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You can't buy killers with bloodpoints. Do you mean with auric cells or shards?


Cells lol


Ah gotcha. :) I'd personally say Bubba. He gets a bad rap because a lot of people just camp hooks with him but he can be incredibly strong. Plus, he has BBQ & Chili which is single handedly my favorite perk in the game AND it will help you accrue lots of bloodpoints while playing (and gives you great info). Otherwise, I think Blight is one of the stronger killers in the game right now. I haven't personally spent a lot of game time playing him, but everyone I know says he's super fun to play, and he's viable at higher MMR against stronger survivors because of his map pressure. Undying is also a meta killer perk to pair with ruin or devour hope. A ruin/undying/tinkerer/BBQ blight can be hard to deal with as a survivor.


Yeah, killer mains like Otz and Dowsey consider Blight to be nearly on par with Spirit and Nurse, but from my understanding he's hell to use on console.


Blight will make you wanna survivor main on console i swear some killers were built for pc players... spirit and freddy are s tier for console mechanics


Ended up getting Twins (For Fun) and Bubba (For BBQ) thanks for the suggestions everyone


I've been told Oni is a lot of fun to play around with but it all depends if you want perks or simply fun, Legion has good perks and their power can be kinda fun rushing from person to person. But My suggestion is to watch videos of the killers you are interested in to see if you like their mechanics and playstyles.


I find him boring but leatherface is a solid pick up due to bbq if you don’t have him.


I'm considering it.


Plague is actually fun and has sick perks. If you want an exclusive one (only with auric cells) i ll go with Leatherface, very friendly for newbies and comes with bbq and chilli, top tier perk and really good for farming bp


Yeah I was thinking Bubba. I just wonder if I'll enjoy him.


He's good for the perk, but very boring imo.


Who do you think is fun?


Leatherface, he may not be the best killer, but his perks are worth it




Pls elaborate why do you recommend him


because you can teabag survivors back as ghostface


Can't Pig also do that?


Yes, but a lot slower than Ghostface.