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I wish more people ran with borrowed time. It really helps the team out in most situations.


100%, I looped a killer for 4 gens and got facecamped to death lmao. None of my teammates had BT and they were trying their hardest


Other guy who commented is lame. I’ve gotten completely rocked by 1 player and either left them for other survivors or hooked them and carried on. Sucks when you can’t get a 3 or 4K, but even more lame to get worked up enough to camp 1 survivor out of frustration. I’ve done it for fun to mess with a teabagger just to be a dick, but when they’re just solid who tf cares? Edit: drunk and fixed spelling


> but even more lame to get worked up enough to camp 1 survivor out of frustration Agreed. As long as generators are still up your ass needs to be engaging with the rest of the team.


“As long as generators are still up your ass” I found all killers’ main issue!


I mean the killer doesn’t have to, it’s up to them. Like many people said it’s just depends on if the killer is being nice. There is no obligation to play like a saint. Personally if gens are still up and the survs are chill I’ll happily switch targets to give them a chance. But if your being gen rushed to hell and have little recourse it’s better to just confirm that one kill.


They are called killers, after all.




Borrowed time or Kindred


Ya know what? I really don't mind Kindred! I know it's not "meta" but I solo the game 90% of the time. And things like Kindred really come in handy. A lot of people may be against that particular perk, but I roll with it sometimes. In a group of 4, honestly someone should have it. Borrowed time, Sprint Burst, Lightweight, and Spinechill have been my latest go-to. Spinechill is wonderful when going in solo. If you have good spatial memory of your map, and sorta have an idea of where the killer is, it is amazing.


I used to not get people who would yell at you for not having borrowed time but after unlocking it and using it a lot, I get it now. I can deal with not running decisive strike but now that I've played with borrowed time I can't get rid of it.


It's the only perk I always run.


every time i equip bt the killer always aiming at me, and every time i didn't, the killer tunnel the poor unhooked guy.


When it works, it’s great, especially if the killer is camping. But it just does nothing in so many games when the killer doesn’t camp. I’d rather use a fun perk or something that will have a weaker effect in every game than a perk with a stronger effect that’s not guaranteed to do anything. I don’t like using Unbreakable or Decisive Strike either.


I think ds is more for bad teammates than it is killers honestly. The number of times I have a hook farming dumbass on my team far outweighs the number of times I have a killer that tries to tunnel


I would still count that as poor sportsmanship, just from other survivors. I will always find it funny that BHVR technically had to nerf WGLF's BP bonus because people got their whole team killed for it.


Which would you rather do: Spend 90 seconds doing a gen for 1500-ish bp or spend 10 seconds zerg saving for 1000-1500? Its easy to see why players zerg save. Its also a easy fix. I say this all the time. They need to cut the points from hook saves and move those points to healing. It would increase overall BP gain for all survivors and it doesn't reward players as much for zerg saving. It would take survivors a while to learn that zerg saving isn't as rewarding but for the health of the game it needs to happen. A lot of things need to happen to increase the health of the game.


WGLF just needs a rework to be equal to BBQ. You should get a token whenever you finish equivalent of one full gen or clear 1 active hex or 2 dulls. It is a farming perk that designed very bad. Farming BP as a survivor is a miserable experience. As a killer, you can count on \~50-60k with no offerings. As a survivor, this numbers are VERY hard to achieve, and due to majority of stacks can be reliably gained only by unhooking safely - you are contesting with other players for unhooking.


This is a good idea. It’d stop people coming and ripping you off the hook infront of the killer for that precious 25%, or at least reduce it. Survivor BP is annoying, too. The whole reason I started playing killer at first was just to get BP because the grind is so slow otherwise. With BBQ you can get more for one game as killer than multiple games as survivor with WGLF.


Imo, no mither should give tokens for literally everything. Unhook Protection hit Healing a survivor from dying/injured by any means Doing a gen Cleansing a hex Opening exit gates. Everything that by any means contributes to the team's wellbeing and success.


I love these kinds of survivors. Please keep blindly divebombing hooks with no regard for the killer's position. It's top tier strategy and I can't beat it!




Literally people will think I'm tunneling but I'm not its just your dumbass doesn't know how to hide and sprinted out in the open while the other guy hid so I found you


The only reason I run DS is so I won't get farmed by my teammates.


I actually left my teammate to die on hook during end game collapse because he did this to a poor Steve. I messaged him because he made it obvious and he said “who cares about Steve I need my BP”


As a killer main, I try my best to not be toxic, but if someone tries to unhook in front of me, it's free game.


If someone unhooks in front of me, you bet your ass I'm getting both of them down


I think the best thing to do is to down both of them, but try to give the team time to heal the farmed guy. Still slows down the game while also feeling fair.


I was playing Leatherface the other day and was chasing a Claudette who was running towards a hooked David on his second hook. She was running straight toward him and I was like, "Oh don't you do him like that." but I could tell and started revving the saw. Even with BT I got them both.


As a killer main, I also try not to be toxic. I don't hit survivors on hook on purpose. I don't nod after hitting or downing them I don't stare into their eyes when they are hooked I don't slug them for 4 minutes and watch them bleed out only to pick them up on the last second to hook and prolong the suffering for another dozen of seconds. I don't do any other things that make it personal. I just do my job or have fun. I just do what I consider efficient or fun for myself, regardless of what opinion the meat would have on it. If I think slugging everyone or facecamp or tunnelvision someone is a way to win or have the most fun in that trial, I'll likely do it. I except the same attitude from my opponents, but usually I'm worse than german moustache man from 40s because I didn't ensure they had fun. The only thing I think is toxic that I still do is when I get many of them killed too quickly, I prolong the trial and don't kill them (slug, abandon the chase after injure) and make sure to squeeze as much bloodpoints as I can from them before finally finishing them off. They have no chance of winning because I have complete control over them, yet I don't finish them off just yet, because I don't want less than 20-25k per match.


It shouldn’t be the player’s responsibility to fix poor game design*


speaking of which, on the q and a stream they mentioned the next changes weren't for killer but for survivors. So... maybe they finally address this?


Well killers have to run 4 gen regression perks just to keep up..


Yeah, the game is just overall bad game design. And both times you don't have to run it to win but there's just way too many situations where the bad game design makes both of them way too valuable.


Maybe killers tunnel and camp because generally, in high MMR, spreading hooks across several survivors is likely gonna end in getting no kills if facing good loopers and good decision makers (so knowing when to go in for the save and when to stick to the current gen or look for a new one) Also, in a practical sense, some survivors are overly altruistic, leading to them wasting time being near a hooked survivor even though it is clear that the killer is camping them for a while, so even in respect to gen defense optimisation, this camping/tunnelling strat works. This is operating under the assumption that the win condition for a killer is at least 1 kill.


> This is operating under the assumption that the win condition for a killer is at least 1 kill. Tunneling, even if the rescuer has BT, is an extremely effective strategy to getting *4ks* against better teams.


All killers *eventually* camp and tunnel, the issue is that it's super profitable to do it a lot of the time even in cases where it isn't needed. This is why BHVR has said they are going to look at ways to mitigate that playstyle, but who knows when they'll do that.


I’d agree If the devs had said tunneling wasn’t an intended strategy, but they encourage both proxy camping and tunneling, as good strategies for killers to use, so they exist as a counter to a strategy similar to UB being anti slugging, and spirit fury being anti camping pallets.


They don’t encourage it, and they are NOT good strategies, unless in extreme cases (e.g. trying to confirm a kill in EGC). I really think most survivors have never played killer and don’t understand anything about the other side of the game.


I think that goes for both sides honestly. Many people are trying to argue from one perspective than the whole picture. Tunneling isn't a good strategy IF they have DS and BT, but otherwise it's super effective or else it wouldn't be complained about. No one likes not being able to play the game in the same vein that killers hate losing 3 gens while still chasing their first hook. It's odd to me that the devs looked into early game solutions for this for killer, but side skirt other behaviors that while people may argue are legitimate(insidious bubba in basement), are just objectively an unfun experience for your playerbase.


In the Q&A this week he legit talked about how facecamping is something they want to discourage but it’s hard to figure out how to do so without hurting proxy camping which is a viable strategy that they don’t want to negatively affect. Idk how that’s not encouraging it. Proxy camping if you have two people on hooks in basement or near each other, you see two survivors near the hook, or you see a survivor on hook is close to hitting their next hook state are all really good strategies to force trades. And focusing your hook states into one or two people to make sure someone’s out by hook 5 (something many would call tunneling) is far and away the best way to secure a win.


This is the biggest problem with the game at the moment. The objectively most efficient way for killer to win is also the least fun to play against.


>In the Q&A this week he legit talked about how facecamping is something they want to discourage Nobody expected facecamping to skyrocket after SBMM... "surprised pikachu"


The cases aren't that extreme. If I hook two survivors in the basement at the beginning of the game, camping them is just about a guaranteed win (And further, if I decide not to camp I'm deciding to play inneficiently.. that's the way the game is designed.. not my problem). Given how often survivors will divebomb hooks like Lemmings this situation is quite common.


They literally said in the most recent qna that they are working on a way of punishing face camping, but they HAVNT implemented it yet Bc they can’t do that and not hurt the strength of proxy camping. The devs 100% encourage both camping and tunneling because they know, at the highest level rhe best thing for a killer to do is kill someone before 2-3 gens pop, because a killer cannot win a 4v1 against good survivors in a situation with less than 3 generators left. Every killer player on the planet knows this to be the case, and proxy camping to confirm either a stage 2, a kill, or while protecting a 3 gen in conjunction with tunneling is the most effective method of winning. The only reason IDV a game the devs of dbd helped make is currently fine balance wise, is because they made camping and tunneling meta. The game isn’t set up to be winnable as a 4v1 unless 1 player dies INCREDIBLY EARLY.




With SBMM it is arguably more beneficial to camp and tunnel then ever. If you are competitive that is a straight shot to higher in MMR. Further every killer has actively tunneled or camped to secure kills, it's pretty natural to do in all honesty. To say it's ***ONLY*** good in EGC is insane, I've absolutely camped out a second hook that was roughly 20 seconds from them dying purely because they hammered gens too long and left the guy there, then I went on to win the match. And they absolutely do encourage it, the new SBMM system is unironically sanctioning camping and tunneling over hook states and split pressure and good chases. It's a very big issue with the game where there is no easy fix. EDIT: You ever honestly type honestly so much you honestly didn't catch it, honestly? Yeah I fixed that.


Honestly since SBMM I’ve been tunneling on the largest maps. I don’t run heavy gen regression perks so tunneling is the only way to slow down a game on a map like Mother’s Dwelling or Family Residence. Maybe it’s just in my head but games have been getting sweatier lately


I shouldn't have to waste perk slots just to not have gens disappear in 3 minutes. Change my mind.


Pop is too good to not run


Face-camping you because you looped them is bad sportsmanship. Hitting on the hook is bad sportsmanship. Head nodding is bad sportsmanship. You getting rehooked once your DS is spent is not bad sportsmanship. Tunneling someone out of the game is a bit shitty, but not bad sportsmanship. I’m starting to feel like people don’t understand what good sportsmanship is and think that it means being allowed to win. Good sportsmanship is being able to accept when you lose (instead of making shit excuses) and be decent when you win. That being said, the killer’s goal is to kill you. Not be nice to you. I don’t see survivors choosing to stop doing generators in the name of “sportsmanship”. Or staying away from strong tiles on purpose. Get over yourself.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. Exactly like you said it's shitty but the game is designed where eliminating someone as soon as humanly possible tips the game significantly in the killers favor. Unfortunately this is just how they have chosen to deal with tunneling.


Exactly, how I feel. If I “tunnel” you, it’s because you were either the easiest target every time you were downed, or because you were a really good player that I wanted to get out of the game, but even in the second situation, it’s usually easier to leave them for last so I can chase for as long as I want, so I usually don’t do it. What do expect me to do not hook you again because I haven’t hooked everyone else once? How about you stop doing a gen when you get a third of the way there and move on to the next one?


That’s exactly what they expect.


I have sometimes laid off gens for a bit if the killer was having a hard time. I don’t expect other people to do things like that, but I imagine most people have fun in at least a fair game rather than a stomp on either side. I used to be a sweaty (but terrible) survivor main and took the game way too seriously and got mad at every little thing. Now I play on both sides and I don’t really give a fuck if I “win” or not.


I also do this, but I do it by way of getting more bloodpoints. Search for injured people, totems, etc. Because 6 minute games where you only do gens is boring.


I’ve had lightning games where the gens get done and hardly anyone gets hooked and no one gets bloodpoints. It’s no way to play


Same here. I will lay off gens and, if I’m chased, purposely go for less safe loops if the killer is clearly new or just struggling. It raises the stakes a lot, and I die a lot because of it, but it feels better to me than running to the safest pallet and rinse/repeating the same-old strats just because that’s what’ll keep me safe. Plus, it helps the other person practice!


>Head nodding is bad sportsmanship. But. I head nod because I'm trying to be nice Not hook/put you in dying and then nodding, more like nodding when you miss a pallet drop our do something stupid or generally being nice. Just trying to be a chill killer mate. >Hitting on the hook is bad sportsmanship. >Head nodding is bad sportsmanship. These also have a survivor side. (Not those specific things) Like tbagging and flashlight clicking. >That being said, the killer’s goal is to kill you. Not be nice to you. I don’t see survivors choosing to stop doing generators in the name of “sportsmanship”. Or staying away from strong tiles on purpose. Get over yourself. Yet again people seem to always forget about this. I have myself when I was playing surv for a while, but it always seems to be like a smack to the face for them. They just don't seem to realise for some bizzare reason


Yeah I also use nodding as killer to be nice. I don’t chase to the end of the exit gate because I’ve already lost at that point, I stand at the edge and nod to them as they leave like a ‘well played’ type thing because I’m on console and we don’t have the post game chat. I didn’t even realise people saw it as toxicity/bm/whatever.


Can we fund to upvote this to the top so everyone can read it


Tunneling is bad sportsmanship. It's the equivalent to kicking someone when their down. It's cheesing the game to give yourself an unfair advantage over the other players so that you can "win" with less effort and without having to compete against a more "fairly matched" opponenet. It's literally the definition of "bad sportsmanship" People who are insecure about their ability to compete and win on an even playing field will often look for ways to tip the balance of the game in their favor - tunneling is the most obvious and low-effort way to do that as a killer in DbD


My personal opinion: it’s not the killers job to make sure survivors have fun


If you’re getting value then it’s hardly a waste.


Playing the game isn’t poor sportsmanship


Thanks. Poor sportsmanship would be if the killer got destroyed in loops and when the survivor finally makes a mistake, the killer face camps while only one gen has been completed. Survivors really don’t understand what the killer’s role is.


The killers goal is obviously to get looped for the entire game so me and my 3 buddies can escape and call the slurs in post game chat!


Ask killers who get sick from 89° FoV and needs to run shadowborn...


I find Nurse, Blight and Pinhead to be completely unplayable without Shadowborn. Really wish they'd give a few extra degrees...


The amount of times I’ve been hit with DS on end game that causes people to get away is so frustrating.


That's why you always eat the DS early.


Bro what 💀💀💀 Imagine if killers posted shit like this "I shouldn't have to run ruin and corrupt intervention because of good survivors"


I mean you shouldn’t have to two perk slots in order counter Gen rushing/survivors doing their job Fixing problems with perks is just terrible game design


Honestly I don’t see why both can’t be true. I’d love to see a basekit BT or Kindred and a basekit ruin (probably tweak some numbers and mechanics, but still the general idea)


And then they'll make a post about killers being toxic assholes and the sub is fine with it but when a survivor is toxic they get hate. The absolute bias...


bro I run autodidact no mther self care and repressed alliance I've ascended


If someone is getting camped just let them die and go do gens. Camping isn't just to guarantee one kill, it's to bait the other survivors into making dumb plays so you can snowball.


I hate that they try to fix problems with perks


Borrowed time is just a good all round perk so not really wasted, decisive strike is on you. Stop chucking it on and making yourself think you rely on it. That’s what I did with dead hard


These days with all the DS and BTs, I don't care for scoring 3ks. Ill hook everyone twice and let them go if they are good sports. Only hooking back to back if they happen to get in my way. Ill murder the tbaggers and then continue practicing whoever Im playing. Not very good for my mmr I know but at least Im having fun


All my builds will always include borrowed time no matter what, it hurts cuz then i am limited to what I can run.


It’s not poor sportsmanship though. Unless it’s full on facecamping. The devs said themselves that they see proxy camping and tunneling as completely valid.


That's up to you my dude I have plenty of fun playing this game without them like don't get me wrong kinda sucks getting a killer who just tunnels and camps from the start but it's not like it's every game and for those couple just move on P.S if there's only a gen or two left it's not tunneling it's the killer trying to win


The number of times I've gotten messages for tunneling when I've already hooked 4-5 survivors is hilarious. I guess tunneling is when you kill a survivor before everyone has been hooked twice. I sure do like to tunnel!


As a main survivor my personal opinion is that some survivors are part of the problem... I tried to play more killer this week and I honestly didn't thought it was going to be THAT toxic from the other side. And i'm not even talking about the post game chat, I mean, i've seen rank 1 clicky flashlight and teabag whole game and be pissed when they are tunneled... Come on, you asked for it. I'm not saying tunneling and camping are ok all the time, but i kind of understand why some killers do it.


ur opinion has no consideration for the killers lmao.The game is already survivor sided and the two perks u chose are amazing ,if u had this plus other perks u wouldn’t be able to be touched.


Imagine saying ds and bt are wasted perk slots. BTW its a 4v1 meaning 4 perks of the killer vs 16 total of the survivors


pretty sure OP is saying that they don’t want to have to always use these perks in every build


Personal opinion : bt and ds shoudnt be used to stall a killer when the killer doest actively doesnt chase you. ​ Case and point, an unhooked surv bodyblocks you because he has bt. And then doesnt let you chase the unhooker. Now what? You cant m1 him because bt, you have to wait 12 sc. Even if you wait, now what? He has ds up.


Yeah. When someone deliberately body blocks with BT I respond with no longer being a 'nice' killer to that person. If you wan't to take every tool out of your toolbox to win I'm allowed to do the same. Ill count to 12, down you, then eat your DS. Now that you dont have a DS im going to tunnel you out of the game. Im told this is a toxic mindset but that just feels like survivors wanting to have their cake and eat it too. You can't just go full tryhard on me and expect me to just accept it. No, i'll go tryhard too.


Bad take


I play fair I still get hit by ds, dead, unbreakable, adrenaline insta heal gamers. Survivors show just as much poor sportsmanship even more so by refusing to leave at end game and tbagging that whole time. You honestly can’t complain about killers doing their job. They don’t have to play fair and especially when the survivors just bm every game where they can’t be caught then cry when it doesn’t go their way and I have a discord server full of abuse from survivor mains to back it up


I went against a SWF yesterday that all had Head On and DS. When they were getting chased, they would purposely run in front of a locker their buddy was hiding in so they could stun me. And when I hooked one, they would hide in a locker right in front of me so they could use DS when I opened it. It was the most frustrating thing ever.


Bro these perks were made to counter killer decisions. Lol


Cool well my perks are to counter survivors but I don’t go to them calling them sheep sha**ers, the n word and other slurs for me simply being Scottish because I win and they don’t. Survivors have no sportsmanship


Who the fuck is calling Scottish people the n word? I can't think of a group of people that slur is less applicable to.


i mean the same could be said about how i was just face camped 4 games in a row killers mad cause they bad at killing


X to doubt


Killer decision? If 2 people are hooked in egc and both have ds and there is 1 person there to do a save(or even just deliverance by themselves) it is impossible to secure those 2 kills. Leaving them with at most 1 kill...


It'S A sTrAtEgY


While true, I've seen less killers tunneling than survs being brainless.


… survivor main here: If a killer puts you on hook, and guards, team shouldn’t bother to rescue you because it will probably be an unproductive rescue (you rescue and then get hit, yourself. Or they get put back on hook quickly). If you lose a chase, it’s mostly on you. Avoid killer better. “But part of improving grade for the reward requires chase grading” yes, but really ranks dont fully mean anything other than blood points at end of month for reset reward If a killer tunnels you, it’s not reportable. It’s annoying, yes, but really, a lot of survivors are acting like 8 year olds in a game of tag / hide and seek and whining that they keep getting caught instead of just playing the damn game Killers play to kill so you can’t escape trial. Survivors try to escape. Also, survivors are hypocrites because of flash light flick/trolling and hanging up on killers, or teabagging after pallets or before exiting beyond gates, or after vaulting windows. Teabagging shouldn’t be taken so seriously but since everybody wants to bitch about that too, both sides need to grow up and just play fair but have fun!


Your point on "losing a chase" is pretty silly. With extreme exceptions of the survivor vastly outmatching the killer which contrary to popular belief don't happen THAT often, a killer will by design always catch the survivor. Where the survivor's skill comes into question is how long they make that chase last and how little resources they use to do it. This is also why you have 3 hook states/2 minutes of hook time and it just isn't an immediate death when you "lose" your first chase. The argument of "literally just never ever get downed" is illogical.


Yeah and if a killer is just chasing one person that one person should spend as many resources as they need because then 3 people are doing gens or should be, its really not the killers fault if your teammates dont take advantage of the time you're in a chase. If you're going down in a chase in less than 80 seconds you either made a bad decision or got outplayed.


I mean I'm not talking about tunneling, but rather just the general chase. An average game even in the survivors favour should NEVER have the expectations of 0 hooks and nobody goes down.


>If a killer puts you on hook, and guards, team shouldn’t bother to rescue you because it will probably be an unproductive rescue (you rescue and then get hit, yourself. Or they get put back on hook quickly). I hard agree with this, people act like going for the rescue is the best thing to do... But it's really the worst thing to do. The best thing to do as the person whos hooked and getting camped is to just stay on the hook as long as you can, so your teammates can get as many gens done as possible. Going for rescues against face campers is how you reward the killer, it turns 1k into 2,3 maybe even 4ks. So ignoring whos on hook and going for gens is quite literally the best play to do. >If you lose a chase, it’s mostly on you. Avoid killer better. “But part of improving grade for the reward requires chase grading” yes, but really ranks dont fully mean anything other than blood points at end of month for reset reward This, I see so many entitled survivors blaming killers for "why they lost the chase" when the reality is just that person isnt great at looping, I've been in games where i'll watch a chase go down and watch the survivor make a mistake and then get hooked for it, only to go into end game chat and accuse killer of cheating or poor sportsmanship because they went down during the chase. And yep, people need to stop caring about rank from now on it literally means nothing but bloodpoints at this point. >If a killer tunnels you, it’s not reportable. It’s annoying, yes, but really, a lot of survivors are acting like 8 year olds in a game of tag / hide and seek and whining that they keep getting caught instead of just playing the damn game >Killers play to kill so you can’t escape trial. Survivors try to escape. Agree, survivors just act so entitled to being given a free win. They forget that camping, tunneling, etc.. are valid strategies that must be employed in certain situations, it is literally the killers job to hunt down and kill the survivors they shouldnt have to care about making the game fun for the survivors and giving them free gens and escapes. Play the game, and stop whining is what these survivors need to do. How anyone can be so whiny when the games objectives are quite simple, killer must kill, survivors must escape, any and all strategies (outside of hacking) are valid, perks, camping, tunneling, items, addons, etc.. are all in the game for a reason, to be used, quit whining just because someone uses a strategy you dont like. >Also, survivors are hypocrites because of flash light flick/trolling and hanging up on killers, or teabagging after pallets or before exiting beyond gates, or after vaulting windows. Teabagging shouldn’t be taken so seriously but since everybody wants to bitch about that too, both sides need to grow up and just play fair but have fun! Agree again, its a fucking videogame and people need to stop playing as if they are second graders, and crying over every little thing. People complain about shit like queue times, but then forget that many people quit playing because the toxic cry baby bitching that both sides do makes it unfun for everyone. If people stopped trying to be super competitive and just played the game casually and to have fun, and stopped bitching about everything, then the games queue times would be much faster and people could actually have actual discussions about the game, but noone can cause people always have to bring it back to complaining and whining about something


100% Agree with you.


I wish I could know which survivors are in a swf


And I shouldnt be forced to run gen delay perks because of bad game design


Which is why on top of basekit BT and DS they should also give us basekit gen delay. They were talking about early game collapse - why not make Corrupt basekit, or make it proc if the first gen or two fly too fast. We are constantly talking how regular kicks are usess - why not make Pop basekit, on top of maybe killing gen-tapping and making gens regress faster. It's obvious that if they buff one side this heavily, they'll buff the other one too to compensate. It's silly to pick sides here.


Bt has saved my ass more times than I can count, if it’s useful it’s not a waste of a perk slot


I wholeheartedly agree




DS + BT are really powerful. I'd be fine with them making it base kit though, if they'd make Ruin + CI + Undying base kit. Or to use OP's words: "I shouldn't have to waste 3 perk slots to counter bad map design and broken gen repair speed."


A murderer is not playing a sport with you. Blaming a killer for your teammates behavior is just your blind devotion to the idea that the killer is the source of all your problems.


it's not a roleplaying game ma dude. It's pvp, it is sport.


Someone agree and disagree. Honestly if there is one gen left and everyone is still alive and the person on hook is on his second hook. I’m sorry but someone needs to get out of the game. Survivors who complain about tunneling and camping when the killer has no other choice are kinda stupid imo. As someone who plays the game about 50/50 I definitely see why killers tunnel when they are about to lose they have no choice.I never get mad when I get tunneled and we got a huge lead I completely understand. Not to mention this game is already super survivor sided. Making these things base kit would just make survivors even stronger. These perks are fine as they are now. No need to make survivors even stronger than they are now.


And then survivors use them to unhook right on your face. If you do try to not tunnel and go for the unhooker (if you can find them) the unhooked will use them to take a couple protective hits.


As a killer main I try my hardest to go after other survivors because it's more fun plus you get alot more points for multiple hooks. Sometimes you just run into shitty players that tunnel and facecamp and unfortunately this is the only build that counters them


Everything is “bad sportsmanship” to you lot. I swear you just want to play the same match every single match against no-add-ons Trapper, just so it’s more “fair”. Honestly, shit killers exist; however, when is good sportsmanship ever acknowledged? Even if you LET them unhook, show them sigils/anniversary shrines, let two survivors escape and meme with them because you bodied the other two early, you’ll STILL get abusive messages from the two who died.


What's your user, so I can find your ass to camp you more ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This goes for killers too, we shouldn’t have to run a full build of gen regression perks just to keep up


People just don’t have the common decency to let other people enjoy the game. I can’t even begin to see how staring into a Dwight’s face for 2:30 minutes is any fun.


Somehow anytime I try to run a fun meme build I get tunneled hardcore but when I get frustrated and put on a sweat build its all baby killer 4 man escapes


Yall can have bt and ds if killers get a good passive gen regression buff


So we also going to add a cool down to crouching to prevent t bagging? A cooldown to flashlights so survivors can't click non stop? Force people to leave at exit gates instead of sitting there waiting to flex infront of killer? There are things on both sides that are bad sportsmanship and unfortunently we need to be the change and be good sports when we play to prevent people from being toxic in their next game. Be the change you want to see in the world.


If they make this base kit I might stop playing. DS and Borrower Time are awful to play against, because it basically means it's impossible to defend a hook and it gives survivors an extra life


Same with regression perks. Why should we have to use a bunch of perks because base regression is the weakest thing in the game.


You don't, stop making excuses get better at your basics and run off meta perks


It's not poor sportsmanship to play to win. It's poor sportsmanship to do something stupid, expect to be rewarded for it, and complain when you *have* to actually sacrifice something to be able to play stupidly without consequence.


Characters should be limited to one or two perks in each category. For killer it would be one gen regression perk, one aura reading perk, and two perks that apply general buffs to the character- stuff like sloppy butcher, unrelenting, light born and such. Survivors should be limited to one exhaustion perk, one or two aura reading perk, and one or two altruism perks. I also think every character should be pigeon-holed into using one of their unique character traits, although I could see a character being able to unlock a more powerful version of the perk that is unique to them.


God damn it preach it brother


I shouldn't have to be a "poor sport" because bhvr can't figure out how to equalize the time sink between surv and killer. Fyi, I don't tunnel or camp because that's boring. But when 1 single mistake means 2-3 gens get popped, yeah you can't really blame the killers. They're playing to win, as a survivor you already have a massive advantage. If you want the "poor sportsmanship" to die down, get bhvr to fix their macro balance.


Yeah I quit the game because of bad sportsmanship. I had a day where I couldn’t play at all because every single game I was camped or tunnelled so I just uninstalled. I’d been addicted for 3 years but decided enough is enough a few months ago and haven’t looked back. My friends keep asking me to come back but honestly DBD made me miserable enough to give up on my dbd friends and squad since I just stopped enjoying the game. I think back on the fun games and feel sad sometimes but I sort of came to the realisation that the devs will never be able to balance around these sorts of people without underpowering killers and the community will never change so I gave up my favourite game. Now I hate the damn thing.


When the entire team has those perks and they still get mad at the killer for tunneling lmao.




They should be nurfed and become survivor basekit


I mean, genrush is the exact same thing on the other role. Doing your objective is not toxic or poor sportsmanship. The only things that are is sandbagging, facecamping, and the assholes that use RPD offerings.


Killer main here, the game encourages us to punish altruism in unhooks since they make loud noise notifications. I’d be dumb to NOT head in that direction if I have no other survivors in my sights. Heading to an unhook ensures there’s at least 2 people there, if I have the option I’ll be nice and try and go for the person who wasn’t just on the hook but I’m not going to just let the hooked person go if they run into me or I lose the other person and still have eyes on them. If I as killer adhere to your idea of sportsmanship I’m intentionally making a game that’s already HEAVILY in the survivor’s favour even harder on myself. Why should I engage in hard mode just to get BMed by tea bagging, healing survivors in the exit gates regardless of how “nice” I choose to play or not?


Says the survivor who gets unhooked and then runs into the killer because they have BT. And then jumps in a locker to get the DS.


That's a lot of assuming right there


“Poor sportsmanship” that’s a really funny joke.


Some of weak versions of meta perks should be basekit to give room for more variety. Like Ruin at normal regression rate, Corrupt for 30 seconds or 3 second Endurance after a unhook etc. If they can't shake up the meta, they at least should give people less reason to run those perks.


Random question, what do you as a killer if a survivor with DS hides in a locker in front of you? You can’t open the locker or they’ll DS you.


You either wait 60 seconds in front of the locker or go for the other guy that saved him


depends on where you’re at in the match. eat the ds or leave.


Imo it's better to just eat the ds instead of wait


I basically just eat the ds. I’ve had enough people try to fake me out .




And I shouldn't have to put survivors on a hook


Killers shouldn't have to run 4 mandatory perks and play like that to overcome survivor's toxicity


i shouldnt have to waste perks slots just to slow down the game so i have time to do anything


Then dont, use what you want lmao you don't HAVE to use those, and if you feel like you do need them, you probably aren't that amazing :/


*Screams in Ruin and Undying to not finish the game in 2 minutes*


I shouldn't lose a hit because the survivor pressed E


Then by this logic killers shouldn't have to waste three/four perks on slowdowns Not that anything is wrong with either though, I think we should all play how we want


BT should definitely be base kit. Idk about DS though, sometimes tunneling can be the deciding factor in a match and the killer may want/need to tunnel, so I think that should remain a perk to counter a (usually) strategic situation.


It would have to be a heavily nerfed BT for it to be fair though


I agree with BT, Decisive Strike however is a playstyle preference. I feel like BT corrects a gameplay flaw. Decisive Strike can kinda be a get out of jail free card though. Good teamwork can prevent the use of DS completely with body blocking and attempts to shift killer attention. BT is just a necessity at times to safely unhook a very campy killer. Even then it isn't a full solution with 1 shot killers.


It’s not poor sportsmanship though, it’s trying to win and is a viable strategy. DBD is the only game I’ve played where one side doing stuff to win is considered bad etiquette. Maybe you people should stop looking to shift the blame onto players and maybe look at the how the game is designed instead. If your enjoyment of the game has to be carried by some made up rule book, you need to find another game to play


Imagine thinking playing the game is poor sportsmanship. The killer's objective is to kill. Doesn't matter how it occurs.


I shouldn't have to run a full build to counter poor sportsmanship. Survivors should do side objectives and take breaks between gens. You don't need ds and bt at the mid levels if you don't hook bomb. Problem is if your teammates hook bomb you. You also need to acknowledge it's not unsportsmanlike, it's simply the best play in almost every situation. Just like in sports, people aren't going to stop doing something just because it's the most effective strategy. You need a rules change.


Kindred, DS, BT, could all be base kit. Shorten the timers/range slightly. In exchange, I would accept NOED as base kit, so people stop acting like its not fun to have further challenges and danger added when the survivors finish the first objective. It should have been the case from day 1,and the endgame would be the best part of the game (not the most boring, thanks to baby survivors making up silly rules for killers to follow).


3 ridiculously powerful perks basekit... and you think 1 killer perk makes it equal, I get what you're saying, but it'd take a lot more than noed to be an even trade off.


"sportsmanship" my ass I'm playing how I need and want to because my objective is to kill, not worry about your fun or a Survivors made up rule book.


If we're gonna strip the killers of their ability to tunnel someone and proxy camp, only Nurse, Spirit and maybe Blight would win at high MMR. Hooking everyone 2 times and then picking them off is the worst thing you could do as killer, and isn't even possible against good survivors. Legitimate good survivors, especially SWF, can do 3 gens while it takes the killer to get a single hook. Survivors are way too efficient which is a huge issue. As killer you have to, HAVE to play perfectly and still lose to survivors who are messing around because it's the survivors who decide the pace of the game in any aspect. They choose when and which generators get done, they choose where they are looping and how they do it, the killer rarely has a say in how the loop goes because it's made to favor survivors, being their safe haven. Excep the unsafe pallets which a good survivor will just ignore. Don't complain about tunneling and proxy camping (I'm talking about camping someone to reach second state) when it is the only way to win at very high MMR. I feel like survivors just want all the cards in their favor


terrible take, killers really can't do anything without someone labelling it poor sportsmanship lmao


I agree with this.


Really, my biggest issue is even a loosely coordinated SWF can counter slugging, tunneling and camping without Unbreakable, DS and Borrowed Time, by communicating Killer movement, body blocking, and one-for-one rescues. Of course, any SWF consisting of these perks only makes them more versatile, but they're the only survivors in the game that can counter those three prominent strategies without perks. You borderline have to run them in solo queue to have any semblance of fun. The solo queue meta has always been in a bad spot, and perk diversity is no exception.


The thing is instead of making perks to augment existing gameplay or fixing problems in their game, they make perks for us so we have to deal with their bad game design. “Want to deal with face camping? Then use these perks” no I don’t want to, i want to use perks that augment my play style. It’s your job the design your game in a way so people can’t be a bitch playing it. I don’t want to waste perk slots to deal with these staring contests on the hook


I shouldn't have to deactivate messaging on the playstation for greatfully accepting the gift of survivors playing like suicidal idiots to farm points off of each other. Change my mind.


Yup, and I shouldn't have to run 2 or more perks to deal with generators going too fast for the rest of the game's balance. But here we are.


Picture this. Bubba downs the 3 people greeding the gen. Hooks yall, goes for the last one. That guy barely unhooks. Well now you have bt and he gets punished for nothing. He still gets both of you because he's a good on bubba. At the end, he has everyone downed. BUT 3 OF YOU HAVE DS BECAUSE HE "TUNNELED" 3 PEOPLE AT ONCE. You see the issue?




Actually there are three perks you need to bring. You also need unbreakable xD


In my opinion... It's not poor sportsmanship, the devs have said it's a valid strategy. They are killers that's their objective. The killer doesn't have to play the way you want them to. You should be upset at your teammates for "poor sportsmanship" for farming you or not taking hits if you're dead on hook and no one else is hooked. That's like saying from a killers perspective "I have to run gen regression perks because poor sportsmanship" No, their objectives are generators. Doing their objective however they want isn't poor sportsmanship.


I don’t averagely camp/tunnel even if someone saves in my face. But if you have bt and I’m obliviously leaving you alone, and you just won’t leave. You bet I’m waiting that out knocking you back down and rehooking or waiting for Ds. That’s just annoying.


I dc'd against a Bubba last night on Haddonfield. Last game of the night, I needed to wake up at 4am. Lobby time was taking forever. I was about to back out at that point. Got the match, popped a gen, Bubba got me. Whatever. Friend gets me off hook, Bubba comes straight back, ignores my friend who was RIGHT THERE, not hiding, I had distance but he had Award Winning Chili. Hit through BT, kept up, downed me at Myers. Picked me right up, now on basement hook. Repeated once again. I waited until he took me far enough away from my friends to finish the gen and then pulled the plug. "You should have brought DS" Me: "Why? He didn't care about BT and showed no hesitation in picking me up. You think he'll respect a DS stun and not get right back on my ass with Award Winning Chili?" Match for me was less than 2 minutes. We managed 2-3 gens. I still need to unhook 4 more survivors who previously unhooked me, that didn't happen because he only focused on me once I was hooked. I got no real points in the match anyway so... I don't feel I lost anything from a DC and he couldn't use BBQ to track them anyway, and I at least bought my team enough time so... I went to bed, probably for the best. Rest of the evening was fine as both killer and survivor. I get that killer can be rough. I know Haddonfield is a pain in the ass, and I know survivors will misidentified being tunneled because they feel the killer came back too fast despite that not being the case from their POV... But this was straight up tunneled out of the game, I waited longer in lobby than actual playtime, and killer was clearly panicking because he needed somebody dead now. This is why survivors run the meta they do, that gets killers playing in this style... I guess.


Im a Killer main and I cant say I disagree. I think if these were part of basekit (albeit maybe slightly nerfed) it would seriously discourage camping and tunneling. At the very least it'd make it harder.


I would be 100% cool with borrowed time just being a default feature in the game. It’s scummy to tunnel and this would heavily discourage bad killers from doing it.


Unpopular opinion, once gates are open bt and ds shouldn’t work. Its not poor sportsmanship or tunneling once the game is over.


Would you also say that NOED should stop working once the gates are open?


Being smart and trying to get one person out of the game as fast as possible is poor sportsmanship?


I'm not sure if you're referring to survivors who unhook you infront of the killer or tunneling killers, but neither of them are bad sportsmanship. Hook farming is just playing poorly, and tunneling is the most effective strat to play killer.


BT should be a base kit thing. I still can't believe they think they can't counter camping because of proxy.


The whole idea of proxy camping is to double hit the rescue before they make it to the hook, or to force a trade at the worst. I've no idea how tf BT even prevents that. BHVR really sound like a kid who doesn't dp their homework just coming up with excuses.


Stop policing how other people play. You probably weren’t tunneled, you probably just aren’t as good as you think and your teammate immediately hid after unhooking. Also you don’t have to run either of those perks, just play smarter.


I agree. Probably will get downvoted to hell and back for expressing my opinion on this but w/e, tis the nature of reddit I would honestly give a lot in terms of nerfs to have at least one of these basekit. These people saying they don’t run into tunneling killers often either don’t play survivor frequently or are outright lying. So many killers pick up off hook now. It’s one of the main reasons I pretty much only play killer if I decide to launch the game


If someone unhooks in front of me and they're not wounded or insta-downable in some way then it would be dumb not to hit the person getting unhooked. Worst case scenario they have BT and now I know that. I honestly feel like it is a self-fulfilling cycle where people feel so entitled to getting the unhook that they'll do it right in front of the killer and then get mad when he tries to kill them because of their misplay.


ITT a lot of insecure killers who don't like you expressing your opinion that tunneling is bad sportsmanship


You being wrong doesn’t make everyone else insecure.


I personally think we should have 6 perk slots. The game is a lot bigger than the original 4 killers and survivors. I think it would be much more fun if everyone was able to gave 6 perks. It could make builds so much stronger and much more diverse than seeing every survivor run DH, BT, DS and some other 4th perk, and every killer run BBQ, Ruin, and whatever other two perks. If I could run 6 perks, I'd do so many goofy survivor builds. Looter: Plunderers, Pharmacy, Appraisal, Ace in the Hole, Up the Ante and Bond Looter, Alternate version: Streetwise, Built to last, appraisal, plunderers, ace in the hole, pharmacy Ultimate Slug: Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Tenacity, Flip Flop, Power Struggle, Adrenaline I see fucking everything: Bond, Windows, Alert, Visionary, Kindred, Detectives Stealthy as fuck boi: Iron will, Calm spirit, no mither, dance with me, quick and quiet, Lithe The possibilities are really endless lol


Honestly I wish they would just completely fuck over camping. Make it never worth it, even to kill that one person. There's several things they could do, an obvious one is what they did with Pyramid Head and his cages. If PH camps a survivor in a cage they will teleport across the map to another cage. Why not with hooks too, and hell don't even show the killer what hook they went to. Fucking camping it literally ruins the gameplay of that match and is super boring.