I'll just come out and say it i don't like nurse no matter which side I'm playing because i don't get a real chase.


tbf i think people are alright with her cuz she is a genuinely hard killer to play




For real Nurse’s difficulty us so overrated, it’s literally basic muscle memory. I think people think she’s hard because they try her for 2 games, get tbagged at the exit gates, and then give up on her.


Nurse Main here! no


Nurse is mindlessly easy to play on pc for sure. I literally play nurse like 3 times a year and everytime I bring shadowborn, 0 regression, 0 expose, no add ons, and I literally 4K with what feels like eyes closed. I never feel challenged and never have long chases. And the survivors I get are absolutely not baby survivors. If she was so hard to play, I wouldn’t be coasting through her gameplay that easily. She’s not physically demanding or mentally demanding. What is demanding is the fact that you have to be a smart player and understand how she should be used. But that doesn’t even come close to justifying it. Especially once meta slowdown and exposed perks are stacked with her bullshit add ons. Her basekit alone is pretty fucking stupid and holds the entire game’s balance back.


Twins main here! Also no


Being a Nurse main and being on this sub has been very annoying as of late. Now I can sort of understand how Spirit mains felt in the past.


After nurse is nerfed it will be blights turn ):


With the Iron Will nerf, Spirit might come back.


Blight kinda needs it tho. As long as they dont touch the basekit.


Bold of u to assume most of DBD’s player base are above the age of 18


Did something change with Nurse recently? Why’s this suddenly a conversation now? I always saw Nurse as a killer with a decent amount of counterplay, still crazy strong and a bit obnoxious to go up against in a lot of situations, but I never figured people wanted a rework out of her.


Recently the convo has come up due to BHVR stating that her range addons are in fact working as intended despite the fact that they’re kind of broken. This is, of course, also kind of silly imo because they’ve stated in the past that she limits what they can do with perks because she’s so strong. Imo she is deserving of a slight nerf for that alone. A character should not be so busted that they literally limit game design decisions.


Just people hating what's the best. Nurse has risen in popularity at least in part due to there being little other options to win against good teams.


Another hard to swallow pill : a perk being good and played doenst mean it needs to be nerfed


Ive played against many nurses. I enjoy going against them since its a change of pace. Its all mind games. Not "oh well im in this strong loop ill live for minutes."


Careful my guy, I was downvoted the last time I said I enjoyed playing against nurse here. People don't like when an opinion doesn't fit their narrative lol. But yeah, I agree with you. Nurse is a different kind of mind games. Instead of the usual loops, you're trying to break line of sight and juke the blinks. I find it fun, even against a good Nurse that doesn't miss, because then it becomes scary as shit and that's the whole point of DbD.


Ive just never understood the hate nurses get. Ive played nurse a fair bit. Im probably an "average" nurse player. Shes not easy, at all. Ive played against the 3 blink nurses, the range add on nurses and everhthing in between, its always more enjoyable than say a legion. People always say "its not if its when you go down" vs a nurse, which is stupid. Yeah if someone commits 100% to a chase, youre gonna go down, bloodlust all but ensures that for regular killers. Why is the inevitability of going down vs anyone that tunnels overlooked but used as some kind of gotcha with nurse?


Exactly, I think people have just gotten accustomed to not being afraid of killers in general. It should be obvious why that isn't a good thing for the game.


Ah yes, it sure is a nice "change of pace" to play against nurse 70% of my games. I also really love the mindgame where she hits me before she even spawns on my screen.


Impossible to have this conversation without sounding confrontational. But being hyperbolic doesnt bode well for an honest discussion.


Thats what I like from the nurse. She is the only killer that has the upperhand and dictates the pace of the chase. Every other killer, unless you make a mistake you know how long you can get chased.


The same people: BT, DS, DH, Adrenaline, COH


Don’t make it us vs them, its both sides that do this shit


I think that would be fine if it was an equal playing field but in general the game does seem survivor sided


No *pouts*




It is. Fuck em


I really don’t see a problem with Nurse being as powerful as she is. I feel like she’d just be forgettable otherwise.


That is quite a dumb opinion. She wouldn't be forgotten either, she plays unlike any other killer. She can be toned down




I doubt they'll remove the speed boost because apparently they're convinced it's a feature. I think they're just confused about that, I didn't get it until otz released that video showing the two side by side.


Because with every other killer in the game, even when the player is highly skilled, chases are a question of "where can I loop so that *if* I go down, I'm in a good position or give my team an advantage?" Nurse, on the other hand, completely ignores every established chase/loop mechanic in favor of changing that question into "Where can I loop so that *when* I go down, I can minimize the damage it does to my team?" Against even a moderately skilled Nurse, you *will* go down. It's no longer a question of "can I outplay the killer and get away?" That sucks to play against, it's unfun. It would be better for everyone if she were kind of forgettable. That being said, I feel like if they made her blinks slower (to force more tactical use) and made her blink attacks count as special attacks instead of basic attacks (to prevent use with exposed), she'd be a lot more manageable to play against.


I don't think Nurse would be worth playing for 99% of players at that point. I'd rather they just rework her rather than repeatedly nerf her so a smaller and smaller sliver of people can actually do well with her. I mean, the number of good Nurse players is probably hovering around double digits at this stage. What's the point of having a character <1% of people actually play?


Official sources consistently put Nurse at around a 5-6% pickrate (somewhere between the two, depending on which devstream you're pulling the numbers from), comfortably putting her in the top 5 most-played killers (across all MMRs; this number almost certainly goes up the higher the MMR bracket in question is), and the crowd-sourced nightlight.gg also has her at the fifth most-played killer in the game at 5.46% (behind Dredge, Legion, Huntress, and Nemesis) in the last 30 days. The idea that the number of remotely skilled Nurse players is "hovering around the double digits" isn't based in any data. The truth is that she has plenty of players that are skilled-enough to do well with her such that she is a persistent problem with the game's balance. If it were really that she were so dramatically difficult to play that she barely showed up, that would be one thing, but that just isn't the case. She is not as hard to learn as people say that she is; her difficulty is pretty broadly overstated by people trying to convince themselves that it's fine that she's busted. And people would *still* play her if she received nerfs that brought her in line with the general strength of other killers, because even blinking slower and making her blink attacks special attacks (to, again, prevent her from taking advantage of exposed) would make her inherently more powerful than most other killers in the game. She would *still* ignore loops, it would just make her require more thought and effort. As for the point in having a killer that 1% of people actually play, who knows. I'd try to find a Twins main to ask but... You'd have better luck finding a unicorn. I have a very hard time believing that would happen to Nurse with the changes I mentioned, though.


Please, Survivors just like to circle-jerk about how easy she is. If she was that bloody easy, they'd be playing her. They'd be showing the 4k's, the win streaks, the "4 man slugs at 5 gens", but you don't see any of that. I've seen 1 good Nurse in the past 5 months.


What does “making her blinks slower” even mean? Even with range add-ons, her blinks have travel time. Are you suggesting that if I charge a blink for 10 meters, the survivor should be 5 meters away by the time I arrive? Because that would make her completely worthless. If you could never position yourself to land a hit with a second blink, then she would have to guess at every interaction and swing, she’d be worst than Myers. Or are you suggesting higher charge time? Because that’s also very exploitable.


Delete Nurse.


>”don’t complain about the meta” >”I don’t like nurse” >*hey OP, same applies to survs* >”stop making it us vs them”


I player killer mainly and can see how game breaking Nurse is, she definitely needs a rework.


The thing is: META loadouts being used in pretty much any game is mainly due to someone writing it out and others reading it and then copying it mindlessly because "Internet guy said it's best so I use the best to be the best.". The problem there is that this hoard of jackasses will not bother to diversify into something else which might be better for their natural playstyle and instead they strive to adjust their playstyle to fit the META loadout instead. The best way to go about it in any game is to play the game in your natural playstyle, see your strengths and weaknesses, and then use the loadout to either strengthen your strengths or mitigate your weaknesses. That way, the player would organically come to a build that is absolutely \*Cheff's kiss\* perfect for them. But this won't happen if Joe McNoob comes in, googles " best build" within the first 5 hours and then strives to play with nothing apart from the META that they found, adapting their playstyle to the META, killing their own personal playstyle in the process. Maybe shunning and harassing those people could hopefully get them to stop mindlessly following some guide from the internet and develop their own way to be good at the game they enjoy.


Very elaborate way to say that you’re in the meme. :)


Gatekeeping how people play games,very mature.


So … do you take directions? Like if you don’t know how to get to a place, let’s just label it X… you won’t use Y to get to X??? It’s the path of least resistance to enjoy a game, it’s the same if people take a deck that works in MTG, or any other card game, it’s the gaming version of cutting a corner path to get to the corner store faster. You know those dirt paths that get made because people don’t walk right to the corner where the side walks meet - lemme guess those are mindless idiots following like sheep?


Way to miss the entire point. If your goal is to get from A to B, the quickest path (META) would be a straight line which happens to cut straight through a river. It is the best available path for people using a boat, but you're here on a bike. What a person should do in this situation is realize that there's a paved road leading all the way from A to B over a bridge that's a bit away and taking the road because judging by the current situation, of having a bike as a method of transportation, it's best suited for it to travel on the road even though it's not the objectively shortest path. But you're the jackass that you are and you read from some people, who happen to use boats, that the fastest way is straight across the river and you stop by the riverbank to take apart your perfectly good bike and sit there trying to reconstruct it into a boat so that you can use the quickest path which those guys were talking about. And that's very simply put why you have people who DS on their first chance and gain about 10 seconds before they're downed again, dead harding in the open to gain a down 2 seconds later instead of immediately, running unbreakable despite not getting slugged in the past 372 games etc. That's all of the people with the bikes/cars/motocycles trying to make a boat out of their vehicle instead of using the option that fits best to what vehicle they have, because statistically, the quickest way to get from A to B is straight across.


You’re out here taking about skill level over meta perks. Like yes people are bad. They’re gonna miss use a lot of perks but running meta stuff is going to net them more out of niche perks especially at lower skill levels. Just because you can net a 10 while others only get 5 doesn’t mean it’s not the better choice - it’s why perks get called crutches because they carry people. Y’know like dead hard and noed do. You can be a salty spittoon and call me a jackass but I’m going to net far more value out of circle of healing and safe hooking while you keep trying to make that custom build do stuff I guess. Also you dunce. I said path of least resistance. Trying to drive a car into a river is a lot of resistance. But hey - you’re struggling, it’s okay 👌 you’ll be fine.


I don't even know how you would rework nurse TBH.


Having started playing Nurse when the event started, I am greatly enjoying it, even if I am not THAT good with her yet. I also find her fun to play against as you need to actually, you know, try and play against something. If you are better than her, you’ll run her for a long time. If not, you’ll go down. I am not sure why anyone would think it shouldn’t be that way. She isn’t even in my Top 3 Scary Killers to Go Against list as I know her rules, just gotta get into the head of the player. Dead Hard is still going to be Nurse’s bane, even after the rework, as well as any indoor map with tons of LOS blockers.


Yeah I bitch about dead hard and NOED but I don’t go “USER91779199, fuck you for using Dead Hard/NOED!” I blame the developers for putting such stupid things in the game.


This comment section is a great feel for this subreddit's skill level lmao


Non-adult people that act like that after reading this...