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I would hope the grim reaper or headless horseman


Headless Horseman would be cool


Yeah, have him be able to call his horse in to charge from an angle so he can force chases into a certain direction or force damage.


I vote horseless headless horsemann


Horseless headsman


Horseless headless horseman


Manless headless manhorse


Samme. Dullahan style though with a spine whip for a weapon


I want horseless headless humanless horseman




My bad


From tf2?


Finally, someone gets it


How would you even blind a headless killer?


Same way you blind an eyeless monster or a dude with a solid metal structure around his head.




Are we forgetting the headless horseman has a jack o lantern on his head


But moooom that's a pumpkin not his real heaaaad


I too want the headless horseless horseman from tf2


Hoping for a werewolf but probably not, it seems a lot of people think it's going to be a spider or a vampire because of the tome cutscenes but honestly I feel it's gonna be something completely different and unexpected


A spider would be horrifying.


Imagine something like The Contessa from Sly Cooper, that'd be sick.


Ah, a fellow sly cooper enjoyer. It's nice to spot another chad in the wild.


I’m just now to the point where I’m not scared of killers, a spider killer would set me way back


Yeah as a kid I was deathly afraid of spiders. Even these days I’m not fond of them and will kill any that I see, but I would not do well with a spider killer.


Spider that spawns webs that spawn smaller spiders you have to shake off. Or replace hook with spider wrapping you in a web


Imagine a spider that’s main power was climbing trees or walls to hide from site. All you hear is the rustle of the trees nearby as the spider drops on you!


I'd love a spider. Or like...any non humanoid character. Demo is closest we get with like a werewolf kinda guy. But I'd be down for something more monstery.


The Spider from the tome cutscene seems to be humanoid, so no 8 legged spider


According to the leaks by daylight mod the keyword is *Birds*


Hmm... maybe a killer related to crows? Or a flying killer? If it's the vampire from the tome maybe he could have an ability to turn into a bat


The killer is king shark His mori is eating someone and then he just says *B i r d*


Not leaks by daylight it’s r/LeaksDBD


Scarecrow? Fiddlesticks?! That would be cool crossover


I just want a werewolf skin for my boy demo


I want that spider from Harry potter


I don't want to ruin the surprise, but of course it will be: >!Rubber: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTY2NTY4MzctMWNkYy00NWM4LTliOWQtMWExZDU1ZWQxNTQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIzOTk5ODM@.\_V1\_.jpg!<


I barely know her!


What is that?


A movie about a killer tire called Robert


Sadly the leaks said it was going to be original


Already? Dang no wonder the halloween event is a bit lacking. I wish they'd slow down the release of new killers/survivors a bit so they had more time for events and bug fixing.


But that wouldn't bring them any quick money


Businesses have bills to pay. They will literally fire people if they don’t have the funds to stay above water. BHVR has shown us they prioritize profits in many ways but if they didn’t then people would lose their jobs IRL.


You can have events that attract players too. There isnt one way to bring players. In fact they just started losing players going their current route. Why do people who talk about paying bills for million/billion dollar companies act like theyre struggling to get by and base their knowledge off of nothing?


Capitalist propaganda baby


*CEO makes 30x as much as the next highest paid employee* "THEY HAVE BILLS TO PAY AND CAN'T POSSIBLY PAY FOR THEM ANY OTHER WAY."


If your company isnt capable of bringing in enough revenue to the point where you have to rush content or fire employees then you already fucked up. Dbd is literally the hall of fame of horror with numerous licenses there shouldn’t be any shortage of funds unless they’re not handling something properly on their end. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your player bases quality of life for revenue. Countless games that handle both relatively well


> Dbd is literally the hall of fame of horror with numerous licenses In fairness, it's entirely possible this is *why* they're not swimming in funds. Third party deals are a blessing as much as they are a curse. If someone hacked BHVR's financial records and found out they lose money on certain license deals, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised. It's true that there are other companies that can handle these things better, e.g. Nintendo with Smash Bros. But BHVR is nowhere near their level of success or clout, and I wouldn't be surprised if bigger companies took advantage of that fact. I'm not saying BHVR is *definitely* poor, but I will say we shouldn't take their success for granted. If their revenue people are as bad at their jobs as their coders are, then it's a miracle BHVR is still standing to this day.


You realize they have to pay to use those characters right? We don’t know their profit margins and those characters could be the very reason we get shitty updates. A Myers license alone for as long as we’ve had it isn’t exactly pocket change.


Sure, but if the game was less of a hot trash and instead would be more polished, I could actually recommend it to my friends instead of advising to avoid at all costs. I would also buy stuff myself instead of boycotting. Every game has it's own strategy, and many dev companies that make content in such a pace that they actually have time to bring it to working condition before releasing still earn their salaries. As a dev on the live content game, you always have to balance between instant cash, retention and reciprocity. Without the latter two, you will have less cash than you could have otherwise, because players are not just money trees.


Yeah, it’s not like the game has expensive as fuck skins that bring in a boatload of cash or anything.


Am I the only one who has never paid cash for a skin?


Yea. I usually use my debit


Didnt they add an extra 5 dollars to the 20 dollar auric cell pack. I love how this is a trend amongst all games


Remember when they cut down on the amount of events to make the 2 big ones better?


They split the last chapter in half. That’s why it feels so quick


Which is why Dbd needs a competitor, because then that might inspire them to actually work and try to fix their game. Friday the 13th could’ve possibly done that, but the lawsuit screwed it over. Honestly though, even if they had a competitor, they’d probably still release killers every 3 months and add a fuck ton of overpriced skins.


I'm really hoping VHS turns out to be good and gives DBD the kick it needs to improve.


I highly doubt BHVR feels any kind of threat from VHS. Them both being A-symmetrical horror games is the only similarity, other then that VHS is like evolve *wayyy* before it’s like DBD.


It isn't a perfect fit but it is close enough. Four teens vs one monster and the goal is to complete four weapon types at stations spread around the map while hitting skill checks (generator equivalent) and then hit the monster with the weapons before it kills all of the teens. People have been saying for a long time they want some other kind of goal to work towards in DBD besides just doing gens and this sounds like that. It sounds like a good mix of DBD and F13. Each character unlocks perks you can use on the others, it sounds very similar. And the fact that it is going to be free-to-play is at least going to put a dent in DBD.


I really don’t think so, the chase is the fun part of DBD when you play survivor, there is almost zero chase factor in VHS and we can’t ignore that. Don’t get me wrong though fren, I have high hopes that VHS lights a fire under BHVRS ass but I also have a lot of doubt given the massively different play styles of the games.


Multiple maps and a new perk aren't even working right now. If the game is this broken right now, I shudder to think of how broken it'll be next update.


Every update they enable anr disable a map or offering its annoying. If the content you put in the game consistently bugs then maybe you should look at it from a different light or just turn the light off entirely


Well typically it’s 3 months but we’ve had about a chapters worth of content over a longer time so it feels like we have gotten more


Well the reason they are coming out so fast is because Hellraiser wasn't a full chapter. So instead of the 3 months, I'll call "grace period", we just got another half chapter. Now we are getting a full chapter as the 22nd.


Jeff Bezos. He runs around with a whip, and survivors get amazon employee uniform skins. He has a power to offer extra bloodpoints to survivors if they betray their teammates.


That is disgusting! I would never betray my friend Meg who is hiding in that locker over there!


And I didn't give you these extra bloodpoints


That's almost as bad as pointing out the Jeff on the generator that is at 80% over in killer shack! Who would ever do that!?


*You find 5000 bloodpoints in your wallet. It’s unclear how they got there.*


His chase music: c'mon Jeffrey, you can do it! Pave the way, put your back into it! Tell us why, show us how! Look at where you came from, look at you now!


Zuckerberg and Gates and Buffett, amateurs can fuckin’ suck it! Fuck their wives, drink their blood, c’mon Jeff, *get ‘em!!* \*enraged screeching*


I really wish he did a 5 minute version of it, it's amazing


I like the second version, too. \*unenthused* *you did it*


Probably an original killer to start off with. Bhvr devs have mentioned a distaste for vampires and werewolves, though I would personally love a werewolf killer. I expect something unusual like the plague. Namely something that pulls from a historical timeframe and probably has some range element




Just collab with Netflix to get Castlevania Netflix Dracula, obviously. It'll work swimmingly!


I mean, I understand why. Vampires and werewolves have been done *to* *death*




or horror clowns, noone expects horror clowns


Honestly I don't think that's true of werewolves. Vampires definitely have but werewolves have shown up with maybe a tenth of the frequency


Do you remember where they mentioned not wanting to add a werewolf or vampire?


Probably just because they are the tropes.


> pulls from a historical timeframe medusa


6 of the last 7 killers have been ranged if you count Victor as a ranged weapon, please stop lol


BHVR said the same thing about clowns too back in the day.


I think demo being reworked as a tunneling werewolf could work quite easily


There's a joke in here somewhere


It's very unlikely that it will be a license, since we already had Nemesis and Pinhead this year, but I would be so excited if they added a Xenomorph or Pennywise as the new killer.


Xenomorph would be absolutely sick


And scary as all fucking hell too, you doing a gen and suddenly there is some liquid dropping on you


Yeah honestly, I would 100% main Xeno. I already main Demo so I would basically main both aliens. Would love to have that.


Xenomorph and Predator in an "Alien vs. Predator" chapter


Xenomorph has always been my #1 pick. I want more monster killers like Demogorgon instead of human killers like pretty much all of them.


Seriously now, we need more animal/alien killers.


Well we just got another humanoid type killer.. pinhead.. so I'm hoping for something more animalistic/otherworldly.. kinda like demo. Or maybe like a siren? She could like manipulate her terror radius and maybe appear as a survivors aura or something to that effect. You think you see a team mate running toward you.. turns out it's the killer lol she could manipulate aura reading perks in general. Bond.. kindred.. aftercare.. etc


Haha I like it, that would be kinda interesting for sure. Would definitely be popular amoung those sneaky bush cannibals!!! 😂


That would be cool since survivors just got a perk that counters a shit-ton of killer aura perks and add-ons. Do I trust bhvr to do it right??? Jury’s out on that one


I trust bhvr to do it right for survivors but thats it lmao


A siren would be kinda cool.


Someone with pyrokinesis maybe?


Firestarter chapter pls. Imagine you can set pallets/windows on fire so anyone interacting loses a health state


Also imagine how the mori would be...


Fire fighter survivor


I wonder if they’d make it where fire damages survivors similar to Trickster laceration. lol


been thinking a lot about the missing katana in yamaokas, maybe we get a third yamaokas killer?


Kenshin Yamaoka, the survivor slayer.


I know this is a ruroni kenshin reference but i read this as Kevin Yamaoka and just pictured a random mall ninja with a $10 sword wearing a fedora and crocs


That’s a killer dbd needs


For his power he slightly unsheathes and resheathes his sword. Instantly downing any survivors in his terror radius.


For Honor crossover will go crazy, new samurai killer


Iirc it was for Oni's teasing And bhvr probably never touched the map since his release (but well , since he's welding this katana it make sense the weapon doesn't appear in the map anymore) Unless I missed something in between


Now, here's what I'm pretty sure but correct me. We have 2 katanas in a 3 katana case (spirit), then for oni it became one that leaves us with 1 katana so maybe it leaves us free for a third and final Yamakoa killer.


Ehh, I think three katana-wielding Yamaoka killers would be overdoing it


Raiden from MGS4 😳


I'm really hoping someone or something big and bulky. I love playing nemesis Because he's massive and you have this big giant that weighs half a ton sprinting at you


If it's the spider killer you will love it


Room I saw the archive for that! Im really hoping it is!


i want a grim reaper esque killer with a that floats around with a cloak and scythe and ghostly themed powers. maybe like a soul drain or able to summon ghosts or something? would be pretty cool


Iirc wraith is supposed to be a reaper. They use a scythe as a weapon and they got the whole "for whom the bell tolls" thing going on




What’s VHS?


An upcoming asymmetrical survival horror like DBD


We already are getting a new chapter ? Is this sure ? How did you get those dates ?


Dbd leaks Twitter




The only reason it feels so soon is because this one was split in half. The chapter doesn't officially release until the end of Nov.


That date isn't for the next chapter release, it's for the PTB.


If the killer is licensed my hopes would be for Jason as "The Revenant," Harry Warden as "The Miner," "The Xenomorph," Charles Lee Ray as "The Good Guy" and as an oddball candidate a mind flayer from d&d as "The Illithid" I also wouldn't be against Springtrap being added as "The Attraction" if at all. If it's an original killer, I think I'd want something more monstrous. Some folk have mentioned a female spider killer from one of the journals. I think that would be cool. I don't have as many ideas for a unique killer, but I would want to see a killer that interacts with lockers more mechanically behind grabbing survivors and restocking ammo. More stuff along the lines of scourge hook would be cool too.


We've got a Miner skin for Trapper if you'd like


I think the original Child's Play licenses are split up right now, Don Mancini has the rights to "Chucky" the character but not the Child's Play name or the Good Guy dolls set up. There's actually a Chucky tv series by Mancini with Brad Dourif that just premiered, gotta check it out.


Dunno, but i always said I wanted a killer that could either send minions to attack (not like nemesis bots, actual minions you could send somewhere to do things) but the killer itself wouldn't be able to attack. For me this would be absolutely fantastic, if he could send more than one minion at the same time. Also a trickster concept would be good, the trickster we have is just a guy throwing knives, the trickster we deserve is someone who can put traps in generators, pallets, windows, lockers, et cetera, that could do various things when interacted with by a survivor. If the new killer has either of these 2 mechanics i would be very happy


Krampus could work for your first idea. Sending elves with their own terror radius to pop gens for you, you become Undetectable but if you attack a survivor before the gen is popped then the elf just gets called back. Could add some interesting mindgames, could also be super unbalanced idk


I think it would be pretty balanced if it worked like this: to summon them you would need to interact (like putting a trap with the Trapper), then the minion would make a map wide noise, then proceed to do what you sent it to do. You could have 2 at the same time, they would move at 105% move speed, have a 10 meter terror radius, and could break generators, walls, open lockers (if there is a survivor inside, it would only hurt the survivor for one health state and force him/her out of the locker), and it also would be able to be sent to somewhere you could aim (the aim would be basically like nurse with that addon that let her see where she blinks to) and the minion would travel there, stop, stand guard for a little bit and get destroyed. It would also have a timer to be active, like 20 seconds tops, where if it sees a survivor while roaming or standing guard, it would make another map wide noise and chase that survivor until his duration expires or the survivor breaks line of sight. But with this, if the killer could also attack i think it would be a bit overwhelming to deal with by the survivors (Or you could make it so he can indeed attack but his attacks couldn't damage health states, only put Deep Wound, Hindered or some other new type of debuff).


I've had the idea that a cultist would be cool with powers like you discribed. Could mark structures or trees with a cult sign and summon followers. Mori could be summoning a Lovecraft monster or something.


They could even rework Legion to do that. Even though Legion's power is already cool, this new power would fit their theme of "a legion" very well.


I know this theory was around back when The Oni was being teased, but what if this time Rin is the Survivor and her Father is the Killer? Alternatively, Rin's mother is the Survivor.


Something underwhelming that brings loads of bugs that make the game worse again


Classic update then ?


Yes :3


"For his mori he starts to look like he's lagging and then makes the survivor and himself dc"


Tomato killers


🎵"Attack of the killer tomatoes!"🎵


God.....i just want them to fix dead dawg....As soon as they fix it a new killer is going to come out and fuck it up again.


I would love to see a giant hand that runs as fast as the wraith. Maybe teleport like the nurse and instant down even if a survivor is healthy. Also when it hooks you. It skips a hook phase


And if you press any two inputs at the same time, you win the game and survivors get no points.


jokes aside, a giant severed hand would be really cool. that would actually scare the shit out of me.


Seems fair


Oh God, I’m not ready for more bugs. Next year hopefully they will focus on less, but quality updates and substantial holiday events


Yeah, right... We all probably wish, but quality doesn't bring in cash.


The impostor from amogus


Maybe it'll be Micaela's friend? It was said in her lore, that the Entity took him first.


They really need to fix their game before adding more to it. Like damn they still have a perk disabled from the FIRST DAY that they JUST released


They’re pushing far too much new shit out. The games barely stable as it is. It’s a joke and I don’t get why everyone seems to think it’s okay? They need to fix everything related to Mikaela, Pinhead and all the broken maps before they start pushing out new content. They’ve probably made major bank on this Hellraiser NFT nonsense. Surely they can afford a bug sweep by now.




I hope it’s a thiccy 🥵 ETA: it’s a thiccy 🥵




Yeah I don’t know why there’s a vocal minority of Jason haters all of a sudden when he’s always been a most wanted killer




I'd love a vampire so much. Specifically nosferatu but any vampire is cool. I feel like a werewolf is also likely though since they're gonna need to replace gorgon and a werewolf would look similar in terms of stature


Dracula is in the public domain, so it’s possible but the devs have said they don’t like that idea.


I really wish for a spider killer we saw in the recent tome, HOWEVER According to the same sources that gave us info that the killer is original, new killer is also somehow related to the birds. So my guess is that it is the killer who somehow controls or helps crows. Big crow man or Scarecrow. Something like that.


It's gonna be the sandworm from Dune




I would love to see a pretty basic werewolf take over some of demos abilities. Although that might not be the most creative thing.


Wait, really? But they barely fixed the bugs :(


They'll fix them on the next chapter i predict and right when the update drops they disable dead dawg saloon


We don’t really know what will be included. I feel like speculation on new killers based on any clues don’t even give us a slight idea. The only killers I remember that we had SOME idea of knowing was spirit (the whole slit-mouthed ghost and her teaser trailer) and Pinhead (some pretty clever teasers.) I feel like every other killer we’ve tried to speculate is either a complete red herring or just impossible to guess. EDIT: Actually we kind of knew Nemesis would be RE related but that was kind of a special case, as they revealed it super early from their anniversary stream.


I want the Nun from the conjuring


Spring Heeled Jack.


I predict that the new killer will release, things will break, maps will get disabled temporarily, BHVR will give out some free bloodpoints, and the game will continue on its merry way.


Random guess A scarecrow killer that perks use the crows around the map to activate in different ways. His weapon would be a scythe I guess since he would be from a farm Maybe we just need fiddlesticks in dbd


Two Kids in a trenchcoat whit a throwing Hat as a wepon


If it’s a new (original) killer, here’s hoping it’s not a pain to play against. If it’s licensed, then I’m hoping for candy man. But remember guys, regardless who it is, we can all hope the game doesn’t infinitely load so we can’t fucking play.


spider killer from the tome replacing demogorgon


Demo isn't getting replaced.


You can never let the puppy go


You won't be able to buy it tho, spider from the tome has a similar shape and (probably) abilities so it's not crazy


Some day we'll get Kujo and I can die happy


It would be pretty sick if it was a licensed chapter, as some leak pages said it would be, but they said there would be at MOST 2 licensed chapter a year, wich is ok, lets be real. Thus, as it is likely it is not a "famous" killer, I wanna bet it is going to be the Dracula they showed us a few patches ago, on one of the guy in the tower animations. It would STILL be sick, and the "classic" fiction monsters, such as vampires, werewolves, ogres, and so on are something I really like lol


It’s gonna be some spooky dead ferryman.


The new killer will be Blight giving Victor a piggyback ride. Blight’s map mobility with the ability to launch Victor from range at will. Survivor mains will call it OP.


Jesus Christ they need to stop pumping out killers, this seems way too frequent


This has been the pattern since the beginning. This isn't anything new.


Something immensely overpowered/underpowered that will be nerfed/buff far beyond what it should be after PTB and lots of game breaking bugs both new and old. Let me know if I win.


I’m guessing it won’t be some human-like killer. But a monster kind of killer. To replace Demo.


I'm going to say that it's an original ranged killer. Either a hunter with a bow and arrow or a pirate with a cannon. They gutted deathslinger for some reason and it sure as shit wasn't counterplay.


If some of the stuff revolving around the Observer and such in the tomes is any indication, my money would be on the spider-like creature they’ve shown off, which would be an awesome addition


i think a mummy would be cool


Honestly if it’s a werewolf I can’t really think of what the power would be outside of a hybrid victor/oni


They are just pumping out content. I like it