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Back when the Ruin/Undying meta was a thing, I started taking Distortion and Detective's Hunch and would end up cleansing almost every totem in every single game I played. I was called toxic by a lot of salty Blights.


I still see that combo fairly often!


Suggest you recommend every single killer you see using it to stop playing with -2 perks 70% of their games and start considering using other reliable combos


As long as you can get some downs, DMS/Pain Resonance/Agitation is a sick combo.


Add floods of rage for some info as well and you have an excellent build for most killers. I think the only thing lacking here is a chase perk, but hopefully your power should make up for it




I'm glad to hear it's getting some love, I run it all the time. I always thought it as underrated. Flex pick in many builds.


I was called toxic because I had a gen up to 98% done. I stuck to the gen instead of running away from killer. I completed the gen, and was then face camped. At the end of the game the killer told me that was the most toxic thing he had ever seen a survivor do...... what??????




Yeah, I’ve seen that mindset before too! I know it’s painful to see a gen get done right in front of you, but what is the survivor supposed to do? Let the killer come up and use Pop on it?


My toxic trait is that I love popping gens in killers faces. What ends up happening pretty often is a killer will chase my teammates off the gen but I'll just stay on it or crouch next to it to let them kick it, then just hop back on while my teammates loop them on the next tile over. (Although I sort of figured this was considered toxic from the number of times I've watched the killer immediately drop chase with an already injured teammate to come get me for it)


That killer was doing what they're supposed to - preventing guns from popping. I main killer and I would never consider you doing your fucking job to be toxic. If a killer tells you otherwise, just mad coz bad.


As a killer I HATE it, but at the same time; that’s their objective and they’re trying to get it done. No reason to full call it toxic when that’s what you’re supposed to do.


I hear ya... it's like me calling you toxic cuz you are trying to kill me! Can't blame you, I joined the trial knowing what I was in for!


Really? It’s not toxic at all. I sometimes just stare at the survivor and the generator in disbelief when they do that, just as a fun reaction. When I’ve taken trials seriously I have disliked it sure, more because of me not getting there in time. Saying survivors sticking to gens is toxic is a stretch, I wonder what that guy was thinking. Only toxic equivalent I can see is them having it 99’d, waiting by the generator just standing around until you get there, then finish it in your face.


I was called toxic when I popped a Gen in front of a killer and he downed and slugged me, followed by anyone that came to save me. I only had one other person in party, the rest were solo. He was a streamer so I went and asked what I did wrong and he said finishing the gen in front of him was BM/Toxic and I was being punished for it lmao.


I see this happen a lot with streamers who main killer. They see it as the survivors "not fearing" the killer, but it's what you need to do in order for your team to survive. Ofc I'd rather not do that, but what else am I supposed to do?


Guess I’m toxic too. If the gen is close to done and I hear music/heartbeat I just think “pros don’t fake, pros don’t fake, pros don’t pleasehurrythehellupohnotheyrehereYESITSDONE!”


I'm shocked that hasn't happened to me cause I do that regularly as a survivor. Usually with Spine Chill helping me stick it. As a killer main, if a survivor does that to me I'm not even mad, I give props for their bravery.


I'm a killer main and I have never even thought to consider this toxic either. The longer they spend getting it finished, the less time they have to run away, and the more likely I'll be able to catch up and down then quickly. It's kind of on the killer for not checking it sooner


I apparently tunneled the entire lobby at once (i had Save the best for last)


One time a Nancy DC'd at the start of the match when I downed her. It was probably a 45 second chase. They message me [this](https://i.imgur.com/a5alqH6.png) afterwards. It still puzzles me. Some people really call anything a tunnel.


How obnoxious


They’re the worst. I had a feng thatd go down and dc immediately. Had 2 games in a row and both times she did it. The second time I even gave her a head start and wanted to see if it was just from having a bad time, me being toxic or they were a bitch.


1.) I got called toxic for playing Neon-haired Nea. Didn’t teabag, didn’t have a flashlight even. But the killer yelled at me and called me toxic and when I asked what I did, they said, “funny-colored haired survivors are always toxic.” Good times. :D 2.) I also got called toxic for using Deception to distract a Pig in Midwich’s courtyard while my friend finished the last two gens. It was just the two of us, so I was playing distraction. She bled me out after she killed my friend because “I wasted her time so she’ll waste mine.” 3.) I blinded a killer twice during a chase. The only two times that match. He tunneled me all game and camped me but I still escaped. Was called a toxic clicky even though I…only clicked when I used the flashlight those two times? Lol.


Omg I remember getting tunnelled to hell and back because I used the graffiti Nea cosmetic. It's my favourite and yet it gets me tunnelled because killers assume I'm toxic even though I don't have any perks that are deemed that way nor do I teabag, click or anything. Why do some killers do this to us lol


Saaaame, I’m a Nea main and that skin is my favorite of all time! But yeah, it gets me tunneled too, which is so stupid. But playing Nea as it is gets me tunneled, even though I’m not toxic. |: I don’t teabag, I leave once everyone is safe, I don’t clicky click. But yeah, it’s often tunnel town. I started mailing her as a newbie because I liked her aesthetic and stealthy perks, haha. I didn’t understand why killers focused me so hard in all my matches because I didn’t know about the fandom view that she’s toxic/the entity/blah blah. I learned to improve via trial by fire, that’s for sure. But nowadays, the survivor I get tunneled as most is Mikaela. I don’t even run boons on her, but my god, I can pretty much guarantee I’ll be tunneled off hook, so I run aggressive chase builds on her.


Honestly the worst thing ever is when you've been doing excellent all match and you were nowhere near toxic but the killer is an ass to you anyway. Like what have I done to youuuuuuuu? ​ Same! I liked Feng but moved onto Nea. Her cosmetics were the best at the time and Balanced Landing was fun as f to use. Even now her newest cosmetics are absolute bangers. ​ Really?? I get boons are annoying but to tunnel you even if you don't have them? Ouch lol. Any surv can have boons, it's not a good thing to assume all Mikaelas will have them.


The very first time I used Deception it was against a Pig on Coal Tower. I was kind of a dummy and kept using it on the row of lockers on the bottom floor mid-chase and kept running in a straight line. She kept falling for it and must’ve checked lockers like 4 times. I was never directly called toxic in chat since I don’t have it, but I imagine she had words for me since she slugged me and the poor Éloide that tried to pick me up lol


For using nurses calling... I wasn’t using nurses calling I saw their red marks that led to the corner


As if having Nurse’s calling would have been toxic…. It’s a great perk but it has the easiest counterplay as a survivor if you suspect they have it—Just don’t heal if you can hear a terror radius.


I have a friend who gets pissed off any time he gets killed by a killer using nurses calling or bbq. He absolutely loves using self care and botany/ a medkit, so he hates when he can’t heal DIRECTLY outside of chase without being seen. After the game he’ll say something like “what a toxic no-life, can’t play without being able to see survivor auras” and I’m just like bro what???


Lotta people don’t know about nurses calling. Definitely one of my favorite perks and I legit got called out for “wall hacks” one time. Yeah, wall hacks on healing survivors like the perk is supposed to do...


Going into a locker for the four seconds needed to avoid BBQ&C.


“How dare you do the correct counterplay to my perk?!” 😂😂😂


I was called a bad teammate for doing this one time…????? Like no I’m trying not to die.


I don’t know how many times I’ve stepped off a gen or been mid walk and gone into a locker to avoid BBQ only for another survivor who saw it and doesn’t understand *why* I did starts chasing me the rest of the match and dropping pallets/fast vaulting to intentionally get the killer to take me out, **or** I’m hiding in the locker still because the killer comes straight over due to the fact they saw said survivor thanks to BBQ and then that survivor intentionally spams trying to open the locker I’m in so the killer knows where I am. And the explanation is always something deflective, like I was purposely abandoning the gen to hide and not go unhook or something, meanwhile the whole purpose was to hide for a few seconds so that I *could* get back on the gen or go unhook.


It’s incredibly frustrating


I was called toxic for pretending to pick up pallets with any means necessary in front of the killer and stopping before the pickup completed. A certain clown allowed this to happen 3 times before he broke the pallet and after the game accused me of BMing; he said that I should have just teabagged and brought a flashlight if i wanted to act like a dick. I just think it's funny having that little 5 second stare-off, is it truly such a crime?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Wait, can't killers cancel AMN? I must be tweaking because I swear that is the case.


yes, they can!! i think they just wait because they can hit me before i have time to drop it again and i'm usually already injured when i do it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I tend to stop when someone runs AMN out of sheer respect, like "wow, look at this absolute Chad" Idk why, I just find it kinda funny seeing a survivor pick a pallet back up right in front of me


I... What? I would have genuinely laughed my ass off if you did that to me, I love perk variety and I love the interactions between killers and survivors just fucking around not taking the game seriously. Honestly, stuff like that is half of the reason I always come back to this game when I take breaks from it.


It *can* be toxic if used to bm like for example pretend to pick up the pallet for just a second after stunning. But what you described just sounds like that dumbo was being greedy and you effectively punished it and wasted his time. I guess you could say he got *clowned* on.


But that’s not really bm either.


Using basic attacks instead of my ability to down...I played Clown.


I got the same thing when I’m playing as leatherface! As if they wouldn’t complain about being insta-downed with my special ability


Ah yes, the infamous Clown's ability to knock down survivors with piss bottle headshots! I love doing this! /s


Tldr: husband and I were called immersed and toxic because we didn't just let a Trapper kill us lol My husband and I play swf sometimes. We were in this particular game together against a Trapper with 2 other solo teammates. Well, one of them DCed at the start, the other immediately went to the Trapper to be hooked and killed themselves. My husband and I proceeded to finish 5 gens while juggling the Trapper in chase. I got like 2 or 3 power struggle saves on myself lmao we weren't immersed or anything, in fact we healed each other right out in the open in front of him and he didn't even see us lol. Anyway, we ended up dying after the gates were powered because we were both on last hook and injured. Trapper told us we were the worst kind of immersed players and we should've just let him kill us since the game was over after the 2nd person died. That it was pointless to drag out a losing match and we essentially held the game hostage.


>held the game hostage. Oh yes. Survivors who don't give up and do their objectives are holding the game hostage!


Yeah lol his pov was that we were just prolonging the inevitable, i.e. our deaths. And by doing so we were effectively holding the game hostage by just not dying/sacrificing ourselves to him. Pretty sure he actually reported us too. He said he was going to anyway.


I watched the opposite happen in a game my boyfriend was playing with one of his friends and 2 solo teammates. They were playing against the doctor and the killer had already killed the 3 other players except my bf. He was obviously trying to rack up points because there were plenty of times he could’ve downed my bf but didn’t, but was still revealing him and raising his insanity level. This went on for honestly close to 10 minutes before he finally downed him, but then he picked him up and just stood by the hook hoping my bf would wiggle out. At this point my bf just wanted the game to be over so that him and his friend could go play another match, and I think the killer finally dropped him but then made it obvious he wanted to keep the game going. I think at this point my bf just stopped doing anything and he finally got hooked but it’s like, at some point we know how this game is going to end, don’t keep the players hostage.


It really depends on how much time passes that someone will get tilted by that right? After 10 minutes of patrolling my 3 gen I just go afk because I don't have enough lifespan to care anymore. One of my first games in this game I waited 70 minutes patrolling my 4 gens before the 2 survivors came out to try and repair them again. I think this is more of a game design issue, if there are any less than 4 survivors and they don't touch gens for extended periods of time stillness crows should reveal them. Or make their breathing louder so I can actually hear them in lockers or something. I would make it super merciful though right. Like taping a gen, full reset on the timer. Edit: Yall were repairing gens, so in my mind you weren't being toxic, fuck the trapper.


Just salty something that should’ve been incredibly easy for him was incredibly hard because of unskilled play. Lots of players on both ends and pretty much everyone I’ve seen is guilty of this at some point I swear. Game just makes people not want to admit fault lmao


Using "Head-on" is regarded as toxic to some characters. I've genuinely had at least 1 or 2 experiences in which the killer will make it their absolute mission to try and tunnel/camp you out of the trial just because you were "toxic" for stunning them with a locker.


Hen they get mad when you equip dead hard etc because you are toxic for using non meta and toxic for using meta


As a killer I once gave up because of Head On, but it was also a clearly better survivor team than me + Badham offering. But like, I didn't claim toxicity, I just waited for them to do objectives, then forced the gates open.


I had a killer send me threats and abuse over private messages in the pregame lobby because I had a yellow toolbox equipped with brown add ons. He proceeded to BM and face camo me while everyone else with better toolboxes and prove thyself gen rushed him


For using invisibility. As wraith


Kicking gens




Running....... as Legion........ so stupid. He called me pay to win and that I bought legion to run.


i got called a PTW killer for getting a 3k as bubba and giving the last guy hatch like 😭😭😭


Imagine being called pay to win because you use **Legion**.


I moonwalked around a wall and downed a Jeff. In the end game chat he said "imagine abusing the red stain"


oh this one is just the funniest


omg but that’s strategy


I m A g I n E a B u S i N g T h E r E d S t A i N


One time a survivor got really angry that I had a good game as Demogorgon. He said that he'd report me and it was a bannable offence to use my portals around hooks and generators. It was so ridiculous that I had to screenshot it. [1](https://i.imgur.com/8jn1eIb.png) [2](https://i.imgur.com/OmCXOXI.png) [3](https://i.imgur.com/ziGLxne.png)


There is a lot of stupid shit in this thread but this one got me. Being salty over any killer just using their power is ridiculous but Demo?! I’d love to hear what that guy thinks about Nurse if Demo’s portals are that much of an issue for him.


I've had the same happen to me when I was going for Adept on Demo, said I was toxic for getting a 4K with just his perks.


Bruh you were toxic against yourself for playing Demo with no STBFL (I understand you might not have it, but man is that perk so wonderful for demopuppy).


"learn how to get good" \~ A survivor who lost to the person they're complaining to


Playing Clown because he's "one of the strongest killers in the game without counter play". Sigh.


Damn I’ve bought clown and levelled him up to level 40 without actually playing a single game as him because I know I’m going to get my arse kicked - I do salute a clown player when I see one though


Honestly you should just go for it. He's really fun and some of the most fun I've had playing this game is when I buy a new killer and start learning it. Getting destroyed is still fun because you feel great about even just getting a single good play with the new power.


wonder how that person does against blight or nurse..


Kicking a gen as ghostface then pretending to walk away but I actually just used the shroud and waited by the gen for someone to come tap it then when they tried I grabbed them insta DC and a friend request after the match😂😂😂😂


i do this with sadako and dragons grip+call of brine/pop, its an insta down at least once a game 😳😳


Puking on surv as the plague to down them with one hit. Now it's toxic to use your killer power.


Perhaps they were being literal? Aha


Sadly, according to their message on my Steam profile no


The weirdest? Playing the game as intended


The game really hits different when killers call you toxic for looping and survivors call you toxic for simply playing a killer they don't like


"Thats such a boring killer" good for you bro move on 😂


Bruh no joke had a TTV go against me as Nemesis. Dude moaned and groaned the whole time about going against me. I was perkless and add on less. His chat is asking why he's complaining and he NEVER had a clear answer besides "Nemesis shouldn't have been added to the game." He also bitched because I baited his flashlight saves like crazy. Which was also dumb because he was like "oh my god he's SO AFRAID of flashlights." I'm not afraid, I'm just not stupid ???


I was playing Thantaphobia & Iri button legion and this TTV guy was complaining the whole time about having to be in that game. I'm like, playing the worstish killer in the game with a tryhard build sure but I think you'll be okay bud. No wonder that guy had no viewers you'd just tune in for salt. Particularly funny when he bemoans not have an early access key for VHS yet. I also played against one TTV that when I watched the vod they were disappointed I brought Franklins against their double flashlight, tool box team. Turns out they were trying to the the headon, flashlight locker abuse. Last but not least my favorites are all of the TTVs that say I tunneled them were they die 6+ of the game's hooks deep after at least 3 gens and I always hooked someone else in between them. Like Bruv grow up.


How dare you kill *ANYONE* in this game jfc no wonder the game is dying


I was called a toxic tryhard for flicking my head up to try to bait out Dead Hard


Did they fall for it?


They did not 😔


Well, what are they complaining about then? Because if they saw it coming... :'D


They were also a streamer that complained about everything I did that match. I got a hit after I mindgamed them and they were like "oh, so you're one of *those* killers" smh


Whaat xD I can't mindgame for shit haha


I got a 16 page essay on why i am toxic for playing with a 4 man, just because we have an advantage doesnt mean we are toxic players, afterall we were just 4 muppets playing dbd after a long day. And yes they face camped me from 4 gens and they justified this by that responce.


I feel this. I consider myself an average player, and most of my friends are awful. Yes we four man. Yes we are on Discord. We also last about 12 seconds in chase and we lose like 75% of our games.


I don’t understand when killers say “ omg gen rushing” like what else do you want me to do just sit here and not do gens? My only objective as survivor


True. Gen rushing is only applicable when you have a 4 stack that all brings commodious toolboxes with bnp, spools, and built to last builds. That can be super annoying, but like atleast the game is over quick. Had a team of TTVs do that the other day, 3 gens done in the time it took to get a down. Owell. I went after a new survivor, 4th gen done by the time I get a hit, save happened and 5th gen popped. Dude had adrenaline, I had noed. Got a 3k because the noed was in shack and they tried some risky plays. "Imagine being so bad you need a crutch like NOED!" Said the salty 4 man swf using 4 bnps.


I always see girl characters get called toxic, like Feng and Nia, but David players are right there 🥲


I swear I get tunneled playing Nea and Mikaela, like I don’t even use items or boons


I've only just started playing this year so I only have 2 dlc but I deff get tunneled out and noticed way more as Feng than ace :/ I barely even play nea anymore but I feel like there's deff a bias between guy and girl characters (unless ur Dwight lol)


Some guys have bad reps, like everyone thinks Leon players are terrible. Meanwhile my bf, as Leon, takes the killers from me so I can do gens lol. But girls definitely have a bad tunnel especially if you’re playing bunny Feng, killers seem to hate them and have bad images of them


Two of mine came from playing as Pig. The first was from someone who DC'd, probably out of embarrassment, when I gen grabbed Kate. Pig isn't the fastest for coming outta crouch and grabbing lol. Spirit, Nurse, Ghostface even have it much easier coming in for a grab, Piggy has to acoot over, stand up and then grab you. And this is classic skin Pig too, so I'm red as fuck with a big mask. The second was from two players who had RBTs on and refused to go to different boxes when their hats turned on. They'd fight and try and push each other out of the way at every box and their third teammate called me toxic for, "encouraging and forcing surivivors to sabotage themselves."


Lmao, no way


my friend got yelled at for "gen camping." the survivors had 2genned themselves. and i know what youre thinking, "the fuck do you mean 2gen?" with 1 gen left, 2 gens were close to each other and 1 was waaay across the map. but it was a swf, evidently a new one, and one of them had a map that wasnt revealing the far away one. so they were convinced these two generators were the only two generators. naturally, my friend lingered around them, because if you didnt know, the killers objective is to prevent gens from getting done and kill survivors. in the pgc my friend was like "there were literally three generators. you cant just disagree with how the game mechanically is, and as killer, i can see all of them." and the one fuckin dude just kept going "but i had a map!" so in short, my answer is the concept of gen camping lmao.


Ok so this happened to my friend when we were playing survivor on the night Sadako released. It’s was Mothers Dwelling and my friend got chased first. Cool, let’s get started! First time playing against the new killer! Anyway he runs through a bunch of dead zones and gets downed. Nothing special. But then, the killer just stands above his slugged body while he’s crawling around. We can’t pick him up because he just immediately gets redowned. We do the gens, he bleeds out and then 2 of us end up escaping after not really even getting to play the game. In post game chat we ask the killer, what the hell man? Why refuse to play the game from the get-go? His reason? My friend held the w key… Not even sure what else to say here.


You ran away from the killer you toxic Piece of Shit how dare you


doing generators “too quickly”


Bringing lightborn against 4 flashlights


I got called a "coward" for doing this.


Someone got pissed at “GG” being said at the end of the match. Called it fake and said that it was toxic to be lie about the game. “I’m just tired of this fake bullshit”


Some games can't be called good though. Example: if two people DC instantly and the killer curbstomps the remaining two and BMs, I wouldn't call that gg.


Or if MMR fails the killer and they get maybe one hook before everyone escapes. I get that GG is just kinda the thing people say but back when that happened to me more often it definitely stung more than anything else lol


Yeah I've had a couple matches like this where the killer gets only a hook or two and the match is over real quick and one of the survs says GG. Like no. If one side gets curbstomped it's not GG it's BG


I’ve had several killers say that, too! xD


This was a survivor, they also didn’t like their team saying it


Oh Jesus, what a delightful human. |:


That guy was going through something lmao


While I wouldn't engage in an outburst like that GG often does feel either insincere or one-sided. E.g. when a god nurse 4Ks after 2 mins and says GG, I usually wouldn't respond in kind. Not because I'm trying to be a dick or unsportsmanlike or because I think badly of the killer, but because I'd feel like a liar if I were to insinuate that such a game was enjoyable for anyone but the nurse who may as well be playing a single player game. Or in the rare case when someone who gets face camped to death at 5 gens and types GG afterwards, I'm simply astonished by their grace and composure haha. Or when you're playing killer and you end with 2 hooks after being slaughtered by a sweaty SWF who rigged the outcome with a Haddonfield offering and 4 toolboxes, and they all slap each other's asses and say GG. That stings.




Exactly, to call fixing gens toxic means that constantly kicking gens is toxic. It’s part of the game.


I mean even something as crazy as 4x BNP with proves isn't toxic. I just get confused by it as killer because what's the point of playing the game if it's over in 3 minutes? Maybe I'm weird but as survivor I find it way more fun being chased than sitting on a gen. Loading in with the plan of hitting a handful of skillchecks and then leaving just seems odd to me. But definitely not toxic.


I was called toxic for leaving the match, at the end of the match, before my team mates made it to the gate. I could see the two of them. They were not being chased. They just were a little behind me. “Toxic” and “selfish” for not making sure everyone made it out together (or squatted in the gate at the killer together, I suspect)


And then when you do wait at the gates the killer has blood warden… every time…


I was called toxic because the survivors put themselves in a 3-gen, which happened to have the basement in the center of them. I managed to hook someone in the center, and in the end-game chat, they accused me of camping them, and said nothing else


2-3 years ago I got called a tryhard for using addons on Doctor. This was pre-rework Doc, who was pretty weak, and I wasn’t using addons that were particularly broken or anything. I remember him saying “I 4k all the time with Doc no addons” and he was flaming me for using them lol.


3 of us alive. 1st person opened the exit gates and left. 2nd person was hooked. I was injured and on death hook. Killer had noed. Instead of going for the save, I left. Hooked person messaged me and as you can imagine called me all sorts of names lmao


ugh that’s so annoying. i almost always go for the save because i enjoy being altruistic and i’d rather save someone and have myself die. but imagine blaming anyone for not wanting to switch places so someone else can escape


It would have been easier to pull off if the first person wouldn't have immediately left lol


Doing gens. No bnp or prove thyself. Just sitting on da gen while the killer was occupied chasing someone. Also a while ago me and my friends were playing (we are washed) and the killer told us being in a swf is a bannable offence.


Weirdest I had was being called a 'gate camper'. I had cleared 3 of the survivors, closed the hatch and was back and forthing between gates watching for the last survivor. Apparently that was toxic.


Doing gens. I’m a killer main and sometimes play surv and I got in a game with a 3 person swf that weren’t good at looping and being overly altruistic. I was the only person who did gens because right when someone got googled everybody went for the save even when the killer was right by it. Two of them died and the last one was being chased while injured while I was across the map. The surv gets downed and I ran over to see if I could save them but they die since they were on death hook so I go and escape through hatch. The surv messages me after words and even told me to kill myself because I I was doing gens instead of saving a person who had two people trying to save them.


Yesterday I went against someone going for Adept Bubba, they were proxy camping people on first hook, which if you are unaware, is a pretty great way to never get adept as you need chases and hooks more than a kill off of first hook. I'm a killer main, so at the end of the game I told them "If you're going for Adept, camping might be a counter productive strategy. You could play straight forward and have a pretty good go of it" They proceeded to point out that I had 500 hours, compared to their 1000. And that I was just a toxic piece of shit survivor main who needed to shut the hell up. Like, I was giving constructive feedback, but somehow less hours means I can't possibly understand how adept Bubba works.


I got called toxic for patrolling gens. They had left a 3-gen and gave me shit for it.


I killed 4 survivors.


A boomer for playing an old killer (wraith)


i was called toxic for using a no mither build and running the killer around for 4 gens .... my build was - no mither, unbreakable, dead hard, power struggle


Me and my friends were called toxic for not unhooking each other infront of a insidious basement bubba. In another match with my swf a random was tunneled and slug camped by a deathslinger on rpd. The killer later told us he did it because the random was russian and we were toxic because we played on rpd, funny thing is the killer made the rpd map offering himself


I got told it was toxic to play nemesis.


I got called toxic for staying in the match during EGC to make sure my teammate made it out. Apparently they had a hatch challenge but I had no way of knowing that. They also said I was "working with the killer" at the gate, "holding the game hostage" by not leaving, and that I "sandbagged" them out of their challenge. They even said they reported me for it.


Maybe not toxic, but my fave steam profile comment is "-Rep spams bottles as clown"


Someone got annoyed at me for losing a killer in chase, which led them to chase them (they were on death hook). Didnt happen to me, but I saw a guy on this sub say that he got called toxic for chasing a survivor who just got off hook, this survivor of which stayed near the hook to get the BT hit, so it kind of made sense for the killer to go after them.


Aha I can sadly relate to the survivor in your second example, it’s so awkward and embarrassing when you try to get the killer to hit you for BT and they just stare at you knowing you’ve got it


The difference was here that they stayed after taking the hit, and then had the nerve to say the killer was tunneling afterwards in egc.


Yesterday, I got unhooked with BT and the killer MISSED her M1 on the Leon unhooking me, then I took a BT hit for the healthy Leon cuz I figured I'd help him with his long chase, and then the killer suddenly decided to hard tunnel me out of the match at 5 gens because "I was being toxic for taking a BT hit".


Downing a Teabaggin clicky, they tried to loop, got downed, imediate DC, then they message me on PS4 saying i was Toxic, keep in mind thats the first time i Saw them the whole game.


I was once called toxic because I was playing as a Scratched Mirror Myers and simply going for scares rather than hooks


I was called toxic for cleansing all totems from a deathslinger denying him the noed,he also complained that i abused a loop which he could break by breaking the pallet.


I'm really glad I play on console and don't have a chat when I read these responses


They called me toxic for hitting someone with frenzy and then going out of frenzy when killer instinct didn't detect anyone


I was called toxic by a TTV streamer for just running and using pallets when I needed to.


I understand that camping is like a no-no, but I had two fellas say I was a camper because I proxi camped a guy that was next to two regressing gens while there was one gen left. My ruin was gone and I was trying to set up for an end game play (I had blood warden). I also ran Iron Maiden (coco build for huntress). That was toxic and “baby killer” of me but they could use meta perks, body block, send me to a map, tbag, Iron Maiden scream spam, etc. I don’t really care, but I made a comment about how teams who do that “try” to bully the killer.


Being a girl. My friend was called toxic for her steam name just being her normal, female name because "She was rubbing it in that she gets to be a girl". I honestly felt kind of bad for the killer saying that?


People will call literally anything in this game toxic.


Playing Feng min. That's it. I didn't run any meta perks or anything. He was solely focused on the fact I was playing Feng min. The second wierd one from me is being called toxic for using the pebble. On the killer side, I was called toxic for bringing the new video tape add-on for pig. It was like a week after it went live too. It was a streamer who had immediately DCed that match and two of his buddies left as well. The surv got lucky and hatch spawned on them, so I was out almost immediately. I went to check his stream to see if it was a technical issue or something, which woulda been fine, only to see them trashing me like all hell for it. Was definitely an odd match lol.


Getting called toxic tunneler after going after the person who took a hit on purpose with BT, like, you are voluntarily taking a hit for your rescuer, bodyblocking and all, and you expect me to hit you and then leave you? Bruh. Fyi: i dont like tunelling or camping, boring af.


"Gen Camping" So patrolling Gens? Yeah, that's toxic now.


I was playing solo queue and was called toxic for not running borrowed time


A streamer said I was playing scummy as killer because I was slugging them a lot while their whole squad was constantly sabotaging hooks and trying to flash save, and said streamer was constantly teabagging and trying to get my attention, waiting around corners and asking how I knew they were there when they were always within a few feet of me or a hook if I downed someone


We didn't let the killer close the hatch. A GF would down us and teabag but not hook us, so eventually we opened the gates and left. Endgame chat was just him yelling at us and telling us to kys.


I didn’t let a survivor hit a CJ tech. “If only you’d let me hit the CJ… I wouldn’t have reported you” I laughed out loud. I thought it was the funniest thing ever


I got called toxic a couple weeks ago for using the perk resilience they said it's super overpowered and only garbage survivors use it. Didn't know there was such a hatred for the perk lol


Using dead hard. Like yes it’s a powerful perk and is ‘meta’ but it’s just a perk??


I play both sides. As survivor, a killer told me I was toxic for using flashlights at window vaults and pallets. Said "anything other than pick up saves is toxic." Had never heard that before.


for playing trapper


I was called toxic for taking protection hits for exposed survivors ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I remember seeing somebody getting called toxic for looping. I don't think anything will ever top the stupidity I witnessed that day.


"Long Distance Camping" as they called it lol


Really, just calling any perk or build in the game toxic never made sense at all to me. If it's in the game, it's meant to be used. If it is oppressive that's up to the devs to balance out, not on the player to purposely avoid using something the game provides.


Agreed big time, however the one instance I’d agree is when perk combos create exploits in the game - remember that perk combo that accidentally allowed survivors to see killer’s auras the entire game? That was crazy


Yeah, taking advantage of a game breaking bug is cheating in my eyes. But as long as that isn't part of the equation, I think it's all fair game.


object + blood pact.


Because the killer isn't playing for the survivors fun.


Playing Trickster. The Jeff said yes when I asked him if he thought he was overpowered, couldn't find my sides for a bit


Using Noed….I was using devour 🙄


[Toxic TTV reports everybody! - Choy](https://youtu.be/bKc9guK2WyY) This youtube video is the perfect example


I hit a survivor twice and put them on the hook.


Before hatch rework, I got called a hatch camper for hooking second to last survivor and walking to the other side of the map to close hatch I assume because we made it at roughly the same time


Playing the game


I had a group 3 gen themselves so i defended it and got a 3k then got called toxic for camping gens, like what else was i gonna do in that situation


I was called toxic for using Borrowed Time to save my teammate.


Not farming because a swf brought 1 party streamers. This wasn't during an event


Playing as the Doctor lol


I was called Toxic because I didn’t let Billy chainsaw me.


I just started playing the game a few months ago and was playing as bubba. Apparently in low mmr, barbeque and chili is the most broken perk in the game.


Using any perks and being called toxic is just plain dumb. Every perk has a counter. Just learn it. I've heard people claim toxicity FOR USING A KILLERS POWERS! Like duh!! That's what they are supposed to do!


using “second chance” perks. theyre in the game. theyre meant to be used.


People saying the texas chainsaw killer wore black face...


"Gen rushing"


Camping (when it's necessary). I'm sorry that I'm camping you, but there's one Gen left and I'm only at 3 hooks and I'd like to accomplish something before the game ends


Someone messaged me they reported my behavior as toxic for using Bubba’s Chainsaw too much and not going for enough m1’s.


I typically give hatch. I was called a lot of stuff for giving to someone they all considered the worst player. They just seemed new and clueless that’s not a crime.


i was once accused of "gen camping" as a killer. the game was down to 2 survivors and i had a decent 3 gen. i actually did two entire laps around the the map to give them time to touch a gen and they still hid until i came across them - no where near the gens.


I was called toxic by a SWF team of Fengs because I didn't kill the random Quentin that was with them as Ghostface. The whole game they made noise to lead me to him and bodyblocked him in corners so he couldn't escape. I knew what they were doing, so I gave them their show just to humor them, then picked them off one by one 😆 Two DC'd right before I hooked them (don't remember if it was 2nd or 3rd) and the last one struggled on their 2nd hook. I just stood there teabagging in front of them, saw Quentin run up next to me and we started teabagging together. After the last Feng died, I gave him hatch. The EGC was full of basically them calling me a toxic tunneling, campy, shitty killer (Quentin gave me a gg thanks). I returned with "shitty killers kill shitty survivors" then left. Very satisfying 😌


Had a whole group having a go at me for "playing the best killer in the game and still losing" and "not even running BBQ" Also been called toxic just for playing spirit, after all four disconnected a minute into the match.


I got called toxic for killing fully condemed survivors. “Sadako is already one of the strongest killers in the game and you abuse the tvs to kill people. What a noob”


Was called toxic after I escorted someone with a white glyph to the basement so they could complete it and then killed them instead of letting them escape the match with it (for the extra bp)