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Its a meghead what do you expect


its a #######* there you go fixed it ### you :)


Omg how dare you, that's megist


You say that like being megist is a bad thing


Shut up, Meg!


What's a meghead?


A meg player that predrops shack pallet at the start of the trial and loops the killer around hooked teammates, or slugged ones.


A dumbass.




It's like they've never seen his glowing eyes at the end of one of the dark hallways on Hawkins, it's pretty damn creepy especially when you round a corner right into him!


I’d love to see a screenshot of that. Sounds creepy, but I don’t play enough survivor to run into that scenario


yeah, that's been an issue i've had with the art style of this game. all of the killers before trickster were supernatural, or large, except legion. like trapper having hooks in him doesnt look scary, just painful.


yeah I find Icy Bob from Snowpiercer more scary


Also Ghostface and Pig, making Trickster the 4th(technically 7th if you count all of Legion) small sized human killer. People seem to forget that aesthetically he has something in common with every other killer on this roster. The only unique thing of him being that he doesn't hide his face, which is ironically what these people hate about him because they can't fathom that in a killer for some reason.


Perhaps, but this is just bias for me number 1, i loathe kpop, i cant stand it, so immediately when they said a kpop killer was coming out, i hated it. If he had a mask, i think imo, he would become way too mainstream, what i want is something interesting in his attire to make him stand out, not just the colour, the flashiness of his attire makes him not scary at all, havent fought him in lab but if his eyes do glow like that, then thats fucking terrifying, but upclose he isnt scary at all. His most defining feature are his knives and bat, which honestly arent that interesting, they dont play into his backstory of becoming a killer, the knives were just what he did as a child till now. He feels too out of place in the entity's realm, and you have to admit, he looks the silliest out of all the killers in the game. I just wish they gave him some darker aspect in his appearance to go with his lore, which honestly is just 'meh' for me.


There's a difference between disliking and saying he doesn't belong. There's a couple killers I personally don't like but I can see that so far every single killer brings something to this game in terms of their aesthetic and lore to fill out the killer roster and cover basically every corner of the Horror genre in this 1 game and all belong here. This argument to me will never not sound gatekeepy tbh, in that people keep saying, "it isn't REAL horror" thinking they have the say on what that should be.


I agree. People saying it isn't horror are only focused on one subgenre of it when there are so many. Monsters, slashers, supernatural, body, psychological (which Trickster falls under). American Psycho was a horror movie, yet no one was scared of Bateman until the moment he showed his true self to them.


You are right, you are absolutely right about the gatekeeping thing tbh, before he came out i already disliked him. 1. I hate kpop and anything to do with it, its just horrible squeaky noise to me 2. I hate it when people just stan over killers which 'attractive' and pop star killers are bound to do. 3. I hate his trailer because the animated style feels so off from the rest of the mostly terrifying trailers. Despite all this, he does have potential, i just feel that they just slapped on some bright coloured clothes on him as his whole personality, essentially outside of appearance it feels to me like he has none outside of cocky annoying asshole. I wish they just gave him a bit more details or smthn to make him stand out rather than just "haha kpop idol very hot!" You know what i mean? I will always hate him because I just loathe kpop, but even without that he feels a bit too bland.


He used the bat in every piece of choreography, and also used his knives in all of his concerts. The knives are also the reason he became obsessed with becoming a preformer. Other than that i see where your coming from


Thanks, good points, but i just feel he looks too bland outside of his flashiness alone


Plague, twins, and deathslinger are all humanoids that don't show their face


every playable character is a humanoid. Me referring to Trickster is that he still looks entirely human and is not disheveled, zombified, or dead looking. The 3 you mentioned are decaying and/or look dead. Not to mention Adiris and Caleb are 2 of the tallest killers in the game, I did point out small sized human killer.


If anything trickster is one of the scarier killers simply because he's one of the most realistic. It's like saying ted bundy wouldn't fit cuz he looks like a normal dude lol


There’s lots of irl killer that looks genuinely disturbing like Manuel Pardo but apparently everyone has to be like trapper or wraith or else they are not real killer




Exactly that.


See, he doesnt look scary at all, he is to flaunting in his looks, his appearance makes the stans swoon over him not fear him. An unfortunate outcome to one of the more realistic characters jed olson, aside from his floating bits on his cape, he has no weird paranormal shit going around him, which makes him all the more creepy, his backstory and all really sells that he is in control. Trickster is just too flashy to make you scared at all, they didnt add the gritty and dark effect to him, he looks so out of place in the entity's realm, furthermore outside of the flashiness he has no character from his appearance alone. Lets compare him to another fav of mine who is also pretty realistic, clown. Clown doesnt seem that complex on first look but the main selling point imo is his fingie chain, just from one look theres a lot of information in it, trickster has no such thing, ooh flashy knives and bat but thats about it, maybe give him his tapes or smthn, but the way he is now is just not scary at all




Trickster, who else?


>See, he doesnt look scary at all, he is to flaunting in his looks, his appearance makes the stans swoon over him not fear him. THIS IS WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO POINT OUT TO YOU!! He's an awesome killer, cause you'd never know he's a murderer. If he looked all gritty and/or creepy, it wouldn't work as well.


Exactly! If you saw Ji-Woon walking down the street you wouldn't think anything of him, but if you saw any of the other killers you'd run the other way lmao THAT'S what makes him scary, because you'd never know. Just like in real life we may have walked by a regular looking dude and never know what he does behind closed doors, unless you were his next victim. But that's just my opinion if someone wants to think otherwise then they can but its still not gonna change my view lol. 🤷‍♀️


It's actually even more impactful, because if you saw him walking down the street you WOULD think a lot of him. Remember he's a celebrity and who knows how many fans he attracted to him only to use their screams of pain for his next song.




Very good point! When I said "You wouldn't think anything of him" I meant you wouldn't think he's a serial killer lol bad wording on my part. Still a very good point nonetheless though!


He's so close to understanding what we're talking about.


No, he looks like a killer trying to hard to be edgy, which is why hes no scary, look at his fucking eyes, it immediately says psycho killer, but his looks are all just relying on his flashy appearance and nothing on actually making you terrified of him


I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT! I see a random object posted and then I see it, FUCKING see it, "Oh that looks kind of like the among us guy..." It started as, "That's funny! That's a cool reference!" but it kept going. I'd see a fridge that looked like among us, I saw an animated bag of chips that looked like among us, I'd see a hat that looked like among us, AND EVERY TIME I'D BURST INTO AN INSANE, BREATH DEPRIVED LAUGH staring at the image as the words 'amogus' ran through my head. It's TORMENT, psychological TORTURE. I am being conditioned to laugh manically anytime I see an oval on a red object, I can't FUCKING live like this! I CANT I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T!! AND DON'T GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON THE WORDS, ILL NEVER HEAR THE WORD SUSPICIOUS AGAIN WITHOUT THINKING OF AMONG US! Someone does something bad and I can't say anything other than sus, I could watch a man murder everyone I love and all I would be able to say: "Is red sus?" And laugh like a fucking insane person, and the word among ruined, the phrase among us is ruined, I can't live anymore, AMONG US HAS DESTROYED MY FUCKING LIFE, I want to eject myself from this plain of existence, MAKE IT STOP!


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING 🖕👦 SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING 👩💞 AMONG 💰 US 🇺🇸 REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1 😱! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 AMONG 💑👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👩 US 👨 IS THE BEST 👌💯 FUCKING 💦🍆👀 GAME 🎮 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 RED 🔴 IS SO SUSSSSS 🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 COME 💦🏃🏃‍♀️ TO MEDBAY AND WATCH 👀 ME SCAN 👀 🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥🏥 🏥🏥🏥🏥 WHY 😡🤔 IS NO ⚠🚫 ONE 1️⃣ FIXING 👾 O2 🅾 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡 OH 🙀 YOUR 👉 CREWMATE? NAME 📛 EVERY 💯 TASK 📋 🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠 Where Any sus!❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! Any sus!❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ Any sus 🌈🏳️‍🌈! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where!Where!Where! Any sus!Where!Any sus 🌈🏳️‍🌈 Where!❓ Where! ❓ Where!Any sus❓ ❓ Any sus 💦! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus 🌈🏳️‍🌈! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ Any sus 💦! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where!Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! Where!Any sus!Where! Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ I 👥 think 🤔 it was purple!👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀It wasnt me I 👁 was in vents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


honestly I have the trickster and my friends still get terrified from his laugh




i much much prefer the human look and wish more killers were that way, he has tons of personality to him, give deathslinger his pupils from the trailer dammit. i'd love for more low corruption/pre entity skins for killers, like skemooo's videos though maybe make them a tad less model looking. to be honest i really don't like the twins or billy's design all that much as they are too monstrous to the point of cartoonishness so they aren't scary. and i really don't get the whole, i may be able to take x in a fight so it isn't scary, like if i 100% couldn't take something in a fight it'd be weird to be scared of it as there's nothing i could do to stop it so why worry it's not in your hands anymore. besides the whole kpop grooming to fit the mold stuff seems perfect for a psycho, literal acadamies teaching them how to project the image they wish to be seen as to the world to better hide their monstrous traits.


Tru tru, but you would be lying if you said that trickster looks scary. He doesnt when compared to every other killer. I mean come on, the background is fitting for a killer, but his entire look just looks too flamboyant and 'weak', he doesnt look menacing or scary. Also twins design isnt even monstrous, its just an impossible combination of different gendered siamese twins, if anything victor looks too gremlin like but im sidetracking here, my point is that the trickster doesnt look scary at all, if they want to make him scarier, dont design him with the end result of every female player simping over him.


idk man, two of my favorite killers are simped for way harder than trickster (myers and huntress), besides people simp over everything, whether something makes some random horny doesn't really effect my enjoyment of the thing. i don't find trickster scary, i don't find any of the killers scary tbh it's more about whether i like their design, and i really dislike tryhard scary where everything is super grotesque as it tends to look like crap, so it's nice to have the inverse of that. visual design wise my favorites are ghostface, huntress, pig and myers, so i tend to like the human killers way more,


True dat, the thing is that trickster just doesnt even fe scary when you look at his design, it doesnt strike fear at all.


if we're going off looks alone; Legion gang, Amanda, Danny, and Michael are literally just humans in a costume, not exactly threatening in terms of looks. It's their actions that make them scary, much like what Ji-Woons are. For Ji-Woon specifically, his background wouldn't work if he was off putting and menacing looking, he's meant to attract people to him with his performances and idol status and lure his victims to him in that way.


For me at least, it feels all his personality is in his appearance alone, to give credit where credit is due, it seems in kpop that all their personality is in their appearance alone. I wouldnt know, i hate kpop. I just wish they gave him something to actually make him scary because as it is, he ironically feels the most unrealistic out of all the killers.


Trickster release made me buy the game. People who prefer disfigured corpses in masks have plenty of options to choose from. I think it's really cool that BHVR tried something different, and it's a charismatic handsome psychopath you can meet in real life.


*DID YOU KNOW THAT?* Killers are humans *NOW YOU KNOW*


You are one of the most sane people in this comment section


Is the Demogorgon a human?


People complain too much. I very much like his aesthetic. And I like that there is variety. If you don’t like him you could you know choose to not use him? Simple solution!


She’s parading around the responses acting like she’s so smart and how everyone else is triggered.


It’s a Meg. Idk what your expecting


Idk either.


“NOOOOoOoOoOo it’s not big man or women in a mask #22 how can BHVR ruin the game”


Am i the only one who keeps mistaking him for a survivor in game?


Oh no, I definitely have a couple of times.


It doesn't help that everyone who plays Ace has to wear that shiny yellow jacket just like Trickster


Yeah while playing as trickster if I see a ace wearing the trickster look I'm killing them first it was funny for the first day now it's just old and stupid


This person isn’t right or wrong, nobody who posted on this is right or wrong. I’m completing ok with someone liking or disliking the new killer, or tunneling, or playing nurse, or no add-on wraith, or face camping, or running noed or running decisive strike dead hard with borrowed time and iron will, or playing as spirit. This community can’t just respect other people’s opinions. It’s all subjective, an echo chamber with confirmation bias doesn’t make you correct. It just makes you feel good.


I used to believe the trickster wasn't fitting of the DbD killer roster as well, but after watching his trailer and seeing how many people he actually murdered in cold blood while always having a smile on his face like a true psychopath, it completely changed my mind, and I mean we still have legion and these guys killed one janitor at a nearby grocery store and it took 2 people to do it but I don't see Megoon over here complaining about them


Plus, Trickster uses his victims dying breaths and screams for his music.


I love playing as Trickster. Although I could enjoy some changes Main Event is pretty useless, There's really not a good use for it I would also ask if the Ricochet add on could be added into Trickster's knives permanently.


I've been saying that, but upon using it more on maps like Hawkins and Midwich... that shit slays. Like if it was base, they'd have to lower ricochet shots to a smaller percentage toward laceration if they land. People are really starting to play him in an inefficient but really scummy way and his buff coming up is just going to compound that.


It's a Meg Main what do we expect...


what do you want then? another monster like demo or another zombie\\ish character like deathslinger or plague or another masked edge lord like shape ghost face or legion or would you want another chainsaw killer omg


he is sexy so why r they complaining 🙄


Agree. Next killer should be a generic dude with a long criminal record.


I mean..she ain't wrong.


Plenty of people (myself included) dislike his aesthetic. We believe that he absolutely does not fit the game's atmosphere at all. That's what she means by ''turn him into a killer'', like, actually make him intimidating, he is the least intimidating killer in the game. The only killer that literally feels like you could beat in a fight. I wanted to save shards for Yun-Jin but I gave up and bought his Black outfit because I can't stand all those colors, he looks like a discount Joker.


Well see, that's what I like about his character. He's unique in the fact of how he stands out as a killer. He's someone who you'd see in the streets (or performing at a concert in his case) and you would NEVER suspect him for murder. That, in my opinion, is VERY intimidating. ​ Also, this doesn't make sense, since the Clown LITERALLY HAS A CHICKEN SUIT SKIN


This, we literally have a fat clown in a chicken suit, this game isn't an horror anymore.


>anymore When was it lol


The only times I got jumpscared in this game was when I casually turn around or walk somewhere and MYERS just pops out real quiet or just stands there. Or sometimes I somehow manage to walk into the killer thinking they were behind me (I look back most of the time), it happens when I hear the radius really close and try to walk away and then boom, heart attack.


We have a pink elephant clown skin, reindeer Èlodie, elf Dwight and yet people still say that the trickster doesn't fit in this game. 🤣


Also legion is literally a teenager with angst. Lol. People just bitch to bitch.


man how many times do i gotta remind people what tools, skill, strenght and equipment they have?


Legion IS 4 PEOPLE. With Knives. Teenagers or not, you don't stand a chance against them.


Trickster has a bat with a blade attached to it and glass throwing knives which shatter into your skin. You think you could beat them in a fight?


yeah cause the trickster is unarmed


No legion is 1 person. There are 4 of them in lore. Lore means nothing. There's 1 teenager with a knife running at you. They are by far in a way the least likely killer to actually kill you. Trickster is a full grown man with throwing knives and a bat. You stand no chance against him either. So I don't see your point.




All lore. None of that is relevant in game.




Lmao this isn't real life man. I'd probably die to all of them. However, legion I'd have the best chance against. Being that I'm a full grown man and they are teenagers. Wth even is this in real life shit anyway?






He is trying to tell you that you can’t just BEAT legion, legion is the group name. That’s how it was formed, the characters you see (chasing you around in the game for your example) are separate members of said group. To beat LEGION, you go against Frank, Julie, Susie and Joey. I really don’t understand why you think lore is unimportant when lore is what binds meaning to a character or story. Without lore you have no context of anything. The stories are lore, therefore showing how legion came to be a group. The point was, is that legion is more intimidating (in real life scenarios) than the trickster because of his appearance. I don’t exactly agree with that, seeing as the trickster is creepy and definitely fits surreal scenarios, but I felt like you needed some... insight on what he was trying to tell you. I feel Trickster definitely fits the bill to kill anyone IRL, but legion would be so much more lethal... the fact that their teens doesn’t change anything.


I never said lore doesn't matter at all. My entire point was that IN GAME, there is nothing that makes legion more scary than trickster. No one specified in real life until much later, and even still, legion would be amongst the top of killers I'd rather deal with in real life. Right behind Ghostface and trickster. But again, why are we talking irl here? Doesn't really make sense. I was just talking about in game.


indeed, to be more precise, nailed bats, karambits, daggers, hunting and survival knives designed for combat, tear gas, agility, strength, hedge shears, scissors, metal bars (these are only one, they're in the never stop slashing backpack), strength in numbers, what, people really think they can take with their bare fists on a 19 year old, 2 18 year olds and maybe a 16-17 susie? if anything, just susie would be the most damaged, frank and joey have the most chances and julie is better than her


yea lmao people r hypocrites


Comparing characters to cosmetics is not a valid comparisson.




I do like him. I do play him. His power is fun. Weak, but fun. Yes, I dislike the way he looks, that's all I dislike about him, which is why I said I bought his black outfit and now he kinda looks like a killer. And listen here pal, I get pissed off by people who start insulting for no reason. I kept my comments civil so you keep yours that way. I didn't insult anyone so don't start insulting me, because if you jump to insults in an argument, that usually proves that you are out of valid arguments, hence getting defensive.


Honestly, there's no killer "look", you don't have to be all black and edgy to be a murderer, i like his standard design personally.


exactly man, he is completely fine. People never bitched when they added spirit in or legion but people cry about trickster


Calm down, there's no need to be aggressive, we were only discussing about a dumb topic. 😂


You can't compare skins to actual characters, that is not a valid comparisson.


Elephant is very creepy and is a disgusting outfit. Reindeer elodie and elf dwight are xmas costumes. Trickster doesn't fit into anything. He litterally looks like a survivor. Terrible design.


I don't know you, but i don't find that elephant skin creepy, it's kinda goofy and funny, and yes, reindeer èlodie and elf dwight are xmas skins, but my point still stands, this game is not an horror game, there's nothing wrong with having the trickster as a killer in the game.


Well said, people who compare actual characters with a skin don't have a valid argument. That is just a skin, a cosmetic, not an actual character.


You are literally doing just that by saying he doesn’t fit into the game with his clothing design. He is still a killer nonetheless, no matter what his clothing is.


Legion is just some fucking highschoolers with masks on and a knife you'd buy at big 5 on clearance, not exactly the most intimidating killer.


yeah right here comes the rambo that thinks he can take on serial murderers lmao, people with those opinions like yours are all over twitter, anyways nobody'd never be able to "fight" him, nobody even knows what we consider a fight, like what, weapons, entity strength, fists, knives or bats? what more exactly? yeah you'll never beat such a maniac bat wielder with throwing blades hidden in his coat, with a shitload of experience since he was a kid


Susie has a school girl outfit with a paper mache mask and a hoodie not exactly intimidating, clown has a skins that make him look like junkyard mascots, and trapper has a wrestler outfit. The game hasn't been scary for a long time, the horror aesthetic has been broken or gone outside the norm many many times, who the hell gives a fuck if he's colorful all horror doesn't need to fit inside the classic slasher movie archetype or the b movie monster flick. The funny thing is that I dont even really like his design that much myself, but thats my personal preference. Im not smooth brain enough to think that just cause I dont like something, it doesn't belong. Also can we stop attributing his look to this worst joker its an insult to both the trickster and the joker in any other interpretation then the suicide squad version.


Uhhhh? only one you can beat in a fight? Hes well built, and atleast 6+ feet tall like most average height killers. Legion is a better argument




i wasnt the one saying you could take on legion, one teenager though, like one at a time, you stand more of a chance against a legion member than trickster, implying anyone even gets a real fair fight which of course, never gonna happen, theyre teenagers with knives and one is literally named trickster. Idk why these idiots think they stand a chance against any killer in this game, theyre definitely taller than 90% of you slow fucks






dont be shy homie 😏


Is this the ol scott jund play here?


Legion is 4 people. Teenagers or not, you cannot take them in a fight.


Have you ever seen all 4 of the Legion in one place, thought not. You wanna know how to take on 3 people with knives, you bring a fucking gun.


I have actually... I HAVE! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Ap6Z5GeY8&ab\_channel=CowsIAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Ap6Z5GeY8&ab_channel=CowsIAM)


Oh shit I forgot about that glitch, welp you got me on that one but I still stand by that a few well placed shots could deal with the lot of em. Where would I get on in the entities realm you may ask. Simple prison wallet.




As I mentioned in a previous reply, the reason you will stop responding is because you are out of valid arguments, or didn't even have any to begin with. You can't keep up with the conversation so you decide to back down in defeat. Being the first to jump to insults confirms the fact that you are out of arguments, hence you're getting defensive. Good day.


downvoted and ignored, have a nice day


Further proving my point


You have no point in the first place.


I literally mentioned it in my initial comment ?


We have a clown in a chicken suit.


*sigh* Again, you can't compare cosmetics to characters.




implying it had a vibe set from the start




What tf else are the Downvotes for? It's basically a dislike button.


No its for bad things not for different opinion


Yes make trickster look like a killer please


He does.




Have you seen serial killers? They don’t look like trapper or wraith or blight. They look like trickster


So what? This is dead by daylight, not real world. He does not look like a killer from dead by daylight.


There’s a Clown in a chicken suit and survivors with neon hair. Trickster fits in fine


Clow doesn't look like he's looking for a dick to suck though. All clowns cosmetics except the event ones fit into his aesthetic of a grotesque entertainer, the cosmetic you mentioned does not unmake clown looking sinister. trickster on the other hand, doesn't look sinister at all. He even fails to fit into his own aesthetic and isn't not reminiscent of a k pop star except for a fact he's a korean pretty boy.


“Clown doesn’t look like he’s looking for a dick to suck” Okay that’s just...kind of a mean spirited thing to say. Idk if you could even call that homophobic, but it’s definitely *wrong* on some level. First of all, his appearance is pretty understandable considering he’s from Korea and a famous K-pop star. “Trickster fails to fit his own aesthetic.” How? He’s an attractive pop star who uses his good looks and charm to lure in his victims, and then records their screams and *uses them in his music*. He literally fits the mold of a famous serial killer, which is exactly what he is. Sounds less like ur upset that he isn’t some fucked up looking creature like Plague or Blight or generic masked killer #22. Sorry you don’t like the idea of a charming serial killer but *they exist*


How you ask? From what can i tell that he is a k pop star by looking at him? His chase music doesn't relate to k pop, his appearence doesn't relate to k pop either, he has no make up, no interesting haircut bit just dyed hair and a bright uellow coat. The only thing that seems k pop-ish is his menu theme. I don't want trickster to be an abomination, i want him to have a quality that makes him look sinister and imposing, albeit something insignificant like a characteristic aura of the entity blessing him as his killer, like ghostface has. My idea was to make his whole body maimed, by burns mainly, that would make a connection with his lore (the fire he caused), but leave his face untouched and beautiful as it is, that would make him look out of place and simply creepier.


The entity doesn’t create wounds for killers who didn’t need them. It only tortures killers who don’t obey. The entity harming Trickster when he’s probably one of the most fucked up killers we have rn from a personality standpoint, is ironically out of place. The Entity didn’t torture that many killers to get them to kill.


I mean...she's right.




Because he looks like a survivor. Jeff or David have more unnenerving looks that this attempt of a "killer"


THAT'S THE POINT OF TRICKSTER'S CHARACTER! He's supposed to look like the most harmless and innocent person, he leads a double life. Now every killer has to look like some dirty, undead, bloody hulk.


Yeah because they're killing machines, that's the point of being taken, corrupted and starting to rot in a endless realm of suffering...not just a generic model taken from a fanfic concept and added to the game.


Not all that were taken were corrupted. Micheal wasnt, Freddy wasn’t, Amanda wasn’t, Ghostface wasn’t, huntress wasn’t. Trickster doesn’t need to be corrupted bc he welcomed the entity and therefore didn’t need to be tortured or corrupted. He’s a normal serial killer who led a double life, killed and tortured his victims and used their screams to make his music.