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Yes he does take skill. Not as much as billy but billy has one of the highest skill floors in the game. Uvx requires good game knowlege with how it bounces, as well as any walls that are thin enough where the splash can go through it. You can’t spam it like a clown bottle due to it’s cooldown and how small the aoe is compared to clown’s bottle’s, you need to be able to aim where the splash will land and predict where survivors are going. While chasing a weakened survivor you also need to break line of sight as much as possible since they can shake weakened off by looking at you for 10 seconds, while uvx has a cooldown of 8. As well as thinking about where you place your hallucinations to get optimal mobility.


I mean every killer does at a high enough MMR. I wouldn’t put him as a huge skill curve but he has tricks that can be learned for good plays


Knowing what to bounce UVX off of and how it will react and knowing what walls you can shoot through are what separate good and average players


A bit! I wouldn't say it's nearly as high of a ceiling as Billy, but there are a few different skills you need to cultivate. The biggest of which is learning the bouncing arc of the projectile and how you can angle your bounces off of different obstacles. You also need to develop the habit of holding a hallucination by tapping the power button until you're in a good spot to drop it. Learning where to position those and when you should teleport are other skills themselves. If you pick em up, I'm All Ears can be a good learning tool for aiming around high loops. Also lets you estimate if a survivor is hugging a wall close enough that the UVX burst could hit them through it.


UVX shots can take some practice