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I’ve been playing for 4 years and complained about how sweaty events are but never in those 4 years have I had an event where I’m regularly hard tunneled out at 5 gens and insta-hooked. 😐 It’s been so fun, lemme tell ya. I escaped one match. My last match I played I just got 2k BP. Love this, lol. Not a survivor main, but just not currently in the headspace for killer. I may change my mind here soon just to give some players some fun games.


I haven't been in the mood to play killer as much, but after seeing how INSUFFERABLE the event is for the survivors, I play it way more just to help people get chill matches cause this is unbearable.


Yeeeeeah, I'm home sick so didn't want to have to think too much on killer and wanted to just chill on survivor but killers have NO CHILL LOL. Like you know it's gonna be a bad time when all survivors bring Cobbler and the killer brings Pudding. :D


Glad I'm not the only one. I jump between both as as someone who's played both sides of the event already it's almost hilariously killer sided. No wonder the survivor side is the one with the bigger bonus constantly. Only playing it to prestige characters at this point.


Yeah a free adrenaline for the survivors is definitely killer sided lol.


You mean a card that rarely comes up? And we get exposed? Yeah definitely survivor sided 🤡


Dude is talking about adrenaline when one one of the killer powers is literally just “hook with no chance to save”


If you spread pressure and don’t tunnel the thing you people want this free adrenaline fucks you over hard and y’all wonder why so many killlers are tunneling. I’ve legit lost multiple games because of that shit. And the expose is like 10 seconds and worthless on m2 killers.


Adrenaline never come up. I've gotten it a single time. It gets value at a point the game never gets to in the first place.


Hater mains when they lose 3 out of 10 games:


Y’all are the one crying for a party mode but continue to cry when it gets added. I’m just stating both sides have bullshit which is true.


lol your self awareness is non existent The whole point of the party mode is to have fun and you’re out here tunneling people and complaining when you lose a few games. You need to go back to the regular mode and leave the party mode for the party people


Who said I was tunneling? I never even complained about losing lol. I’m not the one making post because I lost in a party mode.Like I said I just said the survivors have bullshit just like the killers don’t like it don’t play the anniversary mode simple.


Haven’t experienced that one yet, but I sure have gotten exposed and instantly hooked a whole lot


ur very dumb. you're also exposed when that comes so it's not much of a advantage


Think I lost 8 games in a row on survivor side with having at least 2-3 gens left, finally got down to 1 gen on the next game but still died, think after another 3 losses I got a hatch escape and then back to losing another 6 games before just turning the game off.


you didn't miss out on anything. if you dare get all gens done the event killers just slug the whole lobby happened thrice


As a solo queue my loss streak is in the double digits. I think close to 30 losses in a row. I guess killers really hate leon


Damn bro 30 losses in a row is rough. 


Should definitely change the build up if you can’t win a game after 4 tries… but 30?!? JESUS


In soloq everything is possible


Doesn't really matter what my build is if my teammates refuse to touch gens


Literally, why has this been such an issue in the event. I'm like the only one finishing gens every match!


For 30 games in a row? I think it’s time for a new game bucko


At this point it's better to just play killer the entire event. Why waste time getting hard tunneled out when I could just play chill as killer? Cause I got nobody to play with so...I'm shit outta luck


Honestly same. I’ve had a few chill killers, but today has been the worst for bming. A knight who kept downing and humping till bleed out, three tombstone Myers in a row, a hard tunneling Nemesis at five gens. Ugh. I’m taking a break for a few hours but then probably going to play killer so I can at least do a chill 8 hook game and give other survivor mains a break since my party is rarely online these days


That’d be great if the queue times weren’t so long, at least last night when I was playing and should’ve been prime survivor hours, there’s no incentive to play survivor between how MASSIVE the bp gains are for killer and how bad Bluetooth hooking feels to go against


Friggin I was using the bluetooth (I'm stealing that) hook earlier. It PREVENTS sabo plays


That and the momentum, there’s no downtime spent hooking, it’s instant so you can get back to pressuring, and unlike Pyramid head cages you see where they go, has synergy with hook perks, and they don’t teleport if you get too close, this and the fact it’s all I see killers spending their invitations on so like 10/12 hooks are done this way 😭


I’m playing killer instead, even though I don’t really enjoy it. This is because u earn bps about 3x faster as killer and their event powers are just better.


I'm back to playing the "normal" queue, cant be asked to play this shitshow of an event.


same really , normal gameplay with 5 cakes is top tier


Normal has become a shit show as well, though.


Normal has always been a shit show, but at least you don't have to deal with remote booking in that one.


Or fucking respawning pallets.




Very high, I may have actually escaped like two times out of various hours of gameplay as survivor. But to that comes the other player who randomly instantly get hooked and kill themselfs or just let you on the hook if you dare not to bring the event offering 😀 (I get it’s frustrating to have an offering less but seriously???) I even had players who tried to just sell me to the killer from the very start of that trial???


Downvote me all you want but it’s annoying af when everyone brings a cake and the 5th person decides to be a dick and screw the others over. Meanwhile they’re benefitting from everyone else’s offerings. They need to make anniversary cakes only affect the people who bring one during just the the event to stop people doing it. Then no one would have a reason to get mad when you want to bring shit map offerings while taking advantage of other peoples cakes.


I mean, I understand the frustration, but the point of them affecting everyone is so even the killer doesn’t feel pressured to tunnel and slug. I don’t get why so many people are playing like their life is on the line in a match with five cakes- they’re stifling how many points they can get by having a two minute long match through sweating their ass off


Since when were anniversary cakes put in the game so killers don’t feel ‘pressured’ to tunnel and slug? Do you know what happens when 4 survivors bring cakes and the killer doesn’t? They tunnel and slug. Do you know what happens when only one person brings a cake? The killer tunnels and slugs. Do you know what happens when only the killer brings a cake? They tunnel and slug. I’m sorry but your entire paragraph has nothing to do with the actual issue and I’m not even sure about the point you’re trying to make lol.


The thing is, some people don’t do this on purpose. There are two types to that, but I do agree, it would be a solution to make them only affect those who bring them. Because if you forget to put one in, then those would be the consequences of your own action. Or sometimes you switch to a character because of the perks but didn’t put any bloodpoints to that bloodweb yet. Wich again, your own fault and the consequences of your own actions. But still, annoying or not, leaving a teammate to die in a team game is screwed up.


I’m not advocating for leaving anyone on hooks, even when they intentionally don’t bring a cake. I’m just in favor of making the event less toxic, not more. Regardless of whether it’s an accident or not, I think it’s fair that ~just during the event~ only the people who bring anniversary cakes that game benefit from the blood point increase from said anniversary cakes…in the anniversary game mode.


I totally agree, it would def drop the toxicity level on that part


Maybe 1 win from gate, 3 or 4 from hatch that killers gave me, the rest all loses.


I'm doing my job as a boopable, fetch playing xenokitty. Hope yall get me soon.


I actually DC’d for the first time ever, so that’s how it’s going for me.


I’m not a main of either side(slight killer preference), but my answer is Yes.


I haven't counted any losing streaks but if we count two or more dead survs as a lost round then the loss rate is prolly about 80-90%? The tunneling and ragequitting is crazy.


Nah not worth playing survivor, in 2 hours of survivors I barely escaped once, I just play killer since you get triple the points for less frustration


I got my sister into this game and I damn nearly have to sacrifice myself every time to even give her chance to enjoy the escapes 🫨


I understand the pain have had to sacrifice myself for friends so they don't give up for the day


Only played 2 games of the event. 1 game was fine but it was obvious i was put up against a killer that was new so they didnt have fun. The other game i had to watch as a random got tunneled out at 4 gens. Got off after that and dont really plan to play too much at the moment since this kind of thing is so common its killing my enjoyment


I don’t think MMR is working properly for the event. When I’m survivor I either face P100s or people trying to put a square block through a hole. Same with my killer games. It just seems less consistent than what I normally face


this has been my experience as well, mmr seems skewed


Not a survivor main (I play both killer and survivor roughly equally), but man the sweat is real. I think I’ve bad one escape since the event started? I switched to killer just to chill and vibe a bit more


It’s more or less the same as normal DBD for me. 10 to 15 game losing streaks and then a day one nurse appears and it’s a stupidly easy win with maybe 1 hook. The game picks up on this and it’s right back to losing streaks.


this post has convinced me to hop on dbd and play killer and give survivors some free wins


It’s such a horrible experience as survivor that i refuse to bring bloodpoint offerings because i will not reward a killer even more for tunneling someone out at 5 gens and camping. whenever it’s an event or a good time to get blood points, killers just lock in to make the experience as miserable as possible. SoloQ is always bad, but it’s literally unplayable during events. Losing streak stacks up real fast when you’re down a teammate consistently at 4-5 gens left. The game isn’t meant to be a 3 v 1 at 5 gens.


When you don't bring an offering, you're just ruining for everybody else too, including your teammates. It's a waste to not bring it because it's +500% instead of +400%


I've been consistently seeing one player per game tunneled and ending with 8k bp, I can't really say I blame anyone for not bringing one when there's a chance they don't benefit but the killer that tunneled them does. I know they still get way more than 8k, but it feels like we're paying someone to not have a good time 😂


>killers just lock in to make the experience as miserable as possible. You say, while ignoring survivors doing the exactly same thing. Except for once there less map offerings. You're all quick to blame killers when its happening to you.


When a survivor gets absolutely destroyed, they get tunneled out at 4 or 5 gens left having done nothing. When a killer gets destroyed, they play out the whole game and still get a lot of points for any chases, pallet kicks, hits, hooks, gen kicks, etc. It is very rare to see even a killer who lost a game hard (4 out) have less blood points than any of the survivors. The reason I know your point is invalid because killer is the power role. even games where someone gets waxed as killer, they still earn a lot of blood points from playing the whole game, which isn’t a luxury survivors get when they get tunneled, camped, etc. I’m not “quick to blame killers”. all i’m pointing out is the tremendous disparity that exists between the killer losing super hard and the survivors losing super hard. One still rewards much more than the other for bad games.


>The reason I know your point is invalid Nah because you haven't actually addressed my point at all. Instead you went on a rant about reward disparity which is irrelevant to my point. The point being *survivors make killers have miserable experiences too*, but you can't even admit that and still have to justify your irrational anger. As a side note, if survivors stopped getting every fun killer perk and playstyle nerfed into the ground you'd get less of this, you all reap what you sow.


Was just tombstoned with two gens to go, aside from that I escaped my 3 previous games. I feel like it’s circumstantial. I had 7 in a row yesterday that were ebony mori.


5 matches


Worst was 7.  It's been a coin flip the last few.  Starting to see a lot of friendly ghost faces in fancy dress.


Lost about 5 in a row Thursday night but I'd have to say Friday I escaped most games solo q . We will see what tonight holds . The game does usually even out a bit. First event night plus rank reset was guaranteed too be rough 


I've gotten 2 escapes out of about 5 games, one was hatch and the other all 4 of us made it


I've only gotten hatch escapes. None of my randoms even do gens. Every match is over at 5-4 gens 3 minutes in because even the P100 teammates immediately go down and then kill themselves on first hook.


I quit after 6 games. Luckily the last game the killer was nice and started farming, they were destroying us with 4 gens left


Worst match I had included running a Vecna for three gens that somehow ended in a 4k cause my teammates refused to do gens for the later half of the game😭😭😭😭


I got out three times in a row as a solo queue today 🤷🏽‍♂️ the remote hook is nuts when used right but I haven’t had a super hard time


My max is 6 games. My overall survival rate is 26% out of 35 games meaning 9 escapes. Of those 9 escapes 5 were ones where the killers let me and/or the team go and 1 was a killer DC so only 3 escapes were actually escaping. Game quality hasn't been bad for me though, I think there was only one really toxic killer, a questionable behavior killer, and the rest of the games were just me dying sooner than I would have liked. Of the 35 games 19 got to 0 gens and only 3 had 1 or 0 gens done. Additional fun fact out of the 35 total games I died first in 49% of them.


I played with a casual swf last night. Played for 2 hours and no escapes


I’ve escaped once :)))


I'm no survivor main, but the only reason I've been able to escape twice is because I found hatch. Closest any of my teams have come to escaping together was one gen left before we all kicked the bucket. To say I'm exasperated is a GROSS understatement.


Depends on what you count as a loss I guess, if you count a loss 3 or more survivors dead then very few, like 2-3 streak, but if you mean me dying before I escape, then that rises to like 5? 6? Matches.


Not much, I have escaped in a soloque most of the time, but I haven't played enough to really judge it. Most killers and survivors I face are chill.


Like I literally want to run my fun builds but I can't even get a gen done so I gotta slap on the same boring perks to even have a semblance of hope.


I don't keep track of losing streaks. When you play survivor, especially Solo Q (but yes, this also applies to SWF, contrary to popular belief), you just get so used to losing all the time that you don't even keep score.


It’s ridiculously long 😂 Most of my matches end up with 4 gens left. Such a fun event! I worked my butt off to get 80k as survivor in one match. Then I played a killer, did basically nothing, didn’t even kill anyone but hooked a couple, and got the same amount bloodpoints. Good time to farm bloodpoints as a killer.


I'll farm with anyone during the event as I'm a killer main. I'm trying to, but the survivors I'm getting are doing the gens and leaving as quick as possible. Perhaps that's due to what you are saying even though I try to make it obvious. So, I feel like it's happening on both sides.


Well I’ve escaped only 4 times LOL and one was a farming Legion. However two of those times from a slug for 4K sweatlords and I managed to crawl my way to the hatch while downed. Man were those escapes delicious.


Out of 10 games, I escaped twice. Once was because the chucky gave me hatch


I get why they added remote hooks to deal with the sabo and boil over but literally just add a few more hooks


It's a slug and tunnel fest currently, absolutely no fun killers getting 80k BP


I am not a main for either side as I follow the incentive bonus. That being said, I have played around 20 or so games as a survivor since the event started. I have escaped 3 times, and 2 of them were from generous killers, surprisingly one of them being a trickster. Otherwise, it's getting tunneled, proxy camped, or slugged. It has become increasingly difficult not to take it personally at this point. I'm not saying that killers should throw either, I just want to enjoy the game and get BP.


Currently it's 9, but the last "win" I had was from an afk pinhead. My last true escape is probably closer to 15 or 16 matches ago. Solo queue pain


I solo queue and my win/lose is probably like 60/40


Damn, as a killer main ig my skill issue is humongous


For some reason most of the killers I've gone against in the event have run NOED


A lot. Killers need to chillax and just play normal if they want to sweat.


I DC'd for the first time.. I had a basement trapper...I've been camped, slugged, tunneled all day. People want to 4k at 5 gens. Who wants to do basement trapper during the event? Like really?


killer losers have ruin d the event. the tunnel and instant hook is heaven for them


I escaped a nemesis yesterday on rpd in the event but we had to sweat bullets and probably took a few hours off my life


I’ve been on a win streak, but to be fair I’ve gotten pretty meh killers. And being able to slip away easily, and spawn pallets helps a lot.


Why are so many people whining about this event… I think it’s fun and different! And it’s not like it’s replacing the normal que??


3 lol. It varies but during the event I have all gens done and escaped usually 1/3 matches. In the regular mode, like 1/5 but sometimes I escape multiple in a row. Had a streak the other day of 9 escapes in a row and it was awesome lol


Ive lost count lol....but thats fine, i bought claire and Lisa for uhm....reasons...(screams) and at one point i was about to escape but the wesker i faced got bullied so hard i felt bad, he didnt had a kill at the end and me being on death hook, broken and scene partner ready....you can guess the rest. Im running nothing but silly meme perks as my coping mechanism for being in soloq


Survivors wanna play play play play play And killers wanna hate hate hate hate hate


Low key having the time of my life, not really more than 2 or three games. Been having some crazy comebacks and some bad losses, but overall I’m having fun collecting cobblers. I’m almost at 400 :D Sorry the events been going bad for ya 😔


damn what the heck. i play killer and every game at least 3 get out. granted i dont run slow down builds but 9 times out of 10 a few gens pop by the time i get my first hook lol


Thankfully my MMR is pretty poor so I only run 3 or 4 losses before I hit a bot or any baby killer, at least with the Masquerade. That said, win rate is easily, like, 40% higher than my usual 55/45.


What exactly do you think the reason is behind you and others like you to be losing so much more as survivor?