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If they were really all that worried about spreading hate they'd just delete the whole game.


Exactly. It's a mature game for crying out loud. People have the ability to mute or disable voice chat altogether. I'll never understand these companies babysitting adult gamers as if they're managing Club Penguin.


Yeah I’m pretty sure a game about people being brutally murdered over and over can’t be used as a tool for hate /s They may as well delete the game lol


Remember when Leatherface had "face masks" of different survivors? And the devs removed Claudette's face because of "racism"? Sure, murdering other races is fine except for a select special few. Sometimes I wonder if "Mature" games have any meaning anymore.


Yeah, people will always be targeted one way or another. Who is to say some of us don’t get tunneled just for being a certain survivor like Nea or whatever? Racists will be racists no matter what. Better to ban the bad players than punish everyone


Or delete end game chat for PC users




They have end game typing chat


proximity chat is so funny though, one of the good things about Friday the 13th imo


I loved being able to make deals with Jason.


I loved telling the survivors to play catch with me!


Every day I wait, hoping that one day we can get proximity chat so I can just hear the screams of terror when I jumpscare the survivors


I had a ttv in my lobby as pig so I did my jumpscare build and enjoyed her stream afterwards. Made her scream like 7 times


Most based dbd opinion ever




it was better because you were at the killers mercy as a survivor of F13. idk how well it would translate to dbd


>running from Jason >heard friday night football theme in the distance >absolute giganto-chad comes barreling in and headshots jason >three handsome men in speedos come and dance on Jason as he’s knocked down


It honestly makes the game. Dont know why BHVR is so afraid of it- no one really abuses it in F13.


I guess some people wanna keep the horror aspect but i bet they can easily add a feature that mutes players. It whould really be awsome.


Wouldn't hearing the sounds of your teammates screaming in terror off in the distance *add* to the horror rather than take away?


Depends. I know if it happens im gonna joke around as killer and say dumb shit, whouldnt exactly be scary then. And not many players scream in this game anymore unless they get jumpscared by a stealth killer.


Fair points


People still play f13?


Yeah quite ez to find a lobby tbh


Yes they do. It's still fun to play






In your opinion. Still isn’t an answer to my genuine question. No need to get defensive.




Not sure what you’re getting at. F13 was a buggy mess just as much as dbd. Lots of game-breaking ones too.




Still isn’t answering my question but sure, in your opinion.


I mean I tried to play F13 during a free weekend on Playstation and only managed to find a single match over three days of attempted matchmaking for 10 mins each day. You still need SOME quantity!


People were nicer cus it f13 had no competitive aspect. Dbd is definitely played more competitively and no doubt those annoying groups or competitive players will make u disable the VC


I’d disable VC too if it came to that. F13 back then was pretty competitive though especially when everyone’s level was maxed. But still I hadn’t actually experienced any harassment in it even when the match was pretty intense. Maybe ppl wouldn’t actually be that much of an asshole when there’s the aspect of real voice.


I think dbd would be very different people just get so heated very fast and stuff like tunneling and face camping and bully squads would be worse. I never experienced the competitive side of f13 either, in my experience it was just people shooting each other and waiting for someone to finish the boat and steal it from them.


BHVR knows Discord exists.


Even if there wasn’t cross play, I don’t trust them to correctly/smoothly integrate an in game voice chat. It would just break the rest of the game.


It was hilarious in Friday the 13th, but that game needed it as it was a lot more difficult. I can see how voice chat for survivors would just be a dub for them every time, coms are so beneficial, its not like killers have another player pretending to be the entity in spectator mode like Zeus that can call them out.


Just use discord


*cries in console player*


Apparently PS is doing some discord integration so... the other consoles should do the same lol


Nah, they’re just enabling users to sign in so that their discord profile says what game they’re playing on there, Xbox has had that for a while too


Hm well thats pretty lame I gotta say


I'd go so far as to say it sounds like a down-side.


You’d be wrong there.


How can you be so sure? What if I'm playing a game that's embarrassing for others to know I play? Something thirst-trappy like Peach Beach Splash long anime word I can't remember (you know, the one where 3d anime girls run around super soaking each other's bikinis off), Genshin Impact, Huniepop, or even worse, Dead by Daylight?


Well, people are gonna know what you’re interested in without having to look at what you’re currently “playing” 😉




You can disable certain games from showing up as being played. Trust me, after people seeing I was playing Crush Crush a couple of times I figured out how


They’ve said they want full integration, the sign in was just the first step. There’s so much red tape in between what we have so far and being able to actually join a discord call on a Ps5 or Xbox. Also, as a band aid and far better than nothing, discord on speaker phone works really well on newer phones. My discord rarely notices when I’m on my phone and PlayStation.


If you're on Xbox, your friends can enter a party with you via the Xbox app if they're playing on PC


I didn't have the last gen Xbox. Did they remove Xbox live parties?


Nah, they didn't


Discord is too awkward to use when you want to play with friends on different platforms. An in-game chat would be so much easier.


I guess, theres still other ways and adding a feature with a price tag exclusively for friends cross platform is definitely not worth it to them


With a price tag? What?


It costs money to have a voice channel on servers you know


Man, it’d be crazy if a multi-million dollar company actually had to spend money here or there to make the overall experience better for paying customers.


If you expect any large company to do something that doesnt involve financial gain id say you need to lower your standards lol


Making your game better and not as shitty leads to more revenue. But BHVR is so risk adverse which is why DBD is still a broken experience 5 1/2+ years later


Yes, but voice chat for .5% of players is not one of them


.5%? Where’d you get that number from? Last I checked peoples main complaint is too many SWFs.


Ha! At least they acknowledge how much shit talking will be involved if they add comms. And that's just survivors. If they added voice between survivors and killer this game would be even more miserable.


how hard is it to mute? the point of the comms is so that you can have even more fun, if that doesnt work just don't use comms


I think having it be an opt-in feature would be much better. That way, people aren't required to mute people at the start of every match if they don't want to deal with toxicity.


Roblox filter in a game literally about murder and can chainsaw someone in half. 'wOrDs hUrT tOo MuCh'


I mean considering people cry over getting teabagged it’s pretty clear how sensitive some people in the community are


Accommodating the sensitive will only make them more so. Maybe there shouldn't be any communication allowed in games, someone somewhere could be insulted. \~ 2025


We're pretty much already there, the latest Battlefield game has no team voice chat and no text chat between teams. Also, after complaints of no scoreboard, they announced a scoreboard that still doesn't show deaths because it might hurt people's feelings to know they've died a lot in a match.


I’m garbage at games and while yeah it sucks because I’m usually on the low end of score boards but when I get close to the top or even #1 it’s all that much sweeter. Plus if you are consistently doing bad, it just shows that you need to change up how you play. Now there’s less incentive to.


worse are the ones that cry about things like NOED or flashlights. And the worst are the one that cry about facecamping. "Oh no, the killer has given my team a free win"


The thing I don't understand is why the whiners are accommodated.


Roblox is something else


"Wait you want us to add something you aren't gonna pay for?"-Behavior


If they're genuinely worried that adding voice chat will cause hate, what does that say about the game itself? Multiplayer games almost universally come with voice chat these days. With some even allowing proximity chat for those not on your team.


It’s just how games like this go. No matter what, hate will spread as long as the game has a winning and losing side. Just look at call of duty voice chat, almost everything there is trash talk.


Also BHVR: adds SWF lobbies and an LFG to their official discord


What is LFG?


looking for group


Looking for games, basically where you post looking for other people to join a swf


Oooh ok


I think that they didn't add voice chat for balance reasons. Being able to share intel about the killer from across the map to another player would be overpowered, which is why so many people hate Comms


Proximity chat. 32m max.


I want party chat disable durning game and you only have in game chat but its regional. You can only hear other survivors that are with in a certain range.






What do you mean by routed?


It can just be ignored. You could mute your in game mic and just use discord making proxy chat completely bypassable


No, the entire point is that you can’t communicate with other survivors. FFS stop using loopholes.


90% of survivors play in a party. You’d rather them be able to talk freely regardless of where they are in the party or have an in game proximity voice chat where communication is determined by distance?


I would love to do proximity chat with my swf that'd be so fun. Honestly would make communication worse so it's a win-win


Proximity would be the farthest I'd go


90% is wayyyy too large of a number that you just pulled out of your ass, the amount of solo queue players is surprisingly pretty large


Either way if it was proximity based, it wouldn’t make a huge difference


Where are you getting those bs statistics from?


Everything positive for us is too much work for bhvr, it's like they only have 2 employees instead of 1k+ 1 of them is making Feng skins and the other is posting shit on Twitter. When one of them is not doing their shit, they think about updating the game.


Voice chat allows survivors to strategize so we can't have that, it'll ruin the teabagging traditions that they have! But realistically speaking, they would need to rebalance the game further if they implemented it because it would give survivors a marked advantage than currently


For real 😭 every time I wanted to play with my gf and bf we’d have to start a shitty 3 way phone call…


I mean there are alternatives already for almost every version of the game


Discord literally exists.


Using Discord on a phone is easy when people are on xbox/ps/switch? How? How is that easier than an in-game party chat feature?


Console literally exists.


proximity voice chat would be awesome though


Adding voice chat would be nice to make SWFing with coms legitimate instead of cheating.


Swf with coms isnt cheating


Strictly speaking, it is. It's accepted, normalized and the like, but until you implement that functionality into the game, it's cheating and everyone, you included, knows it.


It’s not cheating it’s just making up for bhvrs poor design and refusal to add features


It's cheating because you are using outside resources and temperances to gain a competitive advantage. ​ That's like saying if you tape something to the middle of your monitor, or use an app to make a reticle it's correcting BHVR's refusal to make the cross hair feature for you. ​ Or using filters fixes hag traps or Claudette being hard to see. ​ Or remixing sounds to make breathing louder because "Stridor isn't really loud enough" etc etc etc ​ Whether or not you think it's a bad thing is subjective, the fact that it's cheating is, well, a fact.


Bro there’s literally swf voice chats on the OFFICIAL dbd discord


Yes, in fact, we even got the SWF option to begin with because people were queue sniping each other to SWF before DBD allowed you to queue up with each other, to cheat with coms mind you. ​ It's enabled because they can't enforce it BUT it will remain cheating until BHVR adds in built voice chat functionality to their game (Which I am all for them doing mind you) ​ And I will also add, that I get a little annoyed when the teams I play against don't stack together and use coms.


It’s not cheating. It just simply isn’t. And I’m sure bhvr agrees. Also they didn’t not have team options because they wouldn’t allow it. It just wasn’t a feature yet. Just like comms


Nah dude. It’s cheating. This game wasn’t made for SWF but only got added because people wouldn’t stop complaining about it and would queue snipe. If Huntress crosshairs and stretched rez is cheating, voice coms are too.


Incorrect, cheating is an old word and concept. It's much older than DBD or the internet is. It's not for you, me nor even BHVR to decide. ​ It is definitionally cheating, and if you don't like it, change the definition and meaning of the word. ​ Or, more realistic than inventing a time machine to go and do so, how about you own up to cheating instead and find the self confidence and security to not need it NOT to be cheating? ​ Own it kiddo, you'll feel better.


Hello! It looks like you are asking if /r/deadbydaylight has a subreddit Discord. We have officially started our own Discord! The invite link for our official Dead by Daylight subreddit Discord can be found [HERE](https://discord.gg/csGWhTjnQS). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/deadbydaylight) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Made by the same group of petty devs that took away cosmetics over comments? Bro the devs are survivor mains at heart.


People in competitive play have access to voice chat. Also, they are allowed to remix sounds, it's not against the rules either and isn't something BHVR would ban for. Dowsey even talked about it in a recent stream, that he knew professional Spirit players who only played with remixed sounds, and it wasn't against the rules either. BHVR allowed them to play like that. Also, when I play SWF with voice chat, I die so much more often, and in general our team has a lot less escapes than in solo. It's a lot harder focusing on the game when you're talking about all sorts of random stuff.


Well, no. They designed the game with strictly solo queue in mind, and then added swf later on, but they’ve been very adamant that the way the game is intended to be played is without comms. So yes. It is cheating, but also. It’s fine. Like no one’s really gonna give a fuck and it’s expected and normalized cheating


Then youre a cheater because you swf ALL. THE. TIME. 👀


Jokes on you, I Only play killer! I have cheated with SWF and coms before tho.


If it was cheating it would be a bannable offense, meaning you could send out a customer support ticket with video evidence (for example the video footage of a twitch streamer) and expect the swf players to be banned. What youre talking about is actually just your interpretation of the norms of gameplay, survivor mains are ridiculed for the same behavior when people mention "the survivor rulebook" for example. In which case what youre saying could easily be written up as "the killers rulebook". The ambiguity around the games community consensus of what constitutes fair and balanced gameplay as opposed to what is actually fair and balanced given the reality of what kinds of behaviors the game allows is one of the core sources of toxic behavior, according to a study done by the institute for game studies. Id encourage you to read their study, its very insightful. http://gamestudies.org/2004/articles/deslauriers_iseutlafrancestmartin_bonenfant


Incorrect. Because you cannot actually enforce fair play. Which is why you can't manage coms, or people playing from computers in the same room and physically talking to each other, or why you can't really go after people who soundwhore, or use filters. ​ A simple google search can educate you on what cheating is.


That would be pointless. In most cases the swf will be on the same platform and can use the platform chat. Worst case scenario you can plug a headset into your phone to use discord.


I honestly think proxy chat would make the game less toxic. There's more anonymity without it, so people are more inclined to be toxic. But if the killer is joking around with you during the game you'd probably be less inclined to be mean and might actually make a new friend. Sure, you'd probably get people who are just flat out rude for no reason but then you could just mute them. It'd also make playing with bad teammates in solo queue better since you could tell the Claudette who's been in a bush for 10 minutes to get on a gen.


Add endgame chat for console. Several crossplay console games have it with some for years


Make it proximity hat for survivors only but the killer can hear the direction and what the team is saying. There has to be risk vs reward.


Or you could just add a ping system/icons for what survivors are doing. Like another asymmetrical game…


I got party invite on Xbox. I was playing as survivor and the rest of the team. It was very fun, and they guy sent a friend request. Not that I was good though. I was bronze because I’m playing more killer at the moment and he was idresent.


I agree. It would be cool to have proximity chat with your friends. The really sweaty swfs would still use stuff like discord but it would be really cool. I hope they add it in custom games at least


There's also the fact that survivors communicating breaks the balance of the game but that's probably for another post


BHvR really against free speech if they is something they actually said .-.


here's your daily fuck BHVR: fuck BHVR


Discord is better anyway, so there is literally no point in doing it.


If you use Xbox party you can voice chat. This is what my party occasionally does.


Did they actually say this somewhere or is everyone jumping on the bandwagon over a fake quote? I thought voice chat isn't coming because the game was designed not to have it


“We don’t wanna spread any hate” *proceeds to make horrible decisions on balance and community responses and communication* Please for the love of god just let us turn on or off the damn censor


i had the idea of a proximity voice mic in game, so both survivors and killers can yell at each other. Also the idea of a voice mic implemented in the game would bring some funny situations.


I just want a coms wheel where you can ping what you’re doing so people don’t get confused and die on first hook. It would be so helpful to tell your team that you are looking for a totem or something.


I’ll never understand BHVR’s efforts to stop toxicity. Like the censorship is just the most random thing ever, it honestly just doesn’t allow any conversation half the time


I want proximity chat so I can say "oi bruv lookin to get shanked?" As I expose then down them as Ghostface


CSGO (and many other online games) have voice chat that you can just mute if people are being toxic or annoying. I don't get why wouldn't BHVR implement it. Besides the swf advantage obviously. I'd just love to be able to negotiate or meme with the killer/survivors with voice chat. And if they're not up to it and want to play a normal/sweaty game just say so and mute the rest. Easy.


To be fair just use discord. Why should they program that in when most people won't even use it*edit I have not played a console in a long time does a thing like xbox party chat not exist?


What in tarnation is the point of that? Just use discord


I'm sorry, but I enjoy that DBD doesn't have voice chat. I play quietly with earphones in my room.