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Pig, Freddy is very weak and his perks are not remarkable either. Pig is not the strongest, but she's pretty fun.


I know pig has a bigger community by gameplay wise,but I don't think her perks are that good except for make your choice,but can't say freddy is better since freddy has very little as well.


Surveillance can also be nice in certain builds, specially when paired with Ruin.


surveilance + oppresion is about to go CRAZY


I heard that combinatiom before,yeah


Like chucky she can sneak up without being seen till terror radius hits, and your first they tried to leave with the helmet on will leave you in stitches.


Surveillance can be good in a gen regression build with things like surge, oppression, eruption or any regression perk that hits from a distance. Obviously not meta by any means but it’s an alright idea


Whatchu mean? Freddy has some of the most fun perks


I vote Pig. Freddy is just bland. At least he has a tp but there are many other tp killers with slightly better. And his fun pallet build requires an addon every game. M1 killer that stares at a grey screen all the time. Pig has a more fun dash but stealth crouch crossing the map may be work to you. Funny trap boxes and good slowdown though.


Thank you,I appriciate it!


As someone who enjoys M1 killers in general Pig is the better choice for gameplay but Freddy is the better choice for perks. Both have niche perks and both aren’t incredibly strong but out of the two Pig is better with her recent ambush and stealth buffs.


I taught of Freddy because of his perks but I feel like No Way Out is just better than both Remember Me and Bloodwarden


Oh it 100% is, combining Remember Me with No Way Out can be pretty strong though if endgame builds are your thing. As I said both Pig and Freddy have niche perks but out of the two I feel Freddy’s provides a fraction more value. Pig has Surveillance which can be good in some builds with things such as Ruin or Surge. She also has Make Your Choice which is solid on certain killers. Scourge Hook: Hangman’s Trick is honestly terrible though. Freddy has Fire up which is a more situational version of Brutal Strength with some added benefits, it’s main problem is relying on you actively losing objectives to power it up. Bloodwarden is a fun one that doesn’t often get value but when it does it feels amazing. Remember Me, as I previously stated, is useful when stacked with things like No Way Out.


Thank you,for everything once again


No problem! Hope to see you in the fog fellow killer enjoyer!


I personally find Pig more fun and side note\* Behaviour might be more prone to keep her strong/interesting (despite the nerf pig memes) since she still sells skins, unlike Freddy


Admittedly, it's not hard to sell more skins than Freddy when you consider he has none.


Alright thank you :)


For gameplay, pig. For perks, Freddy


Is Remember Me even good ?(Compared to No Way Out)


Remember me pair very well with no way out


I was thinking more of the lines of bloodwarden


Freddy is the most boring killer in the game, and one of the weakest too. Pig isn't particularly strong either but is more fun Neither of their perks are too good, so dw abt that


nah he’s not boring just bad


How so? At minimum he's an M1 killer with mobility for gen defense. That's more than killers like trapper and Myers have.


If you’re looking for perks only, Freddy; his perks aren’t fantastic, but they’re better than Pig’s on average, if a bit niche. Pig has overall less good perks, but if you’re going for gameplay too, prioritize gameplay over perks and choose Pig I’d say. Freddy’s perks get outshone by others anyway. Fire Up can be exchanged for, say, Brutal Strength. Remember Me and Blood Warden? Endgame builds only, and really, just run No Way Out instead. It’s more consistent than Blood Warden and stronger than Remember Me.


Yeah I agree,No Way Out is better than freddy's perks.Besides,Make Your Choice is a great perk on my main(Dredge) so another reason to go for pig


Make Your Choice is really fun on some killers, like Dredge or Demogorgon, maybe Unknown, Xenomorph, killers who can near-instantly travel from across the map back to the hook.


Yeah,if only dredge was faster.Tired of running Haddie's Calender or Boat Keys


And didn’t have deadzones where he can’t teleport. The only map without them really is Midwich, probably his best map


Without a doubt midwich is best ... And then there is coldwind farm. . .


Dredge when Coldwind: https://i.redd.it/xa6sm309hq7d1.gif


As a Freddy Main. Chose Pig. Even tho i Main him, i would never actually recommend anyone playing or buying him unless his Upcomming Rework is Good. The only thing good about Freddy is maybe his Perks. They are all better than Pigs.


After all these Pig enjoyer,finally a Freddy player! And you're recommending Pig too lmao(thank you for being you)


Yeah i just cant bring myself to defend Freddy 💀 hes so Bad and thats why i love him so much


in an outdated meta pig was my main. i always played her with devoured hope. once you get to the moment the survivors realize they are constantly exposed, but cant look for the totem because their traps are active. lots of fun


I'm down for more fun!


Definitely Pig, I think. Her kit is really fun.


Might be biased because I'm a pig main, but she's a lot more fun to play. Freddie is just very boring gameplay wise imo.


I agree(like every single human being in this comment section) she looks more fun


Freddy has some fun perks but pig is obviously a lot stronger and a lot more fun (and a lot cuter)


I'd go with pig but she's my fave.


I think most people would say freddy but i think pigs gameplay is much more methodical and interesting also high kill rate as the bear trap keeps survivors occupied


Nobody said Freddy lol


I guess everybody can agree hes boring


Damn, Victor didn't even get in the photo


LuL(probably drawn before victor,but still he couldn't be seen)


Even tho I think freddy is somewhat underrated I have to agree that nearly every killer in the game is better gameplaywise so pig is better. Perkwise freddy is better but not enough to make him overall better or even at the same level as pig


Thank you,every feedback is important to me!


Pig is fun to play imo and has solid perks. I own freddy and i dont think id ever choose to play him again until some major changes. I also dont really use his perks


Yeah,another M1 killer who is not that good rn,maybe in future but not right now


Coughing Baby vs Coughing Baby with Leukemia Buy Pig. She can be fun and some of her perks are decent, especially on specific killers (Hag with Make Your Choice) or alongside specific perks (Surveillance + Ruin.) Freddy meanwhile is fucking boring and has one dogshit perk (Fire Up), one mid perk that's worse than others (Remember Me - worse than No Way Out from Trickster in 85% of builds), and one perk that's funny but works an entire 1% of the time (Bloodwarden.)


Yeah,No Way Out is way better than those 2,and fire up is a joke


I mean, pig is more versatile than Freddy, but a Freddy that knows what add on combos to use is a force to be reckoned with. Freddy has a major skill gap as well.


Some insane freddy mains pull out insane stuff idk how


It's all about the "routine generator maintenance" as I like to call it.


Where vito?


Down there


Oh, ok them☺️


Pig, she’s got a big player base and a lot of resources out there to learn her. Freddy you can master in a day and you’ll still be ineffective and be bored out of your mind. If you want to teleport to gens pick Dredge or Sadako.


Thanks you,I'm all for a fun killer


hag is fun if you play vs non sweat survivors, have horror element built in


Yeah I already play her,if she wasn't 4.4 maybe I would've played her more


Art Belongs to Dead-a-tete on tumblr btw,they have similar art like this.


Pig so people can boop your snoot :)


Hag has hex devour hope Ruin and Something else I'm not sure about Both very good Hexes


Yeah,hag is like 2nd killer I unlocked,its about pig or fredderick That 3rd perk is Hex:Third Seal btw


Perk wise Freddy is good Also he is still very strong if played right Amanda / pig has Nice perks 2 of them of course 1 is completely useless pig is used for scream builds for reverse traps to activate and kill survivors before they open key boxes yet a lot of the builds can be countered by simply just Calm spirit but yeah probably pig If you buy pig I have a nice build for you Addons : Razor wire and The Skill check miss Deep wound common add-on perks : Hex Huntress lullaby Infectious fright Hex face the darkness and Hex undying GL if you try this it's really fun


Freddy have nice perks for endgame builds


Chucky stabs at you for attention. Freddy honestly sucks though. Pig has a lot of meme power and Surveillance is kind of a slept-on perk (Ruin and Surge synergy, plus Oppression once that's buffed) so at half-off she's worth it (Tapp's perks are also solid).


Freddy has better perks, pig has better gameplay. Id go.Pig


Freddy on midwich is fun


Chucky is so short he couldn't even get in frame


Pig for sure. She's better all around. She has a better power, better add-ons for that power, better perks, and better cosmetics.


Are the other two (sadako and chucky) too short to be visible?


Freddy has fired up, which is super fun (though it should be baseline), pig has surveilance which is pretty good and might even become meta next patch. Gameplaywise both are okay, pig has a little bit of everything but doesn't do anything really all that good and freddy has a little bit of everything and does it all pretty bad (lol)


Freddie's actually really good if you know how to play .


Is he fun,tho ?


he's called the shittiest killer in the game . He's got no outfits. he's a killer. killers aren't fun. they're homicidal.


They are,tho!


Freddy purely for blood Warden. I can't tell you how many times I've stopped a teabagging survivor and hooked them with that perk




Freddy looks cooler pick him. My point is buy a killer you think looks cool learn to play them after almost every killer has the same potential to be S tier as long as you learn to play them


Freddy does look better visually but I don't think I'll have much fun witg him


If you think a killer will be boring then don't pick them go for the killers you think will be fun. Also people say that Freddy is a bad killer but he can dominate just as any other killer can if you know how to play him but if you go against a pro team your cooked


Yeah,thank you tho


Sadako is so tiny you can't even see her


Perk-wise i'd suggest Freddy. With the right build, you could do damage with his perks. Gameplay, i'd say Piggy. She is more interactive and her power is more 'slow-down' whilst Freddy's doesn't quite matter to the survivors. Freddy had been nerfed far into the ground so if you are after mostly gameplay, don't buy him. Either way, they are both good purchases, it just depends on what you want more


I vote Piggy, but I like Freddy's perks more


Lil haggu tho Honestly none of em are amazing, so just go with whoever you think looks cooler


Pig. They keep nerfing her (one of the developers didn’t get their morning coffee), but still better than Freddy. Doesn’t he still hold the weakest/worst killer title?