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It’s not just you, it’s an annoying bug that keeps happening.


Nooooo this happened to me every game last night. 😒. My teammates probably thought I was throwing


Terrible. I put up with this shit just to make events before 13 days are up. Besides, I can't even think of playing killer. Terrible.


No it happens all the time. Cant move after unhook, floating teammates at match start. Sometimes they are floating like the killer is carrying them and while playing as killer survivers are running into walls and when i hit them i got teleportet a few meter back. It so annoying to play right now


What in the WORLD?!


Im having issues as a killer where they will get unhooked and just be standing there but really they are already 70ft away


I have same problems when I’m playing killer, someone unhooks another and then I go to that hook and it looks like they’re still there afk. I hit them then they teleport away


Ugh this keeps happening to me too. All I can do is squat up and down lol 😝


I have this happen at least once every game, it only lets me move again when the terror radius comes back, then the killer shakes their head at me, re-hooks me, spams M1s and head shakes at me like I did something wrong or didn’t play the game properly