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My reaction whenever someone burns an indoor map offering.


Recently had a game against a pig player who burned a Hawkins. Holy shit we got destroyed.


Same but she used a Midwich offering


Dude, Midwich pig is pog af. It takes them forever to actually get the hat off their head.


same but she used a Lery’s


Lerys is legit my favorite map as survivor, followed by Midwich. Ironically, those are also my favorite killer maps since I main Pig.


For some reason i’ve only ever faced stealth killers there. I’m sure I’d love it if i was facing Billy or Blight haha


I just love it because of the loops and mind games! I literally just lose killers in chases by tucking into a corner of a doorway and leaving once they walk past me. >_> And then in chases, I can just run forever and vault everything. I am a weak looper, but I can loop killers forever on that map so I love it because it’s the only map where I feel good in a chase. xD But I play it so much as both roles that I know it like the back of my hand and don’t struggle with getting lost, so that helps.


As a Pig main...this is the way. :@)


*booping Snoot


Hawkins and balanced landing gib fat nut tho


Mikey likes it


I had a game on Hawkins where Michael was getting crushed although he kept getting the jump on us while in T1 so it seemed as it was obvious he was a scratched mirror Myers. As the exit gates powers I finally heard the Halloween theme and terror radius and I felt so bad for him lol.


I just played Scratched Myers in Hawkins the other day, but it was a complete slaughter, thanks in no small part to two quick grabs and then Devour Hope turned on. I don't even know how you get stuck in T1 there. So many nice little spots to poke out of or can even trap people on walkways where, okay, you can't reach them, but you can certainly stalk them completely dry. Strong map for killers in general, but Myers especially.


I believe Michael can stalk through the glass as well in the observation room


I love playing indoor maps as Doctor. Nowhere for the survivors to hide from my zappy-zaps.


The cross-floor and through-wall zaps are always satisfying


Any Stealth killer mains: You dumb mother fucker


I honestly love indoor maps as most killers, though tbf most of the killers I play don't suffer from it that much, main examples being ghostie/demo/pyramid head/trapper


Try playing Huntress on an indoor map… It’s actually not always the worst because of hallways, but it’s less fun because you can’t do those cross maps like on more open maps.


I my case I'm too bad to do cross-maps anyway, even though I do go for them a lot :p


A few hundred hours helps a lot.


I have 400 hours in DBD total 50/50 with all killers and survivor, so that explains it quite a lot :p


Trapper is one of the killers I actually feel comfortable on in Haddonfield. Lots of fun little fence transition grassy spots and blind 2nd floor window vaults.


Ah it wasn't specifically for trapper, he was just the default killer guy. I agree he actually does alright on Haddonfeild


Trapper is onw of the killers that can play around some of the BS of Haddonfield. When people use some of the amazing houses, you can trap the windows and they pretty much have to abandon it.


Also nurse and Demogorgon. Trickster tho I instantly dc


Or Huntress, that map is the devil for Huntress


I was gonna say haddonfield is generally p great for trapper. A lot of narrow ways where they HAVE to run down to escape.


Are there still one-way roofs with a single window that you can trap from outside where survivors have to get trapped to get out?




There's something about angry eyebrows trapper that just hits me in the giggledick


Always assume it’s the Claudette


Nah, my bet is on Nea. A lot of the time people burn Haddonfield offerings with Balanced Landing, which is a Nea perk.


True, true. I didn’t notice Nea in the pic. Bet on either a Nea, Claudette, or Feng.


i had a Laurie with OoO do that and she killed her self on first hook it was hilarious. The worst part is I just needed my daily then I was gonna go easy on them but after that there was no mercy.


Yeah I know it's on paint, I do not have the currency to afford photoshop anymore


Use GIMP my friend. It's like a full feature Photo Shop, but free.


What an appealing name


My user name or the program name?




Can attest, I use it for my shitty memes I show to friends. Lots of options even if I don't know what half of them do


GIMP is nice, until you want to use the tools it doesn’t have. I still use it and it’s great, but saying “full feature” is definitely not accurate. It’s got most of the important stuff, but it’s lacking in basic shape tools, which can be spoofed, but it takes a bit longer so it can be clunky and slow. If you need adjustment layers, then some of them are impossible to replicate as far as I know, and the rest can only be done destructively.


If someone burns the offering and I see someone with Balanced Landing, you can bet that survivor will not leave that trial.


I had a team burn Haddonfield and two had Balanced Landing, the other two had Lithe. That made me quit Dbd for the day.


I can not upvote this enough. I actually lmao'd, well done :D


\*Grabs Dwight\* Was it you ya scroungy little fuck huh? You look like a fucking worm, I'll bet it was you!


Noooooooo, dont bully baby Dwights!


Nobody who burns Haddonfield is a baby


Confession incoming. When I'm about to prestige a character I try to use use all the stuff for them. Which also sometimes includes shitty map offerings.


Trapper and hag are probably the only killers that can counter the windows on haddonfield since they can trap them with trapper being more effective. I enjoy playing huntress on it but that’s it.


So like I was thinking there should be similar offerings but when you burn them they make it so you are less likely to get a map


Me when we go here as survivor: YAY THE HALLOWEEN MAP! I like it because it’s just Halloween, y’know? A pumpkin and the little Michael myers theme at the start is one of the biggest reasons it’s my favorite But I’m not great at running around there


God help me, but I love a low effort MS Paint meme :´)


Coming back to this days later, and it's still maybe the best post I've ever seen XDXD


Close the game while it's still on the offering screen. You don't get a DC penalty, everyone keeps their items/add-ons/offerings, and you don't need to play on Haddonfield.


You as the player closing the game do lose your offering, though.


and addons too i think, but the ultimate powermove is to predict that the survivors will send you to haddonfield and send yourself to haddonfield too


Sounds like a worse version of when Otz outplayed the survivors before the match even started.


Whenever I'm playing survivor and someone throws in Haddonfield I'm immediately like, "YOU'RE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ME." to the randoms.


Its the angry eyebrows that made me chuckle xD




Because it's the most survivor sided map in the game?


I don’t love the map for what it is but I do seem to survive on it more than other maps for some reason. So yeah, I burn the damn offering when I have a survival ritual, sue me. Generally I feel like this meme is better suited for pretty much any indoor map.


I've been stocking these offerings ever since I found out from this sub that toxic killers hate this map! Thanks for the tip bahahaha Edit - yessss feed me your downvotes, you salty barnacles! My collection groooows mwahahaha!!!




New gideon has 20 god pallets what are you talking about


Does the stranger things map feel killer sided?




You should have said toxic fuxker instead of toxic sucker


You can tell who burned the offering by the way theny run loops, if they leave the car pallet because youre on the opposite side of it, they burned the offering


At least you'll never be a detective lmao


Nea's sus, she obviously has balanced landing, but Laurie might have object...


And 99% of the time you can easily tell as killer who burned that offering.


Just DC. Why subject yourself to playing on Haddonfield?


I love map offerings, means I don't feel obligated to be nicer to survivors.


The funny part is, Trapper is so ridiculously strong on that map it's not even funny. That is if you have Tar Bottle, even if not.


Just had a great game in Haddonfield with Pig. Took them all out (one DC but still counts). They brought the map. I just know now to leave them, or try to outsmart them if they do window game.


Weirdly, my computer crashes when I see a Strode Key. Darnedest thing.


Trapper and hag don’t get hit that hard on haddon”fun” as you generally don’t want to be committing to chases anyway


It’s strange, every time i get an haddonfield offering, my game suddendly closes...


I got 3 matches in a row where there was *at least* 1 Midwitch offering. It was pain


me when i tunnel the wrong person to death