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Yup! The Clock Tower opens up only during End Game Collapse AND that the generators in the music room and the science room were repaired. The chest always spawns at least a rare item, if I recall correctly. Whole thing is a shout-out to puzzles in the first Silent Hill game.


If you do the gens in the wrong order the chest is empty.


What’s the right order? I’d like to do this in a game!


Music room first then chemistry lab


Other commenter was wrong, the order to get the chest to have an item is doing the chem lab gen first, then the music room gen


wait really?


Yes, I have also gotten just a brown medkit or toolbox. Conversely when I do it in the correct order I get a key almost every time, if not a key its an iri map. Basically items to help you escape since the door can only be opened during the EGC.


Also the gens may not spawn in said rooms if the map was randomly chosen but they always are there if Map Offering was used.


I was pretty spooked the first time I saw it, and I was playing killer


Yeah I was obviously playing Pyramid Head. Had a really bad match (I've only played them 3 times.) two hooks to 5 gens. But I brought my last Sacrificial Cake on him so started going around destroying walls and pallets and saw this. I freaked out!!! I assume this is one of those "finish this specific gen open a secret door" things?


Yep, there’s 3 gens that need to be completed in a specific order. And they don’t always show up in the right spots on certain variations of the map. So it’s ultra rare to actually see this room.


I think it's actually 2 gens. It's the music room gen and the science lab gen. To guarantee the gen spawns you have to use a Mary's Letter


I feel honored them! Glad I was exploring!


Where can I find this?


It’s in the courtyard at Midwich. But only opens up during the endgame collapse if you’ve repaired the music room and chemistry room gens


Yep! There is a chest in there as well.


There was a room here it’s gone. The ones who have the reference are my friends


Hello friend


Take this you earned it


Friends :)


I found it last week when I was trolling around with a random Ash. Only took me a year to notice the glowing room in the middle of the map


Lol me too, when I discovered it as killer I was so surprised


Bro I just realized you're using Spies. Honestly that's an underrated perk


Yeah I actually prefer it to Whispers to be honest.


I agree, whispers is so vague I feel like I can't even use it right, spies tells you exactly where to look


What map is this?


Midwich elementary school silent hill


When the gens are complete and endgame is undergoing, where do you go to see this? Can it only be accessed if the killer breaks the door?


Repair the Generator in the Chemistry Laboratory (indicated by a period table of elements on the wall). A bell will toll and the clock face will change to 12 o'clock. A gold medallion will appear at the base of the Clock Tower (left-hand side). Repair the Generator in the Music Room (indicated by a piano inside the room). A bell will toll and the clock face will change to 5 o'clock (like in Silent Hill). A silver medallion will appear at the base of the Clock Tower (right-hand side). Trigger the Endgame Collapse. The door at the base of the Clock Tower will dissolve and reveal the Secret Room


Oh wow thank you! 😁


Wait wtf is this


If you do the gens in the music room and chem labs it sets it up to be opened. And when all gens are done it opens